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Jonatan Castaño Muñoz

Investigador Contratado (Ramón y Cajal)
Área de conocimiento: Didáctica y Organización Escolar
Departamento: Didáctica y Organización Educativa

Investiga en

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2025 A meta-analysis on the effect of technology on the achievement of less advantaged students COMPUTERS & EDUCATION
Capítulo2024 Enablers of digital transformation in VET Digital Transformation of VET : Workshop
Capítulo2024 Enablers of digital transformation in VET Digital Transformation of VET : Workshop
Capítulo2024 I Am not as Rich as Alexander the Great, but I Can Have my own AI-RISTOTLE Artificial Intelligence and Education. Enhancing Human Capabilities, Protecting Rights, and Fostering Effective Collaboration between Humans and Machines in Life, Learning, and Work
Capítulo2024 I Am not as Rich as Alexander the Great, but I Can Have my own AI-RISTOTLE Artificial Intelligence and Education. Enhancing Human Capabilities, Protecting Rights, and Fostering Effective Collaboration between Humans and Machines in Life, Learning, and Work
Artículo2024 Teacher Bias in Assessments by Student Ascribed Status: A Factorial Experiment on Discrimination in Education Sociological Science
Artículo2023 Assessing the presence of the ‘Personal Learning Environment’ concept across the web domains of Spanish Higher Education institutions: a web mention study RED-REVISTA DE EDUCACION A DISTANCIA
Artículo2023 Can overclaiming technique improve self-assessment tools for digital competence? The case of DigCompSat SOCIAL SCIENCE COMPUTER REVIEW
Artículo2023 Teacher collaboration and students' digital competence-evidence from the SELFIE tool European Journal of Teacher Education
Artículo2022 For to all those who have, will more be given? Evidence from the adoption of the SELFIE tool for the digital capacity of schools in Spain BRITISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY
Otros2021 Analysing the digital capacity of Spanish schools using SELFIE: an early diagnosis for a better response to COVID and beyond Analysing the digital capacity of Spanish schools using SELFIE: an early diagnosis for a better response to COVID and beyond
Artículo2021 Capturing schools' digital capacity: psychometric analyses of the SELFIE self-reflection tool COMPUTERS & EDUCATION
Artículo2021 Open to MOOCs? Evidence of their impact on labour market outcomes COMPUTERS & EDUCATION
Artículo2020 Typology of motivation and learning intentions of users in MOOCs: the MOOCKNOWLEDGE study Educational Technology Research and Development
Artículo2019 Factors influencing the pursuit of personal learning goals in MOOCs DISTANCE EDUCATION
Artículo2018 Free digital learning for inclusion of migrants and refugees in europe: A qualitative analysis of three types of learning purposes INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF RESEARCH IN OPEN AND DISTRIBUTED LEARNING
Artículo2018 Who is taking MOOCs for teachers' professional development on the use of ICT? A cross-sectional study from Spain Technology, Pedagogy and Education
Ponencia2018 Within-school differences in the views on the use of digital technologies in Europe: evidence from the selfie tool Edulearn 18. 10th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technology (Palma, 2nd-4th of July, 2018): conference proceedings
Artículo2017 Does digital competence and occupational setting influence MOOC participation? Evidence from a cross-course survey JOURNAL OF COMPUTING IN HIGHER EDUCATION
Ponencia2017 Implementation intentions and how they influence goal achievement in MOOCs DIGITAL EDUCATION: OUT TO THE WORLD AND BACK TO THE CAMPUS
Ponencia2017 MOOCs and free digital learning for the inclusion of migrants and refugees: A european policy study CEUR workshop proceedings
Ponencia2016 A value model for MOOCs ADAPTIVE AND ADAPTABLE LEARNING, EC-TEL 2016
Artículo2016 Estimating the economic payoff to virtual university education: a case study of the Open University of Catalonia HIGHER EDUCATION
Artículo2015 Determinants of Internet use for interactive learning: an exploratory study JOURNAL OF NEW APPROACHES IN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH
Artículo2015 Setting-up a European cross-provider data collection on open online courses INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF RESEARCH IN OPEN AND DISTRIBUTED LEARNING
Artículo2014 OER: A European policy perspective Journal of Interactive Media in Education
Capítulo2014 OERs: A European policy perspective Reusing Open Resources: Learning in Open Networks for Work, Life and Education
Artículo2014 The Internet in face-to-face higher education: Can interactive learning improve academic achievement? BRITISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2013 Online interaction in higher education: Is there evidence of diminishing returns? INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF RESEARCH IN OPEN AND DISTRIBUTED LEARNING
Artículo2013 Open Education 2030: planning the future of adult learning in Europe OPEN LEARNING
Artículo2012 Does On-line Distance Higher Education Pay Off for Adult Learners ? The Case of the Open University of Catalonia HIGHER EDUCATION QUARTERLY
Ponencia2012 La interacción online en el aprendizaje de los universitarios: ¿quién se beneficia más? Investigaciones de economía de la educación [número 7, julio 2012]
Artículo2012 Una segunda brecha digital entre el alumnado universitario CULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2012 Who attends and completes virtual universities: the case of the open University of Catalonia (UOC) HIGHER EDUCATION
Artículo2011 Youth-culture or student-culture? The internet use intensity divide among university students and the consequences for academic performance Ese. Estudios Sobre Educación
Artículo2010 Digital inequality among university students in developed countries and its relation to academic performance RUSC-UNIVERSITIES AND KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY JOURNAL
Artículo2010 La desigualdad digital entre los alumnos universitarios de los países desarrollados y su relación con el rendimiento académico RUSC-UNIVERSITIES AND KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY JOURNAL
Artículo2010 Necesidad de guía en educación superior y los recursos educativos en Internet: ¿un cambio de escenario? RIED-REVISTA IBEROAMERICANA DE EDUCACION A DISTANCIA
Libro2008 La Universidad en la Sociedad Red. Usos de Internet en Educación Superior La Universidad en la Sociedad Red. Usos de Internet en Educación Superior
Artículo2006 Sobre la justicia lingüistica: l'alternativa del multilingüisme territorial Revista de llengua i dret
Artículo2005 El programa d'integració lingüística en català "Voluntaris per la llengua": dades per a l'avaluació Noves SL.: Revista de sociolingüística
Artículo2005 Enquesta sobre usos lingüísitcs a institucions públiques (EULIP) Llengua i ús: Revista tècnica de política lingüística
Artículo2005 Política lingüística a les empreses multinacionals i empreses de serveis públics a Catalunya Noves SL.: Revista de sociolingüística

Este investigador no ha dirigido/tutorizado tesis

Proyectos de Investigación

Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Rol Denominación Agencia financiadora
01/09/2024 31/08/2027 Responsable Repensando el rol de los profesionales de la orientación: construcción y validación de un marco de competencias para la orientación en la sociedad digital (PID2023-148173NA-I00) Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Nacional)


Fecha de inicio Fecha de fin Rol Denominación Agencia financiadora
06/10/2023 05/05/2024 Investigador/a Identification of enablers, opportunities and challenges in relation to the digital transformation of the VET sector from literature review and ongoing initiatives/policies at national/regional/local level. (4956/2031) European Commission (Desconocido)
El investigador no tiene ningún resultado de investigación asociado