Búsqueda de Publicación - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría


Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2025Variational model-based Deep Reinforcement Learning for Non-Homogeneous Patrolling aquatic environments with multiple unmanned surface vehiclesEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2024A bi-criteria approach to the truck-multidrone routing problemEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2024A connection-based analysis of networks using the position value: a computational approachEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2024A Mathematical Programming Approach to Sparse Canonical Correlation AnalysisEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2024Generating collective counterfactual explanations in score-based classification via mathematical optimizationEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2024Modeling the opinion dynamics of superstars in the film industryEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2024Self-Adaptive Population-Based Iterated Greedy Algorithm for Distributed Permutation Flowshop Scheduling Problem with Part of Jobs Subject to a Common Deadline ConstraintEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2024Signal processing analysis for detection of anomalies in numerical seriesEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2024SpaceRL-KG: Searching paths automatically combining embedding-based rewards with Reinforcement Learning in Knowledge GraphsEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2023A systematic review of capability and maturity innovation assessment models: Opportunities and challengesEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2023An orness based decision support model to aggregate ordered costsEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2023Designing a dual-channel closed loop supply chain network using advertising rate and price-dependent demand: Case study in tea industryEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2023Designing and evaluating a wearable device for affective state level classification using machine learning techniquesEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2023Prediction of pipe failures in water supply networks for longer time periods through multi-label classificationEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2023Sentiment classification using bidirectional LSTM-SNP model and attention mechanismEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2023The innovation challenge in Spain: A Delphi studyEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2022A differential evolution algorithm for the customer order scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup timesEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2022A modified harmony search for the T-single machine scheduling problem with variable and flexible maintenanceEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2022A multi-agent approach to the truck multi-drone routing problemEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2022A search algorithm for constrained engineering optimization and tuning the gains of controllersEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2022A speed-up procedure for the hybrid flow shop scheduling problemEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2022A systematic review of artificial intelligence-based music generation: Scope, applications, and future trendsEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2022Benchmarking Answer Set Programming systems for resource allocation in business processesEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2022Constructive and composite heuristics for the 2-stage assembly scheduling problem with periodic maintenance and makespan objectiveEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2022COVID-19 contagion forecasting framework based on curve decomposition and evolutionary artificial neural networks: a case study in Andalusia, SpainEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2022Decision support system in health care building design based on case-based reasoning and reinforcement learningEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2022On validating web information extraction proposalsEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2022Prediction and modelling online reviews helpfulness using 1D convolutional neural networksEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2022Worker’s physical fatigue classification using neural networksEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2021A robust SVM-based approach with feature selection and outliers detection for classification problemsEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2021Classifying and resolving software product line redundancies using an ontological first-order logic rule based methodEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2021Flexible runtime support of business processes under rolling planning horizonsEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2021Hierarchical distributed model predictive control based on fuzzy negotiationEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2021Multi-criteria decision analysis for non-conformance diagnosis: a priority-based strategy combining data and business rulesEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2021On clustering categories of categorical predictors in generalized linear modelsEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2020A neural network for semantic labelling of structured informationEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2020An ACS-based memetic algorithm for the heterogeneous vehicle routing problem with time windowsEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2020GRASP algorithm for the unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem with setup times and additional resourcesEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2020Hybrid flow shop with multiple servers: A computational evaluation and efficient divide-and-conquer heuristicsEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2020Optimized micro-hydro power plants layout design using messy genetic algorithmsEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2019BIGOWL: Knowledge centered Big Data analyticsEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2019Complete null agent for games with externalitiesEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2019Efficiency ranking using dominance network and multiobjective optimization indexesEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2018Categorizing paintings in art styles based on qualitative color descriptors, quantitative global features and machine learning (QArt-Learn)EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2018Energy policies for data-center monolithic schedulersEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2018Iterated-greedy-based algorithms with beam search initialization for the permutation flowshop to minimise total tardinessEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2018New efficient constructive heuristics for the hybrid flowshop to minimise makespan: A computational evaluation of heuristicsEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2018Non-sequential automatic classification of anuran sounds for the estimation of climate-change indicatorsEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2017Dominance network analysis of economic efficiencyEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2017Electricity clustering framework for automatic classification of customer loadsEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2017Enhancing semantic consistency in anti-fraud rule-based expert systemsEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2017Entity reconciliation in big data sources: A systematic mapping studyEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2017Evolutionary composition of QoS-aware web services: A many-objective perspectiveEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2017Exploiting synergies of mobile mapping sensors and deep learning for traffic sign recognition systemsEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2017Heterogeneous data source integration for smart grid ecosystems based on metadata miningEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2017Ranking efficient DMUs using cooperative game theoryEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2017Run-time prediction of business process indicators using evolutionary decision rulesEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2016A computational evaluation of constructive and improvement heuristics for the blocking flow shop to minimise total flowtimeEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2016A multi-objective optimization of data dissemination in delay tolerant networksEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2016An approach to the use of word embeddings in an opinion classification taskEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2016An evolutionary voting for k-nearest neighboursEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2016An ontology-based data integration approach for web analytics in e-commerceEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2016Applying the MOVNS (multi-objective variable neighborhood search) algorithm to solve the path planning problem in mobile roboticsEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2016Detecting the adherence of driving rules in an energy-efficient, safe and adaptive driving systemEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2016Nash decomposition for process efficiency in multistage production systemsEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2016Rule-based system to detect energy efficiency anomalies in smart buildings, a data mining approachEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2015A joint-inputs Network DEA approach to production and pollution-generating technologiesEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2015A modular approach for lexical normalization applied to Spanish tweetsEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2014Artificial neural networks and physical modeling for determination of baseline consumption of CHP plantsEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2014Automated generation of computationally hard feature models using evolutionary algorithmsEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2014Building layered, multilingual sentiment lexicons at synset and lemma levelsEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2014Conformance checking and diagnosis for declarative business process models in data-aware scenariosEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2014Discrete techniques applied to low-energy mobile human activity recognition. A new approachEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2014Multiple intelligences in a Multi Agent System applied to telecontrolEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2014QoS-aware web services composition using GRASP with Path RelinkingEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2014Using Constraint Programming in Selection Operators for Constraint DatabasesEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2013'Long autonomy or long delay?' The importance of domain in opinion miningEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2013Application of evolutionary computation techniques for the identification of innovators in open innovation communitiesEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2013Application of SVM-RFE on EEG signals for detecting the most relevant scalp regions linked to affective valence processingEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2013Applying case based reasoning for prioritizing areas of business managementEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2013Credit scoring models for the microfinance industry using neural networks: Evidence from PeruEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2013Improving the management of microfinance institutions by using credit scoring models based on Statistical Learning techniquesEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2012A framework for development of integrated intelligent knowledge for management of telecommunication networksEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2012A fuzzy logic intelligent agent for information extraction: introducing a new fuzzy logic-based term weighting schemeEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2012A genetic search of patterns of behaviour in OSS communitiesEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2012A similarity measure between videos using alignment, graphical and speech featuresEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2012An evolutionary computation approach for designing mobile ad hoc networksEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2012An evolutionary factor analysis computation for mining website structuresEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2012Consistency maintenance for evolving feature modelsEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2012Decision system based on neural networks to optimize the energy efficiency of a petrochemical plantEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2012Evaluating decision-making performance in a grid-computing environment using DEAEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2012Fast feature selection aimed at high-dimensional data via hybrid-sequential-ranked searchesEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2012Online motion recognition using an accelerometer in a mobile deviceEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2012Outdoor exit detection using combined techniques to increase GPS efficiencyEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2012Smart scheduling for saving energy in grid computingEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2011Automatic environmental quality assessment for mixed-land zones using lidar and intelligent techniquesEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2011Integrated expert system applied to the analysis of non-technical losses in power utilitiesEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2011Scale and cost efficiency analysis of networks of processesEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2010Pattern recognition to forecast seismic time seriesEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2010Strategic group identification using evolutionary computationEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2010Trip destination prediction based on past GPS log using a Hidden Markov ModelEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2009A new approach to qualitative learning in time seriesEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2009Ameva: An autonomous discretization algorithmEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2008An association rule mining method for estimating the impact of project management policies on software quality, development time and effortEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2007An expert system for supervised classifier design: Application to Alzheimer diagnosisEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
Artículo2007An HMM for detecting spam mailEXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS