Artículo | 2024 | 2D core ion temperature and impurity density measurements with Coherence Imaging Charge Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy (CICERS) at Wendelstein 7-X (invited) | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2024 | Acetonitrile real gas phase behavior from quasi-ideal gas to nanodroplets: A microscopical view. | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2024 | Bubble rising in the presence of a surfactant at very low concentrations | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2024 | Changing the clocks: Latitudes and attitudes | Physics Today |
Artículo | 2024 | COSMONAUT: A COmpact spectrometer for measurements of neutrons at the ASDEX upgrade tokamak | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2024 | Design and development of the magnetic diagnostic systems for the first operational phase of the SMART tokamak | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2024 | Design of a Thomson scattering diagnostic for the SMall Aspect Ratio Tokamak (SMART) | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2024 | Design, characterization, and modeling of the Charge eXchange Recombination Spectroscopy (CXRS) suite at the SMall Aspect Ratio Tokamak (SMART) | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2024 | Dynamics of stochastic differential equations with memory driven by colored noise. | CHAOS |
Artículo | 2024 | First measurements of an imaging heavy ion beam probe at the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak. | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2024 | Investigation on sediment erosion in bucket region of Pelton turbine considering cavitation | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2024 | Investigation on the effect of particle parameters on the erosion and erosion prediction model of the Pelton turbine | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Ponencia | 2024 | Nuclear Matrix Elements in Double Charge Exchange Reactions | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Artículo | 2024 | Numerical analysis of the effect of zeta potential on the performance of micro-electrohydrodynamic conduction pump | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2024 | On the effects of the gaseous atmosphere in jetting and ultra-fine spraying from bubble bursting | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2024 | Optimal synchronization to a limit cycle | CHAOS |
Artículo | 2024 | Phase transition and polar cluster behavior above Curie temperature in ferroelectric BaTi0.8Zr0.2O3 | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2024 | Radiated power and soft x-ray diagnostics in the SMART tokamak. | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2024 | RASPA3: A Monte Carlo code for computing adsorption and diffusion in nanoporous materials and thermodynamics properties of fluids. | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2024 | Roadmap to neuromorphic computing with emerging technologies | APL MATERIALS |
Ponencia | 2024 | Scattering of Discrete Solitons from an Impurity in the Saturable Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Artículo | 2024 | Simulation of a scintillator-based fast ion loss detector for steady-state operation in Wendelstein 7-X (invited). | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2024 | Stability of finite-length collapsible channel flow to spanwise perturbations | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2024 | Stability of nonlinear Dirac solitons under the action of external potential. | CHAOS |
Artículo | 2024 | Structural and dynamical equilibrium properties of hard board-like particles in parallel confinement. | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2024 | Sufficient and necessary criteria for backward asymptotic autonomy of pullback attractors with applications to retarded sine-Gordon lattice systems | JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2024 | The existence and asymptotic behavior of solutions to 3D viscous primitive equations with Caputo fractional time derivatives | JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2024 | Thermal helium beam diagnostic for 2D profile measurements in the divertor of ASDEX Upgrade | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2024 | Toward a realistic theoretical electronic spectra of metal aqua ions in solution: The case of Ce ( H 2 O ) n 3 + using statistical methods and quantum chemistry calculations | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2024 | Validation of the synthetic model for the imaging heavy ion beam probe at the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak (invited) | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2024 | Visible core spectroscopy at Wendelstein 7-X | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2023 | A comprehensive approach for discrete resilience of complex networks | CHAOS |
Ponencia | 2023 | A phase field model for material and fracture nonlinearities using a modified Mohr-Coulomb model: Application to the prediction of fracture events in high performance concrete | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Artículo | 2023 | A revisit of Rayleigh capillary jet breakup at low Ohnesorge number | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Ponencia | 2023 | Boundary element analysis of three-dimensional thermomechanical orthotropic frictional contact problems | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Artículo | 2023 | Bubble bursting in a weakly viscoelastic liquid | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Ponencia | 2023 | Characterization of High Frequency Solar Radiation Data According to Köppen-Geiger Climates | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Ponencia | 2023 | Comparative study of physico-mechanical properties of polypropylene fibre-reinforced gypsum composites | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Artículo | 2023 | Current perspective in magnetocaloric materials research | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2023 | Discrete breathers in Klein-Gordon lattices: A deflation-based approach | CHAOS |
Artículo | 2023 | Dynamics of multi-valued retarded p-Laplace equations driven by nonlinear colored noise | JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2023 | Effects of ridge parameters on axial spreading of droplet impact on superhydrophobic surfaces | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Corrección | 2023 | Erratum: The ocean fine spray (vol 35, 023317, 2023) | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2023 | Existence and degenerate regularity of statistical solution for the 2D non-autonomous tropical climate model | JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2023 | Experimental-computational approach to investigate elastic properties of struvite | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2023 | Hexagonal higher-symmetric dielectric periodic structures for planar graded-index lenses | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Ponencia | 2023 | Impact of ICRF fast-ions on core turbulence and MHD activity in ASDEX upgrade | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Artículo | 2023 | Nonlinear dynamical analysis for globally modified incompressible non-Newtonian fluids | JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2023 | Numerical analysis on transition sequence and heat transfer capacity of film boiling with a uniform electric field | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Ponencia | 2023 | Progress with applications of three-ion ICRF scenarios for fusion research: A review | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Artículo | 2023 | Shedding light on the metal-phthalocyanine EXAFS spectra through classical and ab initio molecular dynamics | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2023 | Spin and velocity correlations in a confined two-dimensional fluid of disk-shaped active rotors | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2023 | The ocean fine spray | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2023 | The role of charge relaxation in electrified tip streaming | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Ponencia | 2023 | The role of human factor for urban infrastructures | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Ponencia | 2023 | Use of Multiyear Tool: An Open Tool for the Synthetic Generation of Plausible Solar Years of Coupled GHI and DNI with 1-min Resolution | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Artículo | 2023 | Wall Repulsion during Electrophoresis: Testing the theory of Concentration-Polarization Electroosmosis | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Ponencia | 2022 | Adoption of CO2blended with C6F6as working fluid in CSP plants | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Ponencia | 2022 | Comparison of the representativeness of solar radiation type of days from the viewpoint of the production of parabolic trough and central receiver plants | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Artículo | 2022 | Computer simulation of the early stages of self-assembly and thermal decomposition of ZIF-8 | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2022 | Conceptual study for velocity space resolved thermal ion loss detection in tokamaks | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Ponencia | 2022 | Development and testing of a solar flux heating freeze recovery system for molten salt parabolic troughs | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Artículo | 2022 | Dynamical stability of random delayed FitzHugh-Nagumo lattice systems driven by nonlinear Wong-Zakai noise | JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2022 | Dynamics of an inelastic tagged particle under strong confinement | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Editorial | 2022 | Emerging materials and devices for efficient light generation | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2022 | Fusion product measurements by nuclear diagnostics in the Joint European Torus deuterium-tritium 2 campaign (invited) | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2022 | Numerical analysis of electro-convection in dielectric liquids with residual conductivity | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Ponencia | 2022 | Properties of concrete with carbon-based aggregate content | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Ponencia | 2022 | Solar-driven indirect calcination for thermochemical energy storage | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Ponencia | 2022 | SWIPH, SAM wrapper for industrial process heat models | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Editorial | 2022 | The 15th joint magnetism and magnetic materials-intermag conference | AIP ADVANCES |
Artículo | 2022 | The closeness of localized structures between the Ablowitz-Ladik lattice and discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equations: generalized AL and DNLS systems | JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2022 | Unexpected stability of micrometer weakly viscoelastic jets | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Ponencia | 2022 | Use of the ND tool: An open tool for the synthetic generation of 1-min solar data from hourly means with geographic flexibility | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Artículo | 2021 | Anisotropic glide-symmetric substrate-integrated-holey metasurface for a compressed ultrawideband Luneburg lens | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2021 | Babinet's principle and saturation of the resonance frequency of scaled-down complementary metasurfaces | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2021 | Design and simulation of an imaging neutral particle analyzer for the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2021 | Diameter and charge of the first droplet emitted in electrospray | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2021 | Effect of an axial electric field on the breakup of a leaky-dielectric liquid filament | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2021 | Extension of Babinet's principle for plasmonic metasurfaces | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2021 | Faraday waves under perpendicular electric field and their application to the walking droplet phenomenon | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2021 | Implementation of synthetic fast-ion loss detector and imaging heavy ion beam probe diagnostics in the 3D hybrid kinetic-MHD code MEGA | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2021 | Informing NMR experiments with molecular dynamics simulations to characterize the dominant activated state of the KcsA ion channel | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2021 | Measurement of activity concentration of polonium-210 in species of the phylum Mollusca, Tabasco, Mexico | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Revisión | 2021 | Physics and applications of three-ion ICRF scenarios for fusion research | PHYSICS OF PLASMAS |
Artículo | 2021 | Pushing the limits of magnetocaloric high-entropy alloys | APL MATERIALS |
Artículo | 2021 | Self-adaptive diagnostic of radial fast-ion loss measurements on the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak (invited) | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2021 | The 16th Hilbert problem for discontinuous piecewise isochronous centers of degree one or two separated by a straight line | CHAOS |
Artículo | 2021 | Theoretical inspection of the spin-crossover [Fe(tzpy)2(NCS)2] complex on Au(100) surface | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2021 | Upgrade and absolute calibration of the JET scintillator-based fast-ion loss detector | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Ponencia | 2020 | A normalized variability index of daily solar radiation | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Ponencia | 2020 | An xfem-based numerical scheme to compute crack-induced electrical resistivity changes in cracked cnt-reinforced composites using ansys | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Ponencia | 2020 | Analysis of metallic impurities during the application of three-ion ICRH scenario at JET-ILW | 23RD TOPICAL CONFERENCE ON RADIOFREQUENCY POWER IN PLASMAS |
Ponencia | 2020 | Cloudiness characterization in Seville using ceilometer measurements | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Artículo | 2020 | Dynamics of formation of poly(vinyl alcohol) filaments with an energetically efficient micro-mixing mechanism | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2020 | Fast modeling of turbulent transport in fusion plasmas using neural networks | PHYSICS OF PLASMAS |
Artículo | 2020 | Formation of dual vortex breakdown in a two-fluid confined flow | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2020 | Geographical fragmentation of the global network of Twitter communications | CHAOS |
Artículo | 2020 | Internal quantum efficiency and time signals from intensity-modulated photocurrent spectra of perovskite solar cells | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2020 | Large barocaloric effect in spin-crossover complex [CrI2(depe)(2)] | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2020 | Micro damage and cracking in fibre reinforced composites by a novel hybrid numerical technique | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Artículo | 2020 | Mpemba effect in molecular gases under nonlinear drag | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2020 | Network analysis reveals how lipids and other cofactors influence membrane protein allostery | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Editorial | 2020 | Preface: 19th international conference on fracture and damage mechanics | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Artículo | 2020 | Preparation, analysis, and application of coated glass targets for the Wendelstein 7-X laser blow-off system | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Corrección | 2020 | Preparation, analysis, and application of coated glass targets for the Wendelstein 7-X laser blow-off system (vol 91, 083503, 2020) | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2020 | Reduction of asymmetric wall force in JET and ITER disruptions including runaway electrons | PHYSICS OF PLASMAS |
Ponencia | 2020 | Relations between the probabilities of exceedance of solar radiation and production of concentrating solar thermal systems | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Artículo | 2020 | Switching between positive and negative movement near an air/water interface through lateral laser illumination | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Ponencia | 2020 | Synergistic ICRH and NBI heating for fast ion generation and maximising fusion rate in mixed plasmas at JET | 23RD TOPICAL CONFERENCE ON RADIOFREQUENCY POWER IN PLASMAS |
Artículo | 2020 | Temperature-FORC analysis of a magnetocaloric Heusler alloy using a unified driving force approach (T*FORC) | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2019 | A beyond mean-field study of the Tavis-Cummings model | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Artículo | 2019 | A comprehensive study of the uncertainties in bolometric tomography on JET using the maximum likelihood method | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2019 | A direct transition to chaos in hysteretic systems with focus dynamics | CHAOS |
Artículo | 2019 | A general study of actinyl hydration by molecular dynamics simulations using ab initio force fields | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2019 | A local fingerprint for hydrophobicity and hydrophilicity: From methane to peptides | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2019 | A simple levitated-drop tensiometer | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2019 | Active Janus colloids at chemically structured surfaces | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2019 | Charged-current quasielastic (anti)neutrino cross sections on 12 C with realistic spectral functions including meson-exchange contributions | 10TH JUBILEE CONFERENCE OF THE BALKAN PHYSICAL UNION |
Artículo | 2019 | Combining DC and AC electric fields with deterministic lateral displacement for micro- and nano-particle separation | BIOMICROFLUIDICS |
Nota | 2019 | Comment on "which interactions dominate in active colloids?" [J. Chem. Phys. 150, 061102 (2019)] | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2019 | Correlations between elastic, calorimetric, and polar properties of ferroelectric PbSc0.5Ta0.5O3 (PST) | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2019 | Doping hepta-alanine with tryptophan: A theoretical study of its effect on the electrical conductance of peptide-based single-molecule junctions | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2019 | Effect of reflections on 2D tomographic reconstructions of filtered cameras and on interpreting spectroscopic measurements in the JET ITER-like wall divertor | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2019 | Evaluation of serial crystallographic structure determination within megahertz pulse trains | STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS-US |
Artículo | 2019 | Exact stationary solutions of the parametrically driven and damped nonlinear Dirac equation | CHAOS |
Artículo | 2019 | FORC study of the ferromagnetic impurities in Na and K feldspars of | AIP ADVANCES |
Artículo | 2019 | Forward modeling of collective Thomson scattering for Wendelstein 7-X plasmas: Electrostatic approximation | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Ponencia | 2019 | Impact of the intra-day variability of the DNI on the energy yield of CSP plants | SOLARPACES 2018: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONCENTRATING SOLAR POWER AND CHEMICAL ENERGY SYSTEMS |
Artículo | 2019 | In-depth description of electrohydrodynamic conduction pumping of dielectric liquids: Physical model and regime analysis | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2019 | Inducing locally structured ion energy distributions in intermediate-pressure plasmas | PHYSICS OF PLASMAS |
Artículo | 2019 | Kinetic modeling of ELM-induced tungsten transport in a tokamak plasma | PHYSICS OF PLASMAS |
Ponencia | 2019 | New experimental campaign of NUMEN project | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Artículo | 2019 | Non-linear modeling of the threshold between ELM mitigation and ELM suppression by resonant magnetic perturbations in ASDEX upgrade | PHYSICS OF PLASMAS |
Ponencia | 2019 | Off-design model of concentrating solar power plant with thermochemical energy storage based on calcium-looping | SOLARPACES 2018: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONCENTRATING SOLAR POWER AND CHEMICAL ENERGY SYSTEMS |
Artículo | 2019 | Optimization of the magnetic field homogeneity of circular and conical coil pairs | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2019 | Performance of Wendelstein 7-X stellarator plasmas during the first divertor operation phase | PHYSICS OF PLASMAS |
Artículo | 2019 | Physically principled reflection models applied to filtered camera imaging inversions in metal walled fusion machines | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Ponencia | 2019 | Scaling properties of the Lipkin model at the critical point | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Artículo | 2019 | Self-consistent pedestal prediction for JET-ILW in preparation of the DT campaign | PHYSICS OF PLASMAS |
Artículo | 2019 | Soliton ratchet induced by random transitions among symmetric sine-Gordon potentials | CHAOS |
Ponencia | 2019 | The algebraic molecular model in C-12 and its application to the alpha+C-12 scattering: from densities and transition densities to optical potentials and nuclear formfactors | SYMMETRIES AND ORDER: ALGEBRAIC METHODS IN MANY BODY SYSTEMS: A SYMPOSIUM IN CELEBRATION OF THE CAREER OF PROFESSOR FRANCESCO IACHELLO |
Ponencia | 2019 | The NUMEN Project @ LNS: Status and Perspectives | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Artículo | 2018 | A rotary and reciprocating scintillator based fast-ion loss detector for the MAST-U tokamak | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2018 | Application of the VUV and the soft x-ray systems on JET for the study of intrinsic impurity behavior in neon seeded hybrid discharges | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Ponencia | 2018 | Assessment of different control strategies to manage cloud-induced transients in central receiver systems using molten salts | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONCENTRATING SOLAR POWER AND CHEMICAL ENERGY SYSTEMS (SOLARPACES 2017) |
Artículo | 2018 | Controlling of magnetocaloric effect in Gd2O3@SiO2 nanocomposites by substrate dimensionality and particles' concentration | AIP ADVANCES |
Artículo | 2018 | Dependence of the turbulent particle flux on hydrogen isotopes induced by collisionality | PHYSICS OF PLASMAS |
Artículo | 2018 | Description of complex viewing geometries of fusion tomography diagnostics by ray-tracing | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2018 | Determination of 2D poloidal maps of the intrinsic W density for transport studies in JET-ILW | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2018 | Development of a new compact gamma-ray spectrometer optimised for runaway electron measurements | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Ponencia | 2018 | Experimental testing of multi-tubular reactor for hydrogen production and comparison with a thermal CFD model | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONCENTRATING SOLAR POWER AND CHEMICAL ENERGY SYSTEMS (SOLARPACES 2017) |
Artículo | 2018 | Filamentary velocity scaling validation in the TCV tokamak | PHYSICS OF PLASMAS |
Artículo | 2018 | First measurements of a scintillator based fast-ion loss detector near the ASDEX Upgrade divertor | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2018 | High resolution gamma-ray spectrometer with MHz capabilities for runaway electron studies at ASDEX Upgrade | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2018 | High Z neoclassical transport: Application and limitation of analytical formulae for modelling JET experimental parameters | PHYSICS OF PLASMAS |
Artículo | 2018 | Homoclinic-doubling and homoclinic-gluing bifurcations in the Takens-Bogdanov normal form with D-4 symmetry | CHAOS |
Artículo | 2018 | In- and out-of-plane longitudinal acoustic-wave velocities and elastic moduli in h-BN from Brillouin scattering measurements | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2018 | Inhomogeneous torsional creep problems in anisotropic Orlicz Sobolev spaces | JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2018 | Injectable hydrogels based on pluronic/water systems filled with alginate microparticles: rheological characterization | 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TIMES OF POLYMERS AND COMPOSITES: FROM AEROSPACE TO NANOTECHNOLOGY |
Artículo | 2018 | Instrumentation for the upgrade to the JET core charge-exchange spectrometers | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2018 | Invited Article: Quantum memristors in quantum photonics | APL PHOTONICS |
Artículo | 2018 | JET diagnostic enhancements testing and commissioning in preparation for DT scientific campaigns | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2018 | Maximum likelihood bolometric tomography for the determination of the uncertainties in the radiation emission on JET TOKAMAK | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2018 | Neutron emission spectroscopy of D plasmas at JET with a compact liquid scintillating neutron spectrometer | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2018 | Non-Maxwellian fast particle effects in gyrokinetic GENE simulations | PHYSICS OF PLASMAS |
Artículo | 2018 | Nonlinear waves in a model for silicate layers | CHAOS |
Artículo | 2018 | Observations of core ion cyclotron emission on ASDEX Upgrade tokamak | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2018 | Optical and electrical properties of the transparent conductor SrVO3 without long-range crystalline order | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Ponencia | 2018 | Optimisation of aiming strategies in solar tower power plants | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONCENTRATING SOLAR POWER AND CHEMICAL ENERGY SYSTEMS (SOLARPACES 2017) |
Ponencia | 2018 | Optimization of an integrated solar combined cycle | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONCENTRATING SOLAR POWER AND CHEMICAL ENERGY SYSTEMS (SOLARPACES 2017) |
Editorial | 2018 | Preface to Special Topic: 23rd Soft Magnetic Materials Conference, 10-13 September 2017, Sevilla, Spain | AIP ADVANCES |
Artículo | 2018 | Slip at the interface of a two-fluid swirling flow | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2018 | Spectral characterization of laser-accelerated protons with CR-39 nuclear track detector | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2018 | Sub-millisecond electron density profile measurement at the JET tokamak with the fast lithium beam emission spectroscopy system | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Corrección | 2018 | Sub-millisecond electron density profile measurement at the JET tokamak with the fast lithium beam emission spectroscopy system (vol 89, 043509, 2018) | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2018 | The upgraded JET gamma-ray cameras based on high resolution/high count rate compact spectrometers | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2018 | Towards a new image processing system at Wendelstein 7-X: From spatial calibration to characterization of thermal events | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Ponencia | 2018 | Towards the Chilean solar thermal potential knowledge for solar power tower plants | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONCENTRATING SOLAR POWER AND CHEMICAL ENERGY SYSTEMS (SOLARPACES 2017) |
Ponencia | 2018 | Yearly Simulations of the Electricity and Fresh Water Production in PT-CSP plus MED-TVC Plants: Case Study in Almeria (Spain) | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONCENTRATING SOLAR POWER AND CHEMICAL ENERGY SYSTEMS (SOLARPACES 2017) |
Artículo | 2017 | A fast edge charge exchange recombination spectroscopy system at the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Ponencia | 2017 | A methodology for probabilistic assessment of solar thermal power plants yield | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONCENTRATING SOLAR POWER AND CHEMICAL ENERGY SYSTEMS (SOLARPACES 2016) |
Ponencia | 2017 | A novel procedure for generating solar irradiance TSYs | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONCENTRATING SOLAR POWER AND CHEMICAL ENERGY SYSTEMS (SOLARPACES 2016) |
Artículo | 2017 | Axisymmetric global Alfven eigenmodes within the ellipticity-induced frequency gap in the Joint European Torus | PHYSICS OF PLASMAS |
Artículo | 2017 | Calibration of neutron detectors on the Joint European Torus | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Ponencia | 2017 | Cloud transient characterization in different time steps | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONCENTRATING SOLAR POWER AND CHEMICAL ENERGY SYSTEMS (SOLARPACES 2016) |
Artículo | 2017 | Comparison of JETAVDE disruption data with M3D simulations and implications for ITER | PHYSICS OF PLASMAS |
Ponencia | 2017 | Economical and Environmental Analysis of Thermal and Photovoltaic Solar Energy as Source of Heat for Industrial Processes | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONCENTRATING SOLAR POWER AND CHEMICAL ENERGY SYSTEMS (SOLARPACES 2016) |
Artículo | 2017 | Extensions to the charge exchange recombination spectroscopy diagnostic suite at ASDEX Upgrade | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Ponencia | 2017 | Finite strain anisotropic elasto-plastic model for the simulation of the forming and testing of metal/short fiber reinforced polymer clinch joints at room temperature | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Artículo | 2017 | Gyrokinetic modeling of impurity peaking in JET H-mode plasmas | PHYSICS OF PLASMAS |
Artículo | 2017 | Impact of toroidal and poloidal mode spectra on the control of non-axisymmetric fields in tokamaks | PHYSICS OF PLASMAS |
Artículo | 2017 | LabVIEW-based control and acquisition system for the dosimetric characterization of a silicon strip detector | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2017 | Magnetic field homogeneity of a conical coaxial coil pair | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2017 | Mimicking glide symmetry dispersion with coupled slot metasurfaces | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2017 | Optimal response of Batchelor vortex | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Editorial | 2017 | Response to "Comment on 'Entropy and complexity analysis of hydrogenic Rydberg atoms'" [J. Math. Phys. 58, 104101 (2017)] | JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2017 | Round Robin Test on the Measurement of the Specific Heat of Solar Salt | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONCENTRATING SOLAR POWER AND CHEMICAL ENERGY SYSTEMS (SOLARPACES 2016) |
Artículo | 2017 | Self-consistent modeling of laminar electrohydrodynamic plumes from ultra-sharp needles in cyclohexane | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Ponencia | 2017 | Statistical analysis of CSP plants by simulating extensive meteorological series | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONCENTRATING SOLAR POWER AND CHEMICAL ENERGY SYSTEMS (SOLARPACES 2016) |
Ponencia | 2017 | The NUMEN Project @ LNS: Status and Perspectives | WORKSHOP ON CALCULATION OF DOUBLE-BETA-DECAY MATRIX ELEMENTS (MEDEX'17) |
Ponencia | 2017 | Thermochemical Storage for CSP via Redox Structured Reactors/Heat Exchangers: the RESTRUCTURE Project | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONCENTRATING SOLAR POWER AND CHEMICAL ENERGY SYSTEMS (SOLARPACES 2016) |
Artículo | 2017 | Topology changes in a water-oil swirling flow | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2017 | Velocity-space sensitivities of neutron emission spectrometers at the tokamaks JET and ASDEX Upgrade in deuterium plasmas | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2016 | A classification scheme for edge-localized modes based on their probability distributions | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2016 | A fast feedback controlled magnetic drive for the ASDEX Upgrade fast-ion loss detectors | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2016 | A hydrated ion model of [UO2](2+) in water: Structure, dynamics, and spectroscopy from classical molecular dynamics | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2016 | A methodology for calculating percentile values of annual direct normal solar irradiation series | SOLARPACES 2015: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONCENTRATING SOLAR POWER AND CHEMICAL ENERGY SYSTEMS |
Artículo | 2016 | A new beam emission polarimetry diagnostic for measuring the magnetic field line angle at the plasma edge of ASDEX Upgrade | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2016 | A unified approach to describe the thermal and magnetic hysteresis in Heusler alloys | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2016 | AC electrified jets in a flow-focusing device: Jet length scaling | BIOMICROFLUIDICS |
Ponencia | 2016 | An Approach to the Isotheory by Means of Extended Pseudoisotopisms | PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS 2015 (ICNAAM-2015) |
Artículo | 2016 | An FPGA-based bolometer for the MAST-U Super-X divertor | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2016 | Bayesian modelling of the emission spectrum of the Joint European Torus Lithium Beam Emission Spectroscopy system | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2016 | Canards in a minimal piecewise-linear square-wave burster | CHAOS |
Ponencia | 2016 | Charged-Current Inclusive Neutrino Cross Sections in the SuperScaling Model | 9TH INTERNATIONAL PHYSICS CONFERENCE OF THE BALKAN PHYSICAL UNION (BPU-9) |
Artículo | 2016 | Comparison of dust transport modelling codes in a tokamak plasma | PHYSICS OF PLASMAS |
Artículo | 2016 | Conceptual design of the ITER fast-ion loss detector | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2016 | Dual origin of pairing in nuclei | PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI |
Artículo | 2016 | Edge profile analysis of Joint European Torus (JET) Thomson scattering data: Quantifying the systematic error due to edge localised mode synchronisation | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2016 | Effect of temperature variations on equilibrium distances in levitating parallel dielectric plates interacting through Casimir forces | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2016 | Electric charge limits on settled powders | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2016 | Evaluation of reconstruction errors and identification of artefacts for JET gamma and neutron tomography | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2016 | Extending helium partial pressure measurement technology to JET DTE2 and ITER | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2016 | First neutron spectroscopy measurements with a pixelated diamond detector at JET | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2016 | Flue gas adsorption by single-wall carbon nanotubes: A Monte Carlo study | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2016 | Gamma-ray spectroscopy at MHz counting rates with a compact LaBr3 detector and silicon photomultipliers for fusion plasma applications | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2016 | Generation of micro-sized PDMS particles by a flow focusing technique for biomicrofluidics applications | BIOMICROFLUIDICS |
Artículo | 2016 | In situ wavelength calibration of the edge CXS spectrometers on JET | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2016 | Instability of a water-spout flow | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2016 | Ion temperature and toroidal rotation in JET's low torque plasmas | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2016 | ITER-like antenna capacitors voltage probes: Circuit/electromagnetic calculations and calibrations | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2016 | JET diagnostic enhancements in preparation for DT operations | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2016 | Large magnetocaloric effect in fine (GdO3)-O-2 nanoparticles embedded in porous silica matrix | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2016 | Line graphs for a multiplex network | CHAOS |
Artículo | 2016 | Linear and nonlinear dynamics of an insoluble surfactant-laden liquid bridge | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2016 | MHD marking using the MSE polarimeter optics in ILW JET plasmas | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2016 | Modeling of conductive particle motion in viscous medium affected by an electric field considering particle-electrode interactions and microdischarge phenomenon | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2016 | Neutron emission spectroscopy of DT plasmas at enhanced energy resolution with diamond detectors | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Ponencia | 2016 | Optical Design and Optimization of Parabolic Dish Solar Concentrator with a Cavity Hybrid Receiver | SOLARPACES 2015: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONCENTRATING SOLAR POWER AND CHEMICAL ENERGY SYSTEMS |
Artículo | 2016 | Performance of the prototype LaBr3 spectrometer developed for the JET gamma-ray camera upgrade | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2016 | Resonantly induced transparency for metals with low angular dependence | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2016 | Response function of single crystal synthetic diamond detectors to 1-4 MeV neutrons for spectroscopy of D plasmas | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2016 | Stability of thermal convection in a rotating cylindrical container | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2016 | Stabilization of sawteeth with third harmonic deuterium ICRF-accelerated beam in JET plasmas | PHYSICS OF PLASMAS |
Artículo | 2016 | Study of the triton-burnup process in different JET scenarios using neutron monitor based on CVD diamond | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2016 | The influence of magnetocrystalline anisotropy on the magnetocaloric effect: A case study on Co2B | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2015 | Characterization of the magnetic interactions of multiphase magnetocaloric materials using first-order reversal curve analysis | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2015 | Comparison of the Effects of Couplings to Breakup Channels in Reactions Induced by Li-6 and He-6 on the Same Zn-64 Target | NUCLEAR STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS '15 |
Artículo | 2015 | Determining the exact number of dye molecules attached to colloidal CdSe/ZnS quantum dots in Förster resonant energy transfer assemblies | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2015 | Effects of Ga substitution on the structural and magnetic properties of half metallic Fe2MnSi Heusler compound | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2015 | Elastic scattering for the system Li-6 + p at near barrier energies with MAGNEX | EXOTIC NUCLEI AND NUCLEAR/PARTICLE ASTROPHYSICS (V). FROM NUCLEI TO STARS |
Artículo | 2015 | Enhanced cryogenic magnetocaloric effect in Eu8Ga16Ge30 clathrate nanocrystals | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2015 | Fast ion energy distribution from third harmonic radio frequency heating measured with a single crystal diamond detector at the Joint European Torus | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2015 | Four-state magnetic configuration in a tri-layer asymmetric ring | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Ponencia | 2015 | High Temperature Behavior of Nanostructured Al Powders Obtained by Mechanical Alloying under NH3 Flow | 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS IN ADVANCES IN APPLIED PHYSICS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE (APMAS 2014) |
Artículo | 2015 | Influence of microstructure on the enhancement of soft magnetic character and the induced anisotropy of field annealed HITPERM-type alloys | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2015 | Magnetocaloric cycle with six stages: Possible application of graphene at low temperature | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Ponencia | 2015 | Pairing interaction and reaction mechanism for one- and two-particle transfer reactions: a simple model in one dimension | NUCLEAR STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS '15 |
Ponencia | 2015 | Phase Stability, Porosity Distribution and Microstructural Evolution of Amorphous Al50Ti50 Powders Consolidated by Electrical Resistance Sintering | 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS IN ADVANCES IN APPLIED PHYSICS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE (APMAS 2014) |
Ponencia | 2015 | Reaction Dynamics Induced By The Radioactive Ion Beam Be-7 on Medium-Mass and Heavy Targets | NUCLEAR STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS '15 |
Artículo | 2015 | Robust regression with CUDA and its application to plasma reflectometry | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2015 | Self-assembly of metal nanowires induced by alternating current electric fields | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2015 | Silicon-based three-dimensional microstructures for radiation dosimetry in hadrontherapy | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2015 | Stability of centrifugal convection in a rotating pipe | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Ponencia | 2015 | Superscaling in electron-nucleus scattering and its link to CC and NC QE neutrino-nucleus scattering | NUINT12: 8TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON NEUTRINO-NUCLEUS INTERACTIONS IN THE FEW-GEV REGION |
Artículo | 2015 | The effects of impurities and core pressure on pedestal stability in Joint European Torus (JET) | PHYSICS OF PLASMAS |
Artículo | 2015 | The global build-up to intrinsic edge localized mode bursts seen in divertor full flux loops in JET | PHYSICS OF PLASMAS |
Artículo | 2015 | The impact of poloidal asymmetries on tungsten transport in the core of JET H-mode plasmas | PHYSICS OF PLASMAS |
Artículo | 2015 | Theoretical study on the hydrophobic and hydrophilic hydration on large solutes: The case of phthalocyanines in water | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2015 | Three-dimensional non-linear magnetohydrodynamic modeling of massive gas injection triggered disruptions in JET | PHYSICS OF PLASMAS |
Artículo | 2014 | A procedure to extract the magnetocaloric parameters of the single phases from experimental data of a multiphase system | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2014 | Air-water centrifugal convection | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2014 | Collecting high-order interactions in an effective pairwise intermolecular potential using the hydrated ion concept: The hydration of Cf3+ | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2014 | Competing anisotropies on 3d sub-lattice of YNi4-xCoxB compounds | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2014 | Dynamical response of liquid bridges to a step change in the mass force magnitude | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2014 | Effects of inter-resonator coupling in split ring resonator loaded metamaterial transmission lines | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2014 | Finite amplitude electroconvection induced by strong unipolar injection between two coaxial cylinders | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Ponencia | 2014 | Fusion Alpha-Particle Diagnostics for DT Experiments on the Joint European Torus | FUSION REACTOR DIAGNOSTICS |
Ponencia | 2014 | H-mode characterisation for dominant ECRH and comparison to dominant NBI or ICRF heating at ASDEX Upgrade | RADIOFREQUENCY POWER IN PLASMAS |
Artículo | 2014 | How does a shear boundary layer affect the stability of a capillary jet? | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2014 | Impact of structural disorder on the magnetic ordering and magnetocaloric response of amorphous Gd-based microwires | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2014 | Influence of the demagnetizing factor on the magnetocaloric effect: critical scaling and numerical simulations | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2014 | Magnetocaloric effect in heavy rare-earth elements doped Fe-based bulk metallic glasses with tunable Curie temperature | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2014 | Magnetocaloric effect of Co62Nb6Zr2B30 amorphous alloys obtained by mechanical alloying or rapid quenching | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2014 | Measurements of dispersion forces between colloidal latex particles with the atomic force microscope and comparison with Lifshitz theory | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2014 | Milling effects on magnetic properties of melt spun Fe-Nb-B alloy | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2014 | Nuclear field theory predictions for Li-11 and Be-12: Shedding light on the origin of pairing in nuclei | PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI |
Artículo | 2014 | On the broadening of the magnetic entropy change due to Curie temperature distribution | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2014 | Optical properties and refractive index sensitivity of reactive sputtered oxide coatings with embedded Au clusters | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2014 | Oscillating magnetocaloric effect of a multilayer graphene | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Letter | 2014 | Shock waves and history in free fall | Physics Today |
Artículo | 2014 | Single electron states in polyethylene | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2014 | Surface temperature: a key parameter to control the propanethiol plasma polymer chemistry | JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A-VACUUM SURFACES AND FILMS |
Artículo | 2014 | The breakup length of harmonically stimulated capillary jets | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2014 | The stability of a horizontal interface between air and an insulating liquid subjected to charge injection | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Ponencia | 2013 | A Beyond Mean Field study of Bose gases in a double-well potential with a Feshbach resonance | LA RABIDA 2012 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS: BASIC CONCEPTS IN NUCLEAR PHYSICS: THEORY, EXPERIMENTS, AND APPLICATIONS |
Artículo | 2013 | A diabatic parameterization of the twofold ground state potential energy surface of the H2O-OH molecular complex | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2013 | beta-delayed neutron emission measurements around the third gamma-process abundance peak | LA RABIDA 2012 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS: BASIC CONCEPTS IN NUCLEAR PHYSICS: THEORY, EXPERIMENTS, AND APPLICATIONS |
Artículo | 2013 | Chen's attractor exists if Lorenz repulsor exists: The Chen system is a special case of the Lorenz system | CHAOS |
Ponencia | 2013 | Core excitation effects in halo nuclei using a transformed oscillator basis | LA RABIDA 2012 INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS: BASIC CONCEPTS IN NUCLEAR PHYSICS: THEORY, EXPERIMENTS, AND APPLICATIONS |
Artículo | 2013 | Design considerations for tailoring the thickness profile of transparent dielectric deposits by continuous-wave laser deposition | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2013 | Development of the gas puff charge exchange recombination spectroscopy (GP-CXRS) technique for ion measurements in the plasma edge | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2013 | Dynamical behavior of electrified pendant drops | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2013 | Elastic properties of B-C-N films grown by N-2-reactive sputtering from boron carbide targets | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2013 | Electrocaloric effect on graphenes | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2013 | Entropy and complexity analysis of hydrogenic Rydberg atoms | JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2013 | EXAFS Debye-Waller factors issued from Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics: Application to the fit of oxaliplatin and derivatives | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2013 | Excited electronic states from a variational approach based on symmetry-projected Hartree-Fock configurations | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2013 | Exclusivity structures and graph representatives of local complementation orbits | JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2013 | Increasing the efficiency of the passive loading strategy for wave energy conversion | JOURNAL OF RENEWABLE AND SUSTAINABLE ENERGY |
Ponencia | 2013 | Influence of Composition on Pitting Corrosion of (MA)-Al Reinforced with Carbides and Nitrides | 3RD INTERNATIONAL ADVANCES IN APPLIED PHYSICS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE CONGRESS |
Artículo | 2013 | Influence of magnetic interactions between phases on the magnetocaloric effect of composites | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2013 | Low hysteresis and large room temperature magnetocaloric effect of Gd5Si2.05-xGe1.95-xNi2x (2x=0.08, 0.1) alloys | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2013 | Magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effects in GdCo9Si2 compound with multiple magnetic phase transitions | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2013 | Multi-component symmetry-projected approach for molecular ground state correlations | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2013 | Multi-view fast-ion D-alpha spectroscopy diagnostic at ASDEX Upgrade | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Ponencia | 2013 | Neutron Research At The N_TOF Facility (CERN): Results And Perspectives | APPLICATION OF ACCELERATORS IN RESEARCH AND INDUSTRY |
Ponencia | 2013 | On the Sintering Conditions of CP Titanium Powder | 3RD INTERNATIONAL ADVANCES IN APPLIED PHYSICS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE CONGRESS |
Artículo | 2013 | Oscillating magnetocaloric effect of a two dimensional non-relativistic diamagnetic material | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2013 | Polarity determination of polar and semipolar (11(2)over-bar2) InN and GaN layers by valence band photoemission spectroscopy | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2013 | Potential energy curves and spin-orbit coupling of light alkali-heavy rare gas molecules | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Editorial | 2013 | Preface: La Rábida 2012 international scientific meeting on nuclear physics | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Artículo | 2013 | Scanning transmission electron microscopy investigations of self-forming diffusion barrier formation in Cu(Mn) alloys on SiO2 | APL MATERIALS |
Ponencia | 2013 | Solid state amorphization in the Al-Fe binary system during high energy milling | 3RD INTERNATIONAL ADVANCES IN APPLIED PHYSICS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE CONGRESS |
Artículo | 2013 | The use of amorphous boron powder enhances mechanical alloying in soft magnetic FeNbB alloy: A magnetic study | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2013 | Tuning the Curie temperature in gamma-FeNi nanoparticles for magnetocaloric applications by controlling the oxidation kinetics | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Corrección | 2013 | Tuning the Curie temperature in gamma-FeNi nanoparticles for magnetocaloric applications by controlling the oxidation kinetics (vol 113, 17A918, 2013) | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2013 | Uniform self-diffusion in a granular gas | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2013 | Vortex breakdown in a water-spout flow | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Ponencia | 2012 | A Review of the A400M Final Assembly Line Balancing Methodology | 4TH MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE (MESIC 2011) |
Artículo | 2012 | A revision of the genus Mycale (Poecilosclerida: Mycalidae) from the Mexican Pacific Ocean | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Ponencia | 2012 | Analysis of ultrasonic guided wave interaction with a waveguide transition | REVIEW OF PROGRESS IN QUANTITATIVE NONDESTRUCTIVE EVALUATION, VOLS 31A AND 31B |
Artículo | 2012 | Brillouin scattering determination of the surface acoustic wave velocity in In(x)Aa(1-x)AN: A probe into the elastic constants | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2012 | Chemical and structural investigations of the incorporation of metal manganese into ruthenium thin films for use as copper diffusion barrier layers | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2012 | Chemical and structural investigations of the interactions of Cu with MnSiO3 diffusion barrier layers | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2012 | Communication: Improving the density functional theory plus U description of CeO2 by including the contribution of the O 2p electrons | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2012 | Computer simulations of nematic drops: Coupling between drop shape and nematic order | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2012 | Construction of time-dependent dynamical invariants: A new approach | JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2012 | Core Excitation Effects in the Breakup of Halo Nuclei | NUCLEAR STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS '12 |
Ponencia | 2012 | Decoherence and quantum quench: their relationship with excited state quantum phase transitions | BEAUTY IN PHYSICS: THEORY AND EXPERIMENT: IN HONOR OF FRANCESCO LACHELLO ON THE OCCASION OF HIS 70TH BIRTHDAY |
Artículo | 2012 | Defect evolution and interplay in n-type InN | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2012 | Effect of dispersion correction on the Au(111)-H2O interface: A first-principles study | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2012 | Effect of swirl decay on vortex breakdown in a confined steady axisymmetric flow | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Ponencia | 2012 | Engineering of mechanical manufacturing from the cradle to cradle | 4TH MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE (MESIC 2011) |
Artículo | 2012 | Excellent magnetocaloric properties of melt-extracted Gd-based amorphous microwires | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Ponencia | 2012 | Excited state quantum phase transitions and chaos in the Dicke model | BEAUTY IN PHYSICS: THEORY AND EXPERIMENT: IN HONOR OF FRANCESCO LACHELLO ON THE OCCASION OF HIS 70TH BIRTHDAY |
Artículo | 2012 | Finite time singularities for water waves with surface tension | JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2012 | Heat Flux in a Granular Gas | 28TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON RAREFIED GAS DYNAMICS 2012, VOLS. 1 AND 2 |
Artículo | 2012 | High temperature x ray diffraction determination of the body-centered-cubic-face-centered-cubic transformation temperature in (Fe70Ni30)(88)Zr7B4Cu1 nanocomposites | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2012 | High-resolution charge exchange measurements at ASDEX Upgrade | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2012 | Image acceleration in parallel magnetic resonance imaging by means of metamaterial magnetoinductive lenses | AIP ADVANCES |
Ponencia | 2012 | Influence of corrugation shape in steel bars ductility used on reinforced concrete | 4TH MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE (MESIC 2011) |
Artículo | 2012 | Influence of isochronal annealing on the microstructure and magnetic properties of Cu-free HITPERM Fe40.5Co40.5Nb7B12 alloy | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2012 | Influence of plasma-generated negative oxygen ion impingement on magnetron sputtered amorphous SiO2 thin films during growth at low temperatures | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2012 | Initial measurements of fast ion loss in KSTAR | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Ponencia | 2012 | Maximal violation of state-independent contextuality inequalities | QUANTUM THEORY: RECONSIDERATION OF FOUNDATIONS 6 |
Artículo | 2012 | Mechanism of GaN quantum dot overgrowth by Al0.5Ga0.5N: Strain evolution and phase separation | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2012 | Mechanisms of damage formation in Eu-implanted AlN | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2012 | Molecular modification of coumarin dyes for more efficient dye sensitized solar cells | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2012 | Multi-scale multireference configuration interaction calculations for large systems using localized orbitals: Partition in zones | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2012 | Near midplane scintillator-based fast ion loss detector on DIII-D | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Ponencia | 2012 | New parametric formulation of elastoplastic behavior in ductile metals | 4TH MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE (MESIC 2011) |
Ponencia | 2012 | New Test Method to Relate Vibration and Machined Surface Roughness in Turning | 4TH MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE (MESIC 2011) |
Ponencia | 2012 | Nuclear shape transitions in neutron-rich medium-mass nuclei | NUCLEAR STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS '12 |
Ponencia | 2012 | Numerical Analysis of the Deformation Mechanisms in Incremental Forming of AA2024-T3 Sheets | 4TH MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE (MESIC 2011) |
Artículo | 2012 | Numerical study of dc-biased ac-electrokinetic flow over symmetrical electrodes | BIOMICROFLUIDICS |
Artículo | 2012 | On a singular incompressible porous media equation | JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2012 | Oscillating magnetocaloric effect on graphenes | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2012 | Quantitative study of the interfacial intermixing and segregation effects across the wetting layer of Ga(As,Sb)-capped InAs quantum dots | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Ponencia | 2012 | Relativistic Models for Quasi-Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering | 19TH PARTICLES AND NUCLEI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE (PANIC11) |
Ponencia | 2012 | Scenario for Concurrent Conceptual Assembly Line Design: A Case Study | 4TH MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE (MESIC 2011) |
Ponencia | 2012 | Stabilization method in two-body systems with core excitations | BEAUTY IN PHYSICS: THEORY AND EXPERIMENT: IN HONOR OF FRANCESCO LACHELLO ON THE OCCASION OF HIS 70TH BIRTHDAY |
Ponencia | 2012 | Steady Representation of the Homogeneous Cooling State of a Granular Mixture | 28TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON RAREFIED GAS DYNAMICS 2012, VOLS. 1 AND 2 |
Artículo | 2012 | The effect of distributed exchange parameters on magnetocaloric refrigeration capacity in amorphous and nanocomposite materials | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2012 | The magnetocaloric effect and critical behavior in amorphous Gd60Co40-xMnx alloys | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2012 | The magnetocaloric effect of partially crystalline Fe-B-Cr-Gd alloys | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2012 | The role of the magnetic orbitals in the calculation of the magnetic coupling constants from multireference perturbation theory methods | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2012 | Transmission through stacked 2D periodic distributions of square conducting patches | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2012 | Two-dimensional numerical analysis of electroconvection in a dielectric liquid subjected to strong unipolar injection | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Ponencia | 2012 | Using Augmented Reality in AIRBUS A400M Shop Floor Assembly Work Instructions | 4TH MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE (MESIC 2011) |
Ponencia | 2012 | Virtual Verification of the AIRBUS A400M Final Assembly Line Industrialization | 4TH MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE (MESIC 2011) |
Ponencia | 2012 | Which Reference State for a Granular Gas Heated by the Stochastic Thermostat? | 28TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON RAREFIED GAS DYNAMICS 2012, VOLS. 1 AND 2 |
Artículo | 2011 | A mechanism for damage formation in GaN during rare earth ion implantation at medium range energy and room temperature | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2011 | Absolute-convective instability transition of low permittivity, low conductivity charged viscous liquid jets under axial electric fields | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2011 | Analysis of the resolution of split-ring metamaterial lenses with application in parallel magnetic resonance imaging | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2011 | Analytical model for the transmission of electromagnetic waves through arrays of slits in perfect conductors and lossy metal screens | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2011 | Carbon tips as electrodes for single-molecule junctions | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2011 | Chemical and structural investigation of the role of both Mn and Mn oxide in the formation of manganese silicate barrier layers on SiO(2) | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Editorial | 2011 | Comment on "Sil'nikov chaos of the Liu system" [Chaos 18, 013113 (2008)] | CHAOS |
Artículo | 2011 | Coverage induced regulation of Au nanoparticles during pulsed laser deposition | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2011 | Direct magnetocaloric measurements of Fe-B-Cr-X (X = La, Ce) amorphous ribbons | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2011 | Dynamic heat flux experiments in Cu67.64Zn16.71Al15.65: Separating the time scales of fast and ultra-slow kinetic processes in martensitic transformations | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2011 | Efficient blocking of planar defects by prismatic stacking faults in semipolar (11(2)over-bar2)-GaN layers on m-sapphire by epitaxial lateral overgrowth | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Ponencia | 2011 | Elastic scattering of Beryllium isotopes near the Coulomb barrier. | FRONTIERS IN NUCLEAR STRUCTURE, ASTROPHYSICS, AND REACTIONS (FINUSTAR 3) |
Ponencia | 2011 | Elastic scattering of Li-9 on Pb-208 at energies around the Coulomb barrier | FRONTIERS IN NUCLEAR STRUCTURE, ASTROPHYSICS, AND REACTIONS (FINUSTAR 3) |
Artículo | 2011 | Evaluation of magnetic terms in Cu4O4 cubane-like systems from selected configuration interaction calculations: A case study of polynuclear transition-metal systems | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2011 | Existence of dark solitons in a class of stationary nonlinear Schrödinger equations with periodically modulated nonlinearity and periodic asymptotics | JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2011 | Fe/Cr substitution in MnAs compound: Increase in the relative cooling power | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Ponencia | 2011 | Fluctuations of the dissipated energy in a granular system | NON-EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL PHYSICS TODAY |
Artículo | 2011 | Generation of small mono-disperse bubbles in axisymmetric T-junction: The role of swirl | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2011 | Influence of La and Ce additions on the magnetocaloric effect of Fe-B-Cr-based amorphous alloys | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2011 | Initial stages of graphitization on SiC(000-1), as studied by phase atomic force microscopy | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2011 | Interdiffusion and barrier layer formation in thermally evaporated Mn/Cu heterostructures on SiO2 substrates | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2011 | Magnetocaloric effect and critical exponents of Fe77Co5.5Ni5.5Zr7B4Cu1: A detailed study | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2011 | Microwave-induced water flow in a microchannel built on a coplanar waveguide | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2011 | Modeling the interactions of phthalocyanines in water: From the Cu(II)-tetrasulphonate to the metal-free phthalocyanine | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2011 | Nonlinear absorption of InN/InGaN multiple-quantum-well structures at optical telecommunication wavelengths | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2011 | Nonlinear split-ring metamaterial slabs for magnetic resonance imaging | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2011 | Numerical simulation of a liquid bridge in a coaxial gas flow | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Ponencia | 2011 | On the nature of the Dipole Pygmy Resonance | FRONTIERS IN NUCLEAR STRUCTURE, ASTROPHYSICS, AND REACTIONS (FINUSTAR 3) |
Artículo | 2011 | On the validity of a universal solution for viscous capillary jets | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2011 | Optimization of the refrigerant capacity in multiphase magnetocaloric materials | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2011 | Oscillating magnetocaloric effect | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Ponencia | 2011 | Recent applications of four-body Continuum-Discretized Coupled-Channels calculations to He-6 reactions | XXXIII BRAZILIAN WORKSHOP ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2011 | Signatures of structural changes in neutron-rich Sr, Zr and Mo isotopes | FRONTIERS IN NUCLEAR STRUCTURE, ASTROPHYSICS, AND REACTIONS (FINUSTAR 3) |
Ponencia | 2011 | Statics and dynamics of a harmonic oscillator coupled to a one-dimensional Ising system | NON-EQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL PHYSICS TODAY |
Artículo | 2011 | Strain balanced quantum posts | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Ponencia | 2011 | Superscaling predictions for NC and CC quasi-elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering | 12TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON NEUTRINO FACTORIES, SUPERBEAMS, AND BETABEAMS (NUFACT) |
Artículo | 2011 | Surface acoustic wave velocity of gold films deposited on silicon substrates at different temperatures | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2011 | The effect of surface shear viscosity on the damping of oscillations in millimetric liquid bridges | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Ponencia | 2011 | The Np-237(n,f) cross section at the CERN n-TOF facility | FRONTIERS IN NUCLEAR STRUCTURE, ASTROPHYSICS, AND REACTIONS (FINUSTAR 3) |
Artículo | 2011 | Trigonal distortion of topologically confined channels in bilayer graphene | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2011 | Tunable magnetocaloric effect in Gd-based glassy ribbons | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2011 | Two-cell circulation in a liquid meniscus driven by a swirling gas jet | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Ponencia | 2011 | Violating noncontextual realism through sequential measurements | ADVANCES IN QUANTUM THEORY |
Artículo | 2010 | 2D electron cyclotron emission imaging at ASDEX Upgrade (invited) | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2010 | A new criterion to distinguish the order of magnetic transitions by means of magnetic measurements | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2010 | A theoretical insight into the catalytic effect of a mixed-metal oxide at the nanometer level: The case of the highly active metal/CeOx/TiO2(110) catalysts | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2010 | Absolute lateral instability in capillary coflowing jets | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2010 | Absolute to convective instability transition in charged liquid jets | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Corrección | 2010 | Axially Symmetric Divertor Experiment (ASDEX) Upgrade Team (vol 81, 033507, 2010) | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Ponencia | 2010 | Box-Cox Mixed Logit Model for Travel Behavior Analysis | NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, VOLS I-III |
Artículo | 2010 | Circuit model for a periodic array of slits sandwiched between two dielectric slabs | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Ponencia | 2010 | Connection between decoherence and excited state quantum phase transitions | LA RABIDA 2009: INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2010 | Description of analyzing power and (p,n) reaction by a global dispersive coupled-channel optical model potential | NUCLEAR PHYSICS TRENDS |
Artículo | 2010 | Deuteration effect on tricritical phase transition of triglycine selenate: Calorimetric and dielectric measurements analyzed in the framework of Landau theory | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2010 | Development of a Tracking System of Exotic Nuclear Beams for FAIR | LA RABIDA 2009: INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2010 | Dynamic studies of Li-11 and its core Li-9 on Pb-208 near the Coulomb barrier | LA RABIDA 2009: INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2010 | Elastic scattering of 6He and 7Be on a 9Be target | LA RABIDA 2009: INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2010 | Evaluation of neutron component in patients under high energy radiotherapy by means of an on line and In Vivo procedure | ELEVENTH MEXICAN SYMPOSIUM ON MEDICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2010 | Existence of homoclinic connections in continuous piecewise linear systems | CHAOS |
Artículo | 2010 | Field dependence of the magnetocaloric effect in core-shell nanoparticles | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2010 | Fluid to solid transition in magnetofluidized beds of fine powders | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2010 | Four-body continuum-discretized coupled-channels calculations: Application to 6He+64Zn at 13.6 MeV | LA RABIDA 2009: INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2010 | GEANT4 Application for the Simulation of the Head of a Siemens Primus Linac | LA RABIDA 2009: INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2010 | Geochronology of recent sediments from the Cariaco Trench (Venezuela) by Alpha Spectrometry of Pb-210 ((210)po). | VIII LATIN AMERICAN SYMPOSIUM ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS AND APPLICATIONS |
Artículo | 2010 | Global and local instability of flow focusing: The influence of the geometry | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2010 | Graphene growth by molecular beam epitaxy on the carbon face of SiC | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2010 | Influence of Co and Ni addition on the magnetocaloric effect in Fe88-2xCoxNixZr7B4Cu1 soft magnetic amorphous alloys | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2010 | Influence of Mn on the magnetocaloric effect of nanoperm-type alloys | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2010 | Jensen-Tsallis divergence and atomic dissimilarity for position and momentum space electron densities | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Editorial | 2010 | La Rabida 2009 International Scientific Meeting on Nuclear Physics - Basic Concepts in Nuclear Physics: Theory, Experiments, and Applications: Preface | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Artículo | 2010 | Magnetic field induced inversion in the effect of particle size on powder cohesiveness | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2010 | Magnetocaloric effect and refrigerant capacity in Sr-doped Eu8Ga16Ge30 type-I clathrates | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2010 | Microscopic origins of the ferromagnetic exchange coupling in oxoverdazyl-based Cu(II) complex | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2010 | Modeling the response of a fast ion loss detector using orbit tracing techniques in a neutral beam prompt-loss study on the DIII-D tokamak | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2010 | Morphological evolution of pulsed laser deposited ZrO2 thin films | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2010 | On the fold-Hopf bifurcation for continuous piecewise linear differential systems with symmetry | CHAOS |
Artículo | 2010 | On the microstructure of thin films grown by an isotropically directed deposition flux | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2010 | Particle structuring and yield stress in magnetofluidized beds | POROUS MEDIA AND ITS APPLICATIONS IN SCIENCE, ENGINEERING AND INDUSTRY |
Ponencia | 2010 | Raman Investigation Of Nanostructured Titania For Drug Delivery | XXII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY |
Artículo | 2010 | Scintillator-based diagnostic for fast ion loss measurements on DIII-D | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Ponencia | 2010 | SERS detection in capillary separation systems | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Ponencia | 2010 | Simultaneous Determination of Traffic Assignment and Network Configuration | NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, VOLS I-III |
Ponencia | 2010 | Snell's law in an isoperimetric setting | XVIII INTERNATIONAL FALL WORKSHOP ON GEOMETRY AND PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2010 | Structure and magnetic properties of Fe-Nb-B amorphous/nanocrystalline alloys produced by compaction of mechanically alloyed powders | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2010 | Study of Neutron-Induced Fission Cross Sections of U, Am, and Cm at n_TOF | VIII LATIN AMERICAN SYMPOSIUM ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS AND APPLICATIONS |
Artículo | 2010 | Study of reaction mechanisms for 9,10,11Be+64Zn systems around the coulomb barrier | LA RABIDA 2009: INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2010 | Study of the Ne-18 and Li-11 Nuclei in a Three-body Model | LA RABIDA 2009: INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2010 | The 6He optical potential at energies around the coulomb barrier | LA RABIDA 2009: INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2010 | The Research Program at RIBRAS (Radioactive Ion Beams in Brasil)-III | INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EXOTIC NUCLEI 2009 |
Artículo | 2010 | Tilt angle control of nanocolumns grown by glancing angle sputtering at variable argon pressures | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2009 | A comparative study of the magnetocaloric effect in RNi2 (R=Nd, Gd, Tb) intermetallic compounds | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2009 | Accurate modeling of split ring metamaterial lenses for magnetic resonance imaging applications | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2009 | Alternating field electronanofluidization | POWDERS AND GRAINS 2009 |
Ponencia | 2009 | An algorithm to compute abelian subalgebras in linear algebras of upper-triangular matrices | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Ponencia | 2009 | Analysis of the elastic scattering measured with a 23.7 MeV 7Be beam on a 9Be target | NUCLEAR PHYSICS 2008 |
Artículo | 2009 | Analysis of the magnetic coupling in binuclear systems. III. The role of the ligand to metal charge transfer excitations revisited | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2009 | Bilayered smectic phase polymorphism in the dipolar Gay-Berne liquid crystal model | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2009 | Characterizing electron entanglement in multi-mode mesoscopic conductors | NOISE AND FLUCTUATIONS |
Ponencia | 2009 | Cohesion and internal friction of fine glass beads as affected by small intensity vertical vibration | POWDERS AND GRAINS 2009 |
Artículo | 2009 | Confined swirling jet impingement on a flat plate at moderate Reynolds numbers | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2009 | Confinement effects on diffusiophoretic self-propellers | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2009 | Correlation between microstructure and temperature dependence of magnetic properties in Fe60Co18(Nb, Zr)(6)B15Cu1 alloy series | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2009 | Decoherence as a Signature of an Excited State Quantum Phase Transition in Two Level Boson Systems | NUCLEAR STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS '09 |
Artículo | 2009 | Effects of pressure on charge transport and magnetic properties of La1.32Sr1.68Mn2O7 layered manganite | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2009 | Experimental Determination of the Li-6,Li-7 Nucleon Densities | NUCLEAR PHYSICS 2008 |
Artículo | 2009 | Experimental verification of extraordinary transmission without surface plasmons | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Ponencia | 2009 | Extension of Geldart's Diagram to Fluidizable Fine and Ultrafine Particles | POWDERS AND GRAINS 2009 |
Artículo | 2009 | Field dependence of the adiabatic temperature change in second order phase transition materials: Application to Gd | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2009 | Fisher and Jensen-Shannon divergences: Quantitative comparisons among distributions. Application to position and momentum atomic densities | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2009 | Fission cross-section measurements on 233U and minor actinides at the CERN n-TOF facility | 4TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON NUCLEAR FISSION AND FISSION-PRODUCT SPECTROSCOPY |
Ponencia | 2009 | Fluctuations of a piston on top of a fluidized granular gas | MODELING AND SIMULATION OF NEW MATERIALS |
Ponencia | 2009 | Global fluctuations in dissipative systems | MODELING AND SIMULATION OF NEW MATERIALS |
Artículo | 2009 | High resolution electron microscopy of GaAs capped GaSb nanostructures | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Ponencia | 2009 | Hydrodynamic description for ballistic annihilation systems | MODELING AND SIMULATION OF NEW MATERIALS |
Artículo | 2009 | Induced ferromagnetism in Mn3N2 phase embedded in Mn/Si3N4 multilayers | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2009 | Influence of the demagnetizing field on the determination of the magnetocaloric effect from magnetization curves | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2009 | Interaction between vortices and nuclei in the inner crust of neutron stars | PERSPECTIVES IN NUCLEAR PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2009 | Kochen-Specker Meets Experiments | FOUNDATIONS OF PROBABILITY AND PHYSICS - 5 |
Artículo | 2009 | Lower and upper estimates on the excitation threshold for breathers in discrete nonlinear Schrödinger lattices | JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2009 | Magnetocaloric response of Fe75Nb10B15 powders partially amorphized by ball milling | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2009 | Magnetofluidization of fine magnetite particles | POWDERS AND GRAINS 2009 |
Ponencia | 2009 | Mechanical strength of humidified glass beads | POWDERS AND GRAINS 2009 |
Ponencia | 2009 | Microscopic Calculation of Absolute Values of Two-nucleon Transfer Cross Sections | NUCLEAR STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS '09 |
Artículo | 2009 | Microstrip circuit analog of a complex diffraction phenomenon | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2009 | Microwave-induced water flows in microsystems | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Ponencia | 2009 | n-Tof experiment: Past, present and future | NUCLEAR PHYSICS AND APPLICATIONS |
Artículo | 2009 | Neutrino interactions importance for nuclear physics | SIXTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON NEUTRINO-NUCLEUS INTERACTIONS IN THE FEW-GEV REGION |
Ponencia | 2009 | Neutron capture measurements at the n-TOF Facility | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Ponencia | 2009 | Nuclear effects in electron reactions and their impact on neutrino processes | SIXTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON NEUTRINO-NUCLEUS INTERACTIONS IN THE FEW-GEV REGION |
Ponencia | 2009 | Nuclear shape transitions from a microscopic approach | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Artículo | 2009 | On the difficulties of present theoretical models to predict the oxidation state of atomic Au adsorbed on regular sites of CeO2(111) | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2009 | On the experimental detection of necking in stretch-bending tests | THIRD MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: MESIC-09 |
Ponencia | 2009 | Overview of neutrino-nucleus quasielastic scattering | SIXTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON NEUTRINO-NUCLEUS INTERACTIONS IN THE FEW-GEV REGION |
Ponencia | 2009 | Proposal of a Methodology for Implementing a Service-Oriented Architecture in Distributed Manufacturing Systems | THIRD MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: MESIC-09 |
Ponencia | 2009 | Relativistic models for electron and neutrino-nucleus scattering | SIXTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON NEUTRINO-NUCLEUS INTERACTIONS IN THE FEW-GEV REGION |
Ponencia | 2009 | Scattering of 11Be around the coulomb barrier | NUCLEAR STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS '09 |
Artículo | 2009 | Scintillator based detector for fast-ion losses induced by magnetohydrodynamic instabilities in the ASDEX upgrade tokamak | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Ponencia | 2009 | Shape phase transitions and critical points | PERSPECTIVES IN NUCLEAR PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2009 | Spatial dependence of the pairing gap in superfluid nuclei | PERSPECTIVES IN NUCLEAR PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2009 | Structural changes during the natural aging process of InN quantum dots | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2009 | Structural tunability in metamaterials | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2009 | Swirl flow focusing: A novel procedure for the massive production of monodisperse microbubbles | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2009 | The effect of liquid viscosity on bubble pinch-off | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2009 | The magnetocaloric effect in materials with a second order phase transition: Are T-C and T-peak necessarily coincident? | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2009 | The Scientific program with RIBRAS (Radioactive Ion Beams in Brasil) | NUCLEAR PHYSICS 2008 |
Artículo | 2009 | Thermal properties and Brillouin-scattering study of glass, crystal, and "glacial" states in n-butanol | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2009 | Tuning the Er3+ sensitization by Si nanoparticles in nanostructured as-grown Al2O3 films | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2009 | Understanding He-6 induced reactions at energies around the Coulomb barrier | NUCLEAR PHYSICS 2008 |
Ponencia | 2009 | Vortex solutions of the defocusing discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation | NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, VOLS 1 AND 2 |
Artículo | 2008 | A calibration method for lateral forces for use with colloidal probe force microscopy cantilevers | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2008 | A flexible luminescent probe to monitor fast ion losses at the edge of the TJ-II stellarator | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2008 | A neutron scattering study of strong-symmetric hydrogen bonds in potassium and cesium hydrogen bistrifluoroacetates: Determination of the crystal structures and of the single-well potentials for protons | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2008 | A phenomenological fitting curve for the magnetocaloric effect of materials with a second-order phase transition | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2008 | Axisymmetric bubble collapse in a quiescent liquid pool. I. Theory and numerical simulations | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2008 | Axisymmetric bubble collapse in a quiescent liquid pool. II. Experimental study | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2008 | Characterization of miniaturized metamaterial resonators coupled to planar transmission lines through parameter extraction | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2008 | Characterization of porous materials as radon source and its radiological implications | NATURAL RADIATION ENVIRONMENT |
Letter | 2008 | Comment on "Markovian approximation in a coarse-grained description of atomic systems" [J. Chem. Phys. 1259 204101 (2006)] | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2008 | Concentrations and activity ratios of uranium isotopes in groundwater from Doñana National Park, South of Spain | NATURAL RADIATION ENVIRONMENT |
Artículo | 2008 | Creep-resistant composites of alumina and single-wall carbon nanotubes | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Ponencia | 2008 | Effect of breather existence on reconstructive transformations in mica muscovite | COMPLEX SYSTEMS-BOOK 1 |
Artículo | 2008 | Electronic and photoconductive properties of ultrathin InGaN photodetectors | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2008 | Experimental demonstration of a mu=-1 metamaterial lens for magnetic resonance imaging | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Ponencia | 2008 | External occupational exposures in some NORM industries located at the South-West of Spain | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Artículo | 2008 | Force balance of particles trapped at fluid interfaces | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2008 | Influence of Ge addition on the magnetocaloric effect of a Co-containing Nanoperm-type alloy | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2008 | Ionoluminescent response of several phosphor screens to keV ions of different masses | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2008 | Magnetic permeability of (FeCoGe)(88)Zr6B5Cu1 alloys: Thermal stability in a wide temperature range | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2008 | Magnetocaloric response of FeCrB amorphous alloys: Predicting the magnetic entropy change from the Arrott-Noakes equation of state | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2008 | Measurement of 210Pb and its application to evaluate contamination in an area affected by NORM releases | NATURAL RADIATION ENVIRONMENT |
Ponencia | 2008 | Molecular orbital studies of electric field-controlled electron transfer | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Artículo | 2008 | Near-barrier scattering of 6He and 11Be | FRONTIERS IN NUCLEAR STRUCTURE, ASTROPHYSICS, AND REACTIONS |
Artículo | 2008 | Observation and modeling of fast trapped ion losses due to neoclassical tearing modes | PHYSICS OF PLASMAS |
Ponencia | 2008 | On the applications of IBA techniques to biological samples analysis: PIXE and RBS | MEDICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2008 | Optimizing the magnetoinductive lens: Improvement, limits, and possible applications | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2008 | Polymorphic transformation from body-centered to face-centered cubic vanadium metal during mechanosynthesis of nanostructured vanadium nitride determined by extended x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2008 | Pyroelectric potassium hydrogen malate with polarized hydrogen bond chains and aligned dipole moments | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2008 | Quantification of self-sputtering and implantation during pulsed laser deposition of gold | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2008 | Recent results at n-TOF and future perspectives | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Ponencia | 2008 | Shape phase transitions in odd-A nuclei | NUCLEAR PHYSICS AND ASTROPHYSICS |
Artículo | 2008 | Stability of the boundary layer flow on a long thin rotating cylinder | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2008 | Strength of polycrystalline coarse-grained platinum to 330 GPa and of nanocrystalline platinum to 70 GPa from high-pressure x-ray diffraction data | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2008 | Temperature dependence of the E-2h phonon mode of wurtzite GaN/AlN quantum dots | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2008 | The giant anisotropic magnetocaloric effect in DyAl2 | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2008 | Time evolution of activity concentration of natural emitters in a scenario affected by previous phosphogypsum contamination | NATURAL RADIATION ENVIRONMENT |
Artículo | 2007 | A constant magnetocaloric response in FeMoCuB amorphous alloys with different Fe/B ratios | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2007 | A dynamic density functional theory for particles in a flowing solvent | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2007 | Analysis of ICRF-accelerated ions in ASDEX upgrade | RADIO FREQUENCY POWER IN PLASMAS |
Artículo | 2007 | Analytical behavior of two-dimensional incompressible flow in porous media | JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2007 | Approaches to dealing with high-sized polynuclear systems with ab initio methods | COMPUTATION IN MODERN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING VOL 2, PTS A AND B |
Ponencia | 2007 | Astrophysical S-factors for the p+16O and n+16O captures from the analysis of 16O(d,n)17F and 16O(d,p)17O transfer reactions | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Artículo | 2007 | Binding energies and medium polarization effects | PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI |
Artículo | 2007 | Bubbling in a co-flow at high Reynolds numbers | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2007 | Coalescence aspects of III-nitride epitaxy | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2007 | Compositional dependence of the elastic constants of dilute GaAs1-xNx alloys | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2007 | Configuration of the misfit dislocation networks in uncapped and capped InN quantum dots | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2007 | Control of two-phase flow in a microfluidic system using ac electric fields | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2007 | Correlation between Mn oxidation state and magnetic behavior in Mn/ZnO multilayers prepared by sputtering | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2007 | Cubic InN growth on sapphire (0001) using cubic indium oxide as buffer layer | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2007 | Enhanced backward wave propagation in evanescent waveguides loaded with split ring resonators | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2007 | Enhanced magnetocaloric response in Cr/Mo containing Nanoperm-type amorphous alloys | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Ponencia | 2007 | Forced synchronization of a quantum dissipative dynamics | NOISE AND FLUCTUATIONS |
Artículo | 2007 | Incorporation of sb in InAs/GaAs quantum dots | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2007 | Information-theoretic measures of hyperspherical harmonic | JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2007 | Interaction of oxygen with TiN(001): N <-> O exchange and oxidation process | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2007 | Isotropic frequency selective surfaces made of cubic resonators | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2007 | Joule heating as a technique for obtaining uncoupled soft and hard magnetic phases in a Finemet alloy | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2007 | Liquid methanol Monte Carlo simulations with a refined potential which includes polarizability, nonadditivity, and intramolecular relaxation | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2007 | Magnetic vortex filament flows | JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2007 | Magnetocaloric effect in Mn-containing Hitperm-type alloys | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2007 | Massless particles in three-dimensional Lorentzian warped products | JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2007 | Measurement of the neutron induced fission cross section on transuranic (TRU) elements at the n_TOF facility at CERN | VII LATIN AMERICAN SYMPOSIUM ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS AND APPLICATIONS |
Ponencia | 2007 | Measurements of neutron capture cross-sections at n_TOF | VI LATIN AMERICAN SYMPOSIUM ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS AND APPLICATIONS |
Artículo | 2007 | Microscopic and macroscopic dielectric description of mixed oxide thin films | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2007 | Novel instrument to characterize dry granular materials at low consolidations | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Ponencia | 2007 | On the nonextensive character of some magnetic systems | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Ponencia | 2007 | On the nonextensive character of some magnetic systems | COMPLEXITY, METASTABILITY AND NONEXTENSIVITY |
Artículo | 2007 | Optimized end station and operating protocols for reflection extended x-ray absorption fine structure (ReflEXAFS) investigations of surface structure at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility beamline BM29 | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Ponencia | 2007 | Prediction of ductile failure in the stretch-forming of AA2024 sheets | NUMIFORM '07: MATERIALS PROCESSING AND DESIGN: MODELING, SIMULATION AND APPLICATIONS, PTS I AND II |
Ponencia | 2007 | Search for two-proton radioactivity of 19Mg in a tracking experiment | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Artículo | 2007 | Self-assembly of semifluorinated n-alkanethiols on {111}-oriented Au investigated with scanning tunneling microscopy experiment and theory | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2007 | Size and shape of supported zirconia nanoparticles determined by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2007 | Superscaling analyses of inclusive electron scattering and their extension to charge-changing neutrino cross sections in nuclei | SIX INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE BALKAN PHYSICAL UNION |
Ponencia | 2007 | The aquation of Po(IV): A quantum chemical study | COMPUTATION IN MODERN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING VOL 2, PTS A AND B |
Artículo | 2007 | The magnetocaloric effect in soft magnetic amorphous alloys | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2007 | Theory of capillary-induced interactions beyond the superposition approximation | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2007 | Two-dimensional electromagnetic model of a microwave plasma reactor operated by an axial injection torch | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2006 | A convenient decontraction procedure of internally contracted state-specific multireference algorithms | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2006 | A Finemet-type alloy as a low-cost candidate for high-temperature magnetic refrigeration | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2006 | A view of the implanted SiC damage by Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy, spectroscopic ellipsometry, and transmission electron microscopy | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2006 | Accurate circuit analysis of resonant-type left handed transmission lines with inter-resonator coupling | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Editorial | 2006 | Comment on "Breakup length of forced liquid jets" [Phys. Fluids 15, 2469 (2003)] | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2006 | Crystallization behavior and magnetic properties of Cu-containing Fe-Cr-Mo-Ga-P-C-B alloys | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2006 | Effect of dislocations on electrical and electron transport properties of InN thin films. I. Strain relief and formation of a dislocation network | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2006 | Effect of dislocations on electrical and electron transport properties of InN thin films. II. Density and mobility of the carriers | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2006 | Elastic properties of the bcc structure of bismuth at high pressure | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2006 | Electrically small isotropic three-dimensional magnetic resonators for metamaterial design | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2006 | Electroinductive waves in chains of complementary metamaterial elements | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2006 | Field dependence of the magnetocaloric effect in materials with a second order phase transition: A master curve for the magnetic entropy change | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2006 | Fisher information of D-dimensional hydrogenic systems in position and momentum spaces | JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2006 | Four-body multiple-scattering expansion of the total transition amplitude-MST | PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI |
Artículo | 2006 | Freezing of hard spheres confined in narrow cylindrical pores | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2006 | Implications of 151Sm(n,γ) cross section at n_TOF | FRONTIERS IN NUCLEAR STRUCTURE ASTROPHYSICS, AND REACTIONS: FINUSTAR |
Artículo | 2006 | Influence of Co addition on the magnetocaloric effect of FeCoSiAlGaPCB amorphous alloys | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2006 | Influence of layer microstructure on the double nucleation process in Cu/Mg multilayers | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2006 | Instability of an interface between air and a low conducting liquid subjected to charge injection | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2006 | Liquid-gas separation in colloidal electrolytes | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2006 | Measurement of La-139(n,gamma) cross section at n_TOF | FRONTIERS IN NUCLEAR STRUCTURE ASTROPHYSICS, AND REACTIONS: FINUSTAR |
Artículo | 2006 | Measuring the electron temperature by optical emission spectroscopy in two temperature plasmas at atmospheric pressure: A critical approach | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2006 | Misfit relaxation of InN quantum dots: Effect of the GaN capping layer | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2006 | N doping of TiO2(110): Photoemission and density-functional studies | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2006 | Near-field imaging in the megahertz range by strongly coupled magnetoinductive surfaces: Experiment and ab initio analysis | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2006 | On the development of three-dimensional vortex breakdown in cylindrical regions | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2006 | Periodical forcing for the control of chaos in a chemical reaction | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2006 | Probing 6He structure from proton inelastic collisions | FRONTIERS IN NUCLEAR STRUCTURE ASTROPHYSICS, AND REACTIONS: FINUSTAR |
Artículo | 2006 | Refrigerant capacity of FeCrMoCuGaPCB amorphous alloys | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2006 | Shell gap reduction in exotic n=17 nuclei | FRONTIERS IN NUCLEAR STRUCTURE ASTROPHYSICS, AND REACTIONS: FINUSTAR |
Artículo | 2006 | Soliton ratchets in homogeneous nonlinear Klein-Gordon systems | CHAOS |
Artículo | 2006 | The constrained space orbital variation analysis for periodic ab initio calculations | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2006 | The hydration of Cu2+: Can the Jahn-Teller effect be detected in liquid solution? | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2006 | The influence of Co addition on the magnetocaloric effect of Nanoperm-type amorphous alloys | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2006 | Theory of three-dimensional subdiffraction imaging | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2005 | A note on the small oscillation regimes of rotating liquid bridges: Transition from surface to internal wave modes | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2005 | A novel orientation-dependent potential model for prolate mesogens | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2005 | A targeted reweighting method for accelerating the exploration of high-dimensional configuration space | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2005 | Brillouin spectroscopy and elastic properties of the nucleation and growth faces of synthetic diamond films | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2005 | Density functional theory study of the nematic-isotropic transition in an hybrid cell | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2005 | Detection of the onset of nanocrystallization by calorimetric and magnetic measurements | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2005 | Effect of deposition temperature on surface acoustic wave velocity of aluminum nitride films determined by Brillouin spectroscopy | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2005 | Effect of stress and/or field annealing on the magnetic behavior of the (Co77Si13.5B9.5)(90)Fe7Nb3 amorphous alloy | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2005 | Enhanced liquid atomization: From flow-focusing to flow-blurring | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Ponencia | 2005 | High-resolution study of 237Np fission cross section from 5 eV to 1 MeV | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUCLEAR DATA FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1 AND 2 |
Artículo | 2005 | Inhomogeneous multiscale dynamics in harmonic lattices | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2005 | Interaction potentials from periodic density-functional theory calculations: molecular-dynamics simulations of Au clusters deposited on the TiN (001) surface | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2005 | Is the optical model valid for the scattering of exotic nuclei? | REACTION MECHANISMS FOR RARE ISOTOPE BEAMS |
Artículo | 2005 | Linear stability analysis of axisymmetric perturbations in imperfectly conducting liquid jets | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Ponencia | 2005 | Measurement of capture cross sections of 90,91,92,94,96Zr isotopes at n_TOF | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUCLEAR DATA FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1 AND 2 |
Ponencia | 2005 | Measurement of the 232Th neutron capture cross section at the CERN n_TOF facility | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUCLEAR DATA FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1 AND 2 |
Ponencia | 2005 | Measurements at n_TOF of the neutron capture cross section of minor actinides relevant to the nuclear waste transmutation | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUCLEAR DATA FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1 AND 2 |
Artículo | 2005 | Mechanical behavior and oxidation resistance of Cr(Al)N coatings | JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A-VACUUM SURFACES AND FILMS |
Artículo | 2005 | Near-field enhanced imaging by a magnetized ferrite slab | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Ponencia | 2005 | Neutron capture cross sections for the Re/Os clock | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUCLEAR DATA FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1 AND 2 |
Ponencia | 2005 | New measurement of the capture cross section of bismuth and lead isotopes | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUCLEAR DATA FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1 AND 2 |
Ponencia | 2005 | Non-extensivity of inhomogeneous magnetic systems | COMPLEXITY, METASTABILITY AND NONEXTENSIVITY |
Artículo | 2005 | Nucleation of InN quantum dots on GaN by metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2005 | On the resonances and polarizabilities of split ring resonators | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2005 | Planar magnetoinductive lens for three-dimensional subwavelength imaging | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2005 | Pumping of liquids with traveling-wave electroosmosis | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2005 | Quantification of the H content in diamondlike carbon and polymeric thin films by reflection electron energy loss spectroscopy | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2005 | Reduction of the internal electric field in wurtzite a-plane GaN self-assembled quantum dots | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2005 | Stochastic resonance: Theory and numerics | CHAOS |
Artículo | 2005 | Tailored synthesis of TiC/a-C nanocomposite tribological coatings | JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A-VACUUM SURFACES AND FILMS |
Artículo | 2005 | The Gauss-Landau-Hall problem on Riemannian surfaces | JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2005 | The n_TOF facility at CERN: Performances and first physics results | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUCLEAR DATA FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, PTS 1 AND 2 |
Artículo | 2005 | Thermal inequilibrium of atmospheric helium microwave plasma produced by an axial injection torch | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2005 | Transition from bubbling to jetting in a coaxial air-water jet | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Ponencia | 2005 | Understanding low energy reaction with exotic nuclei | Nuclei at the Limits |
Artículo | 2005 | Unfaulting of dislocation loops in the GaInNAs alloy: An estimation of the stacking fault energy | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2004 | A cellular automaton for the modeling of oscillations in a surface reaction | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2004 | A new device for the generation of microbubbles | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2004 | Chemical reaction-driven tip-streaming phenomena in a pendant drop | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2004 | Coarsening of monodisperse wet microfoams | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2004 | Collisional radiative model of an argon atmospheric capillary surface-wave discharge | PHYSICS OF PLASMAS |
Artículo | 2004 | Comment on "The effects of electric field on the electronic structure of a semiconductor quantum dot" [J. Appl. Phys. 84, 1454 (1998)] | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2004 | Computer simulations of localized small polarons in amorphous polyethylene | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2004 | Critical points in the Interacting Boson Model | NUCLEAR PHYSICS, LARGE AND SMALL |
Artículo | 2004 | Field-tuned magnetocaloric effect in metamagnetic manganite system | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Ponencia | 2004 | Impedance spectroscopy of human blood | MEDICAL PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2004 | Low-temperature specific heat and brillouin scattering measurements on hydrogen-bonded glasses | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Ponencia | 2004 | Low-temperature specific heat and Brillouin scattering measurements on hydrogen-bonded glasses | SLOW DYNAMICS IN COMPLEX SYSTEMS |
Ponencia | 2004 | Mean field and beyond in nuclei far from stability lines | PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI |
Artículo | 2004 | Mossbauer study of FeCoSiAlGaPCB amorphous alloys | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2004 | Nonparallel linear stability analysis of unconfined vortices | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2004 | Nonparallel local spatial stability analysis of pipe entrance swirling flows | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2004 | Oxygen vacancies on TiO2 (110) from first principles calculations | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2004 | Planar magnetoinductive wave transducers: Theory and applications | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Ponencia | 2004 | Probing additional dimensions in the universe with neutron experiments | NUCLEAR PHYSICS, LARGE AND SMALL |
Artículo | 2004 | Reforming of ethanol in a microwave surface-wave plasma discharge | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2004 | Room temperature synthesis of porous SiO2 thin films by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition | JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A-VACUUM SURFACES AND FILMS |
Artículo | 2004 | Study of the stabilization energies of halide-water clusters: An application of first-principles interaction potentials based on a polarizable and flexible model | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2004 | The moduli space of three-qutrit states | JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS |
Editorial | 2003 | Comment on "Electromagnetic resonances in individual and coupled split-ring resonators" [J. Appl. Phys. 92, 2929 (2002)] | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2003 | Control of vortex breakdown by temperature gradients | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2003 | Electronic transport in disordered n-alkanes: from fluid methane to amorphous polyethylene | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2003 | Interplay of computer simulations and x-ray absorption spectra in the study of the bromide hydration structure | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2003 | On the estimate of the stochastic layer width for a model of tracer dynamics | CHAOS |
Artículo | 2003 | On the halide hydration study: Development of first-principles halide ion-water interaction potential based on a polarizable model | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2003 | Oxygenated polymeric thin films deposited from toluene and oxygen by remote plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition | JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A-VACUUM SURFACES AND FILMS |
Artículo | 2003 | Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition of SiO2 from a Si(CH3)(3)Cl precursor and mixtures Ar/O-2 as plasma gas | JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A-VACUUM SURFACES AND FILMS |
Ponencia | 2003 | Quadrupole collectivity of neutron-rich light nuclei | FRONTIERS OF NUCLEAR STRUCTURE |
Artículo | 2003 | Soft magnetic properties of high-temperature nanocrystalline alloys: Permeability and magnetoimpedance | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2003 | Split ring resonator-based left-handed coplanar waveguide | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2003 | Stability analysis of conducting jets under ac radial electric fields for arbitrary viscosity | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Ponencia | 2003 | Tensor analysing powers for Li-7 induced transfer breakup reactions | SPIN 2002 |
Artículo | 2003 | The role of different reorganization energies within the Zusman theory of electron transfer | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2003 | Transmission and reflection of A0 mode Lamb wave in a plate overlap | REVIEW OF PROGRESS IN QUANTITATIVE NONDESTRUCTIVE EVALUATION, VOLS 22A AND 22B |
Artículo | 2003 | Vortex breakdown in compressible flows in pipes | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2002 | Amorphous structures of Cu, Ag, and Au nanoclusters from first principles calculations | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2002 | Analysis of the magnetic coupling in binuclear complexes. I. Physics of the coupling | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2002 | Analysis of the magnetic coupling in binuclear complexes. II. Derivation of valence effective Hamiltonians from ab initio CI and DFT calculations | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Revisión | 2002 | Development of first-principles interaction model potentials. An application to the study of the bromide hydration | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2002 | Direct generation of local orbitals for multireference treatment and subsequent uses for the calculation of the correlation energy | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2002 | Erratum: Monte Carlo study of liquid crystal phases of hard and soft spherocylinders | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2002 | Extending the polarizable continuum model to effective ab initio pair potentials in multicomponent solutions: A test on calcium-water and calcium-ammonia potentials | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2002 | Gas temperature equation in a high-frequency argon plasma column at low pressures | PHYSICS OF PLASMAS |
Artículo | 2002 | Glass-forming ability and crystallization behavior of Co62-xFexNb6Zr2B30 (x=0,16) amorphous alloys with large supercooled liquid region | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2002 | Glass-forming ability and soft magnetic properties of FeCoSiAlGaPCB amorphous alloys | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2002 | Hypersonic characterization of sound propagation velocity in AlxGa1-xN thin films | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2002 | Instability in a non-ohmic/ohmic fluid interface under a perpendicular electric field and unipolar injection | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Ponencia | 2002 | Lamb wave scattering by defects: A hybrid boundary element-finite element formulation | REVIEW OF PROGRESS IN QUANTITATIVE NONDESTRUCTIVE EVALUATION, VOLS 21A & B |
Artículo | 2002 | Monte Carlo study of liquid crystal phases of hard and soft spherocylinders | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2002 | Mössbauer study of FeCoNbBCu hitperm-type alloys | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Ponencia | 2002 | Nuclear field theory description of the three-body system 11 Li | AIP Conference Proceedings |
Artículo | 2002 | Preferential solvation of Ca2+ in aqueous solutions containing ammonia: A molecular dynamics study | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 2002 | Signatures of relativistic nuclear dynamics in (e,e ' p) reactions | NUCLEAR PHYSICS IN THE 21ST CENTURY |
Artículo | 2002 | Surface model and exchange-correlation functional effects on the description of Pd/alpha-Al2O3(0001) | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2002 | The effect of the diameter ratio on the absolute and convective instability of free coflowing jets | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Ponencia | 2002 | Theory and applications beyond mean field with effective forces | NUCLEAR PHYSICS IN THE 21ST CENTURY |
Artículo | 2002 | Transient effects in the signaling problem | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2001 | Chemical stability of Sin+ species in SiOx (x < 2) thin films | JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A-VACUUM SURFACES AND FILMS |
Artículo | 2001 | Dipole-dipole interaction in superparamagnetic nanocrystalline Fe(63.5)Cr(10)Si(13.5)B(9)Cu(1)Nb(3) | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2001 | Monodisperse microbubbling: Absolute instabilities in coflowing gas-liquid jets | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2001 | Plastic deformation at high temperatures of pure and Mn-doped GaSb | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2001 | The Rys quadrature revisited: A novel formulation for the efficient computation of electron repulsion integrals over Gaussian functions | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2001 | Thermomagnetic detection of recrystallization in FeCoNbBCu nanocrystalline alloys | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 2001 | Wavelength selection of fingering instability inside Hele-Shaw cells | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Ponencia | 2000 | [formula omitted] nuclear magnetic resonance in the metamagnetic system [formula omitted] | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2000 | Ab initio group model potentials including electron correlation effects | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2000 | Accurate ab initio determination of magnetic interactions and hopping integrals in La2-xSrxCuO4 systems | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2000 | An automated apparatus for measuring the tensile strength and compressibility of fine cohesive powders | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2000 | Coupling a polarizable water model to the hydrated ion-water interaction potential: A test on the Cr3+ hydration | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2000 | Dynamics of electrohydrodynamic laminar plumes: Scaling analysis and integral model | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2000 | Iron oxide thin films prepared by ion beam induced chemical vapor deposition: Structural characterization by infrared spectroscopy | JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A-VACUUM SURFACES AND FILMS |
Artículo | 2000 | New features of swirling jets | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2000 | Precise and direct determination of the elastic constants of a cylinder with a length equal to its diameter | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 2000 | Relaxation in charge-transfer systems with very large tunnel splitting: A semiclassical stochastic approach | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2000 | Self-diffusion in freely evolving granular gases | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 2000 | Solvation in binary mixtures of dipolar hard sphere solvents: Theory and simulations | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2000 | Spatial and angle distribution of internal stresses in nano- and microstructured chemical vapor deposited diamond as revealed by Brillouin spectroscopy | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 2000 | The effect of inhomogeneous broadening on optical strong field spectroscopy | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1999 | Coulomb-driven flow of a dielectric liquid subject to charge injection by a sharp electrode | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 1999 | Decay of metastable states: Mean relaxation time formulation | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1999 | Dependence of exchange anisotropy and coercivity on the Fe-oxide structure in oxygen-passivated Fe nanoparticles | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1999 | Elastic properties by Brillouin spectroscopy of sol-gel (Pb,Ca)TiO3 films | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1999 | Experimental evidence of compositional mixture in CdTeO films grown by radio-frequency sputtering | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 1999 | Ion beam analysis techniques in interdisciplinary applications | EXPERIMENTAL NUCLEAR PHYSICS IN EUROPE |
Artículo | 1999 | Magnetic anisotropy obtained from demagnetization curves: Influence of particle orientation and interactions | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Ponencia | 1999 | Quasielastic scattering from relativistic bound nucleons: R-TL response | EXPERIMENTAL NUCLEAR PHYSICS IN EUROPE |
Artículo | 1999 | Reorganization energies for charge transfer reactions in binary mixtures of dipolar hard sphere solvents: A Monte Carlo study | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1999 | Shape and size of simple cations in aqueous solutions: A theoretical reexamination of the hydrated ion via computer simulations | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Ponencia | 1999 | Shape changes induced by quasiparticle alignment | EXPERIMENTAL NUCLEAR PHYSICS IN EUROPE |
Artículo | 1999 | Strong external field effects on electronic dephasing of molecular transitions in condensed media | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1999 | The effect of a strong external field on the electronic dephasing of a solute that is strongly coupled to a solvent | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1999 | Thermal separation in near-axis boundary layers with intense swirl | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 1999 | Thermally driven escape over a barrier of arbitrary shape | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1998 | A molecular dynamics study of the Cr3+ hydration based on a fully flexible hydrated ion model | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1998 | Effect of dipolar interactions on the phase behavior of the gay-berne liquid crystal model | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1998 | Effect of the Si/B ratio on the magnetic anisotropy distribution of Fe73.5Si22.5-xBxCu1Nb3 (x = 7, 9, 16) alloys along nanocrystallization | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1998 | Evidence of spin disorder at the surface-core interface of oxygen passivated Fe nanoparticles | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1998 | Influence of the interaction on oscillatory behavior in a surface reaction model | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1998 | Instability and spatial correlations in a dilute granular gas | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 1998 | Molecular dynamics simulations of the MgO(001) surface hydroxylation | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Letter | 1998 | Response to "Comment on 'Examining the influence of the [Zn(H2O)(6)](2+) geometry change on the Monte Carlo simulations of Zn2+ in water'" | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1998 | Spatial correlations in dilute granular flows: A kinetic model study | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 1998 | Stability analysis of a Taylor-Couette flow of insulating fluid subjected to radial unipolar injection of charge | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 1997 | Destabilization of plane Poiseuille flow of insulating liquids by unipolar charge injection | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 1997 | Electrocapillary instability in annular geometry | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 1997 | First order transitions by conduction calorimetry: Application to deuterated potassium dihydrogen phosphate ferroelastic crystal under uniaxial pressure | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1997 | Influence of the microstructure on the macroscopic elastic and optical properties of dried sonogels: A Brillouin spectroscopic study | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1997 | Parametric instability of dielectric, slightly viscous liquid jets under ac electric fields | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 1997 | The Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer approach to electron correlation in the density matrix formalism | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1996 | Autocalibrating quasistatic M-H hysteresis loop tracer with negligible drift | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 1996 | Brillouin spectroscopy on dried sonogels | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 1996 | Brillouin spectroscopy on dried sonogels | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS |
Artículo | 1996 | Effect of viscosity on the stability of an interface subjected to high-frequency magnetic fields | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 1996 | Examining the influence of the [Zn(H2O)(6)](2+) geometry change on the Monte Carlo simulations of Zn2+ in water | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1996 | Ion beam induced chemical vapor deposition procedure for the preparation of oxide thin films .2. Preparation and characterization of AlxTiyOz thin films | JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A-VACUUM SURFACES AND FILMS |
Artículo | 1996 | One-dimensional models for slender axisymmetric viscous liquid bridges | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 1996 | Thermal and electrohydrodynamic plumes. A comparative study | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 1995 | A simplified hydrokinetic model for a steady-state microwave-discharge sustained by traveling waves at atmospheric-pressure conditions | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1995 | Compact model potentials for ab-initio embedded-cluster calculations .1. Basic formulation | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1995 | Computer simulation of vapor-liquid equilibria of linear dipolar fluids: departure from the principle of corresponding states | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1995 | Contribution of the x-ray-absorption spectroscopy to study tio2 thin-films prepared by ion-beam-induced chemical-vapor-deposition | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1995 | Experimental device for measuring the influence of a uniaxial-stress on specific-heat: Application to the strontium-titanate ferroelastic crystal | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 1995 | On the stability conditions of a stationary argon plasma at atmospheric-pressure conditions | PHYSICS OF PLASMAS |
Ponencia | 1995 | On the use of baryon mappings to derive nuclei from quarks | CAM-94 PHYSICS MEETING |
Artículo | 1995 | Role of low-lying isoscalar dipole modes in the polarization potential | PHYSICS OF ATOMIC NUCLEI |
Artículo | 1995 | Unrestricted compact model potentials for ab-initio embedded-cluster calculations - magnetic-interactions in knif3 | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1994 | Bifurcation diagrams of axisymmetrical liquid bridges subjected to axial electric-fields | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 1994 | Computer simulation of vapor-liquid equilibria of linear quadrupolar fluids. Departures from the principle of corresponding states | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Nota | 1994 | Experiments on dielectric liquid bridges subjected to axial electric-fields | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Nota | 1994 | Liquid exafs cells for measurements in transmission and fluorescence mode of corrosive samples | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 1994 | One-dimensional models for slender axisymmetrical viscous-liquid jets | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 1994 | The primitive model of ionic fluids near its critical-point in the poisson-boltzmann and modified poisson-boltzmann theories | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1994 | Vapor-liquid and liquid-liquid phase-equilibria of mixtures containing square-well molecules by Gibbs ensemble Monte-Carlo simulation | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1993 | Ab-initio group model potentials - application to the study of intermolecular interactions | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1993 | Control of proton-transfer reactions with external fields | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1993 | Far from equilibrium phase-transitions in competitive adsorption: Dimension and closure approximation | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1993 | Mixing effects in ceo2/tio2 and ceo2/sio2 systems submitted to ar+ sputtering | JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A-VACUUM SURFACES AND FILMS |
Artículo | 1993 | Topological properties of supercooled polymeric liquid | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1992 | Collective excitations in liquid methanol: A comparison of molecular, lattice-dynamics, and neutron-scattering results | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Nota | 1992 | Interfacial electrohydrodynamic instability - The kath and hoburg model revisited | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS A-FLUID DYNAMICS |
Artículo | 1992 | Monte-Carlo simulation of a surface-reaction model with local interaction | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1992 | Phase equilibria and critical behavior of square-well fluids of variable width by gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo simulation | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1992 | The dynamics of small, heavy, rigid spherical particles in a periodic Stuart vortex flow | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS A-FLUID DYNAMICS |
Artículo | 1991 | Competitive adsorption of 2 species: Doublet closure approximation and simulation | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1991 | High-reynolds-number thermocapillary flows in shallow enclosures | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS A-FLUID DYNAMICS |
Artículo | 1991 | The dynamics and mixing of small spherical-particles in a plane, free shear-layer | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS A-FLUID DYNAMICS |
Artículo | 1991 | Viscous effects on the free-surface deformation in thermocapillary flows | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS A-FLUID DYNAMICS |
Artículo | 1990 | A theoretical-analysis of nuclear-magnetic-resonance experiments on proton-transfer in benzoic-acid crystals | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1990 | Frequency-dependent hyperpolarizabilities with application to formaldehyde and methyl-fluoride | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1990 | Imaging of biomolecules with the scanning tunneling microscope - problems and prospects | JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A-VACUUM SURFACES AND FILMS |
Artículo | 1990 | Multistability of steady-states in competitive adsorption of 2 species | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1990 | On the effects of solvent and intermolecular fluctuations in proton-transfer reactions | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Nota | 1990 | The effect of an axial electric-field on the stability of a rotating dielectric cylindrical liquid bridge | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS A-FLUID DYNAMICS |
Artículo | 1989 | A kinetic-model for a multicomponent gas | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS A-FLUID DYNAMICS |
Artículo | 1989 | Experimental-study of the ionization front in pulsed-surface-wave-produced plasmas | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1989 | Solvent dynamical effects on nonadiabatic electron-transfer reactions at low-temperature | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1989 | Solvent effects on proton-transfer reactions | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1988 | Reexamination of recent experimental results in surface-wave-produced argon plasmas at 2.45 ghz - comparison with the diffusion-recombination model results | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1988 | The transition from nonadiabatic to solvent controlled adiabatic electron-transfer kinetics - The role of quantum and solvent dynamics | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Letter | 1987 | An exact expression for the average value of the population governed by the stochastic verhulst equation - comment | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1987 | Fluctuations and correlations in molecular dynamics calculations at the coexistence of two phases | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1987 | Interspecies transfer of momentum and energy in disparate-mass gas-mixtures | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 1987 | Transmission coefficients in anharmonic symmetrical potentials | JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS |
Letter | 1986 | A generalized bkw solution of the nonlinear boltzmann-equation with removal - comment | PHYSICS OF FLUIDS |
Artículo | 1985 | Electrode-holding devices with an incorporated contact pressure regulating system, designed for the switching effect in amorphous materials | REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS |
Artículo | 1985 | On the critical-behavior of the Percus-Yevick equation for nontruncated potentials | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1984 | A molecular-dynamics study of the overpopulation phenomena in a two-region system | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Letter | 1983 | About the numerical-solution of the percus-yevick equation in the critical region for nontruncated potentials | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1983 | Long-time behavior of the Burnett transport-coefficients | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1983 | The structure and thermodynamics of a solid-fluid interface. II. | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1982 | Computer studies of brownian-motion in a lennard-jones fluid - the stokes-law | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1982 | Kinetic-model for desorption of paired adatoms | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1982 | The critical region in the percus-yevick approximation - a numerical study for a Lennard-Jones potential | JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS |
Artículo | 1981 | Grain boundary potential determination in polycrystalline silicon by the scanning light spot technique | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS |