Búsqueda de Publicación - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría

Publicaciones de la editorial SPRINGER HEIDELBERG

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2025Cardinality and IOD-type continuity of pullback attractors for random nonlocal equations on unbounded domainsMATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN
Artículo2025Porosity effect on the thermal conductivity of sintered powder materialsAPPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING
Artículo2025Upper Semicontinuity of Strong Pullback Attractors for Delay Non-autonomous Dynamical Systems and Application to Double Time-delayed 2D MHD EquationsFrontiers of Mathematics
Revisión2024A clinical practice guideline for the management of the foot and ankle in rheumatoid arthritisRHEUMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL
Artículo2024A lightweight xAI approach to cervical cancer classificationMEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING
Artículo2024A new model for counterfactual analysis for functional dataAdvances in Data Analysis and Classification
Artículo2024A Paley–Wiener Theorem for the Mehler–Fock TransformCOMPUTATIONAL METHODS AND FUNCTION THEORY
Artículo2024Adaptive anti-predatory responses of European rabbits exposed to different predation pressureMAMMALIAN BIOLOGY
Artículo2024Affine fractional Lp Sobolev inequalitiesMATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN
Artículo2024Alemtuzumab induces severe orbitopathy in relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosisJOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY
Artículo2024An arbitrary waveform neurostimulator for preclinical studies: design and verificationMEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING
Artículo2024An in silico approach to elucidate the pathways leading to primary osteoporosis: age-related vs. postmenopausalBIOMECHANICS AND MODELING IN MECHANOBIOLOGY
Artículo2024Analyzing the dynamics of forest fires in Málaga province: assessing the interplay of vegetation and human influence on regional hazard trends over three decadesEURO-MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL FOR ENVIRONMENTAL INTEGRATION
Artículo2024Batch studies on the biodegradation of paracetamol and 1,4-hydroquinone by novel bacterial strains isolated from extreme environmental samples and the identification of candidate catabolic genesApplied Water Science
Artículo2024Beyond digital transformation: a multi-mixed methods study on big data analytics capabilities and innovation in enhancing organizational performanceREVIEW OF MANAGERIAL SCIENCE
Artículo2024Catalyzing success in equity crowdfunding: trust-building strategies through signalingREVIEW OF MANAGERIAL SCIENCE
Artículo2024Changes in over-winter prey availability, rather than winter climate, are associated with a long-term decline in a northern Tawny Owl populationJOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY
Artículo2024Characterization of the Hyperbolic Step of Parabolic FunctionsCOMPUTATIONAL METHODS AND FUNCTION THEORY
Artículo2024Classification of multivariate count data with multivariate log-linear conditional Poisson distributionAdvances in Data Analysis and Classification
Artículo2024Clays-based geopolymers: a sustainable application as adsorbent of cytostatic drugs for water purificationApplied Water Science
Artículo2024Clinical presentation and antimicrobial resistance of invasive Escherichia coli disease in hospitalized older adults: a prospective multinational observational studyINFECTION
Artículo2024Comparative life cycle assessment of traditional timber jack arch slab refurbishment solutions: Eco-efficient proposal versus conventional onesINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT
Artículo2024Comparative study of postpartum sexual function: Second-degree tears versus episiotomy outcomesARCHIVES OF GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS
Artículo2024Constrained many-to-many point matching in two dimensionsOPTIMIZATION LETTERS
Artículo2024Contributions to the characterization of the Schema using APOS theory: Graphing with derivativeZDM - Mathematics Education
Corrección2024Correction to: Contributions to the characterization of the Schema using APOS theory: Graphing with derivative (ZDM – Mathematics Education, (2024), 10.1007/s11858-024-01615-6)ZDM - Mathematics Education
Corrección2024Correction to: Date palm petiole–derived biochar: effect of pyrolysis temperature and adsorption properties of hazardous cationic dye from water (Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, (2022), 10.1007/s13399-022-03127-3)Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery
Corrección2024Correction: Navigating the storm: how managers’ decisions shape companies in crisis(Review of Managerial Science, 10.1007/s11846-024-00801-w)REVIEW OF MANAGERIAL SCIENCE
Artículo2024Date palm petiole-derived biochar: effect of pyrolysis temperature and adsorption properties of hazardous cationic dye from waterBiomass Conversion and Biorefinery
Artículo2024Dimensionality reduction through clustering of variables and canonical correlationJOURNAL OF THE KOREAN STATISTICAL SOCIETY
Artículo2024Distribution of 210Po in the trophic levels of a brackish lagoon in UruguayENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Revisión2024Diverticulitis, surgery, evidence-based medicine, and the Steve Jobs’ dots: a narrative reviewEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TRAUMA AND EMERGENCY SURGERY
Revisión2024Do women board members contribute to companies' superior environmental performance? A literature reviewREVIEW OF MANAGERIAL SCIENCE
Artículo2024Does seasonality of feedstock affect anaerobic digestion?Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery
Artículo2024Efficacy and safety of colistin plus beta-lactams for bone and joint infection caused by fluoroquinolone-resistant gram-negative bacilli: a prospective multicenter studyINFECTION
Artículo2024Elective full pulpotomy in mature permanent teeth diagnosed with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis: a two years retrospective studyCLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS
Artículo2024Epidemiological and clinical characterization of community, healthcare-associated and nosocomial colonization and infection due to carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli in SpainINFECTION
Corrección2024Erratum: Correction: Need for ICU and outcome of critically ill patients with COVID-19 and haematological malignancies: results from the EPICOVIDEHA survey (Infection (2024) 52 3 (1125-1141))INFECTION
Artículo2024Evolutionary game theory-based finite element model updating of a moveable cable-stayed footbridgeJournal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring
Artículo2024Experimental investigation of direct saline water application for effective biorefinery from newly isolated freshwater microalgaeBiomass Conversion and Biorefinery
Artículo2024Exploring the longitudinal course of motor dexterity in first-episode psychosis: a 10-year follow-up.EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE
Artículo2024Expression of human RECQL5 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae causes transcription defects and transcription-associated genome instabilityMOLECULAR GENETICS AND GENOMICS
Artículo2024Genetic features of BEL-1-producing and KPC-2-producing E. coli from hospital wastewater: human source or sewages adaptationENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2024Identification of microplane coefficients to reproduce the behaviour of ultrafine blast-furnace slag binder grout samplesArabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Artículo2024Identification of Neolithic diet by the morphology of the starch grains of dental calculus found in the Dehesilla Cave (Cadiz - South of the Iberian Peninsula)ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES
Artículo2024Impact of D-Limonene in the technical and economic feasibility of the anaerobic digestion applied in biorefineriesBiomass Conversion and Biorefinery
Artículo2024Impact of face swapping and data augmentation on sign language recognitionUNIVERSAL ACCESS IN THE INFORMATION SOCIETY
Artículo2024Insights into the physicochemical properties of Sugar Scum as a sustainable biosorbent derived from sugar refinery waste for efficient cationic dye removalBiomass Conversion and Biorefinery
Artículo2024Integrating remote sensing, GIS-based, and AHP techniques to delineate groundwater potential zones in the Moulouya Basin, North-East MoroccoApplied Water Science
Artículo2024Is it healthy urban agriculture? Human exposure to potentially toxic elements in urban gardens from Andalusia, Spain.ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2024Linking financial ecosystem and the growth of young SMEs: evidence from Spanish regionsREVIEW OF MANAGERIAL SCIENCE
Artículo2024Mathematical naming and explaining in teaching talk: Noticing work with two groups of mathematics teachersZDM - Mathematics Education
Artículo2024Mercury (II) compound with a quaternary phosphonium: X-ray structure, Hirshfeld surface analysis, optical band gap, and dielectric propertiesIONICS
Artículo2024Microcystin-degrading bacteria reduce bioaccumulation in Fragaria vulgaris and enhance fruit yield and qualityENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2024Navigating the storm: how managers' decisions shape companies in crisisREVIEW OF MANAGERIAL SCIENCE
Artículo2024Need for ICU and outcome of critically ill patients with COVID-19 and haematological malignancies: results from the EPICOVIDEHA surveyINFECTION
Artículo2024New challenges in European innovation partnerships: SOEs, POEs and foreign MNEs during crisesEURASIAN BUSINESS REVIEW
Artículo2024On the new solution to interval linear fractional programming problemsEvolutionary Intelligence
Artículo2024Organo magadiites for diclofenac adsorption: influence of the surfactant chainENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2024Parenting Competences Among Migrant Families Living at Psychosocial Risk in SpainJournal of International Migration and Integration
Artículo2024Performance and kinetic evaluation of the anaerobic digestion of olive pomace derived from a novel manufacturing process based on an olive cold-pressing system: influence of the fruit ripening levelBiomass Conversion and Biorefinery
Artículo2024Physical activity and anxiety in the adolescence: special emphasis on sport type and performance levelJournal of Public Health
Artículo2024Promoting physical activity through active school commuting in preschoolers: insights and implicationsJournal of Public Health
Artículo2024Properties of biopolymer blends based on Rugulopteryx okamurae and hydrophobic polycaprolactone (PCL) and hydrophilic acylated soy protein isolated (SPIa)ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2024Prospective secondary teachers’ noticing of students’ thinking about the limit concept: pathways of developmentZDM - Mathematics Education
Revisión2024Psoriatic arthritis with psychological comorbidities: an overview of systematic reviews on incidence, prevalence, and geographic disparitiesRHEUMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL
Artículo2024Rearing a child with a language disorder: parents experiences with speech and language therapy services in 10 countriesJournal of Public Health
Artículo2024Relative contribution of lateral vestibular neuron and abducens internuclear neuron inputs to the discharge activity of medial rectus motoneurons.BRAIN STRUCTURE & FUNCTION
Revisión2024Specific language impairment, autism spectrum disorders and social (pragmatic) communication disorders: is there overlap in language deficits? A reviewReview Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Artículo2024Structural stability of invasion graphs for Lotka–Volterra systemsJournal of mathematical biology
Artículo2024The EFQM excellence model, the knowledge management process and the corresponding results: an explanatory and predictive studyREVIEW OF MANAGERIAL SCIENCE
Artículo2024The enigmatic soft coral Ceratocaulon wandeli Jungersen, 1892 (Octocorallia, Malacalcyonacea), a molecular and morphological approach with description of a new familyMARINE BIODIVERSITY
Artículo2024The role of multiple board directorships in sustainability strategies: symbol or substance?REVIEW OF MANAGERIAL SCIENCE
Artículo2024The significance of metabolic alkalosis on acute decompensated heart failure: the ALCALOTIC studyCLINICAL RESEARCH IN CARDIOLOGY
Artículo2024Why women from fishing communities in Andalusia (Spain) not enlist on fishing vessels? Socio-economic and ideological factors of their non-recognition and initiatives for their inclusionMaritime Studies
Artículo2023“Ain’t I a woman?”: Feminist participatory action-research with African migrant women living in SpainJournal of International Migration and Integration
Artículo2023A comparison of 210Pbxs, 137Cs, and Pu isotopes as proxies of soil redistribution in South Spain under severe erosion conditionsJOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS
Artículo2023An evolutionary account of impairment of self in cognitive disordersCOGNITIVE PROCESSING
Artículo2023An Integrative Decision-Making Mechanism for Consumers' Brand Selection using 2-Tuple Fuzzy Linguistic Perceptions and Decision HeuristicsInternational Journal of Fuzzy Systems
Artículo2023Beetroot juice ingestion does not improve neuromuscular performance and match-play demands in elite female hockey players: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Artículo2023Biogeographic patterns in sea pens (Octocorallia: Pennatulacea)MARINE BIODIVERSITY
Artículo2023Choosing the site, getting the stones, building the dolmens: local sourcing of andesites at the El Pozuelo megalithic complex (Huelva, Spain)ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES
Artículo2023Cognitive impairment and dementia in young onset Parkinson’s diseaseJOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY
Artículo2023Composition and manufacture of a rare gold example of the Mesopotamian "tree of life" iconography and coeval jewellery in southwestern Iberian PeninsulaARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES
Artículo2023Constructing reliable approximations of the random fractional Hermite equation: solution, moments and densityCOMPUTATIONAL & APPLIED MATHEMATICS
Artículo2023Content is key to non-profit digital media strategyInternational Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing
Artículo2023Cost-effectiveness of Alzheimer’s disease CSF biomarkers and amyloid-PET in early-onset cognitive impairment diagnosisEUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE
Artículo2023Economic growth and global warming effects on electricity consumption in Spain: a sectoral studyENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2023Economic growth, human capital, and energy consumption in Algeria: evidence from cointegrating polynomial regression and a simultaneous equations model.ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2023Effect of natural abiotic soil vibrations, rainfall and wind on anuran calling behavior: a test with captive-bred midwife toads (Alytes obstetricans).Journal of comparative physiology. A, Neuroethology, sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology
Revisión2023Effluents and residues from industrial sites for carbon dioxide capture: a reviewEnvironmental Chemistry Letters
Artículo2023Evaluation of batch mesophilic anaerobic digestion of raw and trampled llama and dromedary dungs: methane potential and kinetic studyBiomass Conversion and Biorefinery
Artículo2023Extracellular matrix protein anosmin-1 overexpression alters dopaminergic phenotype in the CNS and the PNS with no pathogenic consequences in a MPTP model of Parkinson's disease.BRAIN STRUCTURE & FUNCTION
Artículo2023Female infertility is associated with an altered expression profile of different members of the tachykinin family in human granulosa cellsREPRODUCTIVE SCIENCES
Artículo2023Fitting parameters and therapies of ODE tumor models with senescence and immune system.Journal of mathematical biology
Artículo2023Fluidized bed steam cracking of rapeseed oil: exploring the direct production of the molecular building blocks for the plastics industryBiomass Conversion and Biorefinery
Editorial2023Focus point on uncertainty quantification of modeling and simulation in physics and related areas: from theoretical to computational techniquesEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS
Artículo2023Genome sequence of Stenotrophomonas indicatrix CPHE1, a powerful phenanthrene-degrading bacterium3 Biotech
Artículo2023Homocysteine levels, genetic background, and cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s diseaseJOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY
Artículo2023How do foreign direct investment flows affect carbon emissions in BRICS countries? Revisiting the pollution haven hypothesis using bilateral FDI flows from OECD to BRICS countries.ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2023How tiny species can be overlooked: the finding of Eudendrium capillaroides (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) in the Strait of GibraltarMARINE BIODIVERSITY
Revisión2023Hydrogen production by catalytic aqueous-phase reforming of waste biomass: a reviewEnvironmental Chemistry Letters
Artículo2023In the land of tin men? Warrior stelae, mobility, and interaction in western Iberia during the Late PrehistoryARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES
Artículo2023Is temperature change a key driver of the regional differences in electricity consumption of the economic sectors in Spain (2000-2016)?ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2023Load and muscle group size influence the ergogenic effect of acute caffeine intake in muscular strength, power and enduranceEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Artículo2023Multiresidue method for the determination of critically and highly important classes of antibiotics and their metabolites in agricultural soils and sewage sludge.ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2023Neurovascular coupling during auditory stimulation: event-related potentials and fNIRS hemodynamicBRAIN STRUCTURE & FUNCTION
Artículo2023New findings and two new species of the genus Colossendeis Jarzynsky, 1870 (Pycnogonida, Colossendeidae), with a morphometric analysis for species from the Southern OceanMARINE BIODIVERSITY
Artículo2023Non-hydrostatic layer-averaged approximation of Euler system with enhanced dispersion propertiesCOMPUTATIONAL & APPLIED MATHEMATICS
Artículo2023Nuclear physics midterm plan at Legnaro National Laboratories (LNL)EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS
Artículo2023Nuclear physics midterm plan at LNSEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS
Artículo2023On convergence of infinite products of convex combinations of mappings in CAT(0) spacesARABIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS
Artículo2023On mathematical optimization for clustering categories in contingency tablesAdvances in Data Analysis and Classification
Artículo2023On the exact reproduction number in SIS epidemic models with vertical transmissionCOMPUTATIONAL & APPLIED MATHEMATICS
Artículo2023Outcomes of octogenarians and nonactogenarians with Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteremia: a multicenter retrospective studyINFECTION
Artículo2023Particle finder: a simple particle detection tool for continuous-flow systemsMICROFLUIDICS AND NANOFLUIDICS
Artículo2023Preservation of KCC2 expression in axotomized abducens motoneurons and its enhancement by VEGFBRAIN STRUCTURE & FUNCTION
Artículo2023QT interval and short-term outcome in acute heart failureCLINICAL RESEARCH IN CARDIOLOGY
Artículo2023Rainfall Forecasting using a Bayesian framework and Long Short-Term Memory Multi-model Estimation based on an hourly meteorological monitoring network. Case of study: Andean Ecuadorian Tropical CityEARTH SCIENCE INFORMATICS
Artículo2023Rethinking internationalization processes: toward a circular frameworkREVIEW OF MANAGERIAL SCIENCE
Revisión2023Review on magnetocaloric high-entropy alloys: design and analysis methodsJOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH
Artículo2023Semi-infinite interval equilibrium problems: optimality conditions and existence resultsCOMPUTATIONAL & APPLIED MATHEMATICS
Artículo2023Spaceability of Subsets of the Disc AlgebraCOMPUTATIONAL METHODS AND FUNCTION THEORY
Artículo2023Spectral variational multi-scale method for parabolic problems: application to 1D transient advection-diffusion equationsCOMPUTATIONAL & APPLIED MATHEMATICS
Artículo2023Stabilized explicit u- pw solution in soil dynamic problems near the undrained-incompressible limitACTA GEOTECHNICA
Artículo2023Stuck in a Time Warp? The Great Recession and the Socio-occupational Integration of Migrants in SpainJournal of International Migration and Integration
Artículo2023The gradual coevolution of syntactic combinatorics and categorization under the effects of human self-domestication: a proposalCOGNITIVE PROCESSING
Artículo2023Tunneled catheter-related bacteremia in hemodialysis patients: incidence, risk factors and outcomes. A 14-year observational studyJOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY
Artículo2022Anti-stigma training and positive changes in mental illness stigma outcomes in medical students in ten countries: a mediation analysis on pathways via empathy development and anxiety reductionSOCIAL PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHIATRIC EPIDEMIOLOGY
Artículo2022Are Spanish surgeons prepared to treat trauma patients? Multicentre descriptive observational studyEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TRAUMA AND EMERGENCY SURGERY
Artículo2022Association of sleep duration with mental health: results from a Spanish general population surveySleep and Breathing
Artículo2022Clinical characterization of brief psychotic disorders triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic: a multicenter observational studyEUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE
Artículo2022Combined application of marble waste and beneficial microorganisms: toward a cost-effective approach for restoration of heavy metals contaminated sitesENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2022Comparative effectiveness and safety of non-vitamin K antagonists for atrial fibrillation in clinical practice: GLORIA-AF RegistryCLINICAL RESEARCH IN CARDIOLOGY
Artículo2022Composition and technological features of ceramics manufactured by Benito de Valladares in the seventeenth century from the Alcazar Palace in Seville, SpainEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS
Artículo2022Concept learning consistency under three-way decision paradigmINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MACHINE LEARNING AND CYBERNETICS
Corrección2022Correction to: Comparative effectiveness and safety of non-vitamin K antagonists for atrial fibrillation in clinical practice: GLORIA-AF Registry (Clinical Research in Cardiology, (2022), 111, 5, (560-573), 10.1007/s00392-022-01996-2)CLINICAL RESEARCH IN CARDIOLOGY
Corrección2022Correction to: Patterns of prevalence and contemporary clinical management strategies in complicated acute biliary calculous disease: an ESTES ‘snapshot audit’ of practice (European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, (2020), 10.1007/s00068-020-01433-x)EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TRAUMA AND EMERGENCY SURGERY
Artículo2022Designing a new multi-echelon multi-period closed-loop supply chain network by forecasting demand using time series model: a genetic algorithmENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2022Development and validation of a highly effective analytical method for the evaluation of the exposure of migratory birds to antibiotics and their metabolites by faeces analysis.ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2022Efficiency assessment using fuzzy production possibility set and enhanced Russell Graph measureCOMPUTATIONAL & APPLIED MATHEMATICS
Artículo2022Enhancing biomethane production by biochar addition during anaerobic digestion is economically unprofitableEnvironmental Chemistry Letters
Artículo2022Factors associated with successful dietary changes in an energy-reduced Mediterranean diet intervention: a longitudinal analysis in the PREDIMED-Plus trialEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Artículo2022Guidelines for surfactant selection to treat petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated soilsENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2022Gut microbiome-short-chain fatty acids interplay in the context of iron deficiency anaemiaEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Artículo2022Hybrid in-beam PET- and Compton prompt-gamma imaging aimed at enhanced proton-range verificationEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS
Revisión2022Hydrothermal carbonization of biomass and waste: A reviewEnvironmental Chemistry Letters
Artículo2022Impact of soft hydrothermal pre-treatments on the olive mill solid waste characteristics and its subsequent anaerobic digestionBiomass Conversion and Biorefinery
Artículo2022Individual variability in patterns and dynamics of fecal gluten immunogenic peptides excretion after low gluten intakeEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Artículo2022Knowledge representation for explainable artificial intelligence: modeling foundations from complex systemsCOMPLEX & INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS
Artículo2022Long-term influence of frailty in elderly patients after surgical emergenciesEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TRAUMA AND EMERGENCY SURGERY
Artículo2022Molecular phylogeny and morphological comparison of the deep-sea genus Alloptilella Li, Zhan & Xu, 2021 (Octocorallia, Pennatulacea)MARINE BIODIVERSITY
Artículo2022Optoelectronic properties of Ag2S/graphene and FeS2/graphene nanostructures and interfaces: a density functional study including dispersion forcesJOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH
Artículo2022Patterns of prevalence and contemporary clinical management strategies in complicated acute biliary calculous disease: an ESTES 'snapshot audit' of practiceEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TRAUMA AND EMERGENCY SURGERY
Artículo2022Pro-vegetarian food patterns and cardiometabolic risk in the PREDIMED-Plus study: a cross-sectional baseline analysisEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Artículo2022Prospective associations between a priori dietary patterns adherence and kidney function in an elderly Mediterranean population at high cardiovascular riskEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Artículo2022Pyrolysed almond shells used as electrodes in microbial electrolysis cellBiomass Conversion and Biorefinery
Artículo2022Quasilinear approximation for interval-valued functions via generalized Hukuhara differentiabilityCOMPUTATIONAL & APPLIED MATHEMATICS
Artículo2022Robust optimal classification trees under noisy labelsAdvances in Data Analysis and Classification
Corrección2022Robust optimal classification trees under noisy labels (Oct, 10.1007/s11634-021-00467-2, 2021)Advances in Data Analysis and Classification
Artículo2022The clean development mechanism in Eastern Europe: an in-depth exploration.ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2022The effect of using Al2O3 and TiO2 in sandblasting of titanium dental implantsJOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH
Artículo2022The environmental Kuznets curve for Turkish provinces: a spatial panel data approachENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2022The impact of temperature on lithium toxicity in the gastropod Tritia neriteaENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2022Thermal brachistochrone for harmonically confined Brownian particlesEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS
Artículo2022Trace classical conditioning impairment after lesion of the lateral part of the goldfish telencephalic pallium suggests a long ancestry of the episodic memory function of the vertebrate hippocampus.BRAIN STRUCTURE & FUNCTION
Artículo2022Two-phase SPH modelling of a real debris avalanche and analysis of its impact on bottom drainage screensLANDSLIDES
Artículo2022Ultrasound-assisted extraction as an easy-to-perform analytical methodology for monitoring ibuprofen and its main metabolites in mussels.ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2021A cost-sensitive constrained LassoAdvances in Data Analysis and Classification
Artículo2021A depth integrated, coupled, two-phase model for debris flow propagationACTA GEOTECHNICA
Artículo2021A rapid Soxhlet and mini-SPE method for analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in atmospheric particlesANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2021Analysis of correlation and ionization from pair distributions in many-electron systemsEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS
Artículo2021Analysis of fluidized bed gasification of biomass assisted by solar-heated particlesBiomass Conversion and Biorefinery
Artículo2021Association between coffee consumption and total dietary caffeine intake with cognitive functioning: cross-sectional assessment in an elderly Mediterranean populationEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Nota2021Cell-based drug delivery harnesses inflammatory and autoimmune responses in neurodegenerationJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE-JMM
Artículo2021Cherenkov probes and runaway electrons diagnosticsEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS
Corrección2021Correction to: Dietary folate intake and metabolic syndrome in participants of PREDIMED‑Plus study: a cross-sectional study (European Journal of Nutrition, (2020), 10.1007/s00394-020-02364-4)EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Corrección2021Correction to: Factors associated with in-hospital mortality and adverse outcomes during the vulnerable post-discharge phase after the first episode of acute heart failure: results of the NOVICA-2 study (Clinical Research in Cardiology, (2020), 10.1007/s00392-020-01710-0)CLINICAL RESEARCH IN CARDIOLOGY
Artículo2021COVID-19 symptoms at hospital admission vary with age and sex: results from the ISARIC prospective multinational observational studyINFECTION
Artículo2021Dietary folate intake and metabolic syndrome in participants of PREDIMED-Plus study: a cross-sectional studyEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Artículo2021Do environmental regulations matter on Spanish foreign investment? A multisectorial approach.ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2021Do tourism applications’ quality and user experience influence its acceptance by tourists?REVIEW OF MANAGERIAL SCIENCE
Artículo2021Does prey abundance affect prey size selection by the Eagle Owl (Bubo bubo)?JOURNAL OF ORNITHOLOGY
Artículo2021Dragged, lagged, or undisturbed: reassessing the autochthony of the hominin-bearing assemblages at Gran Dolina (Atapuerca, Spain)ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES
Artículo2021Drivers of autochthonous and imported malaria in Spain and their relationship with meteorological variablesEURO-MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL FOR ENVIRONMENTAL INTEGRATION
Artículo2021Dynamics of stochastic nonlocal partial differential equationsEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS
Revisión2021Efficacy of different surgical techniques for peri-implant tissue preservation in immediate implant placement: a systematic review and meta-analysisCLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS
Artículo2021Energy efficiency’s key role in explaining the performance of energy consumption in Andalusia (Spain)ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2021Enhanced photocatalytic activity of CdS nanostar decorated SiO2/TiO(2)composite spheres and the simulation effect using FDTD modelIONICS
Revisión2021Environmental metal toxicity assessment by the combined application of metallomics and metabolomicsENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2021Factors associated with in-hospital mortality and adverse outcomes during the vulnerable post-discharge phase after the first episode of acute heart failure: results of the NOVICA-2 studyCLINICAL RESEARCH IN CARDIOLOGY
Editorial2021Focus point on small and medium particle accelerator facilities in EuropeEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS
Artículo2021GABAergic deficits in absence of LPA1 receptor, associated anxiety-like and coping behaviors, and amelioration by interneuron precursor transplants into the dorsal hippocampusBRAIN STRUCTURE & FUNCTION
Artículo2021Green microfluidic liquid-phase microextraction of polar and non-polar acids from urineANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2021Hitchhiking northwards: on the presence of the invasive skeleton shrimp Caprella scaura in the UKMARINE BIODIVERSITY
Artículo2021Hospital at home for the management of COVID-19: preliminary experience with 63 patientsINFECTION
Artículo2021How prospective kindergarten teachers develop their noticing skills: the instrumentation of a learning trajectoryZDM - Mathematics Education
Artículo2021Impact of frailty in surgical emergencies. A comparison of four frailty scalesEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TRAUMA AND EMERGENCY SURGERY
Artículo2021Impact of outreach on financial performance of microfinance institutions: a moderated mediation model of productivity, loan portfolio quality, and profit statusREVIEW OF MANAGERIAL SCIENCE
Artículo2021Influence of cities population size on their energy consumption and CO2 emissions: the case of SpainENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2021Khovanov homotopy type, periodic links and localizationsMATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN
Artículo2021Materials and techniques of mural paintings attributed to Johannes Aquila in Central Eastern Europe around 1400EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS
Artículo2021Mental time travel, language evolution, and human self-domesticationCOGNITIVE PROCESSING
Artículo2021Multi-robot task allocation problem with multiple nonlinear criteria using branch and bound and genetic algorithmsINTELLIGENT SERVICE ROBOTICS
Artículo2021Oldowan stone knapping and percussive activities on a raw material reservoir deposit 1.4 million years ago at Barranco León (Orce, Spain)ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES
Artículo2021Quality of life in early age Spanish children treated for cleft lip and/or palate: a case-control study approachCLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS
Artículo2021Research facilities and highlights at the Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (CNA)EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS
Artículo2021Residential energy environmental Kuznets curve extended with non-linear temperature effects: a quantile regression for Andalusian (Spain) municipalities.ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2021Scytalium herklotsi sp. nov. (Anthozoa, Octocorallia, Pennatulacea), the first Atlantic species in the genus Scytalium Herklots, 1858MARINE BIODIVERSITY
Artículo2021Sex estimation by third metatarsals in human fossil and recent populationsARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES
Artículo2021The concept of hierarchy of algebras and graphsJOURNAL OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTING
Artículo2021Towards the decarbonisation of Ecuador: a multisectoral and multiregional analysis of its carbon footprintENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2021Unprofitability of small biogas plants without subsidies in the Brandenburg regionEnvironmental Chemistry Letters
Artículo2021Use of meat resources in the Early Pleistocene assemblages from Fuente Nueva 3 (Orce, Granada, Spain)ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES
Artículo2021Using a novel optimization algorithm for parameter extraction of photovoltaic cells and modulesEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS
Artículo2020A compact SPR biosensor device for the rapid and efficient monitoring of gluten-free diet directly in human urineANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2020A new calcaxonian genus and family for Trichogorgia utinomii Cordeiro, 2019 (Octocorallia, Alcyonacea): new records of a scleriteless gorgonian species from AntarcticaMARINE BIODIVERSITY
Artículo2020Adherence to a priori dietary indexes and baseline prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in the PREDIMED-Plus randomised trialEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Revisión2020An update of the Worldwide Integrated Assessment (WIA) on systemic pesticides. Part 4: Alternatives in major cropping systemsENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2020Bayesian modeling of radiocarbon and luminescence dated samples from the Reales Alcázares of SevilleARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES
Artículo2020Clinical performance of titanium-zirconium implants with a hydrophilic surface in patients with controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus: 2-year results from a prospective case-control clinical studyCLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS
Revisión2020CO2 capture from coalbed methane using membranes: a reviewEnvironmental Chemistry Letters
Artículo2020Comparison of three electromembrane-based extraction systems for NSAIDs analysis in human urine samplesANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2020Cross-sectional association between non-soy legume consumption, serum uric acid and hyperuricemia: the PREDIMED-Plus studyEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Artículo2020Direct capillary electrophoresis analysis of basic and acidic drugs from microliter volume of human body fluids after liquid-phase microextraction through nano-fibrous membraneANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2020Effect of changes in adherence to Mediterranean diet on nutrient density after 1-year of follow-up: results from the PREDIMED-Plus StudyEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Artículo2020Effect of Group Embryo Culture under Low-Oxygen Tension in Benchtop Incubators on Human Embryo Culture: Prospective, Randomized, Controlled TrialREPRODUCTIVE SCIENCES
Artículo2020Efficiencya Assessment and Target Setting Using a Fully Fuzzy DEA ApproachInternational Journal of Fuzzy Systems
Artículo2020Greenhouse gas emissions convergence in Spain: evidence from the club clustering approachENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2020Influence of climate on energy consumption and CO2 emissions: the case of SpainENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2020Influence of epidemiological characteristics (age, parity and other factors) in the assessment of healthy uterine cervical stiffness evaluated through shear wave elastography as a prior step to its use in uterine cervical pathologyARCHIVES OF GYNECOLOGY AND OBSTETRICS
Artículo2020Integrating anaerobic digestion and pyrolysis for treating digestates derived from sewage sludge and fat wastesENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2020Kuznetsov-Ma breather-like solutions in the Salerno modelEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS
Revisión2020Membrane-based technologies for biogas upgrading: a reviewEnvironmental Chemistry Letters
Artículo2020Metabolic impairments, metal traffic, and dyshomeostasis caused by the antagonistic interaction of cadmium and selenium using organic and inorganic mass spectrometryENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2020Missing prehistoric women? Sex ratio as an indicator for analyzing the population of Iberia from the 8th to the 3rd millennia B.C.ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES
Artículo2020Molecular and morphological data reveal three new species of Thouarella Gray, 1870 (Anthozoa: Octocorallia: Primnoidae) from the Southern OceanMARINE BIODIVERSITY
Revisión2020Nanoscale metal–organic frameworks as key players in the context of drug delivery: evolution toward theranostic platformsANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2020New random generalized linear model for sex determination based on cranial measurementsARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES
Artículo2020Novel non-resorbable polymeric-nanostructured scaffolds for guided bone regenerationCLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS
Artículo2020Novel solid 4 He targets for experimental studies on nuclear reactions: 6 Li + 4 He differential cross-section measurement at incident energy of 5.5 MeVEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS
Artículo2020Optimal arrangements of hyperplanes for SVM-based multiclass classificationAdvances in Data Analysis and Classification
Artículo2020Predictors of diagnostic stability in acute and transient psychotic disorders: validation of previous findings and implications for ICD-11EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE
Artículo2020Prevalence and risk factors of silent brain infarcts in patients with AF detected by 3T-MRIJOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY
Artículo2020Punic amphorae found at Corinth: provenance analysis and implications for the study of long-distance salt fish trade in the Classical periodARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES
Artículo2020Selective pressurized extraction as single-step extraction and clean-up for the determination of organophosphate ester flame retardant in Citrus aurantium leaves by gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometryANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2020Self-efficacy and anxiety as determinants of older adults' use of Internet Banking ServicesUNIVERSAL ACCESS IN THE INFORMATION SOCIETY
Artículo2020Solar light-driven CeVO4/ZnO nanoheterojunction for the mineralization of Reactive Orange 4ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2020Sources and lesion-induced changes of VEGF expression in brainstem motoneuronsBRAIN STRUCTURE & FUNCTION
Artículo2020Structure-processing relationships of freeze-cast iron foams fabricated with various solidification rates and post-casting heat treatmentJOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH
Revisión2020The role of fuzzy logic to dealing with epistemic uncertainty in supply chain risk assessment: review standpointsInternational Journal of Fuzzy Systems
Artículo2020Time-pattern of adverse outcomes after an infection-triggered acute heart failure decompensation and the influence of early antibiotic administration and hospitalisation: results of the PAPRICA-3 studyCLINICAL RESEARCH IN CARDIOLOGY
Artículo2019A latitudinal diversity gradient of shallow-water gorgonians (Cnidaria: Octocorallia: Alcyonacea) along the Tropical Eastern Pacific Ocean: testing for underlying mechanismsMARINE BIODIVERSITY
Artículo2019Amber, beads and social interaction in the Late Prehistory of the Iberian Peninsula: an updateARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES
Revisión2019Biogas upgrading by cryogenic techniquesEnvironmental Chemistry Letters
Artículo2019Catalytic efficiency of cu-supported pyrophyllite in heterogeneous catalytic oxidation of phenolArabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Artículo2019Comparing Mechanical Behavior of API H-Class Cement Reinforced with Carbon, Mineral or Polypropylene Fiber AdditionsArabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Artículo2019Controllable production of Janus ligaments by AC fields in a flow-focusing junctionMICROFLUIDICS AND NANOFLUIDICS
Artículo2019Dairy products intake and the risk of incident cataracts surgery in an elderly Mediterranean population: results from the PREDIMED studyEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Artículo2019Does PDMS really interact with [18F]fluoride? Applications in microfluidic reactors for 18F-radiopharmaceuticalsMICROFLUIDICS AND NANOFLUIDICS
Artículo2019Factors associated with long-term retention of treatment with golimumab in a real-world setting: an analysis of the Spanish BIOBADASER registryRHEUMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL
Artículo2019Fuzzy Model Predictive Control: Complexity Reduction for Implementation in Industrial SystemsInternational Journal of Fuzzy Systems
Artículo2019Graphene oxide-Fe2V4O13 hybrid material as highly efficient hetero-Fenton catalyst for degradation of methyl orangeINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY
Letter2019How elderly rheumatoid arthritis patients respond at one year of treatment with certolizumab pegolRHEUMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL
Artículo2019Inclusion of prevention scenarios in LCA of construction waste managementINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT
Artículo2019Maternal selenium status is profoundly involved in metabolic fetal programming by modulating insulin resistance, oxidative balance and energy homeostasisEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Revisión2019Natural “megalithic art” at Valencina (Seville): a geoarchaeological approach to stone, architecture, and cultural choice in Copper Age IberiaARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES
Artículo2019Neanderthal communities in the heart of the Iberian Peninsula: taphonomic and zooarchaeological study of the Mousterian site of Jarama VI (Guadalajara, Spain)ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES
Artículo2019On support vector machines under a multiple-cost scenarioAdvances in Data Analysis and Classification
Artículo2019Participation in crowdfunding among users of collaborative platforms: the role of innovativeness and social capitalREVIEW OF MANAGERIAL SCIENCE
Artículo2019Remediation experiment of Ecuadorian acid mine drainage: geochemical models of dissolved species and secondary minerals saturationENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Revisión2019Remediation of acid mine drainageEnvironmental Chemistry Letters
Artículo2019Rethinking Iberian ‘warrior’ stelae: a multidisciplinary investigation of Mirasiviene and its connection to Setefilla (Lora del Río, Seville, Spain)ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES
Artículo2019Rogers-Shephard and local Loomis-Whitney type inequalitiesMATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN
Artículo2019Routine analytical method for monitoring the main metabolites for a recurrent group of parabens and pharmaceuticals in wastewater and tap waterANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Otros2019Selenium and sulphur derivatives of hydroxytyrosol: inhibition of lipid peroxidation in liver microsomes of vitamin E-deficient ratsEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Artículo2019Sex estimation from the calcaneus and talus using discriminant function analysis and its possible application in fossil remainsARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES
Artículo2019Shallow-water bryozoans from the Azores (central North Atlantic): native vs. non-indigenous species, and a method to evaluate taxonomic uncertaintyMARINE BIODIVERSITY
Artículo2019Short-term plasticity after partial deafferentation in the oculomotor systemBRAIN STRUCTURE & FUNCTION
Artículo2019Structural brain network of gifted children has a more integrated and versatile topologyBRAIN STRUCTURE & FUNCTION
Artículo2019Supplementary food reduces home ranges of European wild rabbits in an intensive agricultural landscapeMAMMALIAN BIOLOGY
Artículo2019The relationship between types of innovation and SMEs' performance: a multi-dimensional empirical assessmentEURASIAN BUSINESS REVIEW
Artículo2019Urban wastewater treatment by using Ag/ZnO and Pt/TiO 2 photocatalystsENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2018'Exercise to me is a scary word': perceptions of fatigue, sleep dysfunction, and exercise in people with fibromyalgia syndrome-a focus group studyRHEUMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL
Artículo2018A 30-s exposure to ethanol 20% is cytotoxic to human keratinocytes: possible mechanistic link between alcohol-containing mouthwashes and oral cancerCLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS
Artículo2018An exudate detection method for diagnosis risk of diabetic macular edema in retinal images using feature-based and supervised classificationMEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING
Artículo2018Analytical method for the evaluation of the outdoor air contamination by emerging pollutants using tree leaves as bioindicatorsANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2018Developing green innovation performance by fostering of organizational knowledge and coopetitive relationsREVIEW OF MANAGERIAL SCIENCE
Artículo2018Dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction as a new clean-up procedure for the determination of parabens, perfluorinated compounds, UV filters, biocides, surfactants, and plasticizers in root vegetablesANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2018Effect of Bacillus subtilis QST713 and Trichoderma asperellum T34 on P uptake by wheat and how it is modulated by soil propertiesJOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS
Artículo2018Effect of olive cultivar on bioaccessibility and antioxidant activity of phenolic fraction of virgin olive oilEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Artículo2018Effectiveness of a new dental implant bioactive surface: histological and histomorphometric comparative study in minipigsCLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS
Artículo2018Improvement of impulse control disorders associated with levodopa-carbidopa intestinal gel treatment in advanced Parkinson's diseaseJOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY
Artículo2018Investigation of previously implicated genetic variants in chronic tic disorders: a transmission disequilibrium test approachEUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE
Artículo2018Mobile epifauna of the invasive bryozoan Tricellaria inopinata: is there a potential invasional meltdown?MARINE BIODIVERSITY
Artículo2018Model of dissolution in the framework of tissue engineering and drug deliveryBIOMECHANICS AND MODELING IN MECHANOBIOLOGY
Artículo2018Multichannel strategies in public services: levels of satisfaction and citizens’ preferencesInternational Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing
Artículo2018Native plant colonization of brownfield soil and sludges: effects on substrate properties and pollutant mobilityJOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS
Artículo2018Novel swirl flow-focusing microfluidic device for the production of monodisperse microbubblesMICROFLUIDICS AND NANOFLUIDICS
Artículo2018Optimal control of mathematical models for the radiotherapy of gliomas: the scalar caseCOMPUTATIONAL & APPLIED MATHEMATICS
Artículo2018Slow drilling speeds for single-drill implant bed preparation. Experimental in vitro studyCLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS
Artículo2018Soil pollution by mining activities in Andalusia (South Spain)-the role of Mineralogy and Geochemistry in three case studiesJOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS
Artículo2018Taxonomic reassignment of the Paleolithic human navicular from Cueva de los Torrejones (Guadalajara, Spain)ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES
Artículo2018The geometry of optimal partitions in location problemsOPTIMIZATION LETTERS
Artículo2018The sharp affine L-2 Sobolev trace inequality and variantsMATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN
Artículo2017A linear relational DEA model to evaluate two-stage processes with shared inputsCOMPUTATIONAL & APPLIED MATHEMATICS
Artículo2017A two-stage predictive model to simultaneous control of trihalomethanes in water treatment plants and distribution systems: adaptability to treatment processesENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2017Automatic recognition of severity level for diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy using deep visual featuresMEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING
Artículo2017Contrasting effects of nitrogen addition on soil respiration in two Mediterranean ecosystemsENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2017Determinants of innovativeness in SMEs: disentangling core innovation and technology adoption capabilitiesREVIEW OF MANAGERIAL SCIENCE
Artículo2017Double genetically modified symbiotic system for improved Cu phytostabilization in legume rootsENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2017Droplet group production in an AC electro-flow-focusing microdeviceMICROFLUIDICS AND NANOFLUIDICS
Artículo2017Elastic properties of woven bone: effect of mineral content and collagen fibrils orientationBIOMECHANICS AND MODELING IN MECHANOBIOLOGY
Artículo2017Food supplementation with rice bran enzymatic extract prevents vascular apoptosis and atherogenesis in ApoE-/- miceEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Artículo2017Four years survival and marginal bone loss of implants in patients with Down syndrome and cerebral palsyCLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS
Artículo2017How effective is the Invisalign® system in expansion movement with Ex30′ aligners?CLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS
Artículo2017Identification of terpenes and essential oils by means of static headspace gas chromatography-ion mobility spectrometryANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2017Influence of compost of sewage sludge and low-quality water on pesticide uptake by tomato plants grown in an iron mine soilJOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS
Artículo2017Interactions between phenolic compounds present in dry olive residues and the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosisMYCOLOGICAL PROGRESS
Artículo2017Metabolic syndrome and selenium during gestation and lactationEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Artículo2017Multi-purpose fossils? The reappraisal of an Elephas antiquus molar from El Pirulejo (Magdalenian; Cordoba, Spain)ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES
Artículo2017Quantitative study on nitrogen deposition and canopy retention in Mediterranean evergreen forestsENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2017Rank aggregation in cyclic sequencesOPTIMIZATION LETTERS
Artículo2017Rates and predictors of relapse in first-episode non-affective psychosis: a 3-year longitudinal study in a specialized intervention program (PAFIP)EUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE
Artículo2017The evolution of anthropomorphism in the neolithic engraved plaques of Southwestern Iberian Peninsula: a systematic approach from phylogeneticsARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES
Artículo2017Three-dimensional segmentation of retroperitoneal masses using continuous convex relaxation and accumulated gradient distance for radiotherapy planningMEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING
Artículo20167-Keto-cholesterol and 25-hydroxy-1 cholesterol rapidly enhance ROS production in human neutrophilsEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Artículo2016Amphipod community associated with invertebrate hosts in a Mediterranean marine caveMARINE BIODIVERSITY
Artículo2016Anosmin-1 over-expression increases adult neurogenesis in the subventricular zone and neuroblast migration to the olfactory bulbBRAIN STRUCTURE & FUNCTION
Corrección2016Anosmin-1 over-expression increases adult neurogenesis in the subventricular zone and neuroblast migration to the olfactory bulb (vol 221, pg 239, 2016)BRAIN STRUCTURE & FUNCTION
Artículo2016Arsenic, lead, and uranium concentrations on sediments deposited in reservoirs in the Rio Grande Basin, USA-Mexico borderJOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS
Revisión2016Association between diabetes and the prevalence of radiolucent periapical lesions in root-filled teeth: systematic review and meta-analysisCLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS
Artículo2016Atmospheric pollutants in peri-urban forests of Quercus ilex: evidence of pollution abatement and threats for vegetationENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2016Automated droplet measurement (ADM): an enhanced video processing software for rapid droplet measurementsMICROFLUIDICS AND NANOFLUIDICS
Artículo2016Definition of redox and pH influence in the AMD mine system using a fuzzy qualitative tool (Iberian Pyrite Belt, SW Spain)ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2016Diagnosis and neurocognitive profiles in first-episode non-affective psychosis patientsEUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE
Artículo2016Dietary extra-virgin olive oil prevents inflammatory response and cartilage matrix degradation in murine collagen-induced arthritisEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Artículo2016Dietary total antioxidant capacity and mortality in the PREDIMED studyEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Artículo2016Electrochemiluminescent (ECL) [Ru(bpy)(3)](2+)/PAMAM dendrimer reactions: coreactant effect and 5-fluorouracil/dendrimer complex formationANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2016Electromembrane extraction for the determination of parabens in water samplesANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2016First record of the exotic caprellid amphipod Paracaprella pusilla Mayer, 1890 in the eastern MediterraneanMARINE BIODIVERSITY
Artículo2016Luteoamylascus aculeatus (Pezizomycetes, Pezizaceae): a new genus and species near the Pachyphlodes-Amylascus lineageMYCOLOGICAL PROGRESS
Artículo2016Microcystin-tolerant Rhizobium protects plants and improves nitrogen assimilation in Vicia faba irrigated with microcystin-containing watersENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2016Minimum maximum reconfiguration cost problemOPTIMIZATION LETTERS
Artículo2016Monitoring of emerging pollutants in Guadiamar River basin (South of Spain): analytical method, spatial distribution and environmental risk assessmentENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Revisión2016Nuclear data activities at the n_TOF facility at CERNEUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS
Artículo2016Real-world cost-effectiveness of infliximab, etanercept and adalimumab in rheumatoid arthritis patients: results of the CREATE registryRHEUMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL
Artículo2016Rice bran prevents high-fat diet-induced inflammation and macrophage content in adipose tissueEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Artículo2016Roughness and wettability effect on histological and mechanical response of self-drilling orthodontic mini-implantsCLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS
Artículo2016Screening beneficial rhizobacteria from Spartina maritima for phytoremediation of metal polluted salt marshes: comparison of gram-positive and gram-negative strainsENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2016Study of the geometry in a 3D flow-focusing deviceMICROFLUIDICS AND NANOFLUIDICS
Artículo2016The effect of contact line pinning favors the mass production of monodisperse microbubblesMICROFLUIDICS AND NANOFLUIDICS
Artículo2016The environmental Kuznets curve and CO2 emissions in the USAENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2016The role of mutations in COL6A3 in isolated dystoniaJOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY
Artículo2015A new approach to determine the geological provenance of variscite artifacts using the P/Al atomic ratiosARCHAEOLOGICAL AND ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCES
Artículo2015Agar films containing silver nanoparticles as new supports for electromembrane extractionANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2015Anorectal Manometry in Wistar Rats with Inexpensive Setup: A Physiological Description of the Mechanical ActivityJOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING
Artículo2015Association between different obesity measures and the risk of stroke in the EPIC Spanish cohortEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Artículo2015Breakup length of AC electrified jets in a microfluidic flow-focusing junctionMICROFLUIDICS AND NANOFLUIDICS
Artículo2015Chironephthya mediterranea n. sp (Octocorallia, Alcyonacea, Nidaliidae), the first species of the genus discovered in the Mediterranean SeaMARINE BIODIVERSITY
Artículo2015Compatible systems of symplectic Galois representations and the inverse Galois problem III. Automorphic construction of compatible systems with suitable local propertiesMATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN
Artículo2015Dental fear in children: the role of previous negative dental experiencesCLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS
Artículo2015Emerging contaminant determination in water samples by liquid chromatography using a monolithic column coupled with a photodiode array detectorANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2015Metalloproteinase-9 contributes to inflammatory glia activation and nigro-striatal pathway degeneration in both mouse and monkey models of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP)-induced ParkinsonismBRAIN STRUCTURE & FUNCTION
Artículo2015Multi-class method for biomonitoring of hair samples using gas chromatography-mass spectrometryANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2015Narrow- versus mini-implants at crestal and subcrestal bone levels. Experimental study in beagle dogs at three monthsCLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS
Artículo2015Optimality conditions for nonlinear infinite programming problemsOPTIMIZATION LETTERS
Artículo2015Origin authentication of distillers' dried grains and solubles (DDGS)-application and comparison of different analytical strategiesANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Revisión2015Practical guidance for CD management involving treatment of botulinum toxin: a consensus statementJOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY
Artículo2015Prospecting metal-tolerant rhizobia for phytoremediation of mining soils from Morocco using Anthyllis vulneraria L.ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2015Simulation of liquid film motor: a charge induction mechanismMICROFLUIDICS AND NANOFLUIDICS
Artículo2015Slope Problem for Trajectories of Holomorphic Semigroups in the Unit DiskCOMPUTATIONAL METHODS AND FUNCTION THEORY
Artículo2015Surface thulium-doped TiO2 nanoparticles used as photoelectrodes in dye-sensitized solar cells: improving the open-circuit voltageAPPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING
Artículo2015The transient receptor potential vanilloid-1 is localized at excitatory synapses in the mouse dentate gyrusBRAIN STRUCTURE & FUNCTION
Artículo2015Threshold robustness in discrete facility location problems: a bi-objective approachOPTIMIZATION LETTERS
Artículo2014A methodological approach to estimate the geogenic contribution in soils potentially polluted by trace elements. Application to a case studyJOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS
Artículo2014A MIP formulation for the minmax regret total completion time in scheduling with unrelated parallel machinesOPTIMIZATION LETTERS
Artículo2014A multiple hollow fibre liquid-phase microextraction method for the determination of halogenated solvent residues in olive oilANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2014Behaviour of oxyfluorfen in soils amended with edaphic biostimulants/biofertilizers obtained from sewage sludge and chicken feathers. Effects on soil biological propertiesENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2014Chryseobacterium indologenes central nervous system infection in infancy: An emergent pathogen?INFECTION
Artículo2014Clinical symptoms in fibromyalgia are associated to overweight and lipid profileRHEUMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL
Artículo2014Determination of emerging and priority industrial pollutants in surface water and wastewater by liquid chromatography-negative electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometryANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2014Dynamics of GDOES-induced surface roughening in metal interfacesANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2014EEG study on affective valence elicited by novel and familiar pictures using ERD/ERS and SVM-RFEMEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING
Artículo2014Heuristic approaches for support vector machines with the ramp lossOPTIMIZATION LETTERS
Artículo2014Long-term levodopa/carbidopa intestinal gel in advanced Parkinson's diseaseJOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY
Artículo2014Minimum spread of the new Swedish variant of Chlamydia trachomatis and distribution of C-trachomatis ompA genotypes in three geographically distant areas of Spain, 2011-2012INFECTION
Artículo2014Motivational modulation of bradykinesia in Parkinson's disease off and on dopaminergic medicationJOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY
Artículo2014Oleic acid modulates mRNA expression of liver X receptor (LXR) and its target genes ABCA1 and SREBP1c in human neutrophilsEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Artículo2014Phylogenetic analysis of the microbial community in hypersaline petroleum produced water from the Campos BasinENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2014Prospecting metal-resistant plant-growth promoting rhizobacteria for rhizoremediation of metal contaminated estuaries using Spartina densifloraENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2014Stabilized municipal sewage sludge addition to improve properties of an acid mine soil for plant growthJOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS
Artículo2013A novel technique for producing metallic microjets and microdropsMICROFLUIDICS AND NANOFLUIDICS
Artículo2013Advanced surface characterization of silver nanocluster segregation in Ag-TiCN bioactive coatings by RBS, GDOES, and ARXPSANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2013Antiplatelet effect of new lipophilic hydroxytyrosol alkyl ether derivatives in human bloodEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Artículo2013Baseline risk factors for relapse in HIV/HCV co-infected patients treated with PEG-IFN/RBVINFECTION
Ponencia2013Cerebrospinal fluid and serum from Parkinsonian patients are cytotoxic for dopamine neurons and serum nitro-alpha-synuclein could participate in Parkinsonian damageJOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY
Artículo2013Effects of copper sulfate on growth and physiological responses of Limoniastrum monopetalumENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2013Electromembrane extraction (EME)-an easy, novel and rapid extraction procedure for the HPLC determination of fluoroquinolones in wastewater samplesANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2013Functional analysis of the carS gene of Fusarium fujikuroiMOLECULAR GENETICS AND GENOMICS
Revisión2013Generating anatomical models of the heart and the aorta from medical images for personalized physiological simulationsMEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING
Artículo2013Genetic association of sirtuin genes and Parkinson's diseaseJOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY
Editorial2013In situ observations on withdrawal behaviour of the sea pen Virgularia mirabilisMARINE BIODIVERSITY
Artículo2013On limiting behavior for arrays of rowwise negatively orthant dependent random variablesJOURNAL OF THE KOREAN STATISTICAL SOCIETY
Artículo2013Phosphorus losses from two representative small catchments in the Mediterranean part of SpainJOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS
Artículo2013Physiological and biochemical defense reactions of Vicia faba L.-Rhizobium symbiosis face to chronic exposure to cyanobacterial bloom extract containing microcystinsENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Artículo2013Role of target conditioning on the thermo-optical response of bismuth nanostructures produced by pulsed laser depositionAPPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING
Artículo2013Survival and factors predicting mortality in hemodialysis patients over 75 years oldJOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY
Artículo2013The minimum maximal k-partial-matching problemOPTIMIZATION LETTERS
Artículo2013The renoprotective effect of l-carnitine in hypertensive rats is mediated by modulation of oxidative stress-related gene expressionEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Artículo2013Water-soluble rice bran enzymatic extract attenuates dyslipidemia, hypertension and insulin resistance in obese Zucker ratsEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Artículo2012A gluten metabolism study in healthy individuals shows the presence of faecal glutenasic activityEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Artículo2012A new complexity result on multiobjective linear integer programming using short rational generating functionsOPTIMIZATION LETTERS
Artículo2012Actuation of co-flowing electrolytes in a microfluidic system by microelectrode arraysMICROFLUIDICS AND NANOFLUIDICS
Ponencia2012Corticobasal syndrome in patients with previous stroke: description of four casesJOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY
Editorial2012Differentiation of animals from different age classes by means of pellet size: Assessment of a field method in European rabbitsMAMMALIAN BIOLOGY
Artículo2012Homocysteine and cognition in first-episode psychosis patientsEUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE
Artículo2012Influence of extra virgin olive oil diet enriched with hydroxytyrosol in a chronic DSS colitis modelEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Artículo2012Metric fixed point theory on hyperconvex spaces: recent progressARABIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS
Letter2012Molecular evaluation of human Ubiquilin 2 gene PXX domain in familial frontotemporal dementia patientsJOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY
Artículo2012Polyneuropathy while on duodenal levodopa infusion in Parkinson's disease patients: we must be alertJOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY
Artículo2012Recent sedimentation rates in Garaet El Ichkeul Lake, NW Tunisia, as affected by the construction of dams and a regulatory sluiceJOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS
Artículo2012Severe nutritional iron-deficiency anaemia has a negative effect on some bone turnover biomarkers in ratsEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Artículo2012Some questions in metric fixed point theory, by A. W. Kirk, revisitedARABIAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS
Artículo2011A functional RNase P protein subunit of bacterial origin in some eukaryotesMOLECULAR GENETICS AND GENOMICS
Artículo2011Assessment of the sequential principal component analysis chemometric tool to identify the soluble atmospheric pollutants in rainwaterANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2011Authentication of fattening diet of Iberian pigs according to their volatile compounds profile from raw subcutaneous fatANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2011Effect of porosity and mineral content on the elastic constants of cortical bone: a multiscale approachBIOMECHANICS AND MODELING IN MECHANOBIOLOGY
Artículo2011Electrical conductivity of metal powders under pressureAPPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING
Artículo2011Experimental and numerical study of the recirculation flow inside a liquid meniscus focused by airMICROFLUIDICS AND NANOFLUIDICS
Artículo2011Expression of the vasoactive proteins AT1, AT2, and ANP by pregnancy-induced mouse uterine natural killer cellsREPRODUCTIVE SCIENCES
Artículo2011Improvements of the Weil bound for Artin-Schreier curvesMATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN
Artículo2011Management of parapharyngeal giant pleomorphic adenomaORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY-HEIDELBERG
Artículo2011Nevanlinna counting function and Carleson function of analytic mapsMATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN
Artículo2011Novel mutations at RET ligand genes preventing receptor activation are associated to Hirschsprung's diseaseJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE-JMM
Resumen congreso2011Quantitative analysis of systemic-to-pulmonary collateral flow after staged Fontan-type palliation of univentricular hearts using 4D MR flowCLINICAL RESEARCH IN CARDIOLOGY
Artículo2011Three-dimensional evaluation of craniofacial asymmetry: an analysis using computed tomographyCLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS
Artículo2010Analytical theory for the description of powder systems under compressionAPPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING
Artículo2010Growth mixture model of distraction osteogenesis: effect of pre-traction stressesBIOMECHANICS AND MODELING IN MECHANOBIOLOGY
Artículo2010Investigation of environmental pollution effects on stone monuments in the case of Santa Maria La Blanca, Seville (Spain)APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING
Artículo2010Involvement of SOX10 in the pathogenesis of Hirschsprung disease: report of a truncating mutation in an isolated patientJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE-JMM
Artículo2010Medina Al-Zahra lustre ceramics: 10th century local nanotechnology or importation from Middle EastArabian Journal for Science and Engineering
Artículo2010Method for the simultaneous determination of the most problematic families of organic pollutants in compost and compost-amended soilANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Revisión2010Non-destructive depth compositional profiles by XPS peak-shape analysisANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2010Potential physiological effects of pharmaceutical compounds in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) implied by transcriptomic analysisENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Revisión2010Towards nanometric resolution in multilayer depth profiling: a comparative study of RBS, SIMS, XPS and GDOESANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2009A bone remodelling model including the directional activity of BMUsBIOMECHANICS AND MODELING IN MECHANOBIOLOGY
Artículo2009AC electrokinetic pumping on symmetric electrode arraysMICROFLUIDICS AND NANOFLUIDICS
Artículo2009All chemical YBa2Cu3O7 superconducting multilayers: Critical role of CeO2 cap layer flatnessJOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH
Artículo2009An analytical model for the determination of crystallite size and crystal lattice microstrain distributions in nanocrystalline materials from the variance of the X-ray diffraction peaksAPPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING
Artículo2009Evolution families and the Loewner equation II: complex hyperbolic manifoldsMATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN
Artículo2009Modeling distraction osteogenesis: analysis of the distraction rateBIOMECHANICS AND MODELING IN MECHANOBIOLOGY
Artículo2009Study of metallic components of historical organ pipes using synchrotron radiation X-ray microfluorescence imaging and grazing incidence X-ray diffractionANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2009Very early serum creatinine as a surrogate marker for graft survival beyond 10 yearsJOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY
Artículo2008A digenic combination of polymorphisms within ESR1 and ESR2 genes are associated with age at menarche in the Spanish populationREPRODUCTIVE SCIENCES
Artículo2008A mathematical model for bone tissue regeneration inside a specific type of scaffoldBIOMECHANICS AND MODELING IN MECHANOBIOLOGY
Artículo2008A reduction in RNA polymerase II initiation rate suppresses hyper-recombination and transcription-elongation impairment of THO mutantsMOLECULAR GENETICS AND GENOMICS
Artículo2008Different physiological relevance of yeast THO/TREX subunits in gene expression and genome integrityMOLECULAR GENETICS AND GENOMICS
Artículo2008Differentiation of certified brands of origins of Spanish white wines by HS-SPME-GC and chemometricsANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2008Fabrication, chemical etching, and compressive strength of porous biomimetic SiC for medical implantsJOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH
Letter2008Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity in Parkinson's diseaseJOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY
Artículo2008Highly skewed inactivation of the wild-type X-chromosome in asymptomatic female carriers of spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (Kennedy's disease)JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY
Artículo2008Metal-binding molecules in the organs of Mus musculus by size-exclusion chromatography coupled with UV spectroscopy and ICP-MSANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2008Porosity effect on the electrical conductivity of sintered powder compactsAPPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING
Artículo2008Pumping of electrolytes using travelling-wave electro-osmosis: a weakly nonlinear analysisMICROFLUIDICS AND NANOFLUIDICS
Artículo2008The change of response of ionization chambers in the penumbra and transmission regions: impact for IMRT verificationMEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING
Artículo2008The effect of electrode height on the performance of travelling-wave electroosmotic micropumpsMICROFLUIDICS AND NANOFLUIDICS
Artículo2007Combined use of total metal content and size fractionation of metal biomolecules to determine the provenance of pine nuts (Pinus pinea)ANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2007Elastic instability of the nano-structured state as an intrinsic probe to study the early formation stages of sol-gel derived (Pb1-xCax)TiO3 thin filmsAPPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING
Artículo2007EWS/FLI-1 oncoprotein subtypes impose different requirements for transformation and metastatic activity in a murine modelJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE-JMM
Revisión2007Guidelines for quality management of apallic syndrome/vegetative stateEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TRAUMA AND EMERGENCY SURGERY
Artículo2007Identification of the gene responsible for torulene cleavage in the Neurospora carotenoid pathwayMOLECULAR GENETICS AND GENOMICS
Artículo2007Novel systems for configurable AC electroosmotic pumpingMICROFLUIDICS AND NANOFLUIDICS
Artículo2007Nutritional treatment of cancer cachexia in ratsEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Artículo2007On the structure of spaces of uniformly convergent Fourier seriesMATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN
Artículo2007Simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplant: a single-center long-term outcomeJOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY
Artículo2007Use of NIRS technology with a remote reflectance fibre-optic probe for predicting mineral composition (Ca, K, P, Fe, Mn, Na, Zn), protein and moisture in alfalfaANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2006Cognitive functioning in the early course of first-episode schizophrenia spectrum disorders - Timing and patternsEUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE
Artículo2006Determination of U-234/U-238 isotope ratios in environmental waters by quadrupole ICP-MS after U stripping from alpha-spectrometry counting sourcesANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2006Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) reflectance technology for the determination of tocopherols in alfalfaANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2006Study of the microbiodegradation of terpenoid resin-based varnishes from easel painting using pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and gas chromatography-mass spectrometryANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2005Characterization of a gene in the car cluster of Fusarium fujikuroi that codes for a protein of the carotenoid oxygenase familyMOLECULAR GENETICS AND GENOMICS
Artículo2005Mpg1, a fission yeast protein required for proper septum structure, is involved in cell cycle progression through cell-size checkpointMOLECULAR GENETICS AND GENOMICS
Artículo2005Particle-size distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in urban air in southern SpainANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2005Synthesis of TiN/Si3N4 composite powders by mechanically activated annealingJOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH
Artículo2005The space of complete embedded maximal surfaces with isolated singularities in the 3-dimensional Lorentz-Minkowski spaceMATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN
Artículo2005Time and Space parallelization of the Navier-Stokes equationsCOMPUTATIONAL & APPLIED MATHEMATICS
Artículo2004Determination of microcystins in natural blooms and cyanobacterial strain cultures by matrix solid-phase dispersion and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometryANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2004Determination of vanadium in mussels by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry without chemical modifiersANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2004LexA-binding sequences in Gram-positive and cyanobacteria are closely relatedMOLECULAR GENETICS AND GENOMICS
Letter2004Multiple sclerosis-like illness in a HIV-1 patientJOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY
Artículo2004Study of traffic pollution by metals in Seville (Spain) by physical and chemical speciation methodsANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
Artículo2004Universal transforms of the geometric series under generalized Riesz methodsCOMPUTATIONAL METHODS AND FUNCTION THEORY
Artículo2004Wide transparency range and high refractive index lead-niobium-germanate glass thin filmsAPPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING
Artículo2003Adjoints of linear fractional composition operators on the Dirichlet spaceMATHEMATISCHE ANNALEN
Artículo2003High refractive index and transparent heavy metal oxide glassy thin filmsAPPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING
Artículo2003Kinetics of nanocrystallization in FeCoNbB(Cu) alloysAPPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING
Artículo2003Prevention of brain protein and lipid oxidation elicited by a water-soluble oryzanol enzymatic extract derived from rice branEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Artículo2002A carotenoid biosynthesis gene cluster in Fusarium fujikuroi: the genes carB and carRAMOLECULAR GENETICS AND GENOMICS
Artículo2002Combustion synthesis of TiN induced by high-energy ball milling of Ti under nitrogen atmosphereJOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH
Artículo2002Genes for mevalonate biosynthesis in PhycomycesMOLECULAR GENETICS AND GENOMICS
Artículo2002Low-temperature preparation and structural characterization of Pr-doped ceria solid solutionsJOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH
Artículo2002Mutants of the carotene cyclase domain of al-2 from Neurospora crassaMOLECULAR GENETICS AND GENOMICS
Artículo2002On the null controllability of the one-dimensional heat equation with BV coefficientsCOMPUTATIONAL & APPLIED MATHEMATICS
Artículo2002Photomorphogenesis in Phycomyces: differential display of gene expression by PCR with arbitrary primersMOLECULAR GENETICS AND GENOMICS
Artículo2001Contact fracture of brittle bilayer coatings on soft substratesJOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH
Artículo2001Control growth of PbS quantum dots doped sono-ormosilJOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH
Artículo2001Effects of maternal chronic alcohol administration in the rat: lactation performance and pup's growthEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION
Artículo2001Topological transformation of grains in three-dimensional normal grain growthJOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH
Artículo2000Sol-gel synthesis of Li-ZrSiO4JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH
Artículo1999Physical properties of nearly zero magnetostriction Co-rich glass-coated amorphous microwiresJOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH
Artículo1999Regional cerebral blood flow in obsessive-compulsive patients with and without a chronic tic disorder. A SPECT studyEUROPEAN ARCHIVES OF PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE
Artículo1999Structure and electrical behavior in air of TiO2-doped stabilized tetragonal zirconia ceramicsAPPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING
Artículo1998Heterogeneous junction of yttria partially stabilized zirconia by superplastic flowJOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH
Artículo1997Computer-based anthropometrical system for total body irradiationMEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING
Artículo1997The Mannheim interview on social support psychometric characteristics of a Spanish versionSOCIAL PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHIATRIC EPIDEMIOLOGY
Artículo1996Ferroelasticity of the displacive tetragonal phase in Y2O3 partially stabilized ZrO2 (Y-PSZ) single crystalsJOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH
Artículo1994CdS-silica xerogel nanocomposites: Processing-induced textural changesJOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH
Artículo1992Compressive creep of dense BI2SR1.7CACU2OXJOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH
Artículo1990Compressive creep of Yba2Cu3OxJOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH
Letter1988Brucellar pericarditisINFECTION