Búsqueda de Publicación - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría

Publicaciones de la editorial SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2025Network Resource Mobilization in Community-Based Tourism Social EntrepreneurshipJOURNAL OF TRAVEL RESEARCH
Artículo2024‘How can I do it?’ Inclusive faculty members make recommendations for carrying out inclusive teaching practicesActive Learning in Higher Education
Artículo2024“Go and Wash up!”: Gender Violence in Female Refereeing and Its Media Coverage in Brazil and SpainCommunication & Sport
Artículo2024“Tears of Gratitude Are Flowing From My Eyes; You Touch My Soul”QUALITATIVE INQUIRY
Artículo2024A glint of lights in the fog: invisible cities and the riddles of planning practiceJOURNAL OF PLANNING EDUCATION AND RESEARCH
Artículo2024A Single-Center Retrospective Study of Pediatric Vitiligo in a Tertiary HospitalClinical Pediatrics
Artículo2024A systematic review of public stigmatization toward women victims of intimate partner violence in low- and middle-income countriesTRAUMA VIOLENCE & ABUSE
Artículo2024A systematic review of the benefits and challenges of technologies for the learning of university students with disabilitiesJournal of Special Education Technology
Revisión2024Acute and Chronic Effects of Blood Flow Restriction Training in Physically Active Patients With Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Systematic ReviewSports Health
Artículo2024Civic Engagement in Emerging Adulthood: Variation by Gender and SES, and Association with Personal AdjustmentSAGE OPEN
Artículo2024Covering the EU at local level: A multiple-case study in Germany, the UK and SpainINTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION GAZETTE
Artículo2024Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Among Emerging Adult Undergraduates: A Longitudinal and Two-Cohort Study.Health education & behavior : the official publication of the Society for Public Health Education
Artículo2024Does Family Material Affluence Affect the Future Socio-political Participation of Adolescents and Their Concerns About Social Issues? An Approach From Structural Equation Modeling and Gender InvarianceSAGE OPEN
Artículo2024Efficacy and tolerability of SEDIFLÙ in treating dry or productive cough in the pediatric population (SEPEDIA): A pilot, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter clinical trialClinical Pediatrics
Artículo2024Entrepreneurial Potential in Secondary School Students. An Exploratory EvaluationSAGE OPEN
Artículo2024Families at Psychosocial Risk. Analysis of the Relation Between Parenting Competencies and Externalizing Problems in Children and AdolescentsJOURNAL OF FAMILY ISSUES
Artículo2024Fibroblast growth factor 21 is a hepatokine involved in MASLD progressionUNITED EUROPEAN GASTROENTEROLOGY JOURNAL
Artículo2024From coca to cocoa: Conflicts, violence and hegemonic compromises in the turbulent Peruvian Amazonia settlement process: The case of TocacheENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING A
Artículo2024Geographical aspects of open-world video gamesGames And Culture
Artículo2024Influence of the Type of Antiretroviral Treatment on the Time to Reach High Pharmacotherapy Complexity in People Living With HIVANNALS OF PHARMACOTHERAPY
Artículo2024Long-Term Neurodevelopmental Outcome After Selective Fetoscopic Laser Therapy for Stage I Twin-Twin Transfusion SyndromeClinical Pediatrics
Revisión2024Occupational Health Injuries and Illness Among Women Workers in the Chemical Industry: A Scoping ReviewWorkplace Health & Safety
Artículo2024One-step non-invasive diagnosis of metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis and fibrosis in high-risk populationUNITED EUROPEAN GASTROENTEROLOGY JOURNAL
Artículo2024Outlining individual and contextual factors related to LGBTQ+ bullying: a systematic review of two decades of researchTRAUMA VIOLENCE & ABUSE
Artículo2024Physical Inactivity increases Impairment of Daily Activities Due to Pain in Workers: An Ordinal Regression Logistic and Correspondence AnalysisWorkplace Health & Safety
Artículo2024Pre-school and primary teachers in the process of detecting child maltreatment in Andalusia (Spain) CULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2024Pretreatment with oleuropein protects the neonatal brain from hypoxia-ischemia by inhibiting apoptosis and neuroinflammationJOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW AND METABOLISM
Artículo2024Principles for Stakeholder Involvement in Evaluation in Latin AmericaAmerican Journal of Evaluation
Artículo2024Promotion of Labor Insertion Through the Build Your Professional Career (CCP) Model: A Critical Qualitative Perspective for the Improvement of Professional and Life ProjectsCULTURAL STUDIES-CRITICAL METHODOLOGIES
Artículo2024Resilient or declining? An institutional analysis of employer associations and their implications for companies in the European UnionJournal of Industrial Relations
Artículo2024Role of compliance in Helicobacter pylori eradication treatment: Results of the European Registry on H. pylori managementUNITED EUROPEAN GASTROENTEROLOGY JOURNAL
Artículo2024Role of proton pump inhibitors dosage and duration in Helicobacter pylori eradication treatment: results from the European Registry on H. pylori managementUNITED EUROPEAN GASTROENTEROLOGY JOURNAL
Artículo2024School Governance Through Performance-Based Accountability: A Comparative Analysis of Its Side Effects Across Different Regulatory RegimesReview of Research in Education
Artículo2024Short-term rentals supply-side’ structure and the struggle for rent appropriation: Insights from Andalusia, SpainENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING A
Artículo2024The earth in the model: The nomothetic, idiographic, and plural epistemic aims of planetary modellingANTHROPOCENE REVIEW
Artículo2024The role of perfectionism and parental expectations in the school stress and health complaints of secondary school studentsYouth and Society
Artículo2024The Social Self-Efficacy Scale for Spanish and Portuguese (13–18-Year-Olds) Adolescents: Psychometric Properties and Measurement InvarianceJournal of Psychoeducational Assessment
Revisión2024The Theory of Emerging Adulthood in Latin America: A Scoping ReviewEmerging Adulthood
Artículo2024Toward Realism: An Analysis of Coastal Environments in Open-World Video GamesSimulation & Gaming
Artículo2024Transculturation in Latin American Video Game Production: Between Regionalism and CosmopolitanismGames And Culture
Artículo2024Transnational Students Facing Multiple Crises: Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Oaxaca, MexicoInternational Migration Review
Artículo2024Understanding the Stakes: The Influence of Accountability Policy Options on Teachers' ResponsesEDUCATIONAL POLICY
Revisión2024VEGF and neuronal survivalNeuroscientist
Otros2024Well-Being and Social Justice Among Moroccan Migrants in Southern SpainJOURNAL OF PLANNING LITERATURE
Revisión2023An Educational Framework in Digital Rights and Responsibilities for Young EntrepreneursSAGE OPEN
Artículo2023Architecture in Eighteenth-century East and Southeast Asia Chinese quartersJOURNAL OF URBAN HISTORY
Artículo2023Attachment Representations and Early Adversity in Internationally Adopted Children from Russian Federation Using the Friends and Family InterviewJOURNAL OF EARLY ADOLESCENCE
Artículo2023Can overclaiming technique improve self-assessment tools for digital competence? The case of DigCompSatSOCIAL SCIENCE COMPUTER REVIEW
Artículo2023Changes in reading habits during COVID-19 confinement in SpainCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2023Consumption Habits of Recorded Music: Determinants of Flamenco Albums AcquisitionSAGE OPEN
Letter2023Diagnostic Accuracy of Conventional Ankle CT Scan With External Rotation and Dorsiflexion: Letter to the EditorAmerican Journal of Sports Medicine
Artículo2023Difficult to diagnose cutaneous melanoma in a patient with BAP1 tumor predisposition syndromeInternational Journal of Surgical Pathology
Artículo2023Digital Transformation and Local Government Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Assessment of Its Impact on the Sustainable Development GoalsSAGE OPEN
Artículo2023Does Online Jealousy Lead to Online Control in Dating Adolescents? The Moderation Role of Moral Disengagement and Socio-Emotional CompetenceYouth and Society
Artículo2023Emotional loneliness, suicidal ideation, and alexithymia in adolescents who commit child-to-parent violenceJOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE
Artículo2023Evaluating the effectiveness of a psychological and adventure-based multicomponent therapeutic program for victims of intimate partner violence: a pilot study.JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE
Artículo2023Evaluation of the impact of gamification on students' performance and engagement in manufacturing engineering coursesINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING EDUCATION
Artículo2023Female infertility is associated with an altered expression profile of different members of the tachykinin family in human granulosa cellsREPRODUCTIVE SCIENCES
Artículo2023HDL anti-inflammatory function is impaired and associated with high SAA1 and low APOA4 levels in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhageJOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW AND METABOLISM
Artículo2023Institutionalizing Populist Power Coalitions in Latin America: Argentina’s Economic and Social Council and Brazil’s Council for Economic and Social DevelopmentLATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES
Artículo2023Is Activation the Active Ingredient of Transdiagnostic Therapies? A Randomized Clinical Trial of Behavioral Activation, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and Transdiagnostic Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Emotional DisordersBehavior Modification
Artículo2023Itaipu Binational Dam: A Quantitative Analysis of the Economic and Social Impacts in Paraguay. Successful or not?SAGE OPEN
Artículo2023Multicenter comparative analysis of late open conversion in patients with adherence and nonadherence to instructions for use endovascular aneurysm repairJOURNAL OF ENDOVASCULAR THERAPY
Artículo2023Public stigmatization of women victims of intimate partner violence by professionals working in the judicial system and law enforcement agencies in SpainJOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE
Artículo2023Sending of unwanted dick pics as a modality of sexual cyber-violence: an exploratory study of its emotional impact and reactions in womenJOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE
Nota2023Severe anemia in infants: don’t miss the cluesClinical Pediatrics
Artículo2023Simplification and multidimensional adaptation of the stratification tool for pharmaceutical care in people living with HIV.ANNALS OF PHARMACOTHERAPY
Artículo2023The role of competitive project-based funding in the commodification of academic research: a Marxist analysisCRITICAL SOCIOLOGY
Artículo2023Why are some victims also bullies? The role of peer relationship management and anger regulation in traditional bullyingYouth and Society
Artículo2022Acute Effects of Beetroot Juice Supplements on Lower-Body Strength in Female Athletes: Double-Blind Crossover Randomized TrialSports Health
Artículo2022Adopted adolescents at school: social support and adjustmentYouth and Society
Artículo2022An unusual case of desmoplastic melanoma with monster cells imitating an atypical fibroxanthomaInternational Journal of Surgical Pathology
Revisión2022Animal and cellular models of Alzheimer’s disease: progress, promise, and future approachesNeuroscientist
Artículo2022Beyond cyberbullying: investigating when and how cybervictimization predicts suicidal ideationJOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE
Artículo2022Cognitive flexibility and decision making predicts expertise in the MOBA esport, league of legendsSAGE OPEN
Artículo2022Education management at primary education during the Covid-19 crisis from the perspective of familiesCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2022Education, Science, and Technology Policies during Ecuador's Citizens' Revolution: Between Cognitive Dependency and the Struggle for the Social StateLATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES
Artículo2022Effect of the Lockdown Due to COVID-19 on Sexuality: The Mediating Role of Sexual Practices and Arousal in the Relationship Between Gender and Sexual Self-EsteemPSYCHOLOGICAL REPORTS
Artículo2022Employment inclusion policies and evidence-based policy: incorporating "qualitative significance" into a mixed-methods study protocolINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUALITATIVE METHODS
Artículo2022Facing dominant master narratives on gender and sexuality: identity reconstruction of women in situations of inequalityMEMORY STUDIES
Artículo2022Female archetypes in car advertising: the case of AudiVISUAL COMMUNICATION
Artículo2022Graphene nanoplatelets electrical networks as highly efficient self-heating materials for glass fiber fabricsJOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL TEXTILES
Artículo2022Inclusive learning strategies at university: the perspective of Spanish faculty members from different knowledge areasCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2022Influence of Computer Knowledge and Level of Education on Spanish Citizens' Propensity to Use E-CommerceSOCIAL SCIENCE COMPUTER REVIEW
Artículo2022Is this Whatsapp conversation aggressive? Adolescents' perception of cyber dating aggressionJOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE
Artículo2022Morphological analysis of porosity and sound absorption in sustainable materials from rice huskBuilding acoustics
Artículo2022Now and forever: creating knowledge to honor peopleQUALITATIVE INQUIRY
Artículo2022Predictive factors of mental health in survivors of intimate partner violence in ChileJOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE
Artículo2022Psychosocial separation and women’s disengagement from prosecutions against abusive intimate partners in SpainJOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE
Editorial2022Publishing in entrepreneurship education and pedagogyEntrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy
Artículo2022Qualitative female researchers in academia: challenges and contradictionsCULTURAL STUDIES-CRITICAL METHODOLOGIES
Artículo2022Reducing Relationship Conflict in Virtual Teams With Diversity Faultlines: The Effect of an Online Affect Management Intervention on the Rate of Growth of Team ResilienceSOCIAL SCIENCE COMPUTER REVIEW
Artículo2022Running thermoregulation effects using bioceramics versus polyester fibres socksJOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL TEXTILES
Artículo2022Social positioning analysis as a qualitative methodology to study identity construction in people diagnosed with severe mental illnessesQUALITATIVE HEALTH RESEARCH
Artículo2022Spanish version of the death attitude profile-revised. Translation and validation into SpanishOmega (United States)
Artículo2022Syria and political cartoons from the perspective of the cartoonist Ali FerzatJOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION INQUIRY
Artículo2022The Role of Interpersonal Sexual Objectification in Heterosexual Intimate Partner Violence From Perspectives of Perceivers and TargetsJOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE
Artículo2022Workplace bullying, emotional exhaustion, and partner social undermining: a weekly diary studyJOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE
Artículo2021“Looking for better (job) opportunities”: a qualitative analysis of the occupational health of immigrants in southern SpainWorkplace Health & Safety
Artículo2021A novel molecular magnetic resonance imaging agent targeting activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule as demonstrated in mouse brain metastasis modelsJOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW AND METABOLISM
Artículo2021Assessment of a New Lateral Cushioned Casting Orthosis: Effects on Peroneus Longus Muscle Electromyographic Activity During RunningORTHOPAEDIC JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE
Artículo2021Cova da Moura: citizenship, neighborship, and conflicts over territory in Lisbon's periphery, 1974-2014JOURNAL OF URBAN HISTORY
Artículo2021Development and validation of the romantic love myths questionnaireJOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE
Artículo2021Digital intimate partner violence among Peruvian youths: validation of an instrument and a theoretical proposalJOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE
Artículo2021Effect of victimization and perceived support on maintenance of dating relationships among college students in Guadalajara, MexicoJOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE
Artículo2021European Registry on Helicobacter pylori Management: single-capsule bismuth quadruple therapy is effective in real-world clinical practiceUNITED EUROPEAN GASTROENTEROLOGY JOURNAL
Artículo2021Grandparent affection and emotional well-being of adolescents with different family typesJOURNAL OF FAMILY ISSUES
Artículo2021How to measure intangible cultural heritage value? The case of flamenco in SpainEMPIRICAL STUDIES OF THE ARTS
Artículo2021Illness process and recovery from the perspective of the alcoholic patientNURSING SCIENCE QUARTERLY
Artículo2021Loneliness among the elderly in rural contexts: a mixed-method study protocolINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUALITATIVE METHODS
Artículo2021Metabolomics insights in early childhood cariesJOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Artículo2021Precursors of reading performance and double- and triple-deficit risks in SpanishJournal of Learning Disabilities
Artículo2021Psychometric properties of the dating violence questionnaire: reviewing the evidence in Chilean youthsJOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE
Artículo2021Remembering the medical practices: How health workers narrate their most negative experiencesMEMORY STUDIES
Artículo2021Resisting workers' disalienation: The making and survival of capitalist conservation in Niombato, SenegalENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING E-NATURE AND SPACE
Artículo2021Satisfaction and performance of the international faculty: to what extent emotional reactions and conflict matter?SAGE OPEN
Artículo2021Spanish adolescents and fake news: level of awareness and credibility of informationCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2021Teacher training and employment in Spanish scientific research from 1977 to 2019CULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2021The (im)materiality of literacy in early childhood: a socio-material approach to online and offline eventsJOURNAL OF EARLY CHILDHOOD RESEARCH
Revisión2021The relationship between forgiveness, bullying, and cyberbullying in adolescence: a systematic reviewTRAUMA VIOLENCE & ABUSE
Artículo2021The roles of supervisory support and involvement in influencing scientists’ job satisfaction to ensure the achievement of SDGs in academic organizationsSAGE OPEN
Artículo2021University accreditations and publication of articles on education in SpainCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2020A decalogue to avoid routine ileostomy in selected patients with border line risk to develop anastomotic leakage after minimally invasive low-anterior resection: a pilot studySURGICAL INNOVATION
Otros2020A Posteriori Segmentation of Personal Profiles of Online Video Games’ PlayersGames And Culture
Artículo2020Assessment of cognitively stimulating activity in a Spanish populationAssessment
Artículo2020Beyond rules and mechanics: A different approach to ludologyGames And Culture
Artículo2020Crowdfunding as a catalyst for contemporary Chinese animationANIMATION-AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL
Artículo2020Effect of Group Embryo Culture under Low-Oxygen Tension in Benchtop Incubators on Human Embryo Culture: Prospective, Randomized, Controlled TrialREPRODUCTIVE SCIENCES
Artículo2020Elder abuse in the Iberian Peninsula and Bolivia: a multicountry comparative studyJOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE
Artículo2020Inclusive higher education in Spain: students with disabilities speak outJournal of Hispanic Higher Education
Artículo2020Making sense of genre: the logic of video game genre organizationGames And Culture
Artículo2020Parameter identification of the dynamic Winkler soil–structure interaction model using a hybrid unscented Kalman filter–multi-objective harmony search algorithmAdvances in Structural Engineering
Artículo2020Should Declining Firms Be Aggressive During the Retrenchment Process?Journal of Management
Reseña2020Social mobility in the twentieth centuryINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE SOCIOLOGY
Artículo2020Spanish Version of the Inventory of the Dimensions of Emerging Adulthood (IDEA-S)Emerging Adulthood
Letter2020Surgical treatment of parostomal hernias by means of a 3D meshSURGICAL INNOVATION
Artículo2020The role of public service journalism and television in fostering public voice and the capacity to consent: an analysis of Spanish viewers’ discoursesJOURNALISM
Artículo2020Tibiotalocalcaneal fusion with antibiotic cement-coated nails for refractory deep infection after ankle ORIFFOOT & ANKLE INTERNATIONAL
Artículo2020To be or not to be, that is the question: a journey through performance autoethnographyQUALITATIVE INQUIRY
Artículo2020Training needs of academics on inclusive education and disabilitySAGE OPEN
Artículo2020Under the Same Label: Adopted Adolescents’ Heterogeneity in Well-Being and Perception of Social ContextsYouth and Society
Artículo2020Venous thromboembolism in patients with autoimmune disorders: findings from the RIETE registryANGIOLOGY
Artículo2020Week 2020 Poster Presentations.UNITED EUROPEAN GASTROENTEROLOGY JOURNAL
Editorial2019A New Pharmaceutical Care Concept: More Capable, Motivated, and TimelyHOSPITAL PHARMACY
Artículo2019A Randomized Controlled Trial to Examine the Posttreatment Efficacy of Neurofeedback, Behavior Therapy, and Pharmacology on ADHD MeasuresJOURNAL OF ATTENTION DISORDERS
Artículo2019A Virtual Reality-Based Psychological Treatment in Long-Term Hospitalization: A Case StudyCLINICAL CASE STUDIES
Artículo2019Adoption Breakdown in Spain: A Survival and Age-Related AnalysisRESEARCH ON SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE
Editorial2019Adoption breakdown research comes of age: introduction to the special sectionRESEARCH ON SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE
Artículo2019Adoption Breakdown: Concept, Research, and ImplicationsRESEARCH ON SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE
Artículo2019Critical analysis of the effects of the digital technologies on reading and learningCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2019Does Sun-and-Sea All-Inclusive Tourism Contribute to Poverty Alleviation and/or Income Inequality Reduction? The Case of the Dominican RepublicJOURNAL OF TRAVEL RESEARCH
Artículo2019Forgiveness and loneliness in peer-victimized adolescentsJOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE
Resumen congreso2019Galectin-3, a novel endogenous TREM2 ligand, detrimentally regulates inflammatory response in Alzheimer's diseaseJOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW AND METABOLISM
Artículo2019I Love You but I Cyberbully You: The Role of Hostile SexismJOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE
Artículo2019Interpersonal Sexual Objectification Experiences: Psychological and Social Well-Being Consequences for WomenJOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE
Artículo2019La credibilidad de las noticias en Internet: una evaluación de la información por estudiantes universitariosCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2019Modal parameter identification of a spectator-grandstand interaction model under different rhythmic activitiesAdvances in Structural Engineering
Artículo2019Online undergraduate students' perceptions of the impact of Web 2.0 on higher educationCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2019Personality Inventory for DSM-5-Short Form (PID-5-SF): Reliability, Factorial Structure, and Relationship With Functional Impairment in Dual Diagnosis PatientsAssessment
Artículo2019Self-Congruity, Social Value, and the Use of Virtual Social Networks by Generation Y TravelersJOURNAL OF TRAVEL RESEARCH
Editorial2019Visual Dermatology: "Cluster of Jewels" SignJOURNAL OF CUTANEOUS MEDICINE AND SURGERY
Editorial2019Visual Dermatology: Wolf's Isotopic Response: Zosteriform PsoriasisJOURNAL OF CUTANEOUS MEDICINE AND SURGERY
Artículo2019Visual Dermatology: Woolly Hair NevusJOURNAL OF CUTANEOUS MEDICINE AND SURGERY
Artículo2018A New Perspective on Vacuum-Assisted Closure for the Treatment of Anastomotic Leak Following Low Anterior Resection for Rectal Cancer, Is It Worthy?SURGICAL INNOVATION
Artículo2018Acute Effects of Whole-Body Vibration on the Pain Level, Flexibility, and Cardiovascular Responses in Individuals With Metabolic SyndromeDOSE-RESPONSE
Artículo2018Assessing the Impact of the 2008 Financial Crisis on the Labor Force, Employment, and Wages of Persons with Disabilities in SpainJOURNAL OF DISABILITY POLICY STUDIES
Artículo2018Contextual variables associated with differences in educational performance between European Union countriesCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2018Daylight, shape, and cross-cultural influences through the routes of discoveries: the case of Baroque templesSPACE AND CULTURE
Artículo2018Development and Validation of the Family Feedback on Child Welfare Services (FF-CWS)RESEARCH ON SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE
Artículo2018Effect of a Structured Pharmaceutical Care Intervention Versus Usual Care on Cardiovascular Risk in HIV Patients on Antiretroviral Therapy: INFAMERICA StudyANNALS OF PHARMACOTHERAPY
Artículo2018High-intensity interval training combined with vibration and dietary restriction improves body composition and blood lipids in obese adults: A randomized trialDOSE-RESPONSE
Artículo2018Identification of the Medication Regimen Complexity Index as an Associated Factor of Nonadherence to Antiretroviral Treatment in HIV Positive PatientsANNALS OF PHARMACOTHERAPY
Artículo2018Identification of the Unique Attributes of Tourist Destinations from Online ReviewsJOURNAL OF TRAVEL RESEARCH
Artículo2018Influence of age, body mass index and comorbidity on major outcomes in acute pancreatitis, a prospective nation-wide multicentre studyUNITED EUROPEAN GASTROENTEROLOGY JOURNAL
Artículo2018Male Peer Support to Hostile Sexist Attitudes Influences Rape ProclivityJOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE
Artículo2018Sex Differences in Patients With Occult Cancer After Venous ThromboembolismCLINICAL AND APPLIED THROMBOSIS-HEMOSTASIS
Revisión2018Systematic Review of the Effect of Adherence to Statin Treatment on Critical Cardiovascular Events and Mortality in Primary PreventionJOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR PHARMACOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS
Artículo2018The Effect of Monthly Medication on Mortality After a Coronary EventJOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR PHARMACOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS
Artículo2018The Perception of Spontaneous and Volitional Laughter Across 21 SocietiesPSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE
Artículo2018Who Intends to Enroll in Entrepreneurship Education? Entrepreneurial Self-Identity as a PrecursorEntrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy
Artículo2018Workplace Incivility as Modern Sexual PrejudiceJOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE
Artículo2017A Mediation Model for Ideas of Reference: The Role of the Gray Model, Self-Consciousness, and Emotional SymptomsPSYCHOLOGICAL REPORTS
Artículo2017A million steps developing a health promotion program at the workplace to enhance physical activityWorkplace Health & Safety
Artículo2017Abnormal myosin phosphatase targeting subunit 1 phosphorylation and actin polymerization contribute to impaired myogenic regulation of cerebral arterial diameter in the type 2 diabetic Goto-Kakizaki ratJOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW AND METABOLISM
Artículo2017Bioengineered 3D Glial Cell Culture Systems and Applications for Neurodegeneration and NeuroinflammationSLAS DISCOVERY
Artículo2017Building Customer Loyalty: The Effect of Experiential State, the Value of Shopping, and Trust and Perceived Value of Service on Online Clothes ShoppingCLOTHING AND TEXTILES RESEARCH JOURNAL
Artículo2017Capsule endoscopy in young patients with iron deficiency anaemia and negative bidirectional gastrointestinal endoscopyUNITED EUROPEAN GASTROENTEROLOGY JOURNAL
Artículo2017Factors Influencing Residents' Perceptions toward Tourism Development: Differences across Rural and Urban World Heritage SitesJOURNAL OF TRAVEL RESEARCH
Artículo2017Guidelines for Genome-Scale Analysis of Biological RhythmsJOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL RHYTHMS
Artículo2017Oferta y uso de tutorías virtuales y presenciales: percepciones de profesores y estudiantes de enfermeríaCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2017Proton Grid Therapy: A Proof-of-Concept StudyTECHNOLOGY IN CANCER RESEARCH & TREATMENT
Artículo2017Psychometric Properties of the Flourishing Scale and Measurement Invariance Between Two Samples of Spanish University StudentsEVALUATION & THE HEALTH PROFESSIONS
Artículo2017Solidarity Networks of Spanish Migrants in the UK and Germany: The Emergence of Interstitial Trade UnionismCRITICAL SOCIOLOGY
Artículo2017Spanish Consensus Statement: Clinical Management and Treatment of Tendinopathies in SportORTHOPAEDIC JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE
Artículo2017What are our personal memories for? Effects of gender and country in perceived functions of everyday memories in Danish and Spanish college studentsCROSS-CULTURAL RESEARCH
Artículo2017What Drives Students' Loyalty-Formation in Social Media Learning Within a Personal Learning Environment Approach? The Moderating Role of Need for CognitionJOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL COMPUTING RESEARCH
Artículo2016'I believe they felt attacked'. Discursive representation and construction of interculturality in Spanish news televisionINTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION GAZETTE
Revisión2016A Survey on the Application of Evolutionary Algorithms for Mobile Multihop Ad Hoc Network Optimization ProblemsINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS
Artículo2016An Intelligent Strategy for Tactical Movements of UAVs in Disaster ScenariosINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS
Corrección2016Anxiety and concerns in Spanish living kidney donor candidates (vol 50, pg 163, 2015)INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY IN MEDICINE
Artículo2016Assessing the level of risk of families supported by Child and Family Protection Services: Practitioners and mothers as informantsJOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK
Ponencia2016Astrocyte activation by brain metastases alters neurovascular couplingJOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW AND METABOLISM
Editorial2016Computational Intelligence in Wireless Sensor and Ad Hoc NetworksINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS
Artículo2016Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Antisocial Process Screening Device: Self-Report Among Incarcerated Male Juvenile OffendersINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OFFENDER THERAPY AND COMPARATIVE CRIMINOLOGY
Artículo2016Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells Toward Functional Pancreatic beta-Cell Surrogates Through Epigenetic Regulation of Pdx1 by Nitric OxideCell Transplantation
Reseña2016Global Gangs: Street Violence across the WorldCONTEMPORARY SOCIOLOGY-A JOURNAL OF REVIEWS
Artículo2016ICT teacher training: a view of the TPACK modelCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2016Integration of healthcare and financial information: Evaluation in a public hospital using a comprehensive approachHEALTH INFORMATICS JOURNAL
Ponencia2016Mechanistic pathways underlying altered neurovascular coupling in brain metastasisJOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW AND METABOLISM
Artículo2016Mobile platform for treatment of stroke: A case study of tele-assistanceHEALTH INFORMATICS JOURNAL
Artículo2016Patients' Experiences of Sexual Activity Following Myocardial IschemiaCLINICAL NURSING RESEARCH
Artículo2016The Transformation of Values into Prices of Production in Marx's Scheme of Expanded ReproductionREVIEW OF RADICAL POLITICAL ECONOMICS
Artículo2016Toward the Model of Independence: The Influence of Formal Schooling Experience on Earliest Autobiographical Memories and Self-Construals: A Preliminary StudyJOURNAL OF CROSS-CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY
Artículo2015“La fotografia si fa con i piedi”: frammenti di celluloide e inventari del mondoForum Italicum
Revisión2015A Survey on Multihop Ad Hoc Networks for Disaster Response ScenariosINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS
Editorial2015Ad Hoc Networks for Disaster Scenarios and/or Threat DetectionINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS
Artículo2015Anxiety and concerns in Spanish living kidney donor candidatesINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY IN MEDICINE
Artículo2015Earliest autobiographical memories in college students from three countries: towards a situated viewMEMORY STUDIES
Artículo2015Evaluating the school assets that promote positive adolescent development from the perspective of the studentCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2015Family relationships from adolescence to emerging adulthood: a longitudinal studyJOURNAL OF FAMILY ISSUES
Artículo2015From research question to scientific publication: educational innovation with university studentsCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2015Human Bone Marrow Stromal Cells Differentiate Into Corneal Tissue and Prevent Ocular Graft-Versus-Host Disease in MiceCell Transplantation
Artículo2015Inclusive university settings? An analysis from the perspective of students with disabilitiesCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2015Low-Power Platform and Communications for the Development of Wireless Body Sensor NetworksINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS
Artículo2015On the Ability to Disentangle the Two Errors in the Normal/Half-Normal Stochastic Frontier ModelPUBLIC FINANCE REVIEW
Artículo2015Physical Dating Violence in Spain and the United Kingdom and the Importance of Relationship QualityJOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE
Artículo2015Reaction Time and Attention: Toward a New Standard in the Assessment of ADHD? A Pilot StudyJOURNAL OF ATTENTION DISORDERS
Artículo2015Spanish Consensus Statement: The Treatment of Muscle Tears in SportORTHOPAEDIC JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE
Artículo2015The influence of informal learning processes of social network sites on the subjective well-being of women in rural areasCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2015The Use of TachoSil as Sealant in an Experimental Model of Colonic PerforationSURGICAL INNOVATION
Artículo2014“ … donne erano: e donne sarebbero”: Il corpo femminile come catalizzatore delle strutture narrative e delle scelte linguistiche nel PasticciaccioForum Italicum
Artículo2014A DEA Approach to Performance-Based Budgeting of Formula One ConstructorsJOURNAL OF SPORTS ECONOMICS
Artículo2014A synthesis of research on effectiveness of school-based drug prevention programmesCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2014Benevolent Sexist Ideology Attributed to an Abusive Partner Decreases Women's Active Coping Responses to Acts of Sexual ViolenceJOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE
Artículo2014Challenges to public service news programmes in Spain: professionals and viewers' discourses wavering between institutional reform and counter-reformJOURNALISM
Artículo2014Identifying Victims of Workplace Bullying by Integrating Traditional Estimation Approaches Into a Latent Class Cluster ModelJOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE
Artículo2014Intra-Arterial Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cell Transplantation Correlates With GM-CSF, PDGF-BB, and MMP-2 Serum Levels in Stroke Patients: Results From a Clinical TrialCell Transplantation
Letter2014Limitations of Minimal Incision Technique for Tibiotalocalcaneal Arthrodesis ResponseFOOT & ANKLE INTERNATIONAL
Artículo2014Minimal Incision Surgery for Tibiotalocalcaneal ArthrodesisFOOT & ANKLE INTERNATIONAL
Artículo2014Parenting styles and bullying involvementCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2014Production and evaluation of a Personal Learning Environment for faculty training: analysis of an experienceCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2014Proximal Adolescent Outcomes of Gang Membership in England and WalesJOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN CRIME AND DELINQUENCY
Artículo2014Routine leisure activities: opportunity and risk in adolescenceCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2014Teachers as readers: a study of the reading habits of future teachersCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2014The Voice of the Dead: Analyzing Sociolinguistic Variation in Early Modern English Wills and TestamentsJOURNAL OF ENGLISH LINGUISTICS
Artículo2014Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy With and Without Robotic Assistance: A Prospective Controlled StudySURGICAL INNOVATION
Artículo2014What do students do to agree on academic knowledge? Structured tasks and non-structured tasks for classroom-based learning / Que hacen los estudiantes para consensuar el conocimiento? Tareas estructuradas y tareas no estructuradas de aprendizaje en el aulaCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2013Communication about placement and family functioning in kinship foster familiesCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2013Elderly Persons and Internet UseSOCIAL SCIENCE COMPUTER REVIEW
Artículo2013Evaluación de la satisfacción de los participantes en e-Learning. Un estudio sobre formación en prevención de riesgos y medio ambienteCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2013Implementing a distributed WSN based on IPv6 for ambient monitoringINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS
Artículo2013Isolated Subtalar Arthrodesis Through Minimal Incision SurgeryFOOT & ANKLE INTERNATIONAL
Artículo2013Magnetic resonance imaging reveals therapeutic effects of interferon-beta on cytokine-induced reactivation of rat model of multiple sclerosisJOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW AND METABOLISM
Artículo2013Magnetic-Assisted Single-Port Sleeve GastrectomySURGICAL INNOVATION
Artículo2013Microbial geography of the oral cavityJOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Artículo2013Performance, Reflexivity, and Learning Through Biographical-Narrative ResearchQUALITATIVE INQUIRY
Artículo2013Reflexionando acerca de cómo estudiar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en el contexto natural del aula universitariaCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2013Relationship Between Tightness of the Posterior Muscles of the Lower Limb and Plantar FasciitisFOOT & ANKLE INTERNATIONAL
Artículo2013Robotic-Assisted Total Mesorectal Excision With the Aid of a Single-Port DeviceSURGICAL INNOVATION
Artículo2013The Ejercito Popular Revolucionario: Occupying the Cracks in Mexico's Hegemonic StateLATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES
Artículo2013Tourism and GDP: A Meta-analysis of Panel Data StudiesJOURNAL OF TRAVEL RESEARCH
Artículo2013Tranexamic acid-induced toxic epidermal necrolysisANNALS OF PHARMACOTHERAPY
Artículo2012Examining Trends in Parent-Child Communication in Europe Over 12 YearsJOURNAL OF EARLY ADOLESCENCE
Artículo2012Networked Electronic Equipments Using the IEEE 1451 Standard-VisioWay: A Case Study in the ITS AreaINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS
Artículo2012Overcoming the Ethical Dilemmas of Skilled Migration? An Analysis of International Narratives on the "Brain Drain"AMERICAN BEHAVIORAL SCIENTIST
Revisión2012Primary Vaginal Ewing Sarcoma: Case Report and Review of the LiteratureInternational Journal of Surgical Pathology
Artículo2012Sensation-Seeking Profiles and Personal Innovativeness in Information TechnologySOCIAL SCIENCE COMPUTER REVIEW
Artículo2012The Contribution of US Taxes and Social Transfers to Income RedistributionPUBLIC FINANCE REVIEW
Artículo2012Una segunda brecha digital entre el alumnado universitarioCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2011"Feminizing" Middle Management? An Inquiry Into the Gendered Subtexts in University Department HeadshipSAGE OPEN
Artículo2011Bone Marrow Contributes Simultaneously to Different Neural Types in the Central Nervous System Through Different Mechanisms of PlasticityCell Transplantation
Artículo2011El patriarcado no es transparente: competencias del profesorado para reconocer desigualdadCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2011El profesorado frente a la discriminación de género: uso de la retroalimentaciónCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2011Estatus socioeconómico de las familias y resultados educativos logrados por el alumnadoCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2011Expression of the vasoactive proteins AT1, AT2, and ANP by pregnancy-induced mouse uterine natural killer cellsREPRODUCTIVE SCIENCES
Artículo2011Necesidades del profesorado de la Universidad de Sevilla respecto a la enseñanza que requiere el EEESCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2011Satisfacción de adolescentes autóctonos e inmigrantes con el país de residencia. Influencia de variables psicosociales relativas al contacto intergrupalCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2011The gendering of political and civic participation among Colombian migrants in LondonENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING A
Artículo2011Trenta poesie: il Baedeker lirico di Goffreeo PariseForum Italicum
Artículo2010Both CD133+ cells and monocytes provide significant improvement for hindlimb ischemia, although they do not transdifferentiate into endothelial cellsCell Transplantation
Artículo2010Cultural Self-Construals of Mexican, Spanish, and Danish College Students: Beyond Independent and Interdependent SelfJOURNAL OF CROSS-CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY
Artículo2010Exposure to Sexist Humor and Rape Proclivity: The Moderator Effect of Aversiveness RatingsJOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE
Artículo2010Migration, Gender, and Politics The 2006 Peruvian Elections AbroadLATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES
Artículo2010Promoting positive youth development through school-based programmesCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2010Sensation Seeking and the Use of the Internet A Confirmatory Analysis of the Brief Sensation Seeking Scale (BSSS) by GenderSOCIAL SCIENCE COMPUTER REVIEW
Artículo2010Total Intracorporeal Anastomosis During Single-Port Laparoscopic Right Hemicolectomy for Carcinoma of Colon: A New Step ForwardSURGICAL INNOVATION
Artículo2009Diversidad familiar en la escuela: guía de recursos didácticosCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2009Familias de madres solteras solas: circunstancias, vivencias y ajuste psicológico infantilCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2009Gender and ITC in higher education: Non-sexist virtual resources for learningCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2009High seroprevalence but low incidence of HCV infection in a cohort of patients with sexually transmitted HIV in Andalusia, SpainJournal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care
Artículo2009Ideas del profesorado de primaria acerca de la diversidad familiarCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2009Incomprehensibility in the Narratives of Individuals With a Diagnosis of SchizophreniaQUALITATIVE HEALTH RESEARCH
Revisión2009Metabolic Syndrome and Periodontitis: Is Oxidative Stress a Common Link?JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Artículo2009Nuevas familias, nuevos retos para la investigación y la educaciónCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2009Relaciones familiares y vida cotidiana de niños y niñas que viven con madres lesbianas o padres gaysCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Letter2009What are the biochemical parameters of pleural fluid that best identify parapneumonic effusions?ANNALS OF CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY
Artículo2008A digenic combination of polymorphisms within ESR1 and ESR2 genes are associated with age at menarche in the Spanish populationREPRODUCTIVE SCIENCES
Artículo2008Acute Effects of Microcystins MC-LR and MC-RR on Acid and Alkaline Phosphatase Activities and Pathological Changes in Intraperitoneally Exposed Tilapia Fish (Oreochromis sp.)TOXICOLOGIC PATHOLOGY
Artículo2008Correlations of the acoustic fields of mudejar-gothic churchesBuilding acoustics
Artículo2008Human Cloning and the Raelians Media Coverage and the Rhetoric of ScienceSCIENCE COMMUNICATION
Corrección2008Intestinal clear cell sarcoma with melanocytic differentiation and extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma rearrangement (vol 16, pg 189, 2008)International Journal of Surgical Pathology
Artículo2008Intestinal clear cell sarcoma with melanocytic differentiation and extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma rearrangement: Report of a caseInternational Journal of Surgical Pathology
Letter2008Sirolimus-associated pneumonitis in heart transplant recipientsANNALS OF PHARMACOTHERAPY
Artículo2007Nifedipine and cyclosporin affect fibroblast calcium and gingivaJOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Artículo2007Onset of offending and life course among men convicted of murderHOMICIDE STUDIES
Artículo2007Production chains in an interregional framework: Identification by means of average propagation lengthsINTERNATIONAL REGIONAL SCIENCE REVIEW
Revisión2006Academic discourses on school-based teacher collaboration: Revisiting the argumentsEDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION QUARTERLY
Artículo2006Los adolescentes españoles y sus familias: calidad en la comunicación con el padre y con la madre y conductas de riesgo relacionadas con el consumo de sustancias adictivasCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2006Medial deviation of the first metatarsal in incipient hallux valgus deformityFOOT & ANKLE INTERNATIONAL
Artículo2006Mixed methods in international collaborative research: The experiences of the international study of parents, children, schoolsCROSS-CULTURAL RESEARCH
Artículo2005Mathematical background and attitudes toward statistics in a sample of Spanish college studentsPSYCHOLOGICAL REPORTS
Artículo2004A brief history of cannabis policies in Spain (1968-2003)JOURNAL OF DRUG ISSUES
Artículo2004Tendencias epistemológicas y sociales en la enseñanza del arte y sus implicaciones didácticas: una propuesta alternativa desde la educación artísticaCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Letter2003Lansoprazole-induced hepatic dysfunctionANNALS OF PHARMACOTHERAPY
Ponencia2003Periodontics course: Comparison between two educational methods in the learning experience of dental students.JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Artículo2003Who responds to surveys? Assessing the effects of nonresponse in cross-sectional dyadic researchAssessment
Artículo2002Computer-mediated negotiation of an escalated conflictSMALL GROUP RESEARCH
Artículo2002Diversidad familiar y escuela: Primera evaluación del programa "Familias diversas, Familias felices"CULTURA Y EDUCACION
Ponencia2002Education in periodontics: Evaluation of the importance of the reinforcement information in-the learning experienceJOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Ponencia2002Evaluation of students' knowledge of dentistry for patients with special needsJOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Artículo2002Género, grado de escolarización y actitudes: Modos de argumentar y pensarCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2002La importancia de la cultura para la teoría de la mente: la alternativa narrativaCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2002Symposium on 11 September 2001 Terrorism, Islam and the West: Observations on the Terrorist Attacks in New York and WashingtonEthnicities
Letter2001Aseptic meningitis related to valacyclovir [6]ANNALS OF PHARMACOTHERAPY
Letter2001Comment: Fluorouracil-induced aphasia: Neurotoxicity versus cerebral ischemia [4] (multiple letters)ANNALS OF PHARMACOTHERAPY
Artículo2001Ewing tumor: Tumor biology and clinical applicationsInternational Journal of Surgical Pathology
Letter2001Fatal hepatotoxicity associated with enalaprilANNALS OF PHARMACOTHERAPY
Letter2001Fatal hepatotoxicity associated with enalapril [1]ANNALS OF PHARMACOTHERAPY
Artículo2000Costs related to inappropriate use of albumin in SpainANNALS OF PHARMACOTHERAPY
Artículo2000Creencias y saberes de los profesores en torno a la enseñanza de la lengua oralCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Ponencia2000Dental school periodontal patients: Their knowledge of oral hygiene and their oral hygiene status.JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Letter2000Fluorouracil-induced aphasia [1]ANNALS OF PHARMACOTHERAPY
Resumen congreso2000Fourth year dental students: Oral hygiene knowledge and periodontal patients motivationJOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Artículo2000Predicting metastatic risk of gastrointestinal stromal tumors: Role of cell proliferation and cell cycle regulatory proteinsInternational Journal of Surgical Pathology
Artículo2000SITMECOM 1.0 PC: a transparent-box multifunctional simulator of competing companiesSimulation & Gaming
Artículo2000Transparent-box business simulators: an aid to manage the complexity of organizationsSimulation & Gaming
Artículo1999Clarity and definition in mudejar-gothic churchesBuilding acoustics
Artículo1999La influencia de la cultura en la cognición: sobre la diversidad de los modos de pensamiento verbalCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo1998¿A favor de las niñas?: notas en el debate sobre la escuela coeducativaCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Ponencia1998Calcium measurement in acute cultured cells from gingival tissueJOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Resumen congreso1998Dental emergencies at the Puerto Rico Pediatric Hospital, 1992-1996JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Ponencia1998Effect of chlorhexidine digluconate on substrate adherence capacity of macrophages.JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Ponencia1998Epidemiological study of malocclusion in patients with special needs: Preliminary dataJOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Artículo1998Lymphomatoid papulosis associated with cutaneous T-cell signet ring lymphomaInternational Journal of Surgical Pathology
Ponencia1998Malocclusions in puerto rican schoolchildren prevalence and orthodontic treatment need.JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Ponencia1998Prevalence of gingival recession in children under orthodontic treatment pilot study.JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Artículo1998Probable diltiazem-induced acute interstitial nephritisANNALS OF PHARMACOTHERAPY
Resumen congreso1998Protein expression of heterotrimeric G-protein subunits in normal human dental pulp.JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Ponencia1998The antioxidant properties of mouthrinses depend on their ethanol contentJOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Ponencia1998The bleaching agent Amosan (R) (sodium perborate) inhibits macrophage adhesion.JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Ponencia1998The bleaching agent amosanr (sodium perborate) inhibits macrophage adhesionJOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Artículo1997El aprendizaje en la edad adulta: reflexiones sobre el qué y el cómo de la evaluaciónCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo1997Interleukin 6 in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with meningitis is not a useful diagnostic marker in the differential diagnosis of meningitisANNALS OF CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY
Artículo1997La comprensión de textos como proceso interactivo: el papel del profesor en la ZDPCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Ponencia1997Periodontal health in Puerto Rican schoolchildren: Prevalence and treatment need.JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Ponencia1997Prevalence and pattern of dental caries in Puerto Rican schoolchildren.JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Artículo1996Apoyo a las familias durante la transición a la paternidad: evaluación de un programa de educación de padresCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo1996El aula como escenario de la vida afectiva y moralCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Ponencia1996Gingival recession: Computerized measurement of digitalized photographs compared to the conventional clinical method.JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH
Letter1995Ciprofloxacin-induced Henoch-Schonlein purpuraANNALS OF PHARMACOTHERAPY
Artículo1990Ag-nor proteins and rdna transcriptional activity in plant-cellsJournal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry
Artículo1985Silver staining of the nucleolar organizer regions (nors) on lowicryl and cryo-ultrathin sectionsJournal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry