Artículo | 2025 | Network Resource Mobilization in Community-Based Tourism Social Entrepreneurship | JOURNAL OF TRAVEL RESEARCH |
Artículo | 2024 | ‘How can I do it?’ Inclusive faculty members make recommendations for carrying out inclusive teaching practices | Active Learning in Higher Education |
Artículo | 2024 | “Go and Wash up!”: Gender Violence in Female Refereeing and Its Media Coverage in Brazil and Spain | Communication & Sport |
Artículo | 2024 | “Tears of Gratitude Are Flowing From My Eyes; You Touch My Soul” | QUALITATIVE INQUIRY |
Artículo | 2024 | A glint of lights in the fog: invisible cities and the riddles of planning practice | JOURNAL OF PLANNING EDUCATION AND RESEARCH |
Artículo | 2024 | A Single-Center Retrospective Study of Pediatric Vitiligo in a Tertiary Hospital | Clinical Pediatrics |
Artículo | 2024 | A systematic review of public stigmatization toward women victims of intimate partner violence in low- and middle-income countries | TRAUMA VIOLENCE & ABUSE |
Artículo | 2024 | A systematic review of the benefits and challenges of technologies for the learning of university students with disabilities | Journal of Special Education Technology |
Revisión | 2024 | Acute and Chronic Effects of Blood Flow Restriction Training in Physically Active Patients With Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Systematic Review | Sports Health |
Artículo | 2024 | Civic Engagement in Emerging Adulthood: Variation by Gender and SES, and Association with Personal Adjustment | SAGE OPEN |
Artículo | 2024 | Covering the EU at local level: A multiple-case study in Germany, the UK and Spain | INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION GAZETTE |
Artículo | 2024 | Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Among Emerging Adult Undergraduates: A Longitudinal and Two-Cohort Study. | Health education & behavior : the official publication of the Society for Public Health Education |
Artículo | 2024 | Does Family Material Affluence Affect the Future Socio-political Participation of Adolescents and Their Concerns About Social Issues? An Approach From Structural Equation Modeling and Gender Invariance | SAGE OPEN |
Artículo | 2024 | Efficacy and tolerability of SEDIFLÙ in treating dry or productive cough in the pediatric population (SEPEDIA): A pilot, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter clinical trial | Clinical Pediatrics |
Artículo | 2024 | Entrepreneurial Potential in Secondary School Students. An Exploratory Evaluation | SAGE OPEN |
Artículo | 2024 | Families at Psychosocial Risk. Analysis of the Relation Between Parenting Competencies and Externalizing Problems in Children and Adolescents | JOURNAL OF FAMILY ISSUES |
Artículo | 2024 | Fibroblast growth factor 21 is a hepatokine involved in MASLD progression | UNITED EUROPEAN GASTROENTEROLOGY JOURNAL |
Artículo | 2024 | From coca to cocoa: Conflicts, violence and hegemonic compromises in the turbulent Peruvian Amazonia settlement process: The case of Tocache | ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING A |
Artículo | 2024 | Geographical aspects of open-world video games | Games And Culture |
Artículo | 2024 | Influence of the Type of Antiretroviral Treatment on the Time to Reach High Pharmacotherapy Complexity in People Living With HIV | ANNALS OF PHARMACOTHERAPY |
Artículo | 2024 | Long-Term Neurodevelopmental Outcome After Selective Fetoscopic Laser Therapy for Stage I Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome | Clinical Pediatrics |
Revisión | 2024 | Occupational Health Injuries and Illness Among Women Workers in the Chemical Industry: A Scoping Review | Workplace Health & Safety |
Artículo | 2024 | One-step non-invasive diagnosis of metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis and fibrosis in high-risk population | UNITED EUROPEAN GASTROENTEROLOGY JOURNAL |
Artículo | 2024 | Outlining individual and contextual factors related to LGBTQ+ bullying: a systematic review of two decades of research | TRAUMA VIOLENCE & ABUSE |
Artículo | 2024 | Physical Inactivity increases Impairment of Daily Activities Due to Pain in Workers: An Ordinal Regression Logistic and Correspondence Analysis | Workplace Health & Safety |
Artículo | 2024 | Pre-school and primary teachers in the process of detecting child maltreatment in Andalusia (Spain) | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2024 | Pretreatment with oleuropein protects the neonatal brain from hypoxia-ischemia by inhibiting apoptosis and neuroinflammation | JOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW AND METABOLISM |
Artículo | 2024 | Principles for Stakeholder Involvement in Evaluation in Latin America | American Journal of Evaluation |
Artículo | 2024 | Promotion of Labor Insertion Through the Build Your Professional Career (CCP) Model: A Critical Qualitative Perspective for the Improvement of Professional and Life Projects | CULTURAL STUDIES-CRITICAL METHODOLOGIES |
Artículo | 2024 | Resilient or declining? An institutional analysis of employer associations and their implications for companies in the European Union | Journal of Industrial Relations |
Artículo | 2024 | Role of compliance in Helicobacter pylori eradication treatment: Results of the European Registry on H. pylori management | UNITED EUROPEAN GASTROENTEROLOGY JOURNAL |
Artículo | 2024 | Role of proton pump inhibitors dosage and duration in Helicobacter pylori eradication treatment: results from the European Registry on H. pylori management | UNITED EUROPEAN GASTROENTEROLOGY JOURNAL |
Artículo | 2024 | School Governance Through Performance-Based Accountability: A Comparative Analysis of Its Side Effects Across Different Regulatory Regimes | Review of Research in Education |
Artículo | 2024 | Short-term rentals supply-side’ structure and the struggle for rent appropriation: Insights from Andalusia, Spain | ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING A |
Artículo | 2024 | The earth in the model: The nomothetic, idiographic, and plural epistemic aims of planetary modelling | ANTHROPOCENE REVIEW |
Artículo | 2024 | The role of perfectionism and parental expectations in the school stress and health complaints of secondary school students | Youth and Society |
Artículo | 2024 | The Social Self-Efficacy Scale for Spanish and Portuguese (13–18-Year-Olds) Adolescents: Psychometric Properties and Measurement Invariance | Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment |
Revisión | 2024 | The Theory of Emerging Adulthood in Latin America: A Scoping Review | Emerging Adulthood |
Artículo | 2024 | Toward Realism: An Analysis of Coastal Environments in Open-World Video Games | Simulation & Gaming |
Artículo | 2024 | Transculturation in Latin American Video Game Production: Between Regionalism and Cosmopolitanism | Games And Culture |
Artículo | 2024 | Transnational Students Facing Multiple Crises: Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Oaxaca, Mexico | International Migration Review |
Artículo | 2024 | Understanding the Stakes: The Influence of Accountability Policy Options on Teachers' Responses | EDUCATIONAL POLICY |
Revisión | 2024 | VEGF and neuronal survival | Neuroscientist |
Otros | 2024 | Well-Being and Social Justice Among Moroccan Migrants in Southern Spain | JOURNAL OF PLANNING LITERATURE |
Revisión | 2023 | An Educational Framework in Digital Rights and Responsibilities for Young Entrepreneurs | SAGE OPEN |
Artículo | 2023 | Architecture in Eighteenth-century East and Southeast Asia Chinese quarters | JOURNAL OF URBAN HISTORY |
Artículo | 2023 | Attachment Representations and Early Adversity in Internationally Adopted Children from Russian Federation Using the Friends and Family Interview | JOURNAL OF EARLY ADOLESCENCE |
Artículo | 2023 | Can overclaiming technique improve self-assessment tools for digital competence? The case of DigCompSat | SOCIAL SCIENCE COMPUTER REVIEW |
Artículo | 2023 | Changes in reading habits during COVID-19 confinement in Spain | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2023 | Consumption Habits of Recorded Music: Determinants of Flamenco Albums Acquisition | SAGE OPEN |
Letter | 2023 | Diagnostic Accuracy of Conventional Ankle CT Scan With External Rotation and Dorsiflexion: Letter to the Editor | American Journal of Sports Medicine |
Artículo | 2023 | Difficult to diagnose cutaneous melanoma in a patient with BAP1 tumor predisposition syndrome | International Journal of Surgical Pathology |
Artículo | 2023 | Digital Transformation and Local Government Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Assessment of Its Impact on the Sustainable Development Goals | SAGE OPEN |
Artículo | 2023 | Does Online Jealousy Lead to Online Control in Dating Adolescents? The Moderation Role of Moral Disengagement and Socio-Emotional Competence | Youth and Society |
Artículo | 2023 | Emotional loneliness, suicidal ideation, and alexithymia in adolescents who commit child-to-parent violence | JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE |
Artículo | 2023 | Evaluating the effectiveness of a psychological and adventure-based multicomponent therapeutic program for victims of intimate partner violence: a pilot study. | JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE |
Artículo | 2023 | Evaluation of the impact of gamification on students' performance and engagement in manufacturing engineering courses | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING EDUCATION |
Artículo | 2023 | Female infertility is associated with an altered expression profile of different members of the tachykinin family in human granulosa cells | REPRODUCTIVE SCIENCES |
Artículo | 2023 | HDL anti-inflammatory function is impaired and associated with high SAA1 and low APOA4 levels in aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage | JOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW AND METABOLISM |
Artículo | 2023 | Institutionalizing Populist Power Coalitions in Latin America: Argentina’s Economic and Social Council and Brazil’s Council for Economic and Social Development | LATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES |
Artículo | 2023 | Is Activation the Active Ingredient of Transdiagnostic Therapies? A Randomized Clinical Trial of Behavioral Activation, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and Transdiagnostic Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Emotional Disorders | Behavior Modification |
Artículo | 2023 | Itaipu Binational Dam: A Quantitative Analysis of the Economic and Social Impacts in Paraguay. Successful or not? | SAGE OPEN |
Artículo | 2023 | Multicenter comparative analysis of late open conversion in patients with adherence and nonadherence to instructions for use endovascular aneurysm repair | JOURNAL OF ENDOVASCULAR THERAPY |
Artículo | 2023 | Public stigmatization of women victims of intimate partner violence by professionals working in the judicial system and law enforcement agencies in Spain | JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE |
Artículo | 2023 | Sending of unwanted dick pics as a modality of sexual cyber-violence: an exploratory study of its emotional impact and reactions in women | JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE |
Nota | 2023 | Severe anemia in infants: don’t miss the clues | Clinical Pediatrics |
Artículo | 2023 | Simplification and multidimensional adaptation of the stratification tool for pharmaceutical care in people living with HIV. | ANNALS OF PHARMACOTHERAPY |
Artículo | 2023 | The role of competitive project-based funding in the commodification of academic research: a Marxist analysis | CRITICAL SOCIOLOGY |
Artículo | 2023 | Why are some victims also bullies? The role of peer relationship management and anger regulation in traditional bullying | Youth and Society |
Artículo | 2022 | Acute Effects of Beetroot Juice Supplements on Lower-Body Strength in Female Athletes: Double-Blind Crossover Randomized Trial | Sports Health |
Artículo | 2022 | Adopted adolescents at school: social support and adjustment | Youth and Society |
Artículo | 2022 | An unusual case of desmoplastic melanoma with monster cells imitating an atypical fibroxanthoma | International Journal of Surgical Pathology |
Revisión | 2022 | Animal and cellular models of Alzheimer’s disease: progress, promise, and future approaches | Neuroscientist |
Artículo | 2022 | Beyond cyberbullying: investigating when and how cybervictimization predicts suicidal ideation | JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE |
Artículo | 2022 | Cognitive flexibility and decision making predicts expertise in the MOBA esport, league of legends | SAGE OPEN |
Artículo | 2022 | Education management at primary education during the Covid-19 crisis from the perspective of families | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2022 | Education, Science, and Technology Policies during Ecuador's Citizens' Revolution: Between Cognitive Dependency and the Struggle for the Social State | LATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES |
Artículo | 2022 | Effect of the Lockdown Due to COVID-19 on Sexuality: The Mediating Role of Sexual Practices and Arousal in the Relationship Between Gender and Sexual Self-Esteem | PSYCHOLOGICAL REPORTS |
Artículo | 2022 | Employment inclusion policies and evidence-based policy: incorporating "qualitative significance" into a mixed-methods study protocol | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUALITATIVE METHODS |
Artículo | 2022 | Facing dominant master narratives on gender and sexuality: identity reconstruction of women in situations of inequality | MEMORY STUDIES |
Artículo | 2022 | Female archetypes in car advertising: the case of Audi | VISUAL COMMUNICATION |
Artículo | 2022 | Graphene nanoplatelets electrical networks as highly efficient self-heating materials for glass fiber fabrics | JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL TEXTILES |
Artículo | 2022 | Inclusive learning strategies at university: the perspective of Spanish faculty members from different knowledge areas | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2022 | Influence of Computer Knowledge and Level of Education on Spanish Citizens' Propensity to Use E-Commerce | SOCIAL SCIENCE COMPUTER REVIEW |
Artículo | 2022 | Is this Whatsapp conversation aggressive? Adolescents' perception of cyber dating aggression | JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE |
Artículo | 2022 | Morphological analysis of porosity and sound absorption in sustainable materials from rice husk | Building acoustics |
Artículo | 2022 | Now and forever: creating knowledge to honor people | QUALITATIVE INQUIRY |
Artículo | 2022 | Predictive factors of mental health in survivors of intimate partner violence in Chile | JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE |
Artículo | 2022 | Psychosocial separation and women’s disengagement from prosecutions against abusive intimate partners in Spain | JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE |
Editorial | 2022 | Publishing in entrepreneurship education and pedagogy | Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy |
Artículo | 2022 | Qualitative female researchers in academia: challenges and contradictions | CULTURAL STUDIES-CRITICAL METHODOLOGIES |
Artículo | 2022 | Reducing Relationship Conflict in Virtual Teams With Diversity Faultlines: The Effect of an Online Affect Management Intervention on the Rate of Growth of Team Resilience | SOCIAL SCIENCE COMPUTER REVIEW |
Artículo | 2022 | Running thermoregulation effects using bioceramics versus polyester fibres socks | JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL TEXTILES |
Artículo | 2022 | Social positioning analysis as a qualitative methodology to study identity construction in people diagnosed with severe mental illnesses | QUALITATIVE HEALTH RESEARCH |
Artículo | 2022 | Spanish version of the death attitude profile-revised. Translation and validation into Spanish | Omega (United States) |
Artículo | 2022 | Syria and political cartoons from the perspective of the cartoonist Ali Ferzat | JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION INQUIRY |
Artículo | 2022 | The Role of Interpersonal Sexual Objectification in Heterosexual Intimate Partner Violence From Perspectives of Perceivers and Targets | JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE |
Artículo | 2022 | Workplace bullying, emotional exhaustion, and partner social undermining: a weekly diary study | JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE |
Artículo | 2021 | “Looking for better (job) opportunities”: a qualitative analysis of the occupational health of immigrants in southern Spain | Workplace Health & Safety |
Artículo | 2021 | A novel molecular magnetic resonance imaging agent targeting activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule as demonstrated in mouse brain metastasis models | JOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW AND METABOLISM |
Artículo | 2021 | Assessment of a New Lateral Cushioned Casting Orthosis: Effects on Peroneus Longus Muscle Electromyographic Activity During Running | ORTHOPAEDIC JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE |
Artículo | 2021 | Cova da Moura: citizenship, neighborship, and conflicts over territory in Lisbon's periphery, 1974-2014 | JOURNAL OF URBAN HISTORY |
Artículo | 2021 | Development and validation of the romantic love myths questionnaire | JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE |
Artículo | 2021 | Digital intimate partner violence among Peruvian youths: validation of an instrument and a theoretical proposal | JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE |
Artículo | 2021 | Effect of victimization and perceived support on maintenance of dating relationships among college students in Guadalajara, Mexico | JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE |
Artículo | 2021 | European Registry on Helicobacter pylori Management: single-capsule bismuth quadruple therapy is effective in real-world clinical practice | UNITED EUROPEAN GASTROENTEROLOGY JOURNAL |
Artículo | 2021 | Grandparent affection and emotional well-being of adolescents with different family types | JOURNAL OF FAMILY ISSUES |
Artículo | 2021 | How to measure intangible cultural heritage value? The case of flamenco in Spain | EMPIRICAL STUDIES OF THE ARTS |
Artículo | 2021 | Illness process and recovery from the perspective of the alcoholic patient | NURSING SCIENCE QUARTERLY |
Artículo | 2021 | Loneliness among the elderly in rural contexts: a mixed-method study protocol | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF QUALITATIVE METHODS |
Artículo | 2021 | Metabolomics insights in early childhood caries | JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH |
Artículo | 2021 | Precursors of reading performance and double- and triple-deficit risks in Spanish | Journal of Learning Disabilities |
Artículo | 2021 | Psychometric properties of the dating violence questionnaire: reviewing the evidence in Chilean youths | JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE |
Artículo | 2021 | Remembering the medical practices: How health workers narrate their most negative experiences | MEMORY STUDIES |
Artículo | 2021 | Resisting workers' disalienation: The making and survival of capitalist conservation in Niombato, Senegal | ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING E-NATURE AND SPACE |
Artículo | 2021 | Satisfaction and performance of the international faculty: to what extent emotional reactions and conflict matter? | SAGE OPEN |
Artículo | 2021 | Spanish adolescents and fake news: level of awareness and credibility of information | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2021 | Teacher training and employment in Spanish scientific research from 1977 to 2019 | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2021 | The (im)materiality of literacy in early childhood: a socio-material approach to online and offline events | JOURNAL OF EARLY CHILDHOOD RESEARCH |
Revisión | 2021 | The relationship between forgiveness, bullying, and cyberbullying in adolescence: a systematic review | TRAUMA VIOLENCE & ABUSE |
Artículo | 2021 | The roles of supervisory support and involvement in influencing scientists’ job satisfaction to ensure the achievement of SDGs in academic organizations | SAGE OPEN |
Artículo | 2021 | University accreditations and publication of articles on education in Spain | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2020 | A decalogue to avoid routine ileostomy in selected patients with border line risk to develop anastomotic leakage after minimally invasive low-anterior resection: a pilot study | SURGICAL INNOVATION |
Otros | 2020 | A Posteriori Segmentation of Personal Profiles of Online Video Games’ Players | Games And Culture |
Artículo | 2020 | Assessment of cognitively stimulating activity in a Spanish population | Assessment |
Artículo | 2020 | Beyond rules and mechanics: A different approach to ludology | Games And Culture |
Artículo | 2020 | Crowdfunding as a catalyst for contemporary Chinese animation | ANIMATION-AN INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL |
Artículo | 2020 | Effect of Group Embryo Culture under Low-Oxygen Tension in Benchtop Incubators on Human Embryo Culture: Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Trial | REPRODUCTIVE SCIENCES |
Artículo | 2020 | Elder abuse in the Iberian Peninsula and Bolivia: a multicountry comparative study | JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE |
Artículo | 2020 | Inclusive higher education in Spain: students with disabilities speak out | Journal of Hispanic Higher Education |
Artículo | 2020 | Making sense of genre: the logic of video game genre organization | Games And Culture |
Artículo | 2020 | Parameter identification of the dynamic Winkler soil–structure interaction model using a hybrid unscented Kalman filter–multi-objective harmony search algorithm | Advances in Structural Engineering |
Artículo | 2020 | Should Declining Firms Be Aggressive During the Retrenchment Process? | Journal of Management |
Reseña | 2020 | Social mobility in the twentieth century | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE SOCIOLOGY |
Artículo | 2020 | Spanish Version of the Inventory of the Dimensions of Emerging Adulthood (IDEA-S) | Emerging Adulthood |
Letter | 2020 | Surgical treatment of parostomal hernias by means of a 3D mesh | SURGICAL INNOVATION |
Artículo | 2020 | The role of public service journalism and television in fostering public voice and the capacity to consent: an analysis of Spanish viewers’ discourses | JOURNALISM |
Artículo | 2020 | Tibiotalocalcaneal fusion with antibiotic cement-coated nails for refractory deep infection after ankle ORIF | FOOT & ANKLE INTERNATIONAL |
Artículo | 2020 | To be or not to be, that is the question: a journey through performance autoethnography | QUALITATIVE INQUIRY |
Artículo | 2020 | Training needs of academics on inclusive education and disability | SAGE OPEN |
Artículo | 2020 | Under the Same Label: Adopted Adolescents’ Heterogeneity in Well-Being and Perception of Social Contexts | Youth and Society |
Artículo | 2020 | Venous thromboembolism in patients with autoimmune disorders: findings from the RIETE registry | ANGIOLOGY |
Artículo | 2020 | Week 2020 Poster Presentations. | UNITED EUROPEAN GASTROENTEROLOGY JOURNAL |
Editorial | 2019 | A New Pharmaceutical Care Concept: More Capable, Motivated, and Timely | HOSPITAL PHARMACY |
Artículo | 2019 | A Randomized Controlled Trial to Examine the Posttreatment Efficacy of Neurofeedback, Behavior Therapy, and Pharmacology on ADHD Measures | JOURNAL OF ATTENTION DISORDERS |
Artículo | 2019 | A Virtual Reality-Based Psychological Treatment in Long-Term Hospitalization: A Case Study | CLINICAL CASE STUDIES |
Artículo | 2019 | Adoption Breakdown in Spain: A Survival and Age-Related Analysis | RESEARCH ON SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE |
Editorial | 2019 | Adoption breakdown research comes of age: introduction to the special section | RESEARCH ON SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE |
Artículo | 2019 | Adoption Breakdown: Concept, Research, and Implications | RESEARCH ON SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE |
Artículo | 2019 | Critical analysis of the effects of the digital technologies on reading and learning | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2019 | Does Sun-and-Sea All-Inclusive Tourism Contribute to Poverty Alleviation and/or Income Inequality Reduction? The Case of the Dominican Republic | JOURNAL OF TRAVEL RESEARCH |
Artículo | 2019 | Forgiveness and loneliness in peer-victimized adolescents | JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE |
Resumen congreso | 2019 | Galectin-3, a novel endogenous TREM2 ligand, detrimentally regulates inflammatory response in Alzheimer's disease | JOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW AND METABOLISM |
Artículo | 2019 | I Love You but I Cyberbully You: The Role of Hostile Sexism | JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE |
Artículo | 2019 | Interpersonal Sexual Objectification Experiences: Psychological and Social Well-Being Consequences for Women | JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE |
Artículo | 2019 | La credibilidad de las noticias en Internet: una evaluación de la información por estudiantes universitarios | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2019 | Modal parameter identification of a spectator-grandstand interaction model under different rhythmic activities | Advances in Structural Engineering |
Artículo | 2019 | Online undergraduate students' perceptions of the impact of Web 2.0 on higher education | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2019 | Personality Inventory for DSM-5-Short Form (PID-5-SF): Reliability, Factorial Structure, and Relationship With Functional Impairment in Dual Diagnosis Patients | Assessment |
Artículo | 2019 | Self-Congruity, Social Value, and the Use of Virtual Social Networks by Generation Y Travelers | JOURNAL OF TRAVEL RESEARCH |
Editorial | 2019 | Visual Dermatology: "Cluster of Jewels" Sign | JOURNAL OF CUTANEOUS MEDICINE AND SURGERY |
Editorial | 2019 | Visual Dermatology: Wolf's Isotopic Response: Zosteriform Psoriasis | JOURNAL OF CUTANEOUS MEDICINE AND SURGERY |
Artículo | 2019 | Visual Dermatology: Woolly Hair Nevus | JOURNAL OF CUTANEOUS MEDICINE AND SURGERY |
Artículo | 2018 | A New Perspective on Vacuum-Assisted Closure for the Treatment of Anastomotic Leak Following Low Anterior Resection for Rectal Cancer, Is It Worthy? | SURGICAL INNOVATION |
Artículo | 2018 | Acute Effects of Whole-Body Vibration on the Pain Level, Flexibility, and Cardiovascular Responses in Individuals With Metabolic Syndrome | DOSE-RESPONSE |
Artículo | 2018 | Assessing the Impact of the 2008 Financial Crisis on the Labor Force, Employment, and Wages of Persons with Disabilities in Spain | JOURNAL OF DISABILITY POLICY STUDIES |
Artículo | 2018 | Contextual variables associated with differences in educational performance between European Union countries | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2018 | Daylight, shape, and cross-cultural influences through the routes of discoveries: the case of Baroque temples | SPACE AND CULTURE |
Artículo | 2018 | Development and Validation of the Family Feedback on Child Welfare Services (FF-CWS) | RESEARCH ON SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE |
Artículo | 2018 | Effect of a Structured Pharmaceutical Care Intervention Versus Usual Care on Cardiovascular Risk in HIV Patients on Antiretroviral Therapy: INFAMERICA Study | ANNALS OF PHARMACOTHERAPY |
Artículo | 2018 | High-intensity interval training combined with vibration and dietary restriction improves body composition and blood lipids in obese adults: A randomized trial | DOSE-RESPONSE |
Artículo | 2018 | Identification of the Medication Regimen Complexity Index as an Associated Factor of Nonadherence to Antiretroviral Treatment in HIV Positive Patients | ANNALS OF PHARMACOTHERAPY |
Artículo | 2018 | Identification of the Unique Attributes of Tourist Destinations from Online Reviews | JOURNAL OF TRAVEL RESEARCH |
Artículo | 2018 | Influence of age, body mass index and comorbidity on major outcomes in acute pancreatitis, a prospective nation-wide multicentre study | UNITED EUROPEAN GASTROENTEROLOGY JOURNAL |
Artículo | 2018 | Male Peer Support to Hostile Sexist Attitudes Influences Rape Proclivity | JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE |
Artículo | 2018 | Sex Differences in Patients With Occult Cancer After Venous Thromboembolism | CLINICAL AND APPLIED THROMBOSIS-HEMOSTASIS |
Revisión | 2018 | Systematic Review of the Effect of Adherence to Statin Treatment on Critical Cardiovascular Events and Mortality in Primary Prevention | JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR PHARMACOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS |
Artículo | 2018 | The Effect of Monthly Medication on Mortality After a Coronary Event | JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR PHARMACOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS |
Artículo | 2018 | The Perception of Spontaneous and Volitional Laughter Across 21 Societies | PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE |
Artículo | 2018 | Who Intends to Enroll in Entrepreneurship Education? Entrepreneurial Self-Identity as a Precursor | Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy |
Artículo | 2018 | Workplace Incivility as Modern Sexual Prejudice | JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE |
Artículo | 2017 | A Mediation Model for Ideas of Reference: The Role of the Gray Model, Self-Consciousness, and Emotional Symptoms | PSYCHOLOGICAL REPORTS |
Artículo | 2017 | A million steps developing a health promotion program at the workplace to enhance physical activity | Workplace Health & Safety |
Artículo | 2017 | Abnormal myosin phosphatase targeting subunit 1 phosphorylation and actin polymerization contribute to impaired myogenic regulation of cerebral arterial diameter in the type 2 diabetic Goto-Kakizaki rat | JOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW AND METABOLISM |
Artículo | 2017 | Bioengineered 3D Glial Cell Culture Systems and Applications for Neurodegeneration and Neuroinflammation | SLAS DISCOVERY |
Artículo | 2017 | Building Customer Loyalty: The Effect of Experiential State, the Value of Shopping, and Trust and Perceived Value of Service on Online Clothes Shopping | CLOTHING AND TEXTILES RESEARCH JOURNAL |
Artículo | 2017 | Capsule endoscopy in young patients with iron deficiency anaemia and negative bidirectional gastrointestinal endoscopy | UNITED EUROPEAN GASTROENTEROLOGY JOURNAL |
Artículo | 2017 | Factors Influencing Residents' Perceptions toward Tourism Development: Differences across Rural and Urban World Heritage Sites | JOURNAL OF TRAVEL RESEARCH |
Artículo | 2017 | Guidelines for Genome-Scale Analysis of Biological Rhythms | JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL RHYTHMS |
Artículo | 2017 | Oferta y uso de tutorías virtuales y presenciales: percepciones de profesores y estudiantes de enfermería | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2017 | Proton Grid Therapy: A Proof-of-Concept Study | TECHNOLOGY IN CANCER RESEARCH & TREATMENT |
Artículo | 2017 | Psychometric Properties of the Flourishing Scale and Measurement Invariance Between Two Samples of Spanish University Students | EVALUATION & THE HEALTH PROFESSIONS |
Artículo | 2017 | Solidarity Networks of Spanish Migrants in the UK and Germany: The Emergence of Interstitial Trade Unionism | CRITICAL SOCIOLOGY |
Artículo | 2017 | Spanish Consensus Statement: Clinical Management and Treatment of Tendinopathies in Sport | ORTHOPAEDIC JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE |
Artículo | 2017 | What are our personal memories for? Effects of gender and country in perceived functions of everyday memories in Danish and Spanish college students | CROSS-CULTURAL RESEARCH |
Artículo | 2017 | What Drives Students' Loyalty-Formation in Social Media Learning Within a Personal Learning Environment Approach? The Moderating Role of Need for Cognition | JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL COMPUTING RESEARCH |
Artículo | 2016 | 'I believe they felt attacked'. Discursive representation and construction of interculturality in Spanish news television | INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION GAZETTE |
Revisión | 2016 | A Survey on the Application of Evolutionary Algorithms for Mobile Multihop Ad Hoc Network Optimization Problems | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS |
Artículo | 2016 | An Intelligent Strategy for Tactical Movements of UAVs in Disaster Scenarios | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS |
Corrección | 2016 | Anxiety and concerns in Spanish living kidney donor candidates (vol 50, pg 163, 2015) | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY IN MEDICINE |
Artículo | 2016 | Assessing the level of risk of families supported by Child and Family Protection Services: Practitioners and mothers as informants | JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK |
Ponencia | 2016 | Astrocyte activation by brain metastases alters neurovascular coupling | JOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW AND METABOLISM |
Editorial | 2016 | Computational Intelligence in Wireless Sensor and Ad Hoc Networks | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS |
Artículo | 2016 | Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Antisocial Process Screening Device: Self-Report Among Incarcerated Male Juvenile Offenders | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OFFENDER THERAPY AND COMPARATIVE CRIMINOLOGY |
Artículo | 2016 | Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells Toward Functional Pancreatic beta-Cell Surrogates Through Epigenetic Regulation of Pdx1 by Nitric Oxide | Cell Transplantation |
Reseña | 2016 | Global Gangs: Street Violence across the World | CONTEMPORARY SOCIOLOGY-A JOURNAL OF REVIEWS |
Artículo | 2016 | ICT teacher training: a view of the TPACK model | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2016 | Integration of healthcare and financial information: Evaluation in a public hospital using a comprehensive approach | HEALTH INFORMATICS JOURNAL |
Ponencia | 2016 | Mechanistic pathways underlying altered neurovascular coupling in brain metastasis | JOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW AND METABOLISM |
Artículo | 2016 | Mobile platform for treatment of stroke: A case study of tele-assistance | HEALTH INFORMATICS JOURNAL |
Artículo | 2016 | Patients' Experiences of Sexual Activity Following Myocardial Ischemia | CLINICAL NURSING RESEARCH |
Artículo | 2016 | The Transformation of Values into Prices of Production in Marx's Scheme of Expanded Reproduction | REVIEW OF RADICAL POLITICAL ECONOMICS |
Artículo | 2016 | Toward the Model of Independence: The Influence of Formal Schooling Experience on Earliest Autobiographical Memories and Self-Construals: A Preliminary Study | JOURNAL OF CROSS-CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY |
Artículo | 2015 | “La fotografia si fa con i piedi”: frammenti di celluloide e inventari del mondo | Forum Italicum |
Revisión | 2015 | A Survey on Multihop Ad Hoc Networks for Disaster Response Scenarios | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS |
Editorial | 2015 | Ad Hoc Networks for Disaster Scenarios and/or Threat Detection | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS |
Artículo | 2015 | Anxiety and concerns in Spanish living kidney donor candidates | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY IN MEDICINE |
Artículo | 2015 | Earliest autobiographical memories in college students from three countries: towards a situated view | MEMORY STUDIES |
Artículo | 2015 | Evaluating the school assets that promote positive adolescent development from the perspective of the student | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2015 | Family relationships from adolescence to emerging adulthood: a longitudinal study | JOURNAL OF FAMILY ISSUES |
Artículo | 2015 | From research question to scientific publication: educational innovation with university students | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2015 | Human Bone Marrow Stromal Cells Differentiate Into Corneal Tissue and Prevent Ocular Graft-Versus-Host Disease in Mice | Cell Transplantation |
Artículo | 2015 | Inclusive university settings? An analysis from the perspective of students with disabilities | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2015 | Low-Power Platform and Communications for the Development of Wireless Body Sensor Networks | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS |
Artículo | 2015 | On the Ability to Disentangle the Two Errors in the Normal/Half-Normal Stochastic Frontier Model | PUBLIC FINANCE REVIEW |
Artículo | 2015 | Physical Dating Violence in Spain and the United Kingdom and the Importance of Relationship Quality | JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE |
Artículo | 2015 | Reaction Time and Attention: Toward a New Standard in the Assessment of ADHD? A Pilot Study | JOURNAL OF ATTENTION DISORDERS |
Artículo | 2015 | Spanish Consensus Statement: The Treatment of Muscle Tears in Sport | ORTHOPAEDIC JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE |
Artículo | 2015 | The influence of informal learning processes of social network sites on the subjective well-being of women in rural areas | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2015 | The Use of TachoSil as Sealant in an Experimental Model of Colonic Perforation | SURGICAL INNOVATION |
Artículo | 2014 | “ … donne erano: e donne sarebbero”: Il corpo femminile come catalizzatore delle strutture narrative e delle scelte linguistiche nel Pasticciaccio | Forum Italicum |
Artículo | 2014 | A DEA Approach to Performance-Based Budgeting of Formula One Constructors | JOURNAL OF SPORTS ECONOMICS |
Artículo | 2014 | A synthesis of research on effectiveness of school-based drug prevention programmes | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2014 | Benevolent Sexist Ideology Attributed to an Abusive Partner Decreases Women's Active Coping Responses to Acts of Sexual Violence | JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE |
Artículo | 2014 | Challenges to public service news programmes in Spain: professionals and viewers' discourses wavering between institutional reform and counter-reform | JOURNALISM |
Artículo | 2014 | Identifying Victims of Workplace Bullying by Integrating Traditional Estimation Approaches Into a Latent Class Cluster Model | JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE |
Artículo | 2014 | Intra-Arterial Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cell Transplantation Correlates With GM-CSF, PDGF-BB, and MMP-2 Serum Levels in Stroke Patients: Results From a Clinical Trial | Cell Transplantation |
Letter | 2014 | Limitations of Minimal Incision Technique for Tibiotalocalcaneal Arthrodesis Response | FOOT & ANKLE INTERNATIONAL |
Artículo | 2014 | Minimal Incision Surgery for Tibiotalocalcaneal Arthrodesis | FOOT & ANKLE INTERNATIONAL |
Artículo | 2014 | Parenting styles and bullying involvement | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2014 | Production and evaluation of a Personal Learning Environment for faculty training: analysis of an experience | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2014 | Proximal Adolescent Outcomes of Gang Membership in England and Wales | JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN CRIME AND DELINQUENCY |
Artículo | 2014 | Routine leisure activities: opportunity and risk in adolescence | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2014 | Teachers as readers: a study of the reading habits of future teachers | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2014 | The Voice of the Dead: Analyzing Sociolinguistic Variation in Early Modern English Wills and Testaments | JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LINGUISTICS |
Artículo | 2014 | Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy With and Without Robotic Assistance: A Prospective Controlled Study | SURGICAL INNOVATION |
Artículo | 2014 | What do students do to agree on academic knowledge? Structured tasks and non-structured tasks for classroom-based learning / Que hacen los estudiantes para consensuar el conocimiento? Tareas estructuradas y tareas no estructuradas de aprendizaje en el aula | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2013 | Communication about placement and family functioning in kinship foster families | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2013 | Elderly Persons and Internet Use | SOCIAL SCIENCE COMPUTER REVIEW |
Artículo | 2013 | Evaluación de la satisfacción de los participantes en e-Learning. Un estudio sobre formación en prevención de riesgos y medio ambiente | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2013 | Implementing a distributed WSN based on IPv6 for ambient monitoring | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS |
Artículo | 2013 | Isolated Subtalar Arthrodesis Through Minimal Incision Surgery | FOOT & ANKLE INTERNATIONAL |
Artículo | 2013 | Magnetic resonance imaging reveals therapeutic effects of interferon-beta on cytokine-induced reactivation of rat model of multiple sclerosis | JOURNAL OF CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW AND METABOLISM |
Artículo | 2013 | Magnetic-Assisted Single-Port Sleeve Gastrectomy | SURGICAL INNOVATION |
Artículo | 2013 | Microbial geography of the oral cavity | JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH |
Artículo | 2013 | Performance, Reflexivity, and Learning Through Biographical-Narrative Research | QUALITATIVE INQUIRY |
Artículo | 2013 | Reflexionando acerca de cómo estudiar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en el contexto natural del aula universitaria | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2013 | Relationship Between Tightness of the Posterior Muscles of the Lower Limb and Plantar Fasciitis | FOOT & ANKLE INTERNATIONAL |
Artículo | 2013 | Robotic-Assisted Total Mesorectal Excision With the Aid of a Single-Port Device | SURGICAL INNOVATION |
Artículo | 2013 | The Ejercito Popular Revolucionario: Occupying the Cracks in Mexico's Hegemonic State | LATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES |
Artículo | 2013 | Tourism and GDP: A Meta-analysis of Panel Data Studies | JOURNAL OF TRAVEL RESEARCH |
Artículo | 2013 | Tranexamic acid-induced toxic epidermal necrolysis | ANNALS OF PHARMACOTHERAPY |
Artículo | 2013 | Wireless ad hoc sensor networks | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS |
Artículo | 2012 | Examining Trends in Parent-Child Communication in Europe Over 12 Years | JOURNAL OF EARLY ADOLESCENCE |
Artículo | 2012 | Networked Electronic Equipments Using the IEEE 1451 Standard-VisioWay: A Case Study in the ITS Area | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS |
Artículo | 2012 | Overcoming the Ethical Dilemmas of Skilled Migration? An Analysis of International Narratives on the "Brain Drain" | AMERICAN BEHAVIORAL SCIENTIST |
Revisión | 2012 | Primary Vaginal Ewing Sarcoma: Case Report and Review of the Literature | International Journal of Surgical Pathology |
Artículo | 2012 | Sensation-Seeking Profiles and Personal Innovativeness in Information Technology | SOCIAL SCIENCE COMPUTER REVIEW |
Artículo | 2012 | The Contribution of US Taxes and Social Transfers to Income Redistribution | PUBLIC FINANCE REVIEW |
Artículo | 2012 | Una segunda brecha digital entre el alumnado universitario | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2011 | "Feminizing" Middle Management? An Inquiry Into the Gendered Subtexts in University Department Headship | SAGE OPEN |
Artículo | 2011 | Bone Marrow Contributes Simultaneously to Different Neural Types in the Central Nervous System Through Different Mechanisms of Plasticity | Cell Transplantation |
Artículo | 2011 | El patriarcado no es transparente: competencias del profesorado para reconocer desigualdad | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2011 | El profesorado frente a la discriminación de género: uso de la retroalimentación | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2011 | Estatus socioeconómico de las familias y resultados educativos logrados por el alumnado | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2011 | Expression of the vasoactive proteins AT1, AT2, and ANP by pregnancy-induced mouse uterine natural killer cells | REPRODUCTIVE SCIENCES |
Artículo | 2011 | Necesidades del profesorado de la Universidad de Sevilla respecto a la enseñanza que requiere el EEES | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2011 | Satisfacción de adolescentes autóctonos e inmigrantes con el país de residencia. Influencia de variables psicosociales relativas al contacto intergrupal | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2011 | The gendering of political and civic participation among Colombian migrants in London | ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING A |
Artículo | 2011 | Trenta poesie: il Baedeker lirico di Goffreeo Parise | Forum Italicum |
Artículo | 2010 | Both CD133+ cells and monocytes provide significant improvement for hindlimb ischemia, although they do not transdifferentiate into endothelial cells | Cell Transplantation |
Artículo | 2010 | Cultural Self-Construals of Mexican, Spanish, and Danish College Students: Beyond Independent and Interdependent Self | JOURNAL OF CROSS-CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY |
Artículo | 2010 | Exposure to Sexist Humor and Rape Proclivity: The Moderator Effect of Aversiveness Ratings | JOURNAL OF INTERPERSONAL VIOLENCE |
Artículo | 2010 | Migration, Gender, and Politics The 2006 Peruvian Elections Abroad | LATIN AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES |
Artículo | 2010 | Promoting positive youth development through school-based programmes | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2010 | Sensation Seeking and the Use of the Internet A Confirmatory Analysis of the Brief Sensation Seeking Scale (BSSS) by Gender | SOCIAL SCIENCE COMPUTER REVIEW |
Artículo | 2010 | Total Intracorporeal Anastomosis During Single-Port Laparoscopic Right Hemicolectomy for Carcinoma of Colon: A New Step Forward | SURGICAL INNOVATION |
Artículo | 2009 | Diversidad familiar en la escuela: guía de recursos didácticos | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2009 | Familias de madres solteras solas: circunstancias, vivencias y ajuste psicológico infantil | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2009 | Gender and ITC in higher education: Non-sexist virtual resources for learning | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2009 | High seroprevalence but low incidence of HCV infection in a cohort of patients with sexually transmitted HIV in Andalusia, Spain | Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care |
Artículo | 2009 | Ideas del profesorado de primaria acerca de la diversidad familiar | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2009 | Incomprehensibility in the Narratives of Individuals With a Diagnosis of Schizophrenia | QUALITATIVE HEALTH RESEARCH |
Revisión | 2009 | Metabolic Syndrome and Periodontitis: Is Oxidative Stress a Common Link? | JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH |
Artículo | 2009 | Nuevas familias, nuevos retos para la investigación y la educación | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2009 | Relaciones familiares y vida cotidiana de niños y niñas que viven con madres lesbianas o padres gays | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Letter | 2009 | What are the biochemical parameters of pleural fluid that best identify parapneumonic effusions? | ANNALS OF CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY |
Artículo | 2008 | A digenic combination of polymorphisms within ESR1 and ESR2 genes are associated with age at menarche in the Spanish population | REPRODUCTIVE SCIENCES |
Artículo | 2008 | Acute Effects of Microcystins MC-LR and MC-RR on Acid and Alkaline Phosphatase Activities and Pathological Changes in Intraperitoneally Exposed Tilapia Fish (Oreochromis sp.) | TOXICOLOGIC PATHOLOGY |
Artículo | 2008 | Correlations of the acoustic fields of mudejar-gothic churches | Building acoustics |
Artículo | 2008 | Human Cloning and the Raelians Media Coverage and the Rhetoric of Science | SCIENCE COMMUNICATION |
Corrección | 2008 | Intestinal clear cell sarcoma with melanocytic differentiation and extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma rearrangement (vol 16, pg 189, 2008) | International Journal of Surgical Pathology |
Artículo | 2008 | Intestinal clear cell sarcoma with melanocytic differentiation and extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma rearrangement: Report of a case | International Journal of Surgical Pathology |
Letter | 2008 | Sirolimus-associated pneumonitis in heart transplant recipients | ANNALS OF PHARMACOTHERAPY |
Artículo | 2007 | Nifedipine and cyclosporin affect fibroblast calcium and gingiva | JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH |
Artículo | 2007 | Onset of offending and life course among men convicted of murder | HOMICIDE STUDIES |
Artículo | 2007 | Production chains in an interregional framework: Identification by means of average propagation lengths | INTERNATIONAL REGIONAL SCIENCE REVIEW |
Revisión | 2006 | Academic discourses on school-based teacher collaboration: Revisiting the arguments | EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION QUARTERLY |
Artículo | 2006 | Los adolescentes españoles y sus familias: calidad en la comunicación con el padre y con la madre y conductas de riesgo relacionadas con el consumo de sustancias adictivas | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2006 | Medial deviation of the first metatarsal in incipient hallux valgus deformity | FOOT & ANKLE INTERNATIONAL |
Artículo | 2006 | Mixed methods in international collaborative research: The experiences of the international study of parents, children, schools | CROSS-CULTURAL RESEARCH |
Artículo | 2005 | Mathematical background and attitudes toward statistics in a sample of Spanish college students | PSYCHOLOGICAL REPORTS |
Artículo | 2004 | A brief history of cannabis policies in Spain (1968-2003) | JOURNAL OF DRUG ISSUES |
Artículo | 2004 | Tendencias epistemológicas y sociales en la enseñanza del arte y sus implicaciones didácticas: una propuesta alternativa desde la educación artística | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Letter | 2003 | Lansoprazole-induced hepatic dysfunction | ANNALS OF PHARMACOTHERAPY |
Ponencia | 2003 | Periodontics course: Comparison between two educational methods in the learning experience of dental students. | JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH |
Artículo | 2003 | Who responds to surveys? Assessing the effects of nonresponse in cross-sectional dyadic research | Assessment |
Artículo | 2002 | Computer-mediated negotiation of an escalated conflict | SMALL GROUP RESEARCH |
Artículo | 2002 | Diversidad familiar y escuela: Primera evaluación del programa "Familias diversas, Familias felices" | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Ponencia | 2002 | Education in periodontics: Evaluation of the importance of the reinforcement information in-the learning experience | JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH |
Ponencia | 2002 | Evaluation of students' knowledge of dentistry for patients with special needs | JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH |
Artículo | 2002 | Género, grado de escolarización y actitudes: Modos de argumentar y pensar | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2002 | La importancia de la cultura para la teoría de la mente: la alternativa narrativa | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 2002 | Symposium on 11 September 2001 Terrorism, Islam and the West: Observations on the Terrorist Attacks in New York and Washington | Ethnicities |
Letter | 2001 | Aseptic meningitis related to valacyclovir [6] | ANNALS OF PHARMACOTHERAPY |
Letter | 2001 | Comment: Fluorouracil-induced aphasia: Neurotoxicity versus cerebral ischemia [4] (multiple letters) | ANNALS OF PHARMACOTHERAPY |
Artículo | 2001 | Ewing tumor: Tumor biology and clinical applications | International Journal of Surgical Pathology |
Letter | 2001 | Fatal hepatotoxicity associated with enalapril | ANNALS OF PHARMACOTHERAPY |
Letter | 2001 | Fatal hepatotoxicity associated with enalapril [1] | ANNALS OF PHARMACOTHERAPY |
Artículo | 2000 | Costs related to inappropriate use of albumin in Spain | ANNALS OF PHARMACOTHERAPY |
Artículo | 2000 | Creencias y saberes de los profesores en torno a la enseñanza de la lengua oral | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Ponencia | 2000 | Dental school periodontal patients: Their knowledge of oral hygiene and their oral hygiene status. | JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH |
Letter | 2000 | Fluorouracil-induced aphasia [1] | ANNALS OF PHARMACOTHERAPY |
Resumen congreso | 2000 | Fourth year dental students: Oral hygiene knowledge and periodontal patients motivation | JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH |
Artículo | 2000 | Predicting metastatic risk of gastrointestinal stromal tumors: Role of cell proliferation and cell cycle regulatory proteins | International Journal of Surgical Pathology |
Artículo | 2000 | SITMECOM 1.0 PC: a transparent-box multifunctional simulator of competing companies | Simulation & Gaming |
Artículo | 2000 | Transparent-box business simulators: an aid to manage the complexity of organizations | Simulation & Gaming |
Artículo | 1999 | Clarity and definition in mudejar-gothic churches | Building acoustics |
Artículo | 1999 | La influencia de la cultura en la cognición: sobre la diversidad de los modos de pensamiento verbal | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 1998 | ¿A favor de las niñas?: notas en el debate sobre la escuela coeducativa | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Ponencia | 1998 | Calcium measurement in acute cultured cells from gingival tissue | JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH |
Resumen congreso | 1998 | Dental emergencies at the Puerto Rico Pediatric Hospital, 1992-1996 | JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH |
Ponencia | 1998 | Effect of chlorhexidine digluconate on substrate adherence capacity of macrophages. | JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH |
Ponencia | 1998 | Epidemiological study of malocclusion in patients with special needs: Preliminary data | JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH |
Artículo | 1998 | Lymphomatoid papulosis associated with cutaneous T-cell signet ring lymphoma | International Journal of Surgical Pathology |
Ponencia | 1998 | Malocclusions in puerto rican schoolchildren prevalence and orthodontic treatment need. | JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH |
Ponencia | 1998 | Prevalence of gingival recession in children under orthodontic treatment pilot study. | JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH |
Artículo | 1998 | Probable diltiazem-induced acute interstitial nephritis | ANNALS OF PHARMACOTHERAPY |
Resumen congreso | 1998 | Protein expression of heterotrimeric G-protein subunits in normal human dental pulp. | JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH |
Ponencia | 1998 | The antioxidant properties of mouthrinses depend on their ethanol content | JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH |
Ponencia | 1998 | The bleaching agent Amosan (R) (sodium perborate) inhibits macrophage adhesion. | JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH |
Ponencia | 1998 | The bleaching agent amosanr (sodium perborate) inhibits macrophage adhesion | JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH |
Artículo | 1997 | El aprendizaje en la edad adulta: reflexiones sobre el qué y el cómo de la evaluación | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 1997 | Interleukin 6 in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with meningitis is not a useful diagnostic marker in the differential diagnosis of meningitis | ANNALS OF CLINICAL BIOCHEMISTRY |
Artículo | 1997 | La comprensión de textos como proceso interactivo: el papel del profesor en la ZDP | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Ponencia | 1997 | Periodontal health in Puerto Rican schoolchildren: Prevalence and treatment need. | JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH |
Ponencia | 1997 | Prevalence and pattern of dental caries in Puerto Rican schoolchildren. | JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH |
Artículo | 1996 | Apoyo a las familias durante la transición a la paternidad: evaluación de un programa de educación de padres | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Artículo | 1996 | El aula como escenario de la vida afectiva y moral | CULTURA Y EDUCACION |
Ponencia | 1996 | Gingival recession: Computerized measurement of digitalized photographs compared to the conventional clinical method. | JOURNAL OF DENTAL RESEARCH |
Letter | 1995 | Ciprofloxacin-induced Henoch-Schonlein purpura | ANNALS OF PHARMACOTHERAPY |
Artículo | 1990 | Ag-nor proteins and rdna transcriptional activity in plant-cells | Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry |
Artículo | 1985 | Silver staining of the nucleolar organizer regions (nors) on lowicryl and cryo-ultrathin sections | Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry |