Búsqueda de Publicación - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría

Publicaciones de la editorial Taylor & Francis (Taylor & Francis Group)

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2024A numerical analysis on the behavior of CFRP laminates under biaxial loadsMechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures
Artículo2024A phase field approach to fracture for hyperelastic and visco-hyperelastic materials applied to pre-stressed cylindrical structuresMechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures
Capítulo2024Artificial intelligence and technological accelerationism: A critique of cybernetic ideologyPolitical Economy of Media and Communication: Methodological Approaches
Artículo2024Assessing grazing of Rugulopteryx okamurae (Ochrophyta) by the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus (Echinodermata): a prospect for the biocontrol of the alien species?European Journal Of Phycology
Artículo2024Estimation of the trajectory and attitude of railway vehicles using inertial sensors with application to track geometry measurementVehicle System Dynamics
Artículo2024Influence of the CNT addition on the mechanical performance of three-phase composite platesMechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures
Capítulo2024IntroductionPolitical Economy of Media and Communication: Methodological Approaches
Artículo2024Melissopalynological knowledge regarding the uniflorality of honeys: the case of under-represented pollenGrana
Artículo2024On the evaluation of failure strain in graphite-epoxy compositesMechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures
Libro2024Political Economy of Media and Communication: Methodological ApproachesPolitical Economy of Media and Communication: Methodological Approaches
Revisión2023Advancing towards inclusion: recommendations from faculty members of Spanish universitiesInternational Journal of Inclusive Education
Artículo2023Biologically guided automated treatment planning and evaluation: potential for treatment adaptation in head and neck cancer.Acta oncologica
Capítulo2023Cambios en la arquitectura discursivaLingüística histórica del español: The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Historical Linguistics
Libro2023Comunicación estratégica para el ejercicio del liderazgo femeninoComunicación estratégica para el ejercicio del liderazgo femenino
Capítulo2023Conclusiones y perspectivas de futuroComunicación estratégica para el ejercicio del liderazgo femenino
Capítulo2023En torno a la existencia de una variedad hispánica del latínLingüística histórica del español: The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Historical Linguistics
Artículo2023Exploring the beliefs of Spanish teachers who promote the development of inclusive pedagogyInternational Journal of Inclusive Education
Resumen congreso2023Fatigue and Morning Stiffness are Associated with Poor Mental Health in Norwegian Axial Spondyloarthritis Patients. Results from the International Map of Axial Spondyloarthritis (IMAS)SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY
Resumen congreso2023Identifying Sociodemographic and Employment Factors Associated with Higher Disease Activity in 509 Norwegian axSpA Patients. Results from the International Map of Axial Spondyloarthritis (IMAS)SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY
Revisión2023Is it possible to reduce pain-related fear in individuals with knee osteoarthritis? A systematic review of randomised clinical trialsPhysiotherapy Theory and Practice
Capítulo2023Las intervenciones institucionales de rectoras universitariasComunicación estratégica para el ejercicio del liderazgo femenino
Capítulo2023Lenguaje inclusivo y género no binario en español. Análisis de propuestas y usos de los hablantes1Comunicación estratégica para el ejercicio del liderazgo femenino
Artículo2023Meaningful and experiential learning in a fascial approach in practice education in the degree of physiotherapy: A pilot study at a Spanish UniversityPhysiotherapy Theory and Practice
Capítulo2023Mujeres entrevistadoras y entrevistadasComunicación estratégica para el ejercicio del liderazgo femenino
Capítulo2023The beginnings of the preservation and development of Spanish forestry for naval construction: the legal and silvicultural enquiries conducted by the Royal Council of Castile in Guipúzcoa (1569)Roots of Sustainability in the Iberian Empires: shipbuilding and forestry, 14th-19th centuries
Resumen congreso2023The International Map of Axial Spondyloarthritis (IMAS). Results from the Perspective of 5,557 Patients from 27 Countries around the WorldSCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY
Artículo2023The use and measurement of communication self-efficacy techniques in a UK undergraduate accounting courseAccounting Education
Capítulo2023Tradiciones discursivas e historia lingüísticaLingüística histórica del español: The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Historical Linguistics
Capítulo2023Transición de la lengua medieval a la premodernaLingüística histórica del español: The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Historical Linguistics
Artículo2022Area and Feature Guided Regularised Random Forest: a novel method for predictive modelling of binary phenomena. The case of illegal landfill in Canary IslandInternational Journal of Geographical Information Science
Artículo2022Early childhood teachers' specialised knowledge to promote algebraic thinking as from a task of additive decompositionInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2022Growth and reproductive traits of deep-sea pen Anthoptilum murrayi Kölliker, 1880, from Iceland (North Atlantic)MARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH
Capítulo2022Lenguaje inclusivo y género no binario en español. Análisis de propuestas y usos de los hablantesComunicación estratégica para el ejercicio del liderazgo femenino
Artículo2022Phase field model for fracture analysis of functionally graded power-based shell structuresMechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures
Artículo2022Simulation of bridging mechanisms in complex laminates using a hybrid PF-CZM methodMechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures
Libro2022Técnicas de escritura en español y géneros textualesTécnicas de escritura en español y géneros textuales
Artículo2022The associations of pregnancy-related symptoms with health-related quality of life at midpregnancy: the PregnActive projectThe Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine
Artículo2022Underwater photo-identification of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) off MauritiusMARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH
Capítulo2021El español en la era global: agentes y voces de la polifonía panhispánicaLa diversidad del español y su enseñanza
Resumen congreso2021Factors associated with engaging in physical activity in axial spondyloarthritis: results from the European Map of Axial Spondyloarthritis (EMAS)SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY
Resumen congreso2021Factors associated with inability to work and disability in patients with axial spondyloarthritis: results from the European Map of Axial Spondyloarthritis (EMAS)SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY
Artículo2021Forced vibration analysis of composite beams based on the variable separation methodMechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures
Artículo2021Giving a voice to the best faculty members: benefits of digital resources for the inclusion of all students in Arts and HumanitiesInternational Journal of Inclusive Education
Artículo2021Impact of perforated solar screens on daylight availability and low energy use in officesAdvances in Building Energy Research
Artículo2021Inclusive faculty members who teach student teachers: an analysis from the learning ecologies frameworkInternational Journal of Inclusive Education
Libro2021La diversidad del español y su enseñanzaLa diversidad del español y su enseñanza
Capítulo2021The coins of al-Andalus: ideological evolution and historicalcontextThe Routledge Handbook Of Muslim Iberia
Artículo2021Transforming faculty conceptions of disability and inclusive education through a training programmeInternational Journal of Inclusive Education
Artículo2020A feasibility study of brain-targeted treatment for people with painful knee osteoarthritis in tertiary carePhysiotherapy Theory and Practice
Capítulo2020A pilot study of space syntax applied to historical cities. Studying Seville and Lisbon in the 16th-17th centuriesScience and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019
Ponencia2020A pilot study of space syntax applied to historical cities. Studying seville and lisbon in the 16th-17th centuriesScience and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019
Artículo2020A variational approach with embedded roughness for adhesive contact problemsMechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures
Capítulo2020Application of BIM for the representation of the constructive evolution of the apse of teh church of San Juan de los Caballeros of Jerez de la FronteraScience and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019
Capítulo2020Architecture of the Retablo between Spain and Italy: On the Work of Jacopo L’Indaco, Alonso Berruguete and Diego de Siloé (1520–1530)Artistic circulation between Early Modern Spain and Italy
Ponencia2020Artificial intelligence applied to the preventive conservation of heritage buildingsScience and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019
Capítulo2020Assessment in Higher Education Tandem: A ProposalRedefining Tandem Language and Culture Learning in Higher Education [Recurso electrónico]
Capítulo2020Augmented reality and gigapixel image technologies: two case of study of Andalusian Barroc artifactsScience and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019
Ponencia2020BIM procedure for heritage construction site simulation on complex buildings: Coordination and safety managementScience and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019
Capítulo2020BIM-GIS interoperability applied to architectonic heritage: 2D and 3D digital models for the study of the ancient church of Santa Lucía in Seville (Spain)Science and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019
Ponencia2020Building a digital platform for cultural heritage decision-making in rural areas. The case of Valverde de BurguillosScience and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019
Ponencia2020Dynamic identification for structural analysis of santa ana church in SevilleScience and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019
Artículo2020Early fetal morphological evaluation (11–13 + 6 weeks) accomplished exclusively by transabdominal imaging and following routine midtrimester fetal ultrasound scan recommendations. Since when can it be performed?The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine
Capítulo2020Geographic information systems for the study of bunkers on the north shore of the Strait of GibraltarScience and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019
Ponencia2020Geographic information systems for the study of bunkers on the north shore of the Strait of GibraltarScience and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019
Capítulo2020GIS as a tool for effective preventive conservation: its utility in studies of conventual outdoor spacesScience and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019
Artículo2020Ichnogeny and bivalve bioerosion: examples from shell and wood substratesIchnos: An International Journal of Plant and Animal Traces
Capítulo2020In search of the most efficient way to make a three-dimensional analysis of a multitude of architectural elements for a unitary project: the moorish stripScience and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019
Artículo2020Integrated urban regeneration based on an interdisciplinary experience in LisbonPsyecology
Capítulo2020Landscape indicators overview and data model proposal for a GIS-based heritage management systemScience and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019
Capítulo2020Methodological framework to assess military rammed-Earth walls. The case of Seville city rampartsScience and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019
Capítulo2020Modelling of the conservation state of gypsum-based plasters in the Real Alcazar of SevilleScience and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019
Capítulo2020Morphology virtual reconstruction Renaissance altarpiece from Antequera (Andalusian)Science and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019
Capítulo2020New challenges and threats for journalism in the post-truth era: fact-checking and the fake news combatInformation visualization in the era of innovative journalism
Artículo2020New ichnospecies of Linichnus Jacobsen & Bromley, 2009Ichnos: An International Journal of Plant and Animal Traces
Artículo2020Online learning for 3D/4D transperineal ultrasound of the pelvic floorThe Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine
Ponencia2020Pilot experience of HBIM modelling on the renaissance quadrant façade of the cathedral of Seville to support its preventive conservationScience and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019
Artículo2020Preparation and characterization of emulgels loaded with sweet fennel oilJournal of Dispersion Science and Technology
Capítulo2020Preventive conservation of built cultural heritage in Southwestern Europe: HeritageCareScience and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019
Capítulo2020Protection of the architectural heritage in the agricultural landscapes. Application of GIS and BIM in oil mills of ÉcijaScience and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019
Ponencia2020Rain simulation device to test durability of building materialsScience and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019
Libro2020Science and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information modelsScience and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019
Capítulo2020Science communication on social media: current trends, future challengersThe routledge handbook of languaje and science
Capítulo2020Testing the heritagecare methodology for preventive conservation of built cultural heritage in southwestern Europe: Case studies in andalusia for service level 1Science and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019
Capítulo2020The mudejar tower of the church “Sta. Mª de la Encarnación”, Constantina (Seville). State of conservation and materials characterizationScience and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019
Revisión2020The role of self-efficacy in pain intensity, function, psychological factors, health behaviors, and quality of life in people with rheumatoid arthritis: A systematic reviewPhysiotherapy Theory and Practice
Capítulo2020Traceability of contemporary building culture as a key to the future heritage considerationScience and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019
Artículo2020Tracking the last elephants in Europe during the Würm Pleniglacial: the importance of the Late Pleistocene aeolianite record in SW IberiaIchnos: An International Journal of Plant and Animal Traces
Capítulo2020Urban vulnerability assessment as a monitoring tool for cultural heritage preservation. Medium-sized cities in AndalusiaScience and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019
Artículo2019A new sharp inequality for arbitrary complex polynomials related to Gamma-linesComplex Variables and Elliptic Equations
Artículo2019Can we predict levator ani muscle avulsion in instrumental deliveries through intrapartum transperineal ultrasound?The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine
Artículo2019Europe: Decadence et elan. Images of the eternal return of AbendlandCOGENT ARTS & HUMANITIES
Capítulo2019Human memory and the act of remembering in contemporary iberian graphic novelsThe Routledge Companion to Iberian Studies
Artículo2019Palynological and geographical characterisation of Spanish oak honeydew honeysGrana
Artículo2019Screening for selective anticancer activity of plants from Grazalema Natural Park, SpainNatural Product Research
Artículo2019Surface-based and solid shell formulations of the 7-parameter shell model for layered CFRP and functionally graded power-based composite structuresMechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures
Artículo2019The effect of frequency on tension-tension fatigue behavior of unidirectional and woven fabric graphite-epoxy compositesMechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures
Artículo2019The role of perspective in the contemporary artistic practiceCOGENT ARTS & HUMANITIES
Artículo2018Ammothea species (Pycnogonida: Ammotheidae) collected during the Polarstern cruise ANT-XXIX/3 to Antarctic waters, with a description of a new speciesMARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH
Artículo2018Digital governance and information technologies in local action groups (LAGs)COGENT SOCIAL SCIENCES
Artículo2018Effect of emulsifier HLB and stabilizer addition on the physical stability of thyme essential oil emulsionsJournal of Dispersion Science and Technology
Artículo2018Glial-derived neurotrophic factor is essential for blood-nerve barrier functional recovery in an experimental murine model of traumatic peripheral neuropathyTISSUE BARRIERS
Artículo2018Influence of difficulty of instrumentation with vacuum on the rate of levator ani muscle avulsion identified by 3-4d transperineal ultrasoundThe Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine
Artículo2018Morphological features of the gorgonian Paramuricea macrospina on the continental shelf and shelf edge (Menorca Channel, Western Mediterranean Sea)MARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH
Artículo2018Non-linear conversion of HX4 uptake for automatic segmentation of hypoxic volumes and dose prescriptionActa oncologica
Artículo2018Psychosocial indicators of habitability conditions and satisfaction with life among older people / Indicadores psicosociales de las condiciones de habitabilidad y satisfacción vital en personas mayoresPsyecology
Artículo2018Successful treatment of intrauterine cytomegalovirus infection with an intraventricular cyst in a dichorionic diamniotic twin gestation using cytomegalovirus immunoglobulinThe Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine
Artículo2018The continuous-time problem with interval-valued functions: applications to economic equilibriumOptimization Methods and Software
Artículo2017Blurring the borders between old and new social movements: the M15 movement and the radical unions in SpainMeditteranean Politics
Artículo2017Comparison of gastric-cancer radiotherapy performed with volumetric modulated arc therapy or single-field uniform-dose proton therapyActa oncologica
Artículo2017Comparison of two competitive enzyme immunoassay kits for quantification of plasma Urotensin-II in ratsJournal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry
Artículo2017Development of an interlaced-crossfiring geometry for proton grid therapyActa oncologica
Capítulo2017Family farms, migrant labourers and regional imbalance in global agri-food systems: on the social (un)sustainability of intensive strawberry production in Huelva (Spain)Migration and Agriculture: Mobility and change in the Mediterranean area
Capítulo2017Human memory and the act of remembering in contemporary Iberian graphic novelsThe Routledge Companion to Iberian Studies
Libro2017Introducción a la lingüística hispánica actual: teoría y prácticaIntroducción a la lingüística hispánica actual: teoría y práctica
Artículo2017Levator ani muscle injuries associated with vaginal vacuum assisted delivery determined by 3/4D transperineal ultrasoundThe Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine
Artículo2017Neutralist crossroads: Spain and Argentina facing the Great WarFirst World War Studies
Artículo2017Spanish version of Pregnancy Symptoms Inventory: transcultural adaptation and reliabilityThe Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine
Artículo2017The roads to parliamentarianism. Models of political inclusion and exclusion between Spain and Mexico, 1810-65Parliaments, estates & representation = Parlements, états & représentation
Libro2017The Routledge companion to Iberian studiesThe Routledge Companion to Iberian Studies
Artículo2017Violencia de pareja online en la adolescencia, clima familiar y escolar desde la perspectiva de géneroInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2016Factors that influence the development of avulsion of the levator ani muscle in eutocic deliveries: 3-4D transperineal ultrasound studyThe Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine
Capítulo2016Family farms, migrant labourers and regional imbalance in global agri-food systems: On the social (un)sustainability of intensive strawberry production in Huelva (Spain)Migration and Agriculture: Mobility and change in the Mediterranean area
Artículo2016Geospatial data of freshwater habitats for macroecological studies: an example with freshwater fishesInternational Journal of Geographical Information Science
Artículo2016Intrapartum translabial ultrasound with pushing used to predict the difficulty in vacuum-assisted delivery of fetuses in non-occiput posterior positionThe Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine
Artículo2016Order of growth of distributionally irregular entire functions for the differentiation operatorComplex Variables and Elliptic Equations
Artículo2016Usefulness of marine protected areas as tools for preserving the highly endangered limpet, Patella ferruginea, in the Mediterranean SeaMARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH
Artículo2016Utility of intrapartum transperineal ultrasound to predict cases of failure in vacuum extraction attempt and need of cesarean section to complete deliveryThe Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine
Capítulo2015Analysis of Guadalquivir droughts 2004-2012 based on SEEA-W tablesDrought: Research and Science-Policy Interfacing
Artículo2015Crisis in intercountry adoption, crisis in adoptive familiesFamily Science
Artículo2015Family dynamics and cochlear implant: a case study/Dinamica familiar e implante coclear: estudio de casosInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2015Hidden voices in higher education: Inclusive policies and practices in social science and law classroomsInternational Journal of Inclusive Education
Artículo2015Intrapartum transperineal ultrasound as a predictor of instrumentation difficulty with vacuum-assisted delivery in primiparous womenThe Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine
Artículo2015Parental stress, family functioning and children’s psychological adjustment in adoptive families: A comparative and longitudinal studyFamily Science
Artículo2015Reality-based court interpreting didactic material using new technologiesThe Interpreter and Translator Trainer
Artículo2015Seasonal fluctuations and dietary analysis of fouling caprellids (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from marinas of southern SpainMARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH
Artículo2015Soil-structure interaction effects on the resonant response of railway bridges under high-speed trafficInternational Journal of Rail Transportation
Artículo2014Analysis of middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity in monochorionic twin pregnancies as a method for identifying spontaneous twin anaemia-polycythaemia sequenceThe Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine
Artículo2014Dynamics of the coupled railway vehicle-flexible track system with irregularities using a multibody approach with moving modesVehicle System Dynamics
Artículo2014Plasters in mediaeval mural paintings of Carinthia and their influence on SloveniaJournal of Architectural Conservation
Artículo2014Potential of night ventilative cooling strategies in office buildings in Spain - Comfort analysisInternational Journal of Ventilation
Artículo2014Predictive modelling of gold potential with the integration of multisource information based on random forest: a case study on the Rodalquilar area, Southern SpainInternational Journal of Geographical Information Science
Artículo2014Towards the construct of cyberconvivencia/Hacia el constructo ciberconvivenciaInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2013Analysis and repercussions of the updating of the spanish regulation regarding ventilation and infiltrationInternational Journal of Ventilation
Artículo2013Antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of Sideritis perezlarae (Borja) Rosello, Stubing and PerisNatural Product Research
Capítulo2013Community policing in SpainCommunity policing in indigenous communities
Artículo2013Contents and conversational modes in adolescents. Debating group conflicts and partner violenceInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2013El yo docente en la universidad. Posiciones del yo y voces en la construcción narrativa de las identidades del profesorado universitarioInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2013How can parents obtain knowledge about their adolescent children?Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2013Influence of fouling communities on the establishment success of alien caprellids (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in Southern SpainMARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH
Reseña2013La aplicación de las nuevas tecnologías a la formación de intérpretes en los tribunales de justicia mediante la aplicación de material realThe Interpreter and Translator Trainer
Artículo2013Liberal parliamentarianism in Mexico. Notes for reflection: The parliamentary representation of the state of Puebla in the Mexican national congresses, 1833-56Parliaments, estates & representation = Parlements, états & représentation
Capítulo2013Lighting features in Japanese traditional architectureLessons from vernacular architecture
Artículo2013Modelling of structural flexiblity in multibody railroad vehicle systemsVehicle System Dynamics
Artículo2013New contingent sequential screening model for Down syndrome based on the combined test associated with modified genetic sonographyThe Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine
Artículo2013Perceptions of the Usefulness of Virtual Learning Environments in Accounting Education: A Comparative Evaluation of Undergraduate Accounting Students in Spain and EnglandAccounting Education
Artículo2013Wide distributional range of marine sponges along the Pacific OceanMARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH
Capítulo2012A territorial analysis of the agricultural heritage in Andalusia- Case studies of rural settlement and hydraulic systems for their subsequent enhancementTerritorial heritage and development: proceedings of the International Workshop on Territorial Heritage and Sustainable Development, Seville, Spain, 17-18 November 2011
Artículo2012An Empirical Study Into the Structure and Regulation of Instructional Interactions in Literacy PracticesLiteracy Research and Instruction
Artículo2012Analysis of a PHDC (Passive and Hybrid Downdraft Cooling) experimental facility in Seville and its applicability to the Madrid climateInternational Journal of Ventilation
Artículo2012Benefits of the associative context in the leisure activities of Spanish adolescentsInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2012Cladosporium airborne spore incidence in the environmental quality of the Iberian PeninsulaGrana
Artículo2012Contribution of "modified genetic sonography" to the combined test as a screening method for chromosomal abnormalitiesThe Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine
Artículo2012Diferencias en el desarrollo y el comportamiento de niños y niñas con riesgo de discapacidad: alcance de un programa para padresInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2012First trimester contingent test as a screening method for Down's syndrome. A prospective study in the general populationThe Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine
Artículo2012Formal schooling, autobiographical memory, and cultural self-construalsInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2012Rediscovery of Cereopsis studeri Koch, 1891, a forgotten Mediterranean soft coral species, and its inclusion in the genus Nidalia Gray, 1835 (Octocorallia, Alcyonacea, Nidaliidae)MARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH
Artículo2012Role of fetal echocardiography in stepwise sequential screening for chromosomal disorders (combined test associated with modified genetic sonography)The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine
Artículo2012Synthesis of carotenoids and regulation of the carotenoid biosynthesis pathway in response to high light stress in the unicellular microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtiiEuropean Journal Of Phycology
Artículo2012Two new gorgonian species (Anthozoa: Octocorallia: Gorgoniidae) from Ecuador (Eastern Pacific)MARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH
Artículo2011Children's recovery after adoptionInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2011Estrés parental y apoyo social en familias extensas acogedoras chilenas y españolasInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2011La comprensión de falsa creencia en niños y adolescentes sordos: tareas gráficas versus clásicasInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2011Life history of Caprella grandimana (Crustacea: Amphipoda) reared under laboratory conditionsMARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH
Artículo2010 The profession of deputy: The idea of political representation in liberal SpainParliaments, estates & representation = Parlements, états & représentation
Artículo2010Análisis comparativo de las nuevas estructuras familiares como contextos potenciadores del desarrollo psicológico infantilInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2010Beyond the deficit: Building a model of positive youth developmentInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2010Na, K, Ca and Mg of intertidal caprellids (Crustacea: Amphipoda)MARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH
Artículo2010Simulation model for some types of double envelope elementsInternational Journal of Ventilation
Artículo2010Sobre el conocimiento y la práctica educativaInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2010The powerful pull of brain imagesInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2009Abduction via C-tableaux and resolutionJournal Of Applied Non-Classical Logics
Artículo2009Clinical comparative study of dose - volume and equivalent uniform dose based predictions in post radiotherapy acute complicationsActa oncologica
Artículo2009Distribution and trophic structure of annelid assemblages in a Caulerpa prolifera bed from southern SpainMARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH
Artículo2008¿Cómo contribuyen las asociaciones de familiares a la educación del alumnado con autismo?Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2008Estilos relacionales parentales y ajuste adolescenteInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2008Las redes de iguales y el fenómeno del acoso escolar: explorando el esquema dominio-sumisiónInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2008Percepción de los adolescentes y sus progenitores de la adolescencia como etapa evolutivaInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2007A recent onset inflammatory polyarthritis register in Spain: factors that predict remissionSCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY
Artículo2007Ammotheidae (Arthropoda : Pycnogonidae) collected during the Victoria Land Transect cruise 2004 (Ross Sea, Antarctica), with a description of a new species of AmmotheaMARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH
Artículo2007Digons and angular derivatives of analytic self-maps of the unit diskComplex Variables and Elliptic Equations
Artículo2007Flow pattern effects on night cooling ventilationInternational Journal of Ventilation
Artículo2007La comprensión en lengua de signos españolaInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2007Two new asterocherid species (Siphonostomatoida : Asterocheridae) from Madeira and the Canary Islands (eastern Atlantic)MARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH
Artículo2006Automated performance evaluation of skew-tolerant clocking schemesInternational Journal of Electronics
Libro2006Brain injury treatment: Theories and practicesBRAIN INJURY TREATMENT: THEORIES AND PRACTICES
Artículo2006Caprella penantis Leach, 1814 and Caprella dilatata Kroyer, 1843 (Crustacea : Amphipoda) from the Strait of Gibraltar: a molecular approach to explore intra- and interspecific variationMARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH
Artículo2006Chemical composition of the essential oil from the leaves of juniperus phoenicea l. from north africaJournal of Essential Oil Research
Capítulo2006Diagnosing and treating affective disorders after brain injuryBRAIN INJURY TREATMENT: THEORIES AND PRACTICES
Libro2006Heritage, Weathering & Conservation: Proceedings of the International Conference on Heritage, Weathering and ConservationHeritage, Weathering & Conservation: Proceedings of the International Conference on Heritage, Weathering and Conservation
Ponencia2006Johannes Aquila and the technique of Gothic mural paintings (14th century)Heritage, Weathering & Conservation: Proceedings of the International Conference on Heritage, Weathering and Conservation
Editorial2006Las relaciones de apego: polémica en torno a su trascendencia , continuidad y posibilidades de cambio a lo largo del ciclo vitalInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Capítulo2006Low-level responsive statesBRAIN INJURY TREATMENT: THEORIES AND PRACTICES
Capítulo2006Methods and tools for the assessment of outcome after brain injury rehabilitationBRAIN INJURY TREATMENT: THEORIES AND PRACTICES
Capítulo2006Mild brain injury: Detecting high-risk patientsBRAIN INJURY TREATMENT: THEORIES AND PRACTICES
Capítulo2006Neuropsychological assessment of persons with acquired brain injuryBRAIN INJURY TREATMENT: THEORIES AND PRACTICES
Capítulo2006Organization of neurological intensive care unitsBRAIN INJURY TREATMENT: THEORIES AND PRACTICES
Capítulo2006Rehabilitation of cognitive disorders after acquired brain injury: The Combined Method (TCM)BRAIN INJURY TREATMENT: THEORIES AND PRACTICES
Capítulo2006Rehabilitation of equilibrium and posture control after brain injury: The NeuroBird methodBRAIN INJURY TREATMENT: THEORIES AND PRACTICES
Capítulo2006Sevilla Neuropsychological Test Battery (BNS) (version 2.0) for the assessment of executive functioningBRAIN INJURY TREATMENT: THEORIES AND PRACTICES
Capítulo2006The holistic, multidisciplinary, and intensive approach to treatment: The CRECER methodBRAIN INJURY TREATMENT: THEORIES AND PRACTICES
Capítulo2006The role of family in the rehabilitation of traumatic brain injury patients: Advocate or co-therapistBRAIN INJURY TREATMENT: THEORIES AND PRACTICES
Capítulo2006The role of stem cells in the rehabilitation of brain injuryBRAIN INJURY TREATMENT: THEORIES AND PRACTICES
Artículo2006Un análisis longitudinal sobre las dimensiones relevantes del estilo parental durante la adolescenciaInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2005A new ichnospecies of Arthrophycus from the upper Cambrian-Lower Tremadocian of northwest Argentina: Implications for the arthrophycid lineage and potential in ichnostratigraphyIchnos: An International Journal of Plant and Animal Traces
Artículo2005A new species of sea anemone (Cnidaria : Anthozoa : Actiniaria) from Manus Basin hydrothermal vents, South-western PacificMARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH
Artículo2005C-2-symmetric bis-sulfoxides: Synthesis of both enantiomers and utilization in organometallic chemistry and in asymmetric catalysisPhosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and Related Elements
Artículo2005C-2-symmetric bis-thioglycosides as useful ligands in palladium-catalyzed asymmetric allylic alkylation: Synthesis of both enantiomers using natural sugars as ligand precursorsPhosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and Related Elements
Artículo2005Interacciones educativas de una madre con sus dos hijos gemelos: El papel de la deficiencia auditiva leveInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2005Mixed S/P ligands from carbohydrates: Synthesis and utilization in asymmetric catalysisPhosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and Related Elements
Artículo2005Study of plants visited by honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) in the Central Rif Region (N. Morocco) using pollen analysisGrana
Artículo2005The isopropyl- and tert-butylsulfinyl groups in asymmetric synthesis: A comparative studyPhosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and Related Elements
Artículo2005Valores y expectativas sobre la adolescencia: discrepancias entre padres, profesores, mayores y adolescentesInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2004Ajuste psicológico e integración social en hijos e hijas de familias homoparentalesInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2004Crecer en familias homoparentales. Una realidad polémicaInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2004Hysteresis current control of a vector controlled induction motor and DTC: an assessmentInternational Journal of Electronics
Artículo2004LA ADOLESCENCIA COMO RIESGO Y OPORTUNIDADInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2004Nacer a la vida: un programa de apoyo y formación durante la transición a la maternidad y la paternidadInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2004Palynological and geographical characterization of avocado honeys in SpainGrana
Artículo2004Presentación. Las familias homoparentales: entre el debate científico y el ideológicoInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2004Skills development, motivation and learning in financial statement analysis: An evaluation of alternative types of case studiesAccounting Education
Artículo2004Variations in the weights of pollen loads collected by Apis mellifera L.Grana
Editorial2003ESCRIBIR, RE-ESCRIBIR Y DISCUTIR: EL DEBATE CIENTÍFICO EN INFANCIA Y APRENDIZAJEInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2003La pareja ante la llegada de los hijos e hijas: evolución de la relación conyugal durante el proceso de convertirse en padre y madreInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2003New Chemotherapy Treatments in Advanced Cancer Patients: An Easily Applicable Evaluation of Clinical Efficacy and Cost-effectivenessActa oncologica
Artículo2003Pollen analysis of honeys from the Mamora forest region (NW Morocco)Grana
Artículo2003Psicología cultural: Aproximaciones al estudio de la relación entre mente y culturaInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2002Niños y madres en prisión: Escenarios de desarrollo familiares y escolares en los centros penitenciarios españolesInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2002Perspectiva referencial y acciones instruccionales: un estudio de educación de adultosInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2002Práctica social y modos de hablar y pensarInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2002Pulmonary miliary tuberculosis in a patient with anti-TNF-alpha treatmentSCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY
Artículo2002Re-descriptions of Caprella linearis (Linnaeus, 1767) and C-septentrionalis Kroyer, 1838 (Crustacea : Amphipoda : Caprellidea) from Scotland, with an ontogenetic comparison between the species and a study of the clinging behaviourSARSIA
Artículo2001AUTONOMÍA EMOCIONAL DURANTE LA ADOLESCENCIAInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2001Linear viscoelasticity of concentrated polyethylene glycol tert-octylphenyl ether solutionsJournal of Dispersion Science and Technology
Artículo2001New ichnospecies of Cardioichnus from the Miocene of the Guadalquivir basin, Huelva, SpainIchnos: An International Journal of Plant and Animal Traces
Artículo2001Pollen analysis of honeys from the Gharb region (NW Morocco)Grana
Artículo2001Pollen collecting behaviour of Apis mellifera during one dayGrana
Artículo2001Vocational skills in the accounting professional profile: The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) employers' opinionAccounting Education
Artículo2000La mediación semiótica de las acciones humanas: análisis sociocultural de la situación experimentalInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2000Modelling and control of a visual servoing systemSystems Analysis Modelling Simulation
Artículo1999La intervención psicopedagógica en AndalucíaInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1999Las ideas de los padres sobre el desarrollo y la educación de sus hijos: Su cambio y continuidad durante la transición a la paternidadInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1999Relationship between air temperature and the start of pollen emission in some arboreal taxa in Southwestern SpainGrana
Artículo1999Translating in the dark: Finnegans wake and spanishTranslation Review
Artículo1998A study on non-arboreal pollen collected during ten consecutive years in the air of the SW Spain - Effect of drought period on pollen spectrumGrana
Artículo1998The pollen spectrum of trees and shrubs in SW Spain (1987-1996)Grana
Artículo1997A comparative study of atmospheric pollen concentrations collected with Burkard and Cour samplers, Seville (Spain), 1992-1994Grana
Artículo1997Diferencias entre las expectativas y valores de madres y educadores de niños preescolares españolesInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1997Distanciamiento y desarrollo en el medio familiar: Procesos y resultados con perspectiva longitudinalInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1997La naturaleza semiótica de la conciencia: una aproximación sociocultural a la mente humanaInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1997PATRONES DE COMPORTAMIENTO SEXUAL Y CONTRACEPTIVO EN LA ADOLESCENCIAInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1996Inter- and intraspecific variation in pollen size in Asphodelus section Asphodelus (Asphodelaceae)Grana
Artículo1996Optimal control and sensitivity analysis of an energy demand modelSystems Analysis Modelling Simulation
Artículo1996Pollen morphology of Asphodelus L (Asphodelaceae): Taxonomic and phylogenetic inferences at the infrageneric levelGrana
Letter1995Bacterial pyomyositis due to Streptococcus pneumoniae in a previously healthy manSCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY
Artículo1995Chaotic synchronization using monolithic Chua oscillatorsInternational Journal of Electronics
Artículo1995Detección y caracterización del maltrato infantil en la Comunidad Autónoma AndaluzaInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1995El maltrato infantil en España: un estudio a través de los expedientes de menoresInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1995El maltrato infantil: concepto, tipos, etiologíaInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1995Evaluation of metastability transfer models - an application to an n-bistable CMOS synchronizerInternational Journal of Electronics
Artículo1995Ideas sobre la infancia y predisposición hacia el maltrato infantilInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1995Los datos del maltrato infantil en España: una visión de conjuntoInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1995Maltrato infantil: lecturas para saber másInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1994Algunas derivaciones de la teoría de la actividadInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1994Evaluación de los contextos familiares y extrafamiliares en los años preescolares: escalas Home y EcersInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1994Experimental and numerical analysis of residual stresses in welded AL-5083-O aluminium platesWelding International
Artículo1994Neural network monitoring of resistance welding processesWelding International
Artículo1994Pollen contamination of honey by bees inside the hiveGrana
Artículo1993Design, testing and applications of 4-valued padsInternational Journal of Electronics
Artículo1993Palynological and cytological observations in Spanish sonchus (Asteraceae)Grana
Artículo1992A reliable technique to determine pitting potentials of austenitic stainless steels by potentiodynamic methodsWelding International
Artículo1991Educacion formal y acciones de agrupacion y memoria eo adultos: Un estudio microgenetico “Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1991Estudio comparado del comportamiento de niños educados en medio familiar y niños educados en instituciones. Una perspectiva etológicaInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1991Habla espontánea en resolución de problemasInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1991METASTABLE OPERATION IN RS FLIP FLOPSInternational Journal of Electronics
Artículo1990Cambio sociocognitivo y organización de las acciones: una perspectiva sociocultural para el estudio de la educación de adultosInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1990La Zona de Desarrollo Próximo como tarea de construcciónInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1990Optimization for vehicle suspension .1. Time domainVehicle System Dynamics
Artículo1990Optimization for vehicle suspension. 2. Frequency-domainVehicle System Dynamics
Artículo1989Contextos de crianza y educación de los niños españoles menores de seis años: IEA Preprimary ProjectInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1989CULTURA Y PROCESOS COGNITIVOS: HACIA UNA PSICOLOGÍA CULTURALInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1988EL DESARROLLO DE LAS ACCIONES DE MEMORIAInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1988On the synthesis of all-pass digital transfer-functions based on LBR 2-pair extraction procedureInternational Journal of Electronics
Artículo1988Stereochemistry of sulfur organic compounds. Part 23. Double gauche effect oxygen/sulfur in 2-alkylthio derivatives of 1,1-dimethoxyethane.Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and Related Elements
Artículo1987Contenidos, estructura y determinantes de las ideas de los padres: una investigación empíricaInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1987Ideas, interacción ambiente educativo y desarrollo: informe preliminarInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1987La autorregulación verbal en tareas de reproducción de seriesInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1987Las ideas de los padres sobre sus hijos en la investigación evolutivaInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1987Resistivity and spontaneous anisotropy of resistivity in amorphous fex si1-x filmsPhilosophical Magazine. B
Artículo1987Syntesis, identificacion and surface activity of 2-amine-deoxy-3-o-n-octyl-d-glucopyranose hydrochloride.Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology
Artículo1986Pollen morphology of Spanish Lithospermum S.L. (Boraginaceae) and its taxonomic significanceGrana
Artículo1985New design technique for multiport regionalizersInternational Journal of Electronics
Artículo1985Very low frequency non linear digital oscillatorInternational Journal of Electronics
Nota1984A novel all-capacitor mos-compatible analog multiplierInternational Journal of Electronics
Artículo1982El desarrollo de los estilos cognitivos: breve presentación de un amplio temaInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1982Implicaciones educativas de los estilos cognitivosInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1982Reflexividad - impulsividadInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1981Glosario de términos piagetianosInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1981J. Piaget-Henri Wallon: dos perspectivas distintas, un solo niño verdaderoInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1980Sincretismo y pensamiento categorial: génesis y diferencias socioculturalesInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1979Henri Wallon y la educación infantilInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1979Jerome S. Bruner: una teoría de la educaciónInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development