Artículo | 2024 | A numerical analysis on the behavior of CFRP laminates under biaxial loads | Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures |
Artículo | 2024 | A phase field approach to fracture for hyperelastic and visco-hyperelastic materials applied to pre-stressed cylindrical structures | Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures |
Capítulo | 2024 | Artificial intelligence and technological accelerationism: A critique of cybernetic ideology | Political Economy of Media and Communication: Methodological Approaches |
Artículo | 2024 | Assessing grazing of Rugulopteryx okamurae (Ochrophyta) by the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus (Echinodermata): a prospect for the biocontrol of the alien species? | European Journal Of Phycology |
Artículo | 2024 | Estimation of the trajectory and attitude of railway vehicles using inertial sensors with application to track geometry measurement | Vehicle System Dynamics |
Artículo | 2024 | Influence of the CNT addition on the mechanical performance of three-phase composite plates | Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures |
Capítulo | 2024 | Introduction | Political Economy of Media and Communication: Methodological Approaches |
Artículo | 2024 | Melissopalynological knowledge regarding the uniflorality of honeys: the case of under-represented pollen | Grana |
Artículo | 2024 | On the evaluation of failure strain in graphite-epoxy composites | Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures |
Libro | 2024 | Political Economy of Media and Communication: Methodological Approaches | Political Economy of Media and Communication: Methodological Approaches |
Revisión | 2023 | Advancing towards inclusion: recommendations from faculty members of Spanish universities | International Journal of Inclusive Education |
Artículo | 2023 | Biologically guided automated treatment planning and evaluation: potential for treatment adaptation in head and neck cancer. | Acta oncologica |
Capítulo | 2023 | Cambios en la arquitectura discursiva | Lingüística histórica del español: The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Historical Linguistics |
Libro | 2023 | Comunicación estratégica para el ejercicio del liderazgo femenino | Comunicación estratégica para el ejercicio del liderazgo femenino |
Capítulo | 2023 | Conclusiones y perspectivas de futuro | Comunicación estratégica para el ejercicio del liderazgo femenino |
Capítulo | 2023 | En torno a la existencia de una variedad hispánica del latín | Lingüística histórica del español: The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Historical Linguistics |
Artículo | 2023 | Exploring the beliefs of Spanish teachers who promote the development of inclusive pedagogy | International Journal of Inclusive Education |
Resumen congreso | 2023 | Fatigue and Morning Stiffness are Associated with Poor Mental Health in Norwegian Axial Spondyloarthritis Patients. Results from the International Map of Axial Spondyloarthritis (IMAS) | SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY |
Resumen congreso | 2023 | Identifying Sociodemographic and Employment Factors Associated with Higher Disease Activity in 509 Norwegian axSpA Patients. Results from the International Map of Axial Spondyloarthritis (IMAS) | SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY |
Revisión | 2023 | Is it possible to reduce pain-related fear in individuals with knee osteoarthritis? A systematic review of randomised clinical trials | Physiotherapy Theory and Practice |
Capítulo | 2023 | Las intervenciones institucionales de rectoras universitarias | Comunicación estratégica para el ejercicio del liderazgo femenino |
Capítulo | 2023 | Lenguaje inclusivo y género no binario en español. Análisis de propuestas y usos de los hablantes1 | Comunicación estratégica para el ejercicio del liderazgo femenino |
Artículo | 2023 | Meaningful and experiential learning in a fascial approach in practice education in the degree of physiotherapy: A pilot study at a Spanish University | Physiotherapy Theory and Practice |
Capítulo | 2023 | Mujeres entrevistadoras y entrevistadas | Comunicación estratégica para el ejercicio del liderazgo femenino |
Capítulo | 2023 | The beginnings of the preservation and development of Spanish forestry for naval construction: the legal and silvicultural enquiries conducted by the Royal Council of Castile in Guipúzcoa (1569) | Roots of Sustainability in the Iberian Empires: shipbuilding and forestry, 14th-19th centuries |
Resumen congreso | 2023 | The International Map of Axial Spondyloarthritis (IMAS). Results from the Perspective of 5,557 Patients from 27 Countries around the World | SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY |
Artículo | 2023 | The use and measurement of communication self-efficacy techniques in a UK undergraduate accounting course | Accounting Education |
Capítulo | 2023 | Tradiciones discursivas e historia lingüística | Lingüística histórica del español: The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Historical Linguistics |
Capítulo | 2023 | Transición de la lengua medieval a la premoderna | Lingüística histórica del español: The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Historical Linguistics |
Artículo | 2022 | Area and Feature Guided Regularised Random Forest: a novel method for predictive modelling of binary phenomena. The case of illegal landfill in Canary Island | International Journal of Geographical Information Science |
Artículo | 2022 | Early childhood teachers' specialised knowledge to promote algebraic thinking as from a task of additive decomposition | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2022 | Growth and reproductive traits of deep-sea pen Anthoptilum murrayi Kölliker, 1880, from Iceland (North Atlantic) | MARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH |
Capítulo | 2022 | Lenguaje inclusivo y género no binario en español. Análisis de propuestas y usos de los hablantes | Comunicación estratégica para el ejercicio del liderazgo femenino |
Artículo | 2022 | Phase field model for fracture analysis of functionally graded power-based shell structures | Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures |
Artículo | 2022 | Simulation of bridging mechanisms in complex laminates using a hybrid PF-CZM method | Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures |
Libro | 2022 | Técnicas de escritura en español y géneros textuales | Técnicas de escritura en español y géneros textuales |
Artículo | 2022 | The associations of pregnancy-related symptoms with health-related quality of life at midpregnancy: the PregnActive project | The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine |
Artículo | 2022 | Underwater photo-identification of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) off Mauritius | MARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH |
Capítulo | 2021 | El español en la era global: agentes y voces de la polifonía panhispánica | La diversidad del español y su enseñanza |
Resumen congreso | 2021 | Factors associated with engaging in physical activity in axial spondyloarthritis: results from the European Map of Axial Spondyloarthritis (EMAS) | SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY |
Resumen congreso | 2021 | Factors associated with inability to work and disability in patients with axial spondyloarthritis: results from the European Map of Axial Spondyloarthritis (EMAS) | SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY |
Artículo | 2021 | Forced vibration analysis of composite beams based on the variable separation method | Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures |
Artículo | 2021 | Giving a voice to the best faculty members: benefits of digital resources for the inclusion of all students in Arts and Humanities | International Journal of Inclusive Education |
Artículo | 2021 | Impact of perforated solar screens on daylight availability and low energy use in offices | Advances in Building Energy Research |
Artículo | 2021 | Inclusive faculty members who teach student teachers: an analysis from the learning ecologies framework | International Journal of Inclusive Education |
Libro | 2021 | La diversidad del español y su enseñanza | La diversidad del español y su enseñanza |
Capítulo | 2021 | The coins of al-Andalus: ideological evolution and historicalcontext | The Routledge Handbook Of Muslim Iberia |
Artículo | 2021 | Transforming faculty conceptions of disability and inclusive education through a training programme | International Journal of Inclusive Education |
Artículo | 2020 | A feasibility study of brain-targeted treatment for people with painful knee osteoarthritis in tertiary care | Physiotherapy Theory and Practice |
Capítulo | 2020 | A pilot study of space syntax applied to historical cities. Studying Seville and Lisbon in the 16th-17th centuries | Science and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019 |
Ponencia | 2020 | A pilot study of space syntax applied to historical cities. Studying seville and lisbon in the 16th-17th centuries | Science and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019 |
Artículo | 2020 | A variational approach with embedded roughness for adhesive contact problems | Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures |
Capítulo | 2020 | Application of BIM for the representation of the constructive evolution of the apse of teh church of San Juan de los Caballeros of Jerez de la Frontera | Science and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019 |
Capítulo | 2020 | Architecture of the Retablo between Spain and Italy: On the Work of Jacopo L’Indaco, Alonso Berruguete and Diego de Siloé (1520–1530) | Artistic circulation between Early Modern Spain and Italy |
Ponencia | 2020 | Artificial intelligence applied to the preventive conservation of heritage buildings | Science and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019 |
Capítulo | 2020 | Assessment in Higher Education Tandem: A Proposal | Redefining Tandem Language and Culture Learning in Higher Education [Recurso electrónico] |
Capítulo | 2020 | Augmented reality and gigapixel image technologies: two case of study of Andalusian Barroc artifacts | Science and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019 |
Ponencia | 2020 | BIM procedure for heritage construction site simulation on complex buildings: Coordination and safety management | Science and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019 |
Capítulo | 2020 | BIM-GIS interoperability applied to architectonic heritage: 2D and 3D digital models for the study of the ancient church of Santa Lucía in Seville (Spain) | Science and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019 |
Ponencia | 2020 | Building a digital platform for cultural heritage decision-making in rural areas. The case of Valverde de Burguillos | Science and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019 |
Ponencia | 2020 | Dynamic identification for structural analysis of santa ana church in Seville | Science and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019 |
Artículo | 2020 | Early fetal morphological evaluation (11–13 + 6 weeks) accomplished exclusively by transabdominal imaging and following routine midtrimester fetal ultrasound scan recommendations. Since when can it be performed? | The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine |
Capítulo | 2020 | Geographic information systems for the study of bunkers on the north shore of the Strait of Gibraltar | Science and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019 |
Ponencia | 2020 | Geographic information systems for the study of bunkers on the north shore of the Strait of Gibraltar | Science and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019 |
Capítulo | 2020 | GIS as a tool for effective preventive conservation: its utility in studies of conventual outdoor spaces | Science and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019 |
Artículo | 2020 | Ichnogeny and bivalve bioerosion: examples from shell and wood substrates | Ichnos: An International Journal of Plant and Animal Traces |
Capítulo | 2020 | In search of the most efficient way to make a three-dimensional analysis of a multitude of architectural elements for a unitary project: the moorish strip | Science and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019 |
Artículo | 2020 | Integrated urban regeneration based on an interdisciplinary experience in Lisbon | Psyecology |
Capítulo | 2020 | Landscape indicators overview and data model proposal for a GIS-based heritage management system | Science and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019 |
Capítulo | 2020 | Methodological framework to assess military rammed-Earth walls. The case of Seville city ramparts | Science and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019 |
Capítulo | 2020 | Modelling of the conservation state of gypsum-based plasters in the Real Alcazar of Seville | Science and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019 |
Capítulo | 2020 | Morphology virtual reconstruction Renaissance altarpiece from Antequera (Andalusian) | Science and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019 |
Capítulo | 2020 | New challenges and threats for journalism in the post-truth era: fact-checking and the fake news combat | Information visualization in the era of innovative journalism |
Artículo | 2020 | New ichnospecies of Linichnus Jacobsen & Bromley, 2009 | Ichnos: An International Journal of Plant and Animal Traces |
Artículo | 2020 | Online learning for 3D/4D transperineal ultrasound of the pelvic floor | The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine |
Ponencia | 2020 | Pilot experience of HBIM modelling on the renaissance quadrant façade of the cathedral of Seville to support its preventive conservation | Science and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019 |
Artículo | 2020 | Preparation and characterization of emulgels loaded with sweet fennel oil | Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology |
Capítulo | 2020 | Preventive conservation of built cultural heritage in Southwestern Europe: HeritageCare | Science and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019 |
Capítulo | 2020 | Protection of the architectural heritage in the agricultural landscapes. Application of GIS and BIM in oil mills of Écija | Science and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019 |
Ponencia | 2020 | Rain simulation device to test durability of building materials | Science and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019 |
Libro | 2020 | Science and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models | Science and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019 |
Capítulo | 2020 | Science communication on social media: current trends, future challengers | The routledge handbook of languaje and science |
Capítulo | 2020 | Testing the heritagecare methodology for preventive conservation of built cultural heritage in southwestern Europe: Case studies in andalusia for service level 1 | Science and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019 |
Capítulo | 2020 | The mudejar tower of the church “Sta. Mª de la Encarnación”, Constantina (Seville). State of conservation and materials characterization | Science and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019 |
Revisión | 2020 | The role of self-efficacy in pain intensity, function, psychological factors, health behaviors, and quality of life in people with rheumatoid arthritis: A systematic review | Physiotherapy Theory and Practice |
Capítulo | 2020 | Traceability of contemporary building culture as a key to the future heritage consideration | Science and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019 |
Artículo | 2020 | Tracking the last elephants in Europe during the Würm Pleniglacial: the importance of the Late Pleistocene aeolianite record in SW Iberia | Ichnos: An International Journal of Plant and Animal Traces |
Capítulo | 2020 | Urban vulnerability assessment as a monitoring tool for cultural heritage preservation. Medium-sized cities in Andalusia | Science and digital technology for cultural heritage: Interdisciplinary approach to diagnosis, vulberability, risk assessment and graphic information models. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress Science and Technology for the conservation of cultural heritage, TECHNOHERITAGE 2019 |
Artículo | 2019 | A new sharp inequality for arbitrary complex polynomials related to Gamma-lines | Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations |
Artículo | 2019 | Can we predict levator ani muscle avulsion in instrumental deliveries through intrapartum transperineal ultrasound? | The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine |
Artículo | 2019 | Europe: Decadence et elan. Images of the eternal return of Abendland | COGENT ARTS & HUMANITIES |
Capítulo | 2019 | Human memory and the act of remembering in contemporary iberian graphic novels | The Routledge Companion to Iberian Studies |
Artículo | 2019 | Palynological and geographical characterisation of Spanish oak honeydew honeys | Grana |
Artículo | 2019 | Screening for selective anticancer activity of plants from Grazalema Natural Park, Spain | Natural Product Research |
Artículo | 2019 | Surface-based and solid shell formulations of the 7-parameter shell model for layered CFRP and functionally graded power-based composite structures | Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures |
Artículo | 2019 | The effect of frequency on tension-tension fatigue behavior of unidirectional and woven fabric graphite-epoxy composites | Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures |
Artículo | 2019 | The role of perspective in the contemporary artistic practice | COGENT ARTS & HUMANITIES |
Artículo | 2018 | Ammothea species (Pycnogonida: Ammotheidae) collected during the Polarstern cruise ANT-XXIX/3 to Antarctic waters, with a description of a new species | MARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH |
Artículo | 2018 | Digital governance and information technologies in local action groups (LAGs) | COGENT SOCIAL SCIENCES |
Artículo | 2018 | Effect of emulsifier HLB and stabilizer addition on the physical stability of thyme essential oil emulsions | Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology |
Artículo | 2018 | Glial-derived neurotrophic factor is essential for blood-nerve barrier functional recovery in an experimental murine model of traumatic peripheral neuropathy | TISSUE BARRIERS |
Artículo | 2018 | Influence of difficulty of instrumentation with vacuum on the rate of levator ani muscle avulsion identified by 3-4d transperineal ultrasound | The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine |
Artículo | 2018 | Morphological features of the gorgonian Paramuricea macrospina on the continental shelf and shelf edge (Menorca Channel, Western Mediterranean Sea) | MARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH |
Artículo | 2018 | Non-linear conversion of HX4 uptake for automatic segmentation of hypoxic volumes and dose prescription | Acta oncologica |
Artículo | 2018 | Psychosocial indicators of habitability conditions and satisfaction with life among older people / Indicadores psicosociales de las condiciones de habitabilidad y satisfacción vital en personas mayores | Psyecology |
Artículo | 2018 | Successful treatment of intrauterine cytomegalovirus infection with an intraventricular cyst in a dichorionic diamniotic twin gestation using cytomegalovirus immunoglobulin | The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine |
Artículo | 2018 | The continuous-time problem with interval-valued functions: applications to economic equilibrium | Optimization Methods and Software |
Artículo | 2017 | Blurring the borders between old and new social movements: the M15 movement and the radical unions in Spain | Meditteranean Politics |
Artículo | 2017 | Comparison of gastric-cancer radiotherapy performed with volumetric modulated arc therapy or single-field uniform-dose proton therapy | Acta oncologica |
Artículo | 2017 | Comparison of two competitive enzyme immunoassay kits for quantification of plasma Urotensin-II in rats | Journal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry |
Artículo | 2017 | Development of an interlaced-crossfiring geometry for proton grid therapy | Acta oncologica |
Capítulo | 2017 | Family farms, migrant labourers and regional imbalance in global agri-food systems: on the social (un)sustainability of intensive strawberry production in Huelva (Spain) | Migration and Agriculture: Mobility and change in the Mediterranean area |
Capítulo | 2017 | Human memory and the act of remembering in contemporary Iberian graphic novels | The Routledge Companion to Iberian Studies |
Libro | 2017 | Introducción a la lingüística hispánica actual: teoría y práctica | Introducción a la lingüística hispánica actual: teoría y práctica |
Artículo | 2017 | Levator ani muscle injuries associated with vaginal vacuum assisted delivery determined by 3/4D transperineal ultrasound | The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine |
Artículo | 2017 | Neutralist crossroads: Spain and Argentina facing the Great War | First World War Studies |
Artículo | 2017 | Spanish version of Pregnancy Symptoms Inventory: transcultural adaptation and reliability | The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine |
Artículo | 2017 | The roads to parliamentarianism. Models of political inclusion and exclusion between Spain and Mexico, 1810-65 | Parliaments, estates & representation = Parlements, états & représentation |
Libro | 2017 | The Routledge companion to Iberian studies | The Routledge Companion to Iberian Studies |
Artículo | 2017 | Violencia de pareja online en la adolescencia, clima familiar y escolar desde la perspectiva de género | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2016 | Factors that influence the development of avulsion of the levator ani muscle in eutocic deliveries: 3-4D transperineal ultrasound study | The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine |
Capítulo | 2016 | Family farms, migrant labourers and regional imbalance in global agri-food systems: On the social (un)sustainability of intensive strawberry production in Huelva (Spain) | Migration and Agriculture: Mobility and change in the Mediterranean area |
Artículo | 2016 | Geospatial data of freshwater habitats for macroecological studies: an example with freshwater fishes | International Journal of Geographical Information Science |
Artículo | 2016 | Intrapartum translabial ultrasound with pushing used to predict the difficulty in vacuum-assisted delivery of fetuses in non-occiput posterior position | The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine |
Artículo | 2016 | Order of growth of distributionally irregular entire functions for the differentiation operator | Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations |
Artículo | 2016 | Usefulness of marine protected areas as tools for preserving the highly endangered limpet, Patella ferruginea, in the Mediterranean Sea | MARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH |
Artículo | 2016 | Utility of intrapartum transperineal ultrasound to predict cases of failure in vacuum extraction attempt and need of cesarean section to complete delivery | The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine |
Capítulo | 2015 | Analysis of Guadalquivir droughts 2004-2012 based on SEEA-W tables | Drought: Research and Science-Policy Interfacing |
Artículo | 2015 | Crisis in intercountry adoption, crisis in adoptive families | Family Science |
Artículo | 2015 | Family dynamics and cochlear implant: a case study/Dinamica familiar e implante coclear: estudio de casos | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2015 | Hidden voices in higher education: Inclusive policies and practices in social science and law classrooms | International Journal of Inclusive Education |
Artículo | 2015 | Intrapartum transperineal ultrasound as a predictor of instrumentation difficulty with vacuum-assisted delivery in primiparous women | The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine |
Artículo | 2015 | Parental stress, family functioning and children’s psychological adjustment in adoptive families: A comparative and longitudinal study | Family Science |
Artículo | 2015 | Reality-based court interpreting didactic material using new technologies | The Interpreter and Translator Trainer |
Artículo | 2015 | Seasonal fluctuations and dietary analysis of fouling caprellids (Crustacea: Amphipoda) from marinas of southern Spain | MARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH |
Artículo | 2015 | Soil-structure interaction effects on the resonant response of railway bridges under high-speed traffic | International Journal of Rail Transportation |
Artículo | 2014 | Analysis of middle cerebral artery peak systolic velocity in monochorionic twin pregnancies as a method for identifying spontaneous twin anaemia-polycythaemia sequence | The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine |
Artículo | 2014 | Dynamics of the coupled railway vehicle-flexible track system with irregularities using a multibody approach with moving modes | Vehicle System Dynamics |
Artículo | 2014 | Plasters in mediaeval mural paintings of Carinthia and their influence on Slovenia | Journal of Architectural Conservation |
Artículo | 2014 | Potential of night ventilative cooling strategies in office buildings in Spain - Comfort analysis | International Journal of Ventilation |
Artículo | 2014 | Predictive modelling of gold potential with the integration of multisource information based on random forest: a case study on the Rodalquilar area, Southern Spain | International Journal of Geographical Information Science |
Artículo | 2014 | Towards the construct of cyberconvivencia/Hacia el constructo ciberconvivencia | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2013 | Analysis and repercussions of the updating of the spanish regulation regarding ventilation and infiltration | International Journal of Ventilation |
Artículo | 2013 | Antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of Sideritis perezlarae (Borja) Rosello, Stubing and Peris | Natural Product Research |
Capítulo | 2013 | Community policing in Spain | Community policing in indigenous communities |
Artículo | 2013 | Contents and conversational modes in adolescents. Debating group conflicts and partner violence | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2013 | El yo docente en la universidad. Posiciones del yo y voces en la construcción narrativa de las identidades del profesorado universitario | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2013 | How can parents obtain knowledge about their adolescent children? | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2013 | Influence of fouling communities on the establishment success of alien caprellids (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in Southern Spain | MARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH |
Reseña | 2013 | La aplicación de las nuevas tecnologías a la formación de intérpretes en los tribunales de justicia mediante la aplicación de material real | The Interpreter and Translator Trainer |
Artículo | 2013 | Liberal parliamentarianism in Mexico. Notes for reflection: The parliamentary representation of the state of Puebla in the Mexican national congresses, 1833-56 | Parliaments, estates & representation = Parlements, états & représentation |
Capítulo | 2013 | Lighting features in Japanese traditional architecture | Lessons from vernacular architecture |
Artículo | 2013 | Modelling of structural flexiblity in multibody railroad vehicle systems | Vehicle System Dynamics |
Artículo | 2013 | New contingent sequential screening model for Down syndrome based on the combined test associated with modified genetic sonography | The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine |
Artículo | 2013 | Perceptions of the Usefulness of Virtual Learning Environments in Accounting Education: A Comparative Evaluation of Undergraduate Accounting Students in Spain and England | Accounting Education |
Artículo | 2013 | Wide distributional range of marine sponges along the Pacific Ocean | MARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH |
Capítulo | 2012 | A territorial analysis of the agricultural heritage in Andalusia- Case studies of rural settlement and hydraulic systems for their subsequent enhancement | Territorial heritage and development: proceedings of the International Workshop on Territorial Heritage and Sustainable Development, Seville, Spain, 17-18 November 2011 |
Artículo | 2012 | An Empirical Study Into the Structure and Regulation of Instructional Interactions in Literacy Practices | Literacy Research and Instruction |
Artículo | 2012 | Analysis of a PHDC (Passive and Hybrid Downdraft Cooling) experimental facility in Seville and its applicability to the Madrid climate | International Journal of Ventilation |
Artículo | 2012 | Benefits of the associative context in the leisure activities of Spanish adolescents | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2012 | Cladosporium airborne spore incidence in the environmental quality of the Iberian Peninsula | Grana |
Artículo | 2012 | Contribution of "modified genetic sonography" to the combined test as a screening method for chromosomal abnormalities | The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine |
Artículo | 2012 | Diferencias en el desarrollo y el comportamiento de niños y niñas con riesgo de discapacidad: alcance de un programa para padres | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2012 | First trimester contingent test as a screening method for Down's syndrome. A prospective study in the general population | The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine |
Artículo | 2012 | Formal schooling, autobiographical memory, and cultural self-construals | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2012 | Rediscovery of Cereopsis studeri Koch, 1891, a forgotten Mediterranean soft coral species, and its inclusion in the genus Nidalia Gray, 1835 (Octocorallia, Alcyonacea, Nidaliidae) | MARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH |
Artículo | 2012 | Role of fetal echocardiography in stepwise sequential screening for chromosomal disorders (combined test associated with modified genetic sonography) | The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine |
Artículo | 2012 | Synthesis of carotenoids and regulation of the carotenoid biosynthesis pathway in response to high light stress in the unicellular microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii | European Journal Of Phycology |
Artículo | 2012 | Two new gorgonian species (Anthozoa: Octocorallia: Gorgoniidae) from Ecuador (Eastern Pacific) | MARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH |
Artículo | 2011 | Children's recovery after adoption | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2011 | Estrés parental y apoyo social en familias extensas acogedoras chilenas y españolas | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2011 | La comprensión de falsa creencia en niños y adolescentes sordos: tareas gráficas versus clásicas | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2011 | Life history of Caprella grandimana (Crustacea: Amphipoda) reared under laboratory conditions | MARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH |
Artículo | 2010 | The profession of deputy: The idea of political representation in liberal Spain | Parliaments, estates & representation = Parlements, états & représentation |
Artículo | 2010 | Análisis comparativo de las nuevas estructuras familiares como contextos potenciadores del desarrollo psicológico infantil | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2010 | Beyond the deficit: Building a model of positive youth development | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2010 | Na, K, Ca and Mg of intertidal caprellids (Crustacea: Amphipoda) | MARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH |
Artículo | 2010 | Simulation model for some types of double envelope elements | International Journal of Ventilation |
Artículo | 2010 | Sobre el conocimiento y la práctica educativa | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2010 | The powerful pull of brain images | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2009 | Abduction via C-tableaux and resolution | Journal Of Applied Non-Classical Logics |
Artículo | 2009 | Clinical comparative study of dose - volume and equivalent uniform dose based predictions in post radiotherapy acute complications | Acta oncologica |
Artículo | 2009 | Distribution and trophic structure of annelid assemblages in a Caulerpa prolifera bed from southern Spain | MARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH |
Artículo | 2008 | ¿Cómo contribuyen las asociaciones de familiares a la educación del alumnado con autismo? | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2008 | Estilos relacionales parentales y ajuste adolescente | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2008 | Las redes de iguales y el fenómeno del acoso escolar: explorando el esquema dominio-sumisión | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2008 | Percepción de los adolescentes y sus progenitores de la adolescencia como etapa evolutiva | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2007 | A recent onset inflammatory polyarthritis register in Spain: factors that predict remission | SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY |
Artículo | 2007 | Ammotheidae (Arthropoda : Pycnogonidae) collected during the Victoria Land Transect cruise 2004 (Ross Sea, Antarctica), with a description of a new species of Ammothea | MARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH |
Artículo | 2007 | Digons and angular derivatives of analytic self-maps of the unit disk | Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations |
Artículo | 2007 | Flow pattern effects on night cooling ventilation | International Journal of Ventilation |
Artículo | 2007 | La comprensión en lengua de signos española | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2007 | Two new asterocherid species (Siphonostomatoida : Asterocheridae) from Madeira and the Canary Islands (eastern Atlantic) | MARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH |
Artículo | 2006 | Automated performance evaluation of skew-tolerant clocking schemes | International Journal of Electronics |
Libro | 2006 | Brain injury treatment: Theories and practices | BRAIN INJURY TREATMENT: THEORIES AND PRACTICES |
Artículo | 2006 | Caprella penantis Leach, 1814 and Caprella dilatata Kroyer, 1843 (Crustacea : Amphipoda) from the Strait of Gibraltar: a molecular approach to explore intra- and interspecific variation | MARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH |
Artículo | 2006 | Chemical composition of the essential oil from the leaves of juniperus phoenicea l. from north africa | Journal of Essential Oil Research |
Capítulo | 2006 | Diagnosing and treating affective disorders after brain injury | BRAIN INJURY TREATMENT: THEORIES AND PRACTICES |
Libro | 2006 | Heritage, Weathering & Conservation: Proceedings of the International Conference on Heritage, Weathering and Conservation | Heritage, Weathering & Conservation: Proceedings of the International Conference on Heritage, Weathering and Conservation |
Ponencia | 2006 | Johannes Aquila and the technique of Gothic mural paintings (14th century) | Heritage, Weathering & Conservation: Proceedings of the International Conference on Heritage, Weathering and Conservation |
Editorial | 2006 | Las relaciones de apego: polémica en torno a su trascendencia , continuidad y posibilidades de cambio a lo largo del ciclo vital | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Capítulo | 2006 | Low-level responsive states | BRAIN INJURY TREATMENT: THEORIES AND PRACTICES |
Capítulo | 2006 | Methods and tools for the assessment of outcome after brain injury rehabilitation | BRAIN INJURY TREATMENT: THEORIES AND PRACTICES |
Capítulo | 2006 | Mild brain injury: Detecting high-risk patients | BRAIN INJURY TREATMENT: THEORIES AND PRACTICES |
Capítulo | 2006 | Neuropsychological assessment of persons with acquired brain injury | BRAIN INJURY TREATMENT: THEORIES AND PRACTICES |
Capítulo | 2006 | Organization of neurological intensive care units | BRAIN INJURY TREATMENT: THEORIES AND PRACTICES |
Capítulo | 2006 | Rehabilitation of cognitive disorders after acquired brain injury: The Combined Method (TCM) | BRAIN INJURY TREATMENT: THEORIES AND PRACTICES |
Capítulo | 2006 | Rehabilitation of equilibrium and posture control after brain injury: The NeuroBird method | BRAIN INJURY TREATMENT: THEORIES AND PRACTICES |
Capítulo | 2006 | Sevilla Neuropsychological Test Battery (BNS) (version 2.0) for the assessment of executive functioning | BRAIN INJURY TREATMENT: THEORIES AND PRACTICES |
Capítulo | 2006 | The holistic, multidisciplinary, and intensive approach to treatment: The CRECER method | BRAIN INJURY TREATMENT: THEORIES AND PRACTICES |
Capítulo | 2006 | The role of family in the rehabilitation of traumatic brain injury patients: Advocate or co-therapist | BRAIN INJURY TREATMENT: THEORIES AND PRACTICES |
Capítulo | 2006 | The role of stem cells in the rehabilitation of brain injury | BRAIN INJURY TREATMENT: THEORIES AND PRACTICES |
Artículo | 2006 | Un análisis longitudinal sobre las dimensiones relevantes del estilo parental durante la adolescencia | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2005 | A new ichnospecies of Arthrophycus from the upper Cambrian-Lower Tremadocian of northwest Argentina: Implications for the arthrophycid lineage and potential in ichnostratigraphy | Ichnos: An International Journal of Plant and Animal Traces |
Artículo | 2005 | A new species of sea anemone (Cnidaria : Anthozoa : Actiniaria) from Manus Basin hydrothermal vents, South-western Pacific | MARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH |
Artículo | 2005 | C-2-symmetric bis-sulfoxides: Synthesis of both enantiomers and utilization in organometallic chemistry and in asymmetric catalysis | Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and Related Elements |
Artículo | 2005 | C-2-symmetric bis-thioglycosides as useful ligands in palladium-catalyzed asymmetric allylic alkylation: Synthesis of both enantiomers using natural sugars as ligand precursors | Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and Related Elements |
Artículo | 2005 | Interacciones educativas de una madre con sus dos hijos gemelos: El papel de la deficiencia auditiva leve | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2005 | Mixed S/P ligands from carbohydrates: Synthesis and utilization in asymmetric catalysis | Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and Related Elements |
Artículo | 2005 | Study of plants visited by honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) in the Central Rif Region (N. Morocco) using pollen analysis | Grana |
Artículo | 2005 | The isopropyl- and tert-butylsulfinyl groups in asymmetric synthesis: A comparative study | Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and Related Elements |
Artículo | 2005 | Valores y expectativas sobre la adolescencia: discrepancias entre padres, profesores, mayores y adolescentes | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2004 | Ajuste psicológico e integración social en hijos e hijas de familias homoparentales | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2004 | Crecer en familias homoparentales. Una realidad polémica | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2004 | Hysteresis current control of a vector controlled induction motor and DTC: an assessment | International Journal of Electronics |
Artículo | 2004 | LA ADOLESCENCIA COMO RIESGO Y OPORTUNIDAD | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2004 | Nacer a la vida: un programa de apoyo y formación durante la transición a la maternidad y la paternidad | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2004 | Palynological and geographical characterization of avocado honeys in Spain | Grana |
Artículo | 2004 | Presentación. Las familias homoparentales: entre el debate científico y el ideológico | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2004 | Skills development, motivation and learning in financial statement analysis: An evaluation of alternative types of case studies | Accounting Education |
Artículo | 2004 | Variations in the weights of pollen loads collected by Apis mellifera L. | Grana |
Editorial | 2003 | ESCRIBIR, RE-ESCRIBIR Y DISCUTIR: EL DEBATE CIENTÍFICO EN INFANCIA Y APRENDIZAJE | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2003 | La pareja ante la llegada de los hijos e hijas: evolución de la relación conyugal durante el proceso de convertirse en padre y madre | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2003 | New Chemotherapy Treatments in Advanced Cancer Patients: An Easily Applicable Evaluation of Clinical Efficacy and Cost-effectiveness | Acta oncologica |
Artículo | 2003 | Pollen analysis of honeys from the Mamora forest region (NW Morocco) | Grana |
Artículo | 2003 | Psicología cultural: Aproximaciones al estudio de la relación entre mente y cultura | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2002 | Niños y madres en prisión: Escenarios de desarrollo familiares y escolares en los centros penitenciarios españoles | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2002 | Perspectiva referencial y acciones instruccionales: un estudio de educación de adultos | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2002 | Práctica social y modos de hablar y pensar | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2002 | Pulmonary miliary tuberculosis in a patient with anti-TNF-alpha treatment | SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY |
Artículo | 2002 | Re-descriptions of Caprella linearis (Linnaeus, 1767) and C-septentrionalis Kroyer, 1838 (Crustacea : Amphipoda : Caprellidea) from Scotland, with an ontogenetic comparison between the species and a study of the clinging behaviour | SARSIA |
Artículo | 2001 | AUTONOMÍA EMOCIONAL DURANTE LA ADOLESCENCIA | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2001 | Linear viscoelasticity of concentrated polyethylene glycol tert-octylphenyl ether solutions | Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology |
Artículo | 2001 | New ichnospecies of Cardioichnus from the Miocene of the Guadalquivir basin, Huelva, Spain | Ichnos: An International Journal of Plant and Animal Traces |
Artículo | 2001 | Pollen analysis of honeys from the Gharb region (NW Morocco) | Grana |
Artículo | 2001 | Pollen collecting behaviour of Apis mellifera during one day | Grana |
Artículo | 2001 | Vocational skills in the accounting professional profile: The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) employers' opinion | Accounting Education |
Artículo | 2000 | La mediación semiótica de las acciones humanas: análisis sociocultural de la situación experimental | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 2000 | Modelling and control of a visual servoing system | Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation |
Artículo | 1999 | La intervención psicopedagógica en Andalucía | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 1999 | Las ideas de los padres sobre el desarrollo y la educación de sus hijos: Su cambio y continuidad durante la transición a la paternidad | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 1999 | Relationship between air temperature and the start of pollen emission in some arboreal taxa in Southwestern Spain | Grana |
Artículo | 1999 | Translating in the dark: Finnegans wake and spanish | Translation Review |
Artículo | 1998 | A study on non-arboreal pollen collected during ten consecutive years in the air of the SW Spain - Effect of drought period on pollen spectrum | Grana |
Artículo | 1998 | The pollen spectrum of trees and shrubs in SW Spain (1987-1996) | Grana |
Artículo | 1997 | A comparative study of atmospheric pollen concentrations collected with Burkard and Cour samplers, Seville (Spain), 1992-1994 | Grana |
Artículo | 1997 | Diferencias entre las expectativas y valores de madres y educadores de niños preescolares españoles | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 1997 | Distanciamiento y desarrollo en el medio familiar: Procesos y resultados con perspectiva longitudinal | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 1997 | La naturaleza semiótica de la conciencia: una aproximación sociocultural a la mente humana | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 1997 | PATRONES DE COMPORTAMIENTO SEXUAL Y CONTRACEPTIVO EN LA ADOLESCENCIA | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 1996 | Inter- and intraspecific variation in pollen size in Asphodelus section Asphodelus (Asphodelaceae) | Grana |
Artículo | 1996 | Optimal control and sensitivity analysis of an energy demand model | Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation |
Artículo | 1996 | Pollen morphology of Asphodelus L (Asphodelaceae): Taxonomic and phylogenetic inferences at the infrageneric level | Grana |
Letter | 1995 | Bacterial pyomyositis due to Streptococcus pneumoniae in a previously healthy man | SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF RHEUMATOLOGY |
Artículo | 1995 | Chaotic synchronization using monolithic Chua oscillators | International Journal of Electronics |
Artículo | 1995 | Detección y caracterización del maltrato infantil en la Comunidad Autónoma Andaluza | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 1995 | El maltrato infantil en España: un estudio a través de los expedientes de menores | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 1995 | El maltrato infantil: concepto, tipos, etiología | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 1995 | Evaluation of metastability transfer models - an application to an n-bistable CMOS synchronizer | International Journal of Electronics |
Artículo | 1995 | Ideas sobre la infancia y predisposición hacia el maltrato infantil | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 1995 | Los datos del maltrato infantil en España: una visión de conjunto | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 1995 | Maltrato infantil: lecturas para saber más | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 1994 | Algunas derivaciones de la teoría de la actividad | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 1994 | Evaluación de los contextos familiares y extrafamiliares en los años preescolares: escalas Home y Ecers | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 1994 | Experimental and numerical analysis of residual stresses in welded AL-5083-O aluminium plates | Welding International |
Artículo | 1994 | Neural network monitoring of resistance welding processes | Welding International |
Artículo | 1994 | Pollen contamination of honey by bees inside the hive | Grana |
Artículo | 1993 | Design, testing and applications of 4-valued pads | International Journal of Electronics |
Artículo | 1993 | Palynological and cytological observations in Spanish sonchus (Asteraceae) | Grana |
Artículo | 1992 | A reliable technique to determine pitting potentials of austenitic stainless steels by potentiodynamic methods | Welding International |
Artículo | 1991 | Educacion formal y acciones de agrupacion y memoria eo adultos: Un estudio microgenetico “ | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 1991 | Estudio comparado del comportamiento de niños educados en medio familiar y niños educados en instituciones. Una perspectiva etológica | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 1991 | Habla espontánea en resolución de problemas | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 1991 | METASTABLE OPERATION IN RS FLIP FLOPS | International Journal of Electronics |
Artículo | 1990 | Cambio sociocognitivo y organización de las acciones: una perspectiva sociocultural para el estudio de la educación de adultos | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 1990 | La Zona de Desarrollo Próximo como tarea de construcción | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 1990 | Optimization for vehicle suspension .1. Time domain | Vehicle System Dynamics |
Artículo | 1990 | Optimization for vehicle suspension. 2. Frequency-domain | Vehicle System Dynamics |
Artículo | 1989 | Contextos de crianza y educación de los niños españoles menores de seis años: IEA Preprimary Project | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 1989 | CULTURA Y PROCESOS COGNITIVOS: HACIA UNA PSICOLOGÍA CULTURAL | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 1988 | EL DESARROLLO DE LAS ACCIONES DE MEMORIA | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 1988 | HABLA REGULADORA Y CONTROL DE LA MEMORIA: UN ESQUEMA TEÓRICO DE INTEGRACIÓN DE LAS ACCIONES Y OPERACIONES DE MEMORIZACIÓN | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 1988 | On the synthesis of all-pass digital transfer-functions based on LBR 2-pair extraction procedure | International Journal of Electronics |
Artículo | 1988 | Stereochemistry of sulfur organic compounds. Part 23. Double gauche effect oxygen/sulfur in 2-alkylthio derivatives of 1,1-dimethoxyethane. | Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and Related Elements |
Artículo | 1987 | Contenidos, estructura y determinantes de las ideas de los padres: una investigación empírica | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 1987 | Ideas, interacción ambiente educativo y desarrollo: informe preliminar | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 1987 | La autorregulación verbal en tareas de reproducción de series | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 1987 | Las ideas de los padres sobre sus hijos en la investigación evolutiva | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 1987 | Resistivity and spontaneous anisotropy of resistivity in amorphous fex si1-x films | Philosophical Magazine. B |
Artículo | 1987 | Syntesis, identificacion and surface activity of 2-amine-deoxy-3-o-n-octyl-d-glucopyranose hydrochloride. | Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology |
Artículo | 1986 | PARASITIC-OSCILLATIONS IN NORMALIZED DIGITAL STRUCTURES | International Journal of Electronics |
Artículo | 1986 | Pollen morphology of Spanish Lithospermum S.L. (Boraginaceae) and its taxonomic significance | Grana |
Artículo | 1985 | New design technique for multiport regionalizers | International Journal of Electronics |
Artículo | 1985 | Very low frequency non linear digital oscillator | International Journal of Electronics |
Nota | 1984 | A novel all-capacitor mos-compatible analog multiplier | International Journal of Electronics |
Artículo | 1982 | El desarrollo de los estilos cognitivos: breve presentación de un amplio tema | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 1982 | Implicaciones educativas de los estilos cognitivos | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 1982 | Reflexividad - impulsividad | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 1981 | Glosario de términos piagetianos | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 1981 | J. Piaget-Henri Wallon: dos perspectivas distintas, un solo niño verdadero | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 1980 | Sincretismo y pensamiento categorial: génesis y diferencias socioculturales | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 1979 | Henri Wallon y la educación infantil | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |
Artículo | 1979 | Jerome S. Bruner: una teoría de la educación | Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development |