Búsqueda de Publicación - Prisma - Unidad de Bibliometría

Publicaciones de la editorial ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD

Tipo Año Título Fuente
Artículo2025Relationship between social support and perinatal depression during the COVID-19 pandemicJOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE AND INFANT PSYCHOLOGY
Artículo2025Tailored learning paths: faculty training preferences for professional developmentJOURNAL OF FURTHER AND HIGHER EDUCATION
Artículo2024¿Trabajar lo mínimo? Las vidas laborales del precariado (artístico) y la movilización neoliberal en El esfuerzo constante de ganarse la vida de Vicente Arlandis y Taller PlacerJOURNAL OF SPANISH CULTURAL STUDIES
Artículo2024'It's not cardboard, it's a house': cartographies of agentic assemblage in the early childhood classroomEARLY YEARS
Artículo2024‘With arms wide open’. Inclusive pedagogy in higher education in SpainDISABILITY & SOCIETY
Artículo2024"I will never be Spanish enough". Gender-based Islamophobia in Spain: socio-educational aspectsJOURNAL OF GENDER STUDIES
Artículo2024A methodology to customise commercial products of SMEsECONOMIC RESEARCH-EKONOMSKA ISTRAZIVANJA
Artículo2024A systematic review approach to the understanding of intercreativity as an educational resourceINTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS
Artículo2024Adaptation and validation of an instrument for assessing the digital competence of special education teachersEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SPECIAL NEEDS EDUCATION
Artículo2024An online grief intervention to improve well-being and reduce clinical symptoms: a randomized controlled trialDeath studies
Artículo2024Analogical Changes in the Nominal Morphology of Owun's gloss to the Rushworth GospelsENGLISH STUDIES
Artículo2024Artemisia Gentileschi and the 'biographical sensationalism' in the interpretation of her artistic workSEVENTEENTH CENTURY
Artículo2024Assessment of the sustainability of Cuban nature-based tourism destinations with the DEA approach under different weighting schemesJOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT
Artículo2024Association between formal social participation and cognitive function in middle-aged and older adults: a longitudinal study using SHARE data.Neuropsychology, development, and cognition. Section B, Aging, neuropsychology and cognition
Artículo2024Bridging heritage and citizens: a methodological consultation-based approachHISTORIC ENVIRONMENT-POLICY & PRACTICE
Artículo2024Broadening contexts: Spanish trade unionism in the face of the economic crisis and technological change, 1970-1987. The case of Comisiones ObrerasLABOR HISTORY
Artículo2024Building customer citizenship behaviour through mobile application quality: the mediating role of flow experience and customer engagementCURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM
Artículo2024Celebrities, Advertising Endorsement, and Political Marketing in Spain: The Popular Party’s April 2019 Election CampaignJOURNAL OF POLITICAL MARKETING
Artículo2024Companion animal bereavement: Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Pet Bereavement QuestionnaireDeath studies
Artículo2024Completing the progression establishing an international baseline of primary, middle and secondary students’ views of scientific inquiryINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE EDUCATION
Artículo2024Crafting behaviours and employees’ and their partners’ well-being: a weekly studyEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WORK AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY
Artículo2024Cross-border destination image for sustainable tourism development in peripheral areasJOURNAL OF TRAVEL & TOURISM MARKETING
Artículo2024Cruising challenging seas: 'how was your experience?'CURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM
Artículo2024Determinant actions in men’s professional padel performanceINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS IN SPORT
Artículo2024Determinants of Illegal Electronic Books Download in SpainJournal of Arts Management Law and Society
Artículo2024Differences in physical examination findings between those who present with or without headache soon after a whiplash injury: a cross-sectional study.The Journal of manual & manipulative therapy
Artículo2024Digital Competence and Disability: A Qualitative Approach from the Perspective of University Teachers in Andalusia (Spain)The Journal of Continuing Higher Education
Artículo2024Distribution channels and growth strategies in Spanish insurance: from networks of agents to branch offices (1870–1940)BUSINESS HISTORY
Artículo2024Economic impact of a credit guarantee scheme: evidence from SpainPolicy Studies
Artículo2024Effects of co-patenting across national boundaries on patent quality. An exploration in pharmaceuticalsECONOMICS OF INNOVATION AND NEW TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2024El romance en boca del pueblo: autoría colectiva según Ferdinand WolfSYMPOSIUM-A QUARTERLY JOURNAL IN MODERN LITERATURES
Artículo2024Embedding Justice Considerations in Climate ResilienceEthics, Policy and Environment
Artículo2024Equity in education for migrant and racialized students in Southern Spain: From multilevel analysis to participatory recommendationsJOURNAL OF PREVENTION & INTERVENTION IN THE COMMUNITY
Artículo2024Exploring stereotypes, bias, and expectations of women in the open data contextGender, Technology and Development
Artículo2024Gender and sex in starting up: a social stereotype approachENTREPRENEURSHIP AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT
Artículo2024Gender gap in university studies of economics-business area: Evidence from SpainJournal of Economic Education
Artículo2024Gentrification studies and cultural colonialism: discussing connections between historic city centers of Mexico and SpainJournal of Urban Affairs
Artículo2024Heritage, tourism theming, and intercultural processes: The cases of Oaxaca, Mexico, and Malaga, SpainJournal of Urban Affairs
Artículo2024How and why teachers use social networks for professional learningTeacher Development
Artículo2024Hybrid ventilation in a nearly zero-energy building as a function of users’ habits for better indoor air quality and thermal comfort in a warm climateBUILDING RESEARCH AND INFORMATION
Artículo2024Impact of philosophical workshops on the prison population: a qualitative and quantitative evaluationPHILOSOPHICAL PSYCHOLOGY
Artículo2024Inclusion of the partner in the self and its association with relational quality and quality of life: an analysis based on the actor-partner interdependence modelREVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA SOCIAL
Artículo2024Journalistic Roles at the Local Press: Between Demographic Characteristics and the Commitment with the CommunityJournalism Practice
Artículo2024Labour inspection after the civil war in Spain. Regulatory interventionism and abstentionist labour inspection performanceLABOR HISTORY
Artículo2024Lo que saben los demócratas: el soberano como bufón cínico en la escena teatral española contemporáneaBULLETIN OF SPANISH STUDIES
Artículo2024Loyalty in the newsroom. Employment relationships in public service broadcastingJournalism Practice
Artículo2024Maternity care and infrastructures in Spain during Franco's regimeWOMENS HISTORY REVIEW
Artículo2024Maternity care changes and postpartum mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: a Spanish cross-sectional studyJOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE AND INFANT PSYCHOLOGY
Reseña2024Migrants and welfare states. Balancing dilemmas in Northern Europe by Christian Albrekt Larsen, Cheltenham and Northampton, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022, xiv + 213pp., £90 (hardback), ISBN 978-1-80392-372-7ETHNIC AND RACIAL STUDIES
Artículo2024Multilingual literacies: Romanian Roma children learning to read and write in an English primary schoolLANGUAGE AND EDUCATION
Artículo2024Non-heteronormative sexual orientations at work: disclosure dynamics and the negotiation of boundaries between lesbian and gay employees and their co-workersJOURNAL OF HOMOSEXUALITY
Artículo2024On the trail of banal racism: a Gypsophile genealogy of RomaphobiaJournal of Iberian and Latin American Studies
Artículo2024Possibilities of Extended Reality in educationINTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS
Artículo2024Pre-school and primary teachers in the process of detecting child maltreatment in Andalusia (Spain) CULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2024Quality 4.0 social and strategic readiness factors: sufficient and Necessary Condition AnalysisTotal Quality Management & Business Excellence
Artículo2024Quality assessment of graduate services: Kano model application to a Peruvian universityQuality in Higher Education
Artículo2024Regional ambassadors or state agents? Representing Welsh interests in the British Parliament and CabinetTERRITORY POLITICS GOVERNANCE
Artículo2024Reshaping Sports Journalism Through Innovation: An Analysis of L'Équipe Explore's Strategies, Practices and OutputJournalism Practice
Artículo2024Revisiting Reggio Emilia through a more-than-human lullaby: diffractive montages as documenting childhood (and) literacy otherwisePedagogy, Culture & Society
Artículo2024Rompiendo el silencio: La última luna menguante (1986), teatro norteamericano y la llegada del VIH/sida a EspañaBULLETIN OF SPANISH STUDIES
Artículo2024Spanish (Neo-)Party Press: The Case of the Digital Native Newspaper La Última Hora and PodemosJournalism Practice
Artículo2024Spanish journalists in exileMEDIA HISTORY
Artículo2024Spanish universities and SDGs achievement: analysis of strategic plans and other sustainability-related practicesREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2024Spanish validation of the cardiac self-efficacy scale: A gender invariant measurePSYCHOLOGY HEALTH & MEDICINE
Artículo2024Success and self-determination: a systematic review of the narratives of students and graduates with disabilitiesHIGHER EDUCATION RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT
Artículo2024Teaching for all: profile of faculty members who facilitate the success and inclusion of students with disabilityEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SPECIAL NEEDS EDUCATION
Artículo2024Technological and Sustainable Security: A Longitudinal Study on Teacher TrainingComputers in the Schools
Artículo2024The “Cosmetic Feminism” of L’Oréal Paris. A Study of the Representation of Mature Women from the Perspective of FemvertisingWomen's Studies
Artículo2024The closer the better to the Great Pit of Daznak movie set? Residents of a rural town and their perceptions of film tourismTourism Recreation Research
Artículo2024The economic impact of a scientific event on an island tourism destinationJournal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events
Artículo2024The flashbulb-like nature of memory for the first COVID-19 case and the impact of the emergency. A cross-national surveyMEMORY
Artículo2024The impact of light adjustment versus tuneable white mode on ICU staff's circadian rhythmsBUILDING RESEARCH AND INFORMATION
Artículo2024The impact of multilingualism and proficiency on L2 vocabulary knowledge: contrasting high and low multilingualsINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTILINGUALISM
Artículo2024The Methodology Used by Fact-Checkers. An In-Depth Analysis of Commonly Used StrategiesJournalism Practice
Artículo2024The persecution of minorities: Majorcan Jewish converts in the last third of the seventeenth centurySocial History
Artículo2024The psychotherapeutic use of dance as an educational tool to improve social skills in children with autismRESEARCH IN DANCE EDUCATION
Artículo2024The right to housing under the new Latin American constitutionalism: progresses and challenges in the Ecuadorian case studyINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HOUSING POLICY
Artículo2024The role of place image and social identity on support for tourism and life satisfaction: the case of SevilleInternational Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration
Artículo2024The use of old demarcations to recover vanished landscapes: a case study in Doñana (SW Spain)LANDSCAPE RESEARCH
Reseña2024Theatre Censorship in Spain, 1931-1985Hispanic Research Journal
Artículo2024TikTok video formats’ impact on user interaction–evidence from the Ocean RaceManaging Sport and Leisure
Artículo2024Understanding public administrators’ and citizens’ preferences for a successful transition to pesticide-free urban green spacesJOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT
Artículo2024Unveiling Agricultural Heritage: Mapping Historical Features in Farming LandscapesHISTORIC ENVIRONMENT-POLICY & PRACTICE
Artículo2024Validation of an instrument for assessing basic science process skills in initial elementary teacher educationINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE EDUCATION
Artículo2024Values and discipline in the Catholic school: the discourse of pre-service teachersINTERNATIONAL STUDIES IN CATHOLIC EDUCATION
Artículo2024Virtual web-based instruments in the evaluation of functional degradation of heritage timber buildingsBUILDING RESEARCH AND INFORMATION
Artículo2024What factors contribute to LGBTQ plus harassment perpetration? The roles of general and LGBTQ plus moral disengagementEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY
Artículo2024What strategies did graduates with disabilities in Health Sciences use to persist and not drop out their studies?DISABILITY & SOCIETY
Artículo2024When tourism disrupts it all: an approach to the landscapes of touristificationJournal of Urban Affairs
Artículo2024When what is unseen does not exist: disclosure, barriers and supports for students with invisible disabilities in higher educationDISABILITY & SOCIETY
Artículo2024Women's Labour Universities. Transgression instruments of the model of women during the Franco regime?PAEDAGOGICA HISTORICA
Artículo2024Women’s Labour Universities: transgression instruments of the model of women during the Franco regime?PAEDAGOGICA HISTORICA
Artículo2023¿Salud o riqueza?: la influencia de las amenazas percibidas contra la salud y la riqueza y del estilo de pensamiento en las conductas de protección y el bienestar durante la pandemia de COVID-19 en EspañaREVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA SOCIAL
Artículo2023'Operacion Feria': a critical analysis of body discourses on InstagramSPORT IN SOCIETY
Artículo2023A methodology to identify the heritage attributes and values of a modernist landscape: Roberto Burle Marx’s Copacabana beach promenade in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)LANDSCAPE RESEARCH
Artículo2023A model proposal for IFRS 16 IBR adjustment based on bond market pricingECONOMIC RESEARCH-EKONOMSKA ISTRAZIVANJA
Artículo2023A portrait of academic literacy in mid-adolescence: a computational longitudinal account of cognitive academic language proficiency during secondary schoolLANGUAGE AND EDUCATION
Artículo2023A pre-pandemic data envelopment analysis of the sustainability efficiency of tourism in EU-27 countriesCURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM
Revisión2023Advancing towards inclusion: recommendations from faculty members of Spanish universitiesInternational Journal of Inclusive Education
Artículo2023Aerospace sector innovation in Portugal and Andalusia: a search for cross-border collaboration opportunitiesEUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES
Artículo2023Affinity spaces on a Twitter hashtag for teacher learningGLOBALISATION SOCIETIES AND EDUCATION
Artículo2023Autonomous projects in the face of the global fishing market: women fish processors in Senegal in a context of climate emergencyReview of African Political Economy
Artículo2023Big data and artificial intelligence in the fields of accounting and auditing: a bibliometric analysisREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2023Binarism grammatical lacuna as an ensemble of diverse epistemic injusticesSOCIAL EPISTEMOLOGY
Artículo2023Black Poetics of Affect: Intimate Public Encounters with Strangers in Claudia Rankine’s 'Just Us' (2020)Women: a cultural review
Artículo2023Breaking down prejudices against latinos through literature: an intervention with teachers in training in SpainJOURNAL OF LATINOS AND EDUCATION
Artículo2023Bullying, Cyberbullying, and Sexual Harassment Aggression in Spanish Adolescents: Common and Differential Risk FactorsJOURNAL OF AGGRESSION MALTREATMENT & TRAUMA
Artículo2023Changes in reading habits during COVID-19 confinement in SpainCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2023Clustering abstracts from the literature on Quality Management (1980–2020)Total Quality Management & Business Excellence
Artículo2023Conservation, peasants and class: critical reflections on the political economy of climate change strategies in West SenegalReview of African Political Economy
Corrección2023Conservation, peasants and class: critical reflections on the political economy of climate change strategies in West Senegal (vol 50, pg 419, 2023)Review of African Political Economy
Artículo2023Coping with multiple sclerosis: reconciling significant aspects of health-related quality of lifePSYCHOLOGY HEALTH & MEDICINE
Artículo2023Developing sustainable business models: local knowledge acquisition and tourism lifestyle entrepreneurshipJOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE TOURISM
Artículo2023Dissociation as a mediator of traumatic childhood experiences and ideas of referenceJOURNAL OF TRAUMA & DISSOCIATION
Artículo2023Does copyright understand intangible heritage? The case of flamenco in SpainINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HERITAGE STUDIES
Artículo2023Does the Timing of Visual Support Affect Sentence Comprehension? An Eye-Tracking StudyJournal of Experimental Education
Artículo2023Ethical banking in Spain: does an organisational identity exist that distinguishes it from conventional banking?Journal of Social Entrepreneurship
Artículo2023Everyday and Modern Heritage: Endorsing the Inclusion of Emerging Heritages in the Catalogue of the Master Plan of the Historic Centre of the Central District of HondurasHISTORIC ENVIRONMENT-POLICY & PRACTICE
Artículo2023Executive functions, reading comprehension and children with cochlear implant: a scoping reviewDeafness and Education International
Artículo2023Exploring how student motivation relates to acceptance and participation in MOOCsINTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS
Artículo2023Exploring the beliefs of Spanish teachers who promote the development of inclusive pedagogyInternational Journal of Inclusive Education
Artículo2023Expressing negative emotions and not feeling them improves effectiveness in solving disputes (Expresar emociones negativas y no sentirlas mejora la eficacia en la resolución de disputas)REVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA SOCIAL
Artículo2023Gastrochaenolites as Palaeoenvironmental Information Traps: The Case of the Tholos of La Pastora (Valencina de la Concepción, SW Spain)ENVIRONMENTAL ARCHAEOLOGY
Reseña2023Geografía y Cartografía de la Antigüedad al Renacimiento. Estudios en honor de Francesco PronteraIMAGO MUNDI-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR THE HISTORY OF CARTOGRAPHY
Artículo2023Guidelines for conservation and restoration of historic polychrome plasterwork: the church of St Maria la Blanca in Seville, SpainSTUDIES IN CONSERVATION
Artículo2023Health or wealth? The influence of perceived health and wealth threats and style of thinking on protective behaviours and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain (Salud o riqueza? La influencia de las amenazas percibidas contra la salud y la riqueza y del estilo de pensamiento en las conductas de proteccion y el bienestar durante la pandemia de COVID-19 en Espana)REVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA SOCIAL
Artículo2023How to become an inclusive teacher? Advice from Spanish educators involved in early childhood, primary, secondary and higher educationEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SPECIAL NEEDS EDUCATION
Artículo2023Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the psychological well-being of migrants and refugees settled in Spain.Ethnicity & health
Artículo2023Intentions to be vaccinated against COVID-19: the role of prosociality and conspiracy beliefs across 20 countriesHEALTH COMMUNICATION
Artículo2023Interactional patterns in the online language classroom: a quantitative analysis across proficiency levels and lesson typesCOMPUTER ASSISTED LANGUAGE LEARNING
Artículo2023Landscape-based spatial energy planning: minimization of renewables footprint in the energy transitionJOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT
Artículo2023Manifestations and reinforcement of heteronormativity in the workplace: a systematic scoping review.JOURNAL OF HOMOSEXUALITY
Artículo2023Mediating Role of the Child's Temperament on the Relationship Between Mother/Father's Adoptive Parenting and Adoptee's Social Skills: Hybrid Dyadic AnalysesADOPTION QUARTERLY
Artículo2023Meeting physical activity guidelines and its association with health-related quality of life throughout pregnancy: the PregnActive projectPSYCHOLOGY HEALTH & MEDICINE
Artículo2023NDT spatial data integration for monumental buildings: technical information management for the Royal Alcazar of SevilleBUILDING RESEARCH AND INFORMATION
Artículo2023Paternal peripartum depression: emerging issues and questions on prevention, diagnosis and treatment. A consensus report from the cost action Riseup-PPDJOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE AND INFANT PSYCHOLOGY
Artículo2023Political climate and regional well-being in TurkeyTERRITORY POLITICS GOVERNANCE
Artículo2023Progress and stakes in sustainable tourism: indicators for smart coastal destinationsJOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE TOURISM
Artículo2023Queering the black Atlantic: transgender spaces in Akwaeke Emezi’s writing and visual artCultural Studies
Artículo2023Referentes literarios en los manuales escolares de la España democrática: diagnóstico del androcentrismo mediante el Análisis Crítico del DiscursoPAEDAGOGICA HISTORICA
Artículo2023Research priorities in the field of multilingualism and language education: a cross-national examinationJOURNAL OF MULTILINGUAL AND MULTICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT
Artículo2023Sexual Diversity Bullying and Cyberbullying Questionnaires: An Inclusive Approach to Measure Sexuality-Based Bullying.JOURNAL OF HOMOSEXUALITY
Otros2023Sirio: tecnología y literaturaJOURNAL OF SPANISH CULTURAL STUDIES
Artículo2023Social Innovation for the Socio-Labour Integration of Refugees in New Host Countries: The Spanish CaseJournal of Social Entrepreneurship
Artículo2023Spanish primary school students’ engagement with a non-traditional method when adding and subtracting: ritualised versus exploratory participationEducation 3-13
Artículo2023Students with disabilities at university: benefits and challenges from the best faculty members’ experiencesEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SPECIAL NEEDS EDUCATION
Artículo2023Teacher collaboration and students' digital competence-evidence from the SELFIE toolEuropean Journal of Teacher Education
Artículo2023The COVID-19 Pandemic and Psychopathological symptoms in pregnant women in SpainJOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE AND INFANT PSYCHOLOGY
Artículo2023The deprecation of the non-German other in Sabine Thiesler’s novels: representational ethics and popular literatureCritique - Studies in Contemporary Fiction
Artículo2023The diversity model in Spain: contributions and challenges for its implementation: 'the way we want to live'DISABILITY & SOCIETY
Artículo2023The effects of combining virtual laboratory and advanced technology research laboratory on university students' conceptual understanding of electron microscopyINTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS
Artículo2023The gap between science and society and the intrinsically capitalistic character of science communicationSOCIAL EPISTEMOLOGY
Artículo2023The Impact of Household Labor Distribution on Domestic Conflicts During Covid-19 Confinement OrdersFEMINIST ECONOMICS
Artículo2023The use and measurement of communication self-efficacy techniques in a UK undergraduate accounting courseAccounting Education
Artículo2023Tourist accommodation pricing through peer-to-peer platform: evidence from Seville (Spain)ECONOMIC RESEARCH-EKONOMSKA ISTRAZIVANJA
Artículo2023Turkish returned immigrants’ income by gender perspectiveAPPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS
Artículo2023Wage inequality and economic growth. A reassessment of the effects of Francoist developmentalism on income distribution in SpainLABOR HISTORY
Artículo2023What about the Sexual Orientation of the Offspring of Lesbian and Gay Parents? A Multidimensional, Time and Gender-Based AnswerJOURNAL OF HOMOSEXUALITY
Artículo2022'Give the money where it's due': the impact of knowledge-sharing via social media on the reproduction of the academic labourerSOCIAL EPISTEMOLOGY
Artículo2022A 4-month prospective study of the relationship between emotional intelligence and suicide ideation in Spanish adolescents: the mediating role of positive and negative affect.Death studies
Artículo2022Academic success factors in university students with disabilities: a systematic reviewEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SPECIAL NEEDS EDUCATION
Editorial2022Advances and challenges in neurorehabilitation for acquired brain damageESTUDIOS DE PSICOLOGIA
Artículo2022Airbnb, sun-and-beach tourism and residential rental prices. The case of the coast of Andalusia (Spain)CURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM
Artículo2022Argentina exceptionalism: social mobility and the reversal of development in ArgentinaINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY
Artículo2022Attachment goes to court: child protection and custody issuesATTACHMENT & HUMAN DEVELOPMENT
Artículo2022Be more human. Is Reebok breaking women’s boundaries in sports?SPORT IN SOCIETY
Artículo2022Can the internet reduce the loneliness of 50+living alone?INFORMATION COMMUNICATION & SOCIETY
Artículo2022Cognitive Effort in Text Processing and Reading Comprehension in Print and on Tablet: An Eye-Tracking StudyDISCOURSE PROCESSES
Artículo2022Comparative analysis of short-term rental homes and traditional accommodation in Andalusian tourist cities: intensity, density, and potential expansion areasCURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM
Artículo2022Comparison of load-velocity relationships in two bench press variations: weight stack machine vs Smith machineSPORTS BIOMECHANICS
Artículo2022Conceptions of disability at education: a systematic reviewINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISABILITY DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION
Artículo2022Connecting the dots between battlefield tourism and creative tourism: the case of the Peninsular War in PortugalJOURNAL OF HERITAGE TOURISM
Artículo2022Cultural heritage, sustainability, conservation, and social welfare. A management plan for the historic municipal buildings of Seville (Andalusia, Spain)HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT-POLICY & PRACTICE
Artículo2022Designing and assessing of an art-based intervention for undocumented migrantsARTS & HEALTH
Artículo2022Developing prospective primary teachers' learning-to-learn competence through experimental activitiesINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE EDUCATION
Revisión2022Digital competences for teacher professional development. Systematic reviewEuropean Journal of Teacher Education
Artículo2022Do tourist companies support a greater direct tax burden? The case of SpainCURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM
Artículo2022Early childhood teachers' specialised knowledge to promote algebraic thinking as from a task of additive decompositionInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2022Education management at primary education during the Covid-19 crisis from the perspective of familiesCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Corrección2022Effectiveness of fertilizer policy reforms to enhance food security in Kenya: a macro-micro simulation analysis (Sept, 10.1080/00036846.2020.1808180, 2020)APPLIED ECONOMICS
Artículo2022Effectiveness of fertilizer policy reforms to enhance food security in Kenya: a macro–micro simulation analysisAPPLIED ECONOMICS
Resumen congreso2022Effectiveness of interventions for the prevention of perinatal depression: A systematic review of systematic reviews and meta-analysesJOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE AND INFANT PSYCHOLOGY
Artículo2022Effects of an entrepreneurship sport workshop on perceived feasibility, perceived desiderability and entrepreneurial intentions: a pilot study in sports science studentsSPORT IN SOCIETY
Artículo2022Environmental implications and chalcolithic ornamental use of marine barnacle shells present in the tholos of 'La pastora' (Valencina de la concepción, Sevilla, Spain)ENVIRONMENTAL ARCHAEOLOGY
Artículo2022Expanding ideologies in the press: feminist and LGBT-related issues in Spanish online-only opinion journalismFEMINIST MEDIA STUDIES
Artículo2022Faculty members who engage in inclusive pedagogy: methodological and affective strategies for teachingTEACHING IN HIGHER EDUCATION
Artículo2022Female entrepreneurs in digital journalismJOURNAL OF MEDIA BUSINESS STUDIES
Artículo2022Flamboyance and wit. The promotion of film-induced tourism and Andalusian-inspired 'brand Spain' under the Ministry of Information and Tourism (1953-1959)JOURNAL OF TOURISM HISTORY
Reseña2022Handbook of citizenship and migration, edited by Marco Giugni and Maria Grasso, Cheltenham and Northampton, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021, xv + 423 pp., (hardback), ISBN 978-1-78990-312-6ETHNIC AND RACIAL STUDIES
Artículo2022Heritage, values and gentrification: the redevelopment of historic areas in ChinaINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HERITAGE STUDIES
Artículo2022High school students’ sexist beliefs about academic abilities and women’s roles: the influence of school specializationREVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA SOCIAL
Artículo2022How can the management of fitness centres be improved through corporate image and brand image?ECONOMIC RESEARCH-EKONOMSKA ISTRAZIVANJA
Artículo2022Human ecology and the Southern Iberian Neolithic: an approach from archaeobotany and archaeozoologyJOURNAL OF FIELD ARCHAEOLOGY
Artículo2022IFRS 16 incremental borrowing rate: comparability issues and a methodology proposal for loss given default adjustmentACCOUNTING IN EUROPE
Artículo2022Impact of COVID-19 protocols on IEQ and students' perception within educational buildings in Southern SpainBUILDING RESEARCH AND INFORMATION
Artículo2022Inclusive learning strategies at university: the perspective of Spanish faculty members from different knowledge areasCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Revisión2022Language mapping: A systematic review of protocols that evaluate linguistic functions in awake surgeryAPPLIED NEUROPSYCHOLOGY-ADULT
Artículo2022Long memory linkages amongst Latin American stock markets. A fractional cointegration approachREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2022Mobility in urban events: walkability and accessibility in the GuelaguetzaANNALS OF LEISURE RESEARCH
Artículo2022Modernas, luchadoras y pioneras. Mujeres alicantinas en la Edad de PlataHispanic Research Journal
Artículo2022Moving toward the inclusion of university students with disabilities: barriers, facilitators, and recommendations identified by inclusive facultyThe Journal of Continuing Higher Education
Revisión2022Networking for online teacher collaborationINTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS
Artículo2022Online banking adoption in Spanish cities and towns. Finding differences through TAM applicationECONOMIC RESEARCH-EKONOMSKA ISTRAZIVANJA
Artículo2022Open pathways to neuropsychological rehabilitation: an interview with Barbara Wilson (Abriendo camino en la rehabilitacion neuropsicologica: una entrevista con Barbara Wilson)ESTUDIOS DE PSICOLOGIA
Artículo2022Perspectives on proximity tourism planning in peri-urban areasEUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES
Artículo2022Post-pandemic recovery strategies: revitalizing lifestyle entrepreneurshipJournal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events
Artículo2022Postal networks and global letters in Cartagena de Indias: the overseas mail in the Spanish empire in the eighteenth centuryATLANTIC STUDIES-GLOBAL CURRENTS
Artículo2022Preservice Spanish teachers' perceptions on linguistic sexism: towards the integration of norm and GFLLANGUAGE AND EDUCATION
Artículo2022Promoting professionalism through preservice teachers' collaborationEuropean Journal of Teacher Education
Artículo2022Schools in the media: framing national standardized testing in the Norwegian press, 2004-2018Discourse
Artículo2022Social and Juridical Sciences faculty members’ experiences in Spain: what to do to develop an inclusive pedagogyDISABILITY & SOCIETY
Artículo2022The 'preservation by relocation' of Huizhou vernacular architecture: shifting notions on the authenticity of rural heritage in ChinaINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HERITAGE STUDIES
Artículo2022The effects of pricing strategy on the efficiency and self-sustainability of microfinance institutions: a case studyAPPLIED ECONOMICS
Artículo2022The Jesuit Global networks of exchange of Asian goods: a "conflictive" musk load around the middle of the seventeenth centuryATLANTIC STUDIES-GLOBAL CURRENTS
Artículo2022The relevance of motivation, authenticity and destination image to explain future behavioural intention in a UNESCO World Heritage SiteCURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM
Artículo2022The role of job insecurity and work-family conflict on mental health evolution during COVID-19 lockdownEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WORK AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY
Artículo2022The typology of entrepreneurial exporters: has it all been said? An empirical approach using latent class segmentationsECONOMIC RESEARCH-EKONOMSKA ISTRAZIVANJA
Artículo2022Understanding the effect of place image and knowledge of tourism on residents' attitudes towards tourism and their word-of-mouth intentions: evidence from Seville, SpainTOURISM PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT
Artículo2022Understanding the perceived productivity of office occupants in relation to workspace thermal environmentBUILDING RESEARCH AND INFORMATION
Artículo2022Using open education practices across the Mediterranean for intercultural curriculum development in higher educationTEACHING IN HIGHER EDUCATION
Artículo2022What do exchange students value when choosing a destination for their study period abroad? A conjoint experimentGLOBALISATION SOCIETIES AND EDUCATION
Artículo2022Where is tourist housing actually located? New approaches and sources for detailed scale analysisEUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES
Artículo2022Women and educational heritage in Spanish university education museums: good practices and pending challenges for the incorporation of the gender perspectivePAEDAGOGICA HISTORICA
Artículo2021'I was always made fun of for being fat': first-hand accounts of bullying in children's footballPHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT PEDAGOGY
Artículo2021Analysis of the Kenyan economy: an input-output approachAGREKON
Artículo2021Analysis of the presence of sustainability in Higher Education Degrees of the Spanish university systemSTUDIES IN HIGHER EDUCATION
Artículo2021Ball type and court surface: A study to determinate the ball rebound kinematics on the padel wallINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS IN SPORT
Artículo2021Barriers to the implementation of cost-effective in Spanish local authoritiesREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2021Breaking down the decision to externalise new corporate venturesTotal Quality Management & Business Excellence
Artículo2021Call for papers: Special Issue on Neurorehabilitation Research (Convocatoria de presentación de manuscritos: número especial de investigación en neurorehabilitación)ESTUDIOS DE PSICOLOGIA
Reseña2021Challenges of mapping the classical world, by Richard J. A. TalbertIMAGO MUNDI-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR THE HISTORY OF CARTOGRAPHY
Artículo2021Characterizing the role of technology in mathematics teachers’ practices when teaching about the derivativeComputers in the Schools
Reseña2021Cine español en la era digital: emergencias y encrucijadasJOURNAL OF IBERIAN AND LATIN AMERICAN RESEARCH
Reseña2021Composite-based structural equation modeling: analyzing latent and emergent variablesSTRUCTURAL EQUATION MODELING-A MULTIDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL
Artículo2021Concerning patriots, Liberalas, Americanists and protestants: Spanish exile journalism in nineteenth-century LondonMEDIA HISTORY
Artículo2021Connected empires, connected news: a comparison between early modern Spanish and Dutch news books on Brazil’s conquestMEDIA HISTORY
Artículo2021Corporate environmentalism and brand value: a natural resource-based perspectiveJOURNAL OF MARKETING THEORY AND PRACTICE
Artículo2021Curating the selective memory of gentrification: the Wulixiang Shikumen Museum in Xintiandi, ShanghaiINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HERITAGE STUDIES
Artículo2021Does service learning make a difference? Comparing students’ valuations in service learning and non-service learning teaching of psychologySTUDIES IN HIGHER EDUCATION
Artículo2021El Análisis Critico del Discurso y el giro decolonial ¿Por qué y para qué?*CRITICAL DISCOURSE STUDIES
Artículo2021Exploring gender-based influences on key features of Airbnb accommodationsECONOMIC RESEARCH-EKONOMSKA ISTRAZIVANJA
Artículo2021Foster children’s attachment representations: the role of type of maltreatment and the relationship with birth familyATTACHMENT & HUMAN DEVELOPMENT
Artículo2021Giving a voice to the best faculty members: benefits of digital resources for the inclusion of all students in Arts and HumanitiesInternational Journal of Inclusive Education
Artículo2021Historic construction of diffuse cultural landscapes: towards a GIS-based method for mapping the interlinkages of heritageLANDSCAPE RESEARCH
Artículo2021Inclusive faculty members who teach student teachers: an analysis from the learning ecologies frameworkInternational Journal of Inclusive Education
Artículo2021International collaborative follow-up investigation of graduating high school students’ understandings of the nature of scientific inquiry: is progress Being made?INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE EDUCATION
Artículo2021Las religiones del falangismo femenino: el culto a lo político y la afirmación de lo católico en la Sección Femenina de FET JONS (1937–1945)BULLETIN OF SPANISH STUDIES
Artículo2021Leading disciplines in tourism and hospitality research: a bibliometric analysis in SpainCURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM
Revisión2021Malnutrition, stunting, development and evidence generation in Guatemala: a systematic reviewJOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT EFFECTIVENESS
Artículo2021Mapping teacher collaboration for school successSCHOOL EFFECTIVENESS AND SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT
Artículo2021Measuring the role of Blue Flags in attracting sustainable 'sun-and-sand' tourismCURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM
Artículo2021Nuevas estrategias epistemológicas para enfocar las relaciones culturales en la Guerra FríaHispanic Research Journal
Artículo2021On the coercive nature of research impact metrics: the case study of altmetrics and science communicationSOCIAL EPISTEMOLOGY
Artículo2021Organisational profiles: key factors and results from the EFQM model perspectiveTotal Quality Management & Business Excellence
Artículo2021Overtourism, place alienation and the right to the city: insights from the historic centre of Seville, SpainJOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE TOURISM
Revisión2021Prevalence of suicidality in the european general population: a systematic review and meta-analysisARCHIVES OF SUICIDE RESEARCH
Artículo2021Sampling weight adjustments in partial least squares structural equation modeling: guidelines and illustrationsTotal Quality Management & Business Excellence
Artículo2021Scholar-activists in an expanding European food sovereignty movement*JOURNAL OF PEASANT STUDIES
Artículo2021Self-fulfilling objectification in relationships: The effects of men's objectifying expectations on women's self-objectification during conflict in romantic relationshipsSELF AND IDENTITY
Artículo2021Silencing by not telling testimonial void as a new kind of testimonial injusticeSOCIAL EPISTEMOLOGY
Artículo2021Spanish adolescents and fake news: level of awareness and credibility of informationCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2021Spanish faculty members speak out: barriers and aids for students with disabilities at universityDISABILITY & SOCIETY
Artículo2021Teacher training and employment in Spanish scientific research from 1977 to 2019CULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2021The education of Muslim women in Daesh’s and Al Qaeda’s online magazinesDiscourse
Artículo2021The impact of tourism on active and healthy ageing: health-related quality of lifeJournal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events
Artículo2021Tourism and electricity consumption in 9 European countries: a decomposition analysis approachCURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM
Artículo2021Traducciones, redes intelectuales y poética de la literatura criminal socialistaHispanic Research Journal
Artículo2021Transforming faculty conceptions of disability and inclusive education through a training programmeInternational Journal of Inclusive Education
Artículo2021Transforming local knowledge into lifestyle entrepreneur’s innovativeness: exploring the linear and quadratic relationshipsCURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM
Revisión2021Understanding inclusive pedagogy in primary education: teachers' perspectivesEDUCATIONAL STUDIES
Artículo2021University accreditations and publication of articles on education in SpainCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2021University students with disabilities in Spain: faculty beliefs, practices and support in providing reasonable adjustmentsDISABILITY & SOCIETY
Revisión2021What do prospective teachers know about the sort of activities that are helpful in learning science? A progression of learning during a science methods courseEDUCATIONAL STUDIES
Artículo2021Zurciendo teatro, confeccionando un oficio: el caso de Juan Meléndez, sastre y autor de comediasCOLONIAL LATIN AMERICAN REVIEW
Artículo2020‘For the workers but without the workers’: industrial accident management under the Franco dictatorship (1939-1966)LABOR HISTORY
Artículo2020A Mirage of Change: Visibility of Politicians on TVE during the 2015 and 2016 General ElectionsJournalism Practice
Artículo2020A purposeful approach for implementing preventive measures among European teaching professionals: bullying, deteriorated organizational factors and the mediating role of job dissatisfaction in poor health perceptionINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
Artículo2020Aberrant salience and fatigue as mediators between early life experiences and ideas of referencePSYCHOSIS-PSYCHOLOGICAL SOCIAL AND INTEGRATIVE APPROACHES
Artículo2020Afrobeat journeys: tracing the musical archive in Sefi Atta’s a bit of differenceJOURNAL OF INTERCULTURAL STUDIES
Artículo2020An analysis of new social fitness activities: loyalty in female and male CrossFit usersSPORT IN SOCIETY
Artículo2020An assessment of road traffic accidents in Spain: the role of tourismCURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM
Artículo2020An audio-visual approach to the Spanish transition: Tele-revista, a Swiss TV news magazine for Spanish immigrantsMEDIA HISTORY
Artículo2020Analysis of the models proposed by prospective pre-primary teachers when studying waterINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE EDUCATION
Artículo2020Between justice and politics: the role of the Spanish Constitutional Court in the state of autonomiesTERRITORY POLITICS GOVERNANCE
Artículo2020Beyond gym teachers: women who advocated female physical education in Spain, 1850-1923INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF SPORT
Artículo2020Beyond natural geometry: on the nature of proto-geometryPHILOSOPHICAL PSYCHOLOGY
Artículo2020Does having children or a dog influence visits to urban green spaces?LANDSCAPE RESEARCH
Artículo2020EduZinc: a tool for the creation and assessment of student learning activities in complex open, online and flexible learning environmentsDISTANCE EDUCATION
Artículo2020Energy related practices in Mediterranean low-income housingBUILDING RESEARCH AND INFORMATION
Artículo2020Enhancing interpretability in factor analysis by means of mathematical optimizationMULTIVARIATE BEHAVIORAL RESEARCH
Artículo2020Entrepreneuring after 50: the liminal identity transitions of older emergent entrepreneursENTREPRENEURSHIP AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT
Artículo2020Future urban seismic risk scenarios using a cellular automata modelEUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES
Artículo2020Higher education inclusivity: when the disability enriches the universityHIGHER EDUCATION RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT
Artículo2020Los otros ‘chicos de la banda’: homosexualidad y teatro norteamericano en España, 1956–1975BULLETIN OF SPANISH STUDIES
Artículo2020Media accountability and journalists: to whom do Spanish professionals feel responsible?Journalism Practice
Artículo2020Music teaching and the Spanish Regenerationism: Felipe Pedrell and the Academia GranadosHISTORY OF EDUCATION
Artículo2020On the 'Disclosure Initiative - Principles of disclosure': the EAA financial reporting standards committee's viewACCOUNTING IN EUROPE
Artículo2020Process control and quality performance: the role of shop-floor leadership practicesTotal Quality Management & Business Excellence
Editorial2020Recent trends in intra-EU mobilities: the articulation between migration, social protection, gender and citizenship systemsETHNIC AND RACIAL STUDIES
Artículo2020Refurbishment, vernacular architecture and invented traditions: the case of the Empordanet (Catalonia)INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HERITAGE STUDIES
Artículo2020Remigration of “new” Spaniards since the economic crisis: the interplay between citizenship and precarity among Colombian-Spanish families moving to Northern EuropeETHNIC AND RACIAL STUDIES
Artículo2020Rethinking the minimi of the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands in late antiquityJOURNAL OF MEDIEVAL IBERIAN STUDIES
Artículo2020Santas de revista: hagiografía y feminismo en Emilia Pardo BazánHispanic Research Journal
Artículo2020Scientific production on revenue management in tourism on Web of Science and SCOPUSCURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM
Artículo2020Social perception of situations of sexual cyberviolence: the role of sexist attitudes and the victim's transgression of gender rolesREVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA SOCIAL
Artículo2020Surfers’ consumer behaviour from a tribal branding perspectiveJOURNAL OF MARKETING THEORY AND PRACTICE
Artículo2020The direct and indirect influence of experience quality on satisfaction: the importance of emotionsCURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM
Artículo2020The effects of CLIL on L1 competence development in monolingual contextsLANGUAGE LEARNING JOURNAL
Artículo2020The first female lecturers at Spanish universitiesPAEDAGOGICA HISTORICA
Artículo2020The heritage character and service quality in urban defensive structures renovated as hotelsJOURNAL OF HERITAGE TOURISM
Artículo2020The mediating role of experience quality on authenticity and satisfaction in the context of cultural-heritage tourismCURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM
Artículo2020The mediating role of shops stewards´ union citizenship behaviour in the relationship between shop stewards and union members’ loyalty: a multilevel analysisEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WORK AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY
Artículo2020The vanguard of the Sección Femenina: gender and emotions in the creation of a mythic narrative (1934–39)Hispanic Research Journal
Artículo2020Tourism intermediaries and innovation in the hotel industryCURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM
Artículo2020Using life history with students with disabilities: researching with, rather than researching onEDUCATIONAL REVIEW
Artículo2020Wine tourist profiling in the Porto wine cellars: segmentation based on wine product involvementANATOLIA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY RESEARCH
Artículo2019Aldo Rossi and the architecture of Spanish democratic transition in SevilleJOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURE
Artículo2019Analysis of reaction time and lateral displacements in national level table tennis players: are they predictive of sport performance?INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS IN SPORT
Revisión2019Claves para el desarrollo del rol de abuelo y abuela en la sociedad española actualESTUDIOS DE PSICOLOGIA
Artículo2019Critical analysis of the effects of the digital technologies on reading and learningCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2019Design methodology for a school prototype: Jean Prouve's Jules Ferry School Group in Dieulouard, France, 1952-1953JOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURE
Artículo2019Discriminatory language in the workplace: unmasking prejudices and stereotypesREVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA SOCIAL
Artículo2019Dynamic panel data models in tourismCURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM
Artículo2019El Caribe durante la Guerra de los Siete Anos. El espionaje britanico sobre las fortificaciones espanolas y francesasCOLONIAL LATIN AMERICAN REVIEW
Artículo2019El Caribe durante la Guerra de los Siete Años. El espionaje británico sobre las fortificaciones españolas y francesasCOLONIAL LATIN AMERICAN REVIEW
Artículo2019El cratilismo en la poesía española contemporánea: algunos ejemplos de presencia y resistenciaBULLETIN OF SPANISH STUDIES
Artículo2019Employee well-being profiles and service quality: a unit-level analysis using a multilevel latent profile approachEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WORK AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY
Artículo2019Ethical reconstruction of citizenship: A proposal between the intimate self and the public sphereJOURNAL OF MORAL EDUCATION
Artículo2019Factors influencing the pursuit of personal learning goals in MOOCsDISTANCE EDUCATION
Artículo2019From chalk to keyboard in higher education classrooms: changes and coherence when integrating technological knowledge into pedagogical content knowledgeJOURNAL OF FURTHER AND HIGHER EDUCATION
Artículo2019From verifiable authenticity to verisimilar interventions: Xintiandi, Fuxing SOHO, and the alternatives to built heritage conservation in ShanghaiINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HERITAGE STUDIES
Artículo2019Going beyond the comfort zone: multilingualism, translation and mediation to foster plurilingual competenceLANGUAGE CULTURE AND CURRICULUM
Artículo2019Hot utilitarianism and cold deontology: Insights from a response patterns approach to sacrificial and real world dilemmasSOCIAL NEUROSCIENCE
Artículo2019Hotels' corporate social responsibility practices, organizational culture, firm reputation, and performanceJOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE TOURISM
Artículo2019Inferencing in Deaf Adolescents during Sign-Supported Speech ComprehensionDISCOURSE PROCESSES
Artículo2019Internal surface condensation risk in facades of Spanish social dwellingsBUILDING RESEARCH AND INFORMATION
Artículo2019La credibilidad de las noticias en Internet: una evaluación de la información por estudiantes universitariosCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2019La dimension cultural del engaño: picaresca, venta ambulante y tauromaquia en AndalucíaJOURNAL OF SPANISH CULTURAL STUDIES
Artículo2019Memorias de la dictadura en España. Un análisis de las narrativas de tres generaciones ESTUDIOS DE PSICOLOGIA
Artículo2019Mestizo Musical Iconography: Manila's Santo Nino CradleCULTURAL & SOCIAL HISTORY
Artículo2019New Method for Historic Rammed-earth Wall Characterization: The Almohade Ramparts of Malaga and SevilleSTUDIES IN CONSERVATION
Artículo2019Non-Branded Food Placements in Children’s Entertainment Programs: A Content AnalysisHEALTH COMMUNICATION
Artículo2019Online undergraduate students' perceptions of the impact of Web 2.0 on higher educationCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2019Perceptions of elite volleyball players on the importance of match analysis during the training processINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS IN SPORT
Artículo2019Protection value and functional service life of heritage timber buildingsBUILDING RESEARCH AND INFORMATION
Artículo2019Sensitivity of university rankings: implications of stochastic dominance efficiency analysisEDUCATION ECONOMICS
Artículo2019Teachers' strategies for playing by ear in one-to-one instrumental lessons: a case-study in SpainMUSIC EDUCATION RESEARCH
Artículo2019Technological challenges and students with disabilities in higher educationEXCEPTIONALITY
Artículo2019Teresa Fernandez-Valdes and female-produced TV series in Spain. Cable Girls/Las chicas del cable as case studyFEMINIST MEDIA STUDIES
Revisión2019The conceptualisation of school and teacher connectedness in adolescent research: a scoping review of literatureEDUCATIONAL REVIEW
Artículo2019The dark faces among the slave trade: mariners of African origin in Spanish ships (1817-1845)Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies
Artículo2019The entrepreneur in the regional innovation system. A comparative study for high- and low-income regionsENTREPRENEURSHIP AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT
Artículo2019The genesis, growth and organisational changes of private health insurance companies in Spain (1915-2015)BUSINESS HISTORY
Artículo2019The long shadow of charity in the spanish hospital system, c. 1870–1942Social History
Artículo2019The psychometric properties of the DAIMON Scale, a translation from Spanish to English: an instrument to measure the relationship with and between voicesPSYCHOSIS-PSYCHOLOGICAL SOCIAL AND INTEGRATIVE APPROACHES
Artículo2019The relationship between sociocultural factors and autobiographical memories from childhood: the role of formal schoolingMEMORY
Artículo2019The role of authenticity, experience quality, emotions, and satisfaction in a cultural heritage destinationJOURNAL OF HERITAGE TOURISM
Artículo2019Turistas en la España de la Comisaría Regia de Turismo: Blasco Ibáñez y la primera adaptación de Sangre y arena (1916)*BULLETIN OF SPANISH STUDIES
Artículo2019University environment and entrepreneurial intention: the mediating role of the components of the theory of planned behaviourREVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA SOCIAL
Artículo2019Why Does Copyright Ignore Performers? The Case of Flamenco in SpainJournal of Arts Management Law and Society
Reseña2019World Heritage and sustainable development: new directions in World Heritage managementINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HERITAGE STUDIES
Artículo2018'Who Are Diverse?' Conceptualisations of Cultural Diversity in Schools behind Desks and at ChalkfaceJOURNAL OF INTERCULTURAL STUDIES
Artículo2018Acculturation through sport: Different contexts different meaningsINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT AND EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY
Artículo2018An analysis of different resources and programmes supporting at-risk families in SpainEARLY CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND CARE
Artículo2018Analysis of Different Views and Conceptualizations of the Literacy Practices of Pupils, Families, and Teachers in Costa Rican Primary EducationJOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN CHILDHOOD EDUCATION
Artículo2018ÁNGEL MARÍA GARCÍA GÓMEZ, Enrique Vaca de Alfaro (1635–1685): semblanza, biblioteca médico-humanista y cultura bibliográfica. Córdoba: Editorial Universidad de Córdoba. 2015. 224 pp.BULLETIN OF SPANISH STUDIES
Artículo2018Assessment and improvement of organisational social impact through the EFQM Excellence ModelTotal Quality Management & Business Excellence
Artículo2018Co-evolution of innovation cooperation activities and internationalisation through exportsINNOVATION-ORGANIZATION & MANAGEMENT
Artículo2018Community public health practicum in the Amazon region of Peru: Student experiencesJOURNAL OF PREVENTION & INTERVENTION IN THE COMMUNITY
Artículo2018Contextual variables associated with differences in educational performance between European Union countriesCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2018Do independent director's characteristics influence financial reporting quality?REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2018Does entrepreneurship education in the first year of higher education develop entrepreneurial intentions? The role of learning and inspirationSTUDIES IN HIGHER EDUCATION
Artículo2018Economic challenges for the EU Water Framework Directive reform and implementationEUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES
Artículo2018Exploring fitness centre consumer loyalty: differences of non-profit and low-cost business models in SpainECONOMIC RESEARCH-EKONOMSKA ISTRAZIVANJA
Revisión2018From Avila to Mecca: The story of the Journey of Omar Patun, 1491-1495TERRAE INCOGNITAE-THE JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR THE HISTORY OF DISCOVERIES
Artículo2018Health disparities: Understanding and promoting healthy communitiesJOURNAL OF PREVENTION & INTERVENTION IN THE COMMUNITY
Artículo2018Homophobic Bullying and Cyberbullying: Study of a Silenced ProblemJOURNAL OF HOMOSEXUALITY
Artículo2018Hypnosis is More Effective than Clinical Interviews: Occurrence of Trauma in FibromyalgiaINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL HYPNOSIS
Artículo2018Impact of creative workshops for people with severe mental health problems: art as a means of recoveryARTS & HEALTH
Artículo2018Improving the learning processes of Physical Geography through the use of landscape photographs in classJOURNAL OF GEOGRAPHY IN HIGHER EDUCATION
Artículo2018Internationally adopted children's cognitive and social-emotional development during the first post-adoption year: A longitudinal studyEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY
Artículo2018Investigating interdependent self in post-communist countries: A comparison of two Slovak and Danish generationsJOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY
Artículo2018La trayectoria literaria de Ernesto Sabato a la luz de algunos textos menoresBULLETIN OF SPANISH STUDIES
Artículo2018Lights and shadows over the Recommendation on the Historic Urban Landscape: 'managing change' in Ballarat and Cuenca through a radical approach focused on values and authenticityINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HERITAGE STUDIES
Artículo2018Luis García Montero: una reescritura del RomanticismoBULLETIN OF SPANISH STUDIES
Artículo2018Managerial perceptions of employees' affective commitment and product innovationECONOMICS OF INNOVATION AND NEW TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2018Modelling the success of learning management systems: application of latent class segmentation using FIMIX-PLSINTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS
Artículo2018National agency-university partnership for a web-based positive parenting policy and evidence-based practicesEARLY CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND CARE
Artículo2018Opening or closing borders to international students? Convergent and divergent dynamics in France, Spain and the UKGLOBALISATION SOCIETIES AND EDUCATION
Artículo2018Perceptions and social valuations of landscape. Objectives and methodology for citizen participation in landscape policiesLANDSCAPE RESEARCH
Artículo2018Pragmatic Competence InjusticeSOCIAL EPISTEMOLOGY
Artículo2018Serviceability of facade claddingsBUILDING RESEARCH AND INFORMATION
Artículo2018Shedding light on governance for Roma health inequitiesJOURNAL OF PREVENTION & INTERVENTION IN THE COMMUNITY
Artículo2018Southern-European signposts for critical popular adult education: Italy, Portugal and SpainCOMPARE-A JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE AND INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION
Artículo2018The impact of directors' high-tech experience on innovation in low-tech firmsINNOVATION-ORGANIZATION & MANAGEMENT
Artículo2018The Impact of IFRS 16 on Key Financial Ratios: A New Methodological ApproachACCOUNTING IN EUROPE
Artículo2018The landscape taxonomic pyramid (LTP): a multi-scale classification adapted to spatial planningLANDSCAPE RESEARCH
Artículo2018The mathematics teacher's specialised knowledge (MTSK) modelRESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS EDUCATION
Artículo2018The media construction of the sports' elite from the European perspective: an analysis of the European Symposium of Sports 2010SPORT IN SOCIETY
Ponencia2018The Study of the Scale through Space. Teaching Innovation Experience among Architecture Schools: Malaga, Seville and PalermoINNOVATIONS IN EDUCATION AND TEACHING INTERNATIONAL
Artículo2018Towards the Implementation of the Historic Urban Landscape Approach in the Guayaquil Waterfront (Ecuador): A Scoping Case StudyHISTORIC ENVIRONMENT-POLICY & PRACTICE
Artículo2018Trust as mediator of corporate social responsibility, image and loyalty in the hotel sectorJOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE TOURISM
Artículo2018Twitter and video activism as tools for counter-surveillance: the case of social protests in SpainINFORMATION COMMUNICATION & SOCIETY
Artículo2018Una institución española en el Nuevo Mundo: el cabildo de Cuzco en el siglo XVICOLONIAL LATIN AMERICAN REVIEW
Artículo2018Understanding student evaluations of teaching in online learningASSESSMENT & EVALUATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION
Artículo2018University surroundings and infrastructures that are accessible and inclusive for all: listening to students with disabilitiesJOURNAL OF FURTHER AND HIGHER EDUCATION
Artículo2018Voices from Spanish students with disabilities: willpower and effort to survive universityEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SPECIAL NEEDS EDUCATION
Artículo2018Watermills: The Origin of the Use of Renewable Hydraulic Energy in SpainINDUSTRIAL ARCHAEOLOGY REVIEW
Artículo2017'We aren't heroes, we're survivors': higher education as an opportunity for students with disabilities to reinvent an identityJOURNAL OF FURTHER AND HIGHER EDUCATION
Artículo2017A bibliometric analysis of the presence of finances in high-impact tourism journalsCURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM
Artículo2017Adaptation of the short version of the Psychological Capital Questionnaire (PCQ-12) into SpanishREVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA SOCIAL
Artículo2017An analysis of the questions proposed by elementary pre-service teachers when designing experimental activities as inquiryINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE EDUCATION
Artículo2017Andalusia at the crossroads of Europeanness: immigration as a performance of colonialityPATTERNS OF PREJUDICE
Artículo2017Anthropology and Social Work: engagement with humans, moral dilemmas and theories of differenceEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL WORK
Artículo2017Are universities ready for interculturality? The case of the intercultural University 'Amawtay Wasi' (Ecuador)JOURNAL OF LATIN AMERICAN CULTURAL STUDIES
Artículo2017Developing a system of territorial governance indicators for tourism destinationsJOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE TOURISM
Artículo2017Domestic GHG emissions and the responsibility of households in Spain: looking for regional differencesAPPLIED ECONOMICS
Artículo2017Dual Effects of Resveratrol on Cell Death and Proliferation of Colon Cancer CellsNUTRITION AND CANCER-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL
Artículo2017Education museums: historical educational discourse, typology and characteristics. The case of SpainPAEDAGOGICA HISTORICA
Artículo2017Effects of the community engagement of migrants on their well-being: The case of Moroccan leaders in southern SpainJOURNAL OF PREVENTION & INTERVENTION IN THE COMMUNITY
Artículo2017Evolution in Freedom? The Meanings of "Free School' in ChileBRITISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL STUDIES
Artículo2017How do Spanish disability support offices contribute to inclusive education in the university?DISABILITY & SOCIETY
Artículo2017I want to ride my bicycle: delimiting cyclist typologiesAPPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS
Artículo2017Implementing a cultural competence training as a psychopolitical empowerment processJOURNAL OF PREVENTION & INTERVENTION IN THE COMMUNITY
Artículo2017Inclusive education in higher education: challenges and opportunitiesEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SPECIAL NEEDS EDUCATION
Artículo2017Intense masculinities: Revolution and Gender in the narrative of Eduardo Heras LeonBULLETIN OF SPANISH STUDIES
Artículo2017Match analysis within the coaching process: a critical tool to improve coach efficacyINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS IN SPORT
Artículo2017Oferta y uso de tutorías virtuales y presenciales: percepciones de profesores y estudiantes de enfermeríaCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2017Our Man in Miami: The American Stage by Rodolfo Perez Valero (1995-2016)Hispanic Research Journal
Artículo2017Research patterns of successful accounting academics in SpainREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2017Risk management and reinsurance strategies in the Spanish insurance market (1880-1940)BUSINESS HISTORY
Artículo2017Safe driving and executive functions in healthy middle-aged driversAPPLIED NEUROPSYCHOLOGY-ADULT
Artículo2017Shopping value, tourist satisfaction and positive word of mouth: the mediating role of souvenir shopping satisfactionCURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM
Artículo2017The Agote Map of Hainan Island, China: A Case Study for Cultural Dialogue in Eighteenth-Century CartographyIMAGO MUNDI-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR THE HISTORY OF CARTOGRAPHY
Artículo2017The Northern Subject Rule in the Breadalbane collectionENGLISH STUDIES
Artículo2017The Social Construction of Intercultural Communication: A Delphi StudyJOURNAL OF INTERCULTURAL STUDIES
Artículo2017Tolerance and Perception of Abuse in Youth Dating RelationshipsJOURNAL OF AGGRESSION MALTREATMENT & TRAUMA
Artículo2017Violencia de pareja online en la adolescencia, clima familiar y escolar desde la perspectiva de géneroInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2017Volunteering by elders: a question of values?SERVICE INDUSTRIES JOURNAL
Artículo2017What if we could Imagine an Ideal University? Narratives by Students with DisabilitiesINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISABILITY DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION
Artículo2016"Barreras de entrada, concentración y competitividad en el mercado de auditoría español"REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2016A cross-national study of teacher's perceptions of online learning successOPEN LEARNING
Artículo2016Adding automatic evaluation to interactive virtual labsINTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS
Artículo2016An Unsuccessful Spanish Cartographical Project of the Eighteenth Century: New Data on the Plan-Relief Ministry of Charles IIIIMAGO MUNDI-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR THE HISTORY OF CARTOGRAPHY
Artículo2016Analysis of Spanish policies for the integration of immigrant schoolchildrenINTERCULTURAL EDUCATION
Artículo2016Assessing the effectiveness of conflict management training in a health sector organization: evidence from subjective and objective indicatorsEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WORK AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY
Artículo2016Assessment of National Parks affected by naturbanization processes in Southern EuropeJOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT
Artículo2016Cognitive and emotional factors as predictors of performance indicators in young volleyball playersINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS IN SPORT
Artículo2016Coping strategies, stress and health of grandmothers caring for ascending and descending relativesESTUDIOS DE PSICOLOGIA
Artículo2016Dissociation and mindfulness in patients with auditory verbal hallucinationsJOURNAL OF TRAUMA & DISSOCIATION
Artículo2016Entry barriers, concentration and competition in the Spanish audit marketREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2016Evolution of victimization, tolerance and detection of intimate partner violence among young Spanish womenREVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA SOCIAL
Artículo2016Examining the power-law distribution among eWOM communities: a characterisation approach of the Long TailTECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS & STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT
Artículo2016Film-induced tourist motivations. The case of Seville (Spain)CURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM
Artículo2016From the new environmental paradigm to the brief ecological paradigm: a revised scale in golf tourismANATOLIA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY RESEARCH
Artículo2016Heritage values protection, from the monument to the urban dimension. Case study: the historic centre of Santa Ana de los Rios de Cuenca, EcuadorHISTORIC ENVIRONMENT-POLICY & PRACTICE
Artículo2016Homophobia and heterosexism: Spanish physical education teachers' perceptionsSPORT IN SOCIETY
Artículo2016ICT teacher training: a view of the TPACK modelCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Editorial2016Ideology, censorship and translation across genres: past and present PERSPECTIVES-STUDIES IN TRANSLATOLOGY
Artículo2016Implementing the balanced scorecard: its effect on the job environmentTotal Quality Management & Business Excellence
Artículo2016Incidence, effects, dynamics and routes out of overqualification in Europe: a comprehensive analysis distinguishing by employment statusAPPLIED ECONOMICS
Artículo2016Literacy education and orthography in the Spanish Golden Age, 1531-1631PAEDAGOGICA HISTORICA
Artículo2016Measuring teachers and learners' perceptions of the quality of their online learning experienceDISTANCE EDUCATION
Artículo2016Melodic Contour and Mid-Level Global Features Applied to the Analysis of Flamenco CantesJOURNAL OF NEW MUSIC RESEARCH
Artículo2016Optimization models for degrouping population dataPOPULATION STUDIES-A JOURNAL OF DEMOGRAPHY
Artículo2016Public spaces and immigration in Seville: building citizenship or reproducing power relationships?ETHNIC AND RACIAL STUDIES
Artículo2016Relationship between public and private self-focused attention and auditory verbal hallucinations as an interpersonal processPSYCHOSIS-PSYCHOLOGICAL SOCIAL AND INTEGRATIVE APPROACHES
Artículo2016Salvador López Gómez: apostle of Gymnastics in SpainINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF SPORT
Artículo2016Social network analysis in tourismCURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM
Artículo2016The effects of teaching and assessment methods on academic performance: a study of an Operations Management courseINNOVATIONS IN EDUCATION AND TEACHING INTERNATIONAL
Artículo2016The invention of the gazette design standardization in spanish newspapers, 1600-1650MEDIA HISTORY
Artículo2016The unseen protagonists. Ecuadorians' daughters between Ecuador and Southern EuropeSOCIAL IDENTITIES
Artículo2016Tourist satisfaction and the souvenir shopping of domestic tourists: extended weekends in SpainCURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM
Artículo2016Trade credit in SMEs: a quantile regression approachAPPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS
Artículo2016Usos lingüísticos alejados del español normativo como seña de identidad en las redes socialesBULLETIN OF SPANISH STUDIES
Artículo2015A back to the city movement by local government action: gentrification in Spain and Latin AmericaINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF URBAN SCIENCES
Artículo2015Adolescent love and well-being: the role of dating relationships for psychological adjustmentJOURNAL OF YOUTH STUDIES
Revisión2015Agricultural landscapes as multi-scale public good and the role of the Common Agricultural PolicyJOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT
Artículo2015An application of the performance-evaluation model for e-learning quality in higher educationTotal Quality Management & Business Excellence
Artículo2015Analysis of the variables that predict serve efficacy in young volleyball playersINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS IN SPORT
Artículo2015Assessing depression, anxiety and couple psychological well-being in pregnancy: a preliminary studyJOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE AND INFANT PSYCHOLOGY
Artículo2015Coming out strategies of lesbians and gays at workREVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA SOCIAL
Revisión2015Consecuencias de un cambio de CEO: efectos a largo plazo sobre el equipo directivo y el rendimiento de la empresaREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2015Content analysis of open innovation communities using latent semantic indexingTECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS & STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT
Artículo2015Customer preferences versus managerial decision-making in open innovation communities: the case of StarbucksTECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS & STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT
Artículo2015Disaggregation of sectors in social accounting matrices using a customized Wolsky methodAPPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS
Artículo2015Efficiency assessment of container operations of shipping agents in Spanish portsMARITIME POLICY & MANAGEMENT
Artículo2015Elitist rhetoric and the sports gap. Examining the discourse and reality of sport in SpainEUROPEAN JOURNAL FOR SPORT AND SOCIETY
Artículo2015Evaluating the school assets that promote positive adolescent development from the perspective of the studentCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2015Faculty training: an unavoidable requirement for approaching more inclusive university classroomsTEACHING IN HIGHER EDUCATION
Artículo2015Family dynamics and cochlear implant: a case study/Dinamica familiar e implante coclear: estudio de casosInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2015From research question to scientific publication: educational innovation with university studentsCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2015Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda en Sevilla: Ilusiones y cenizas de un periplo literarioROMANCE STUDIES
Editorial2015Globalised re/gendering of the academy and leadershipGENDER AND EDUCATION
Artículo2015Heritage entrepreneurship. Agency-driven promotion of the Mediterranean diet in SpainINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HERITAGE STUDIES
Artículo2015Hidden voices in higher education: Inclusive policies and practices in social science and law classroomsInternational Journal of Inclusive Education
Artículo2015Incarcerated youths with high or low callous-unemotional traits: a comparison controlling for age of crime onsetJOURNAL OF FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY & PSYCHOLOGY
Artículo2015Inclusive university settings? An analysis from the perspective of students with disabilitiesCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2015Inquisición y control ideológico en la Carrera de Indias de la Ilustración (1750-1830)BULLETIN OF SPANISH STUDIES
Artículo2015Leadership characteristics and training needs of women and men in charge of Spanish universitiesGENDER AND EDUCATION
Artículo2015Predictive model for areas with illegal landfills using logistic regressionJOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT
Artículo2015Reliability and validity of a new scale for measuring relationships with voices: The DAIMON ScalePSYCHOSIS-PSYCHOLOGICAL SOCIAL AND INTEGRATIVE APPROACHES
Artículo2015Self-consciousness profiles in the acceptance of airline e-ticketing servicesANATOLIA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY RESEARCH
Artículo2015Students with disabilities in higher education: a biographical-narrative approach to the role of lecturersHIGHER EDUCATION RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT
Artículo2015Teachers negotiating discourses of gender (in) equality: the case of equal opportunities reform in AndalusiaGENDER AND EDUCATION
Artículo2015Testing relations between group cohesion and satisfaction in project teams: A cross-level and cross-lagged approachEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WORK AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY
Artículo2015The challenges of connecting science-industry in peripheral regions: researchers' attitudes and organizational and institutional features as determinantsEUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES
Artículo2015The influence of informal learning processes of social network sites on the subjective well-being of women in rural areasCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2015The multidimensional structure of university absenteeism: an exploratory studyINNOVATIONS IN EDUCATION AND TEACHING INTERNATIONAL
Artículo2015The shifting financial aid system in Spanish University: grant-recipients' experiences and strategiesCRITICAL STUDIES IN EDUCATION
Artículo2015Tourism managers' view of the economic impact of cruise traffic: the case of southern SpainCURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM
Artículo2015Vertical Greening Systems and Sustainable CitiesJOURNAL OF URBAN TECHNOLOGY
Artículo2015What family dimensions are important for health-related quality of life in adolescence?JOURNAL OF YOUTH STUDIES
Artículo2015Workplace bullying and interpersonal conflicts: the moderation effect of supervisor's powerREVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA SOCIAL
Artículo2014A comparative study of wall painting materials and techniques used in fifteenth century Austria by Frederich of Villach and his followersSTUDIES IN CONSERVATION
Artículo2014A synthesis of research on effectiveness of school-based drug prevention programmesCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2014Analysis of activity in open-source communities using social network analysis techniquesASIAN JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION
Artículo2014Analysis of open innovation communities from the perspective of social network analysisTECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS & STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT
Artículo2014Book trade between Europe and America in the 16th century Seville: Printers, booksellers and merchantsCOLONIAL LATIN AMERICAN REVIEW
Artículo2014Can LCCs' economic efficiency create negative externalities for air transport? An analysis of passenger waiting timeAPPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS
Artículo2014Corporate social responsibility and financial performance: a meta-analysisREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2014Could being in the European Union save lives? An econometric analysis of the Common Road Safety Policy for the EU-27JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN PUBLIC POLICY
Artículo2014Current issues and research trends on open-source software communitiesTECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS & STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT
Artículo2014El comercio de libros entre Europa y América en la Sevilla del siglo XVI: Impresores, libreros y mercaderesCOLONIAL LATIN AMERICAN REVIEW
Artículo2014Electronic word-of-mouth communities from the perspective of social network analysisTECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS & STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT
Artículo2014Ex-Ante Analysis of the Regional Impacts of the Common Agricultural Policy: A Rural-Urban Recursive Dynamic CGE Model ApproachEUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES
Artículo2014Francisco Pacheco editor de obras de Fernando de Herrera: analisis de un documento ineditoBULLETIN OF SPANISH STUDIES
Artículo2014Function and meaning in religious delusions: a theoretical discussion from a case studyMENTAL HEALTH RELIGION & CULTURE
Artículo2014Global strategies, differing experiences. Electricity companies in two late-industrialising countries: Spain and Argentina, 1890-1950BUSINESS HISTORY
Artículo2014Holistic competence approach in tourism higher education: an exploratory study in SpainCURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM
Artículo2014Inclusive curricula in Spanish higher education? Students with disabilities speak outDISABILITY & SOCIETY
Editorial2014Introduction to the special issueJOURNAL OF IBERIAN AND LATIN AMERICAN RESEARCH
Artículo2014Labour Universities: physical education and the indoctrination of the working classHISTORY OF EDUCATION
Artículo2014Nation of a single hemisphere: The American borders of representation through the life of an exileJOURNAL OF IBERIAN AND LATIN AMERICAN RESEARCH
Artículo2014Natural scene statistics mediate the perception of image complexityVISUAL COGNITION
Artículo2014Non-destructive XRF analysis of selected Flemish panel paintings in the Fine Arts Museum of SevilleJOURNAL OF THE INSTITUTE OF CONSERVATION
Artículo2014Organizational Learning Capacity and Its Impact on the Results in a Government Agency in ChileINTERNATIONAL PUBLIC MANAGEMENT JOURNAL
Artículo2014Parenting styles and bullying involvementCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2014Police-initiated contacts: young people, ethnicity, and the 'usual suspects'POLICING & SOCIETY
Artículo2014Production and evaluation of a Personal Learning Environment for faculty training: analysis of an experienceCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2014Public Perceptions and Uses of Natural and Restored Salt MarshesLANDSCAPE RESEARCH
Artículo2014Rafael Moneo and the search for a reflexive canonJOURNAL OF ARCHITECTURE
Artículo2014Relationship Between Childhood Trauma, Mindfulness, and Dissociation in Subjects With and Without Hallucination PronenessJOURNAL OF TRAUMA & DISSOCIATION
Artículo2014Routine leisure activities: opportunity and risk in adolescenceCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2014Segmenting hotel clients by pricing variables and value for moneyCURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM
Artículo2014Shared time pressure at work and its health-related outcomes: Job satisfaction as a mediatorEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WORK AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY
Artículo2014Simultaneous measurement of quality in different online servicesSERVICE INDUSTRIES JOURNAL
Artículo2014Strategies for inclusion in the face of social exclusion. Case study in Andalusia (Spain)EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SPECIAL NEEDS EDUCATION
Artículo2014Teachers as readers: a study of the reading habits of future teachersCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2014The change towards a teaching methodology based on competences: a case study in a Spanish universityRESEARCH PAPERS IN EDUCATION
Artículo2014Towards the construct of cyberconvivencia/Hacia el constructo ciberconvivenciaInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Reseña2014Transnational politics and the state: the external voting rights of diasporasJOURNAL OF ETHNIC AND MIGRATION STUDIES
Artículo2014What do students do to agree on academic knowledge? Structured tasks and non-structured tasks for classroom-based learning / Que hacen los estudiantes para consensuar el conocimiento? Tareas estructuradas y tareas no estructuradas de aprendizaje en el aulaCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2014Who is more prone to distraction? A simple test to evaluate the interference of emotional stimuli in females and malesESTUDIOS DE PSICOLOGIA
Artículo2013A Gendered Perspective on the Arrival and Settlement of Colombian Refugees in the United KingdomJOURNAL OF ETHNIC AND MIGRATION STUDIES
Artículo2013A qualitative and longitudinal analysis of market orientationSERVICE INDUSTRIES JOURNAL
Artículo2013An application of health-portals to improve electronic listeningSERVICE INDUSTRIES JOURNAL
Artículo2013Antecedents and outcomes of targeting older applicants in recruitmentEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WORK AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY
Artículo2013Building a composite factorial score for the assessment of quality of parent-child relationships in adolescenceEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY
Artículo2013Building trust and commitment to blogsSERVICE INDUSTRIES JOURNAL
Artículo2013Can anyone hate the bicycle? The hunt for an optimal local transportation policy to encourage bicycle usageENVIRONMENTAL POLITICS
Artículo2013Communication about placement and family functioning in kinship foster familiesCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2013Contents and conversational modes in adolescents. Debating group conflicts and partner violenceInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Editorial2013Cultural values and entrepreneurshipENTREPRENEURSHIP AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT
Artículo2013Designing fixed-income securities investment portfolios under different scenariosSERVICE INDUSTRIES JOURNAL
Artículo2013El yo docente en la universidad. Posiciones del yo y voces en la construcción narrativa de las identidades del profesorado universitarioInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2013Escaping the gender labyrinth: revolution and female liberation in the dramaturgy of Abelardo EstorinoHispanic Research Journal
Artículo2013Evaluación de la satisfacción de los participantes en e-Learning. Un estudio sobre formación en prevención de riesgos y medio ambienteCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Editorial2013Healthcare management in the knowledge-based economySERVICE INDUSTRIES JOURNAL
Artículo2013How can parents obtain knowledge about their adolescent children?Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2013How much does water consumption drop when each household takes charge of its own consumption? The case of the city of SevilleAPPLIED ECONOMICS
Artículo2013Influences, values and career aspirations of future professionals in education: a gender perspectiveEDUCATIONAL REVIEW
Artículo2013ISO 9001 and standardised logistics management: an empirical analysis in Spanish small and medium-sized enterprisesTotal Quality Management & Business Excellence
Artículo2013Knowledge management, relational learning, and the effectiveness of innovation outcomesSERVICE INDUSTRIES JOURNAL
Artículo2013La sociedad y el yo en la construcción de la identidad nacionalESTUDIOS DE PSICOLOGIA
Artículo2013Landscape Fieldwork: Scientific, Educational and Awareness-Raising Requirements in the Context of the European Landscape ConventionLANDSCAPE RESEARCH
Artículo2013Mechanisms Involved in the Antiproliferative and Proapoptotic Effects of Unsaponifiable Fraction of Extra Virgin Olive Oil on HT-29 Cancer CellsNUTRITION AND CANCER-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL
Artículo2013Nuevas formas de envejecer activamente: Calidad de Vida y Actividad Física desde una perspectiva PsicosocialJOURNAL OF AGGRESSION MALTREATMENT & TRAUMA
Artículo2013Oleuropein, a Secoiridoid Derived from Olive Tree, Inhibits the Proliferation of Human Colorectal Cancer Cell Through Downregulation of HIF-1NUTRITION AND CANCER-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL
Artículo2013Open Education 2030: planning the future of adult learning in EuropeOPEN LEARNING
Artículo2013Patterns of innovation in tourism "Small and Medium-size Enterprises'SERVICE INDUSTRIES JOURNAL
Artículo2013Perceptions of the Usefulness of Virtual Learning Environments in Accounting Education: A Comparative Evaluation of Undergraduate Accounting Students in Spain and EnglandAccounting Education
Artículo2013Reanalysis of a tailored web-based exercise programme for office workers with sub-acute low back pain: Assessing the stage of change in behaviourPSYCHOLOGY HEALTH & MEDICINE
Artículo2013Reflexionando acerca de cómo estudiar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en el contexto natural del aula universitariaCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2013Self-Service Technology Versus Traditional Service: Examining Cognitive Factors In The Purchase Of The Airline TicketJOURNAL OF TRAVEL & TOURISM MARKETING
Artículo2013US diplomacy and the North African ‘War of the Sands’ (1963)JOURNAL OF NORTH AFRICAN STUDIES
Artículo2013Using social network sites in Higher Education: an experience in business studiesINNOVATIONS IN EDUCATION AND TEACHING INTERNATIONAL
Artículo2012A content analysis of school anti-bullying policies: a follow-up after six yearsEDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY IN PRACTICE
Artículo2012A new parametric model for fitting fertility curvesPOPULATION STUDIES-A JOURNAL OF DEMOGRAPHY
Artículo2012Adjusted expectations, satisfaction and loyalty developmentSERVICE INDUSTRIES JOURNAL
Artículo2012Analysis of the restoration of an historical organ: The case study of the Cavaille-Coll organ of La Merced Church in Burgos, SpainSTUDIES IN CONSERVATION
Artículo2012Andalusia, Spain: An Assessment of Coastal SceneryLANDSCAPE RESEARCH
Artículo2012Attachment representations in internationally adopted childrenATTACHMENT & HUMAN DEVELOPMENT
Artículo2012Benefits of the associative context in the leisure activities of Spanish adolescentsInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2012Burning the heretic: conscientious revision in Henry Constable's "Falslie Doth Enuie of Youre Praises Blame"ENGLISH STUDIES
Artículo2012Clean and Unclean Animals: Isidore's Book XII from the Etymologiae and the Structure of Eusebius's Zoological RiddlesENGLISH STUDIES
Artículo2012Diferencias en el desarrollo y el comportamiento de niños y niñas con riesgo de discapacidad: alcance de un programa para padresInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2012Educational achievement and effective schools: examples of best practiceINTERCULTURAL EDUCATION
Artículo2012Endogenization of the 'rest of the world' account in SAM linear models: an approach based on MiyazawaAPPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS
Artículo2012Environmental orientation in tourism: the RTEO scaleCURRENT ISSUES IN TOURISM
Artículo2012Family variables and academic achievement in adolescenceESTUDIOS DE PSICOLOGIA
Artículo2012Formal schooling, autobiographical memory, and cultural self-construalsInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2012Improving care for people living with chronic diseases: Innovative examples from SpainINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTHCARE MANAGEMENT
Artículo2012Improving the absorptive capacity through unlearning context: an empirical investigation in hospital-in-the-home unitsSERVICE INDUSTRIES JOURNAL
Artículo2012Labour repression and social justice in Franco's Spain: the political objectives of compulsory sickness insurance, 1942-1957LABOR HISTORY
Artículo2012Latin american immigration to Spain: discourses and practices from 'la madre patria'Cultural Studies
Artículo2012Menores con conducta de maltrato hacia los progenitores: un estudio de personalidad y estilos de socializaciónREVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA SOCIAL
Artículo2012Modernization and historical memory in RussiaPROBLEMS OF POST-COMMUNISM
Artículo2012Passive downdraught evaporative cooling: performance in a prototype houseBUILDING RESEARCH AND INFORMATION
Artículo2012Reasons for the expansion in franchising: is it all said?SERVICE INDUSTRIES JOURNAL
Artículo2012Reasons which influence on the students' decision to take a university course: differences by gender and degreeEDUCATIONAL STUDIES
Artículo2012Romance, Politics and Money: The French Cause in The True Chronicle History of King Leir (1594)ENGLISH STUDIES
Artículo2012The alignment of managers' mental models with the balanced scorecard strategy mapTotal Quality Management & Business Excellence
Artículo2012The Old English Apollonius of Tyre in the Light of Early Romance Tradition: An Assessment of its Plot and Characterization in Relation to Marie de France's EliducENGLISH STUDIES
Artículo2012Una segunda brecha digital entre el alumnado universitarioCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2012Validación del Cuestionario de Conflicto Interpersonal en el Trabajo (CIT) en empleados españolesESTUDIOS DE PSICOLOGIA
Artículo2012Women Archetype and Female Physical Education during Franco's DictatorshipINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF SPORT
Artículo2011An overview of revenue management in service industries: an application to car parksSERVICE INDUSTRIES JOURNAL
Artículo2011Analysing the composition of the SME sector in high- and low-income regions: Some research hypothesesENTREPRENEURSHIP AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT
Artículo2011Applicability of global value chains analysis to tourism: Issues of governance and upgradingSERVICE INDUSTRIES JOURNAL
Resumen congreso2011Beyond Equality: The Construction of Sexual Orientation in Sons and Daughters of Lesbian Mothers or Gay FathersCULTURE HEALTH & SEXUALITY
Artículo2011Children's recovery after adoptionInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2011Depersonalization as a Mediator in the Relationship Between Self-Focused Attention and Auditory HallucinationsJOURNAL OF TRAUMA & DISSOCIATION
Artículo2011Diferencias culturales entre países y acceso de la mujer a los consejos de administraciónREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2011El patriarcado no es transparente: competencias del profesorado para reconocer desigualdadCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2011El profesorado frente a la discriminación de género: uso de la retroalimentaciónCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2011Estatus socioeconómico de las familias y resultados educativos logrados por el alumnadoCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2011Estrés parental y apoyo social en familias extensas acogedoras chilenas y españolasInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2011European communication networks in the Early Modern Age. A new framework of interpretation for the birth of journalismMEDIA HISTORY
Resumen congreso2011Families with lesbian mothers and gay fathers in Spain after the legislative change: from legal to real equalityCULTURE HEALTH & SEXUALITY
Artículo2011Influence of gender, educational attainment and family environment on the educational aspirations of secondary school studentsEDUCATIONAL REVIEW
Artículo2011Institutional dimensions underlying public trust in information on technological riskJOURNAL OF RISK RESEARCH
Artículo2011Integrated model of export activity: analysis of heterogeneity in managers' orientations and perceptions on strategic marketing management in foreign marketsJOURNAL OF MARKETING THEORY AND PRACTICE
Artículo2011It's His Right, It's Her Duty: Benevolent Sexism and the Justification of Traditional Sexual RolesJOURNAL OF SEX RESEARCH
Artículo2011La comprensión de falsa creencia en niños y adolescentes sordos: tareas gráficas versus clásicasInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2011MYTH, DREAM AND POETRY The occult in 1930s British SurrealismEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENGLISH STUDIES
Artículo2011Necesidades del profesorado de la Universidad de Sevilla respecto a la enseñanza que requiere el EEESCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2011Reciprocal involvement in adolescent dating aggression: An Italian-Spanish studyEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY
Artículo2011Regional variations in entrepreneurial cognitions: Start-up intentions of university students in SpainENTREPRENEURSHIP AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT
Artículo2011Satisfacción de adolescentes autóctonos e inmigrantes con el país de residencia. Influencia de variables psicosociales relativas al contacto intergrupalCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2011Social Exclusion and Gender Violence in a Women's Penitentiary in AndalusiaCULTURE HEALTH & SEXUALITY
Artículo2011Tourist Assessment of Archaeological Sites: The Case of The Archaeological Complex of Italica (Seville, Spain)VISITOR STUDIES
Artículo2011Understanding travel expenditure by means of market segmentationSERVICE INDUSTRIES JOURNAL
Artículo2010A Preliminary Exploration of Trauma, Dissociation, and Positive Psychotic Symptoms in a Spanish SampleJOURNAL OF TRAUMA & DISSOCIATION
Artículo2010Adult education in transition: three cases and periods comparedINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIFELONG EDUCATION
Artículo2010Análisis comparativo de las nuevas estructuras familiares como contextos potenciadores del desarrollo psicológico infantilInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2010Analysis of determinants of airline choice: profiling the LCC passengerAPPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS
Artículo2010BETE NOIRE OR SCAPEGOAT? Wyndham Lewis and Cultural Studies on both sides of the ChannelEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENGLISH STUDIES
Artículo2010Beyond the deficit: Building a model of positive youth developmentInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2010Cambios en el cerebro adolescente y conductas agresivas y de asunción de riesgosESTUDIOS DE PSICOLOGIA
Artículo2010Cultura y memoria autobiográfica: concepciones del yo en estudiantes universitariosESTUDIOS DE PSICOLOGIA
Artículo2010Designated Public Festivals of Interest to TouristsEUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES
Artículo2010Does intensity of change matter? Factors affecting adoption of agri-environmental schemes in SpainJOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT
Artículo2010Factors that predict a good post-surgical psychosocial adjustment in breast cancer patientsESTUDIOS DE PSICOLOGIA
Artículo2010Género, identidad y memoria autobiográficaESTUDIOS DE PSICOLOGIA
Artículo2010Promoting positive youth development through school-based programmesCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2010Prospective Teachers' Difficulties in Interpreting Elementary Phenomena of Electrostatic Interactions: Indicators of the status of their intuitive ideasINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE EDUCATION
Artículo2010Relationship with noncustodial father after divorce: Children's point of viewESTUDIOS DE PSICOLOGIA
Artículo2010School memories of young people with disabilities: an analysis of barriers and aids to inclusionDISABILITY & SOCIETY
Artículo2010Searching for latent class segments in technological servicesSERVICE INDUSTRIES JOURNAL
Artículo2010Sobre el conocimiento y la práctica educativaInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2010The building cost system in Andalusia: application to construction and demolition waste managementCONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS
Artículo2010The Muslim veil controversy in French and Spanish schoolsISLAM AND CHRISTIAN-MUSLIM RELATIONS
Artículo2010The powerful pull of brain imagesInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2010The relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and growth: The moderating role of family involvementENTREPRENEURSHIP AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT
Artículo2010The transnational political practices of Colombians in Spain and the United Kingdom: politics 'here' and 'there'ETHNIC AND RACIAL STUDIES
Artículo2010Tourism Planning in Sub-regional Destinations: Heterogeneity of the Tourist Experience on the Andalusian Coastal MunicipalitiesEUROPEAN PLANNING STUDIES
Artículo2010Transmigrant families: intercultural and bilingual competences developmentGLOBALISATION SOCIETIES AND EDUCATION
Artículo2009Antecedents of construction project coalitions: a study of the Spanish construction industryCONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS
Artículo2009Developing Lesbian Identity: A Sociohistorical ApproachJOURNAL OF HOMOSEXUALITY
Artículo2009Diversidad familiar en la escuela: guía de recursos didácticosCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2009Entry of young economists into working life: analysis of the determinants of first unemployment durationAPPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS
Artículo2009Excellence profiles in Spanish firms with quality management systemsTotal Quality Management & Business Excellence
Artículo2009Exploring paths between web adoption and firm performance: The mediating effect of customer satisfaction, corporate image, market expansion and internal efficiencyTotal Quality Management & Business Excellence
Artículo2009Familias de madres solteras solas: circunstancias, vivencias y ajuste psicológico infantilCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2009Gender and ITC in higher education: Non-sexist virtual resources for learningCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2009Ideas del profesorado de primaria acerca de la diversidad familiarCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2009Introduction to Semiconductor Physics in Secondary Education: Evaluation of a teaching sequenceINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE EDUCATION
Artículo2009No differences in quality of life between men and women undergoing HIV antiretroviral treatment. Impact of demographic, clinical and psychosocial factorsAIDS CARE-PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIO-MEDICAL ASPECTS OF AIDS/HIV
Artículo2009Normas internacionales de valoración: la opinión de los profesionales en EspañaREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2009Nuevas familias, nuevos retos para la investigación y la educaciónCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2009Pressures and resistance to the introduction of skills in business administration and accounting education in Spain: a new institutional theory analysisJOURNAL OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING
Artículo2009Putin's Propaganda LegacyPOST-SOVIET AFFAIRS
Artículo2009Relaciones familiares y vida cotidiana de niños y niñas que viven con madres lesbianas o padres gaysCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2009Supply Chain Management: Unheard of in the 1970s, core to today's companyBUSINESS HISTORY
Artículo2009The impact of stress on processing persuasive messagesREVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA SOCIAL
Artículo2009The implementation of a degree in the context of the European Space for Higher Education: the University of Seville caseREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2009The relevance of supply shocks for inflation: the spanish caseAPPLIED ECONOMICS
Editorial2009The Vocabulary Knowledge Scale: A Critical AnalysisLANGUAGE ASSESSMENT QUARTERLY
Artículo2009Who needs enemies with friends like these? The importance of place for young people living in known gang areasJOURNAL OF YOUTH STUDIES
Artículo2008¿Cómo contribuyen las asociaciones de familiares a la educación del alumnado con autismo?Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2008Behavioral and Socioemotional Adjustment in International Adoptees: A Comparison Between Italian and Spanish Adoptive Parents' ReportsADOPTION QUARTERLY
Artículo2008Conservatism of earnings reported under International Accounting Standardds: A comparative studyREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2008Estilos relacionales parentales y ajuste adolescenteInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2008La memoria autobiográfica: el encuentro entre la memoria, el yo y el lenguajeESTUDIOS DE PSICOLOGIA
Artículo2008Las redes de iguales y el fenómeno del acoso escolar: explorando el esquema dominio-sumisiónInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2008No Association of COMT Val158Met Polymorphism with Suicidal Behavior or CSF Monoamine Metabolites in Mood DisordersARCHIVES OF SUICIDE RESEARCH
Artículo2008Percepción de los adolescentes y sus progenitores de la adolescencia como etapa evolutivaInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2008Power and conflict in cooperative and competitive contextsEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WORK AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY
Artículo2008Quality of family context or sibling status ? Influences on cognitive developmentEARLY CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND CARE
Artículo2008Relaciones curvilíneas de la autoeficacia en la negociaciónREVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA SOCIAL
Artículo2008Spillover effect upon a labor event: an empirical analisis for the spanish continuous marketREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2008Strategic information in the collective bargaining: Empirical evidence for the Spanish continuous marketREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2008The music educator's professional knowledgeMUSIC EDUCATION RESEARCH
Artículo2008Tourism Towns and Entrepreneurial Orientation: The Identification and Exploitation of OpportunitiesTOURISM PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT
Artículo2008Towards a history of Northern English: early and late NorthumbrianSTUDIA NEOPHILOLOGICA
Revisión2008Transformational leadership and followers' attitudes: the mediating role of psychological empowermentINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
Artículo2007A doctoral juries-based social network of Spanish accounting scholarsREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2007A MUFA-rich diet improves posprandial glucose, lipid and GLP-1 responses in insulin-resistant subjectsJOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF NUTRITION
Artículo2007Accounting students and communication apprehension: A study of Spanish and UK studentsEUROPEAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW
Artículo2007Effects of disposition and self-regulation on self-defeating behaviorJOURNAL OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY
Artículo2007Explaining market heterogeneity in terms of value perceptionsSERVICE INDUSTRIES JOURNAL
Artículo2007High-growth SMEs versus non-high-growth SMEs: a discriminant analysisENTREPRENEURSHIP AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT
Artículo2007Improving learning performance in laboratory instruction by means of SMS messagingINNOVATIONS IN EDUCATION AND TEACHING INTERNATIONAL
Artículo2007La comprensión en lengua de signos españolaInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2007La reingeniería de procesos de negocio (BPR) aplicada a la gestión de tesorería: su estudio en una compañía de electricidad españolaREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2007Red social de contabilidad en España a partir de los tribunales de tesisREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2007Regional evaluation of a tax on the retail sales of certain fuels through a social accounting matrixAPPLIED ECONOMICS LETTERS
Artículo2007Teachers' ethnotheories of the 'ideal student' in five western culturesCOMPARATIVE EDUCATION
Artículo2006¿Observa el mercado español las relaciones laborales entre empresarios y sindicatos?: un análisis empírico para el mercado continuoREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2006Empatía y conducta prosocial durante la adolescenciaREVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA SOCIAL
Editorial2006Las relaciones de apego: polémica en torno a su trascendencia , continuidad y posibilidades de cambio a lo largo del ciclo vitalInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2006Los adolescentes españoles y sus familias: calidad en la comunicación con el padre y con la madre y conductas de riesgo relacionadas con el consumo de sustancias adictivasCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2006Patterns of Tourist Seasonality in Spanish RegionsTOURISM PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT
Artículo2006Relative prices and inflation: new evidence from different inflationary contextsAPPLIED ECONOMICS
Artículo2006The Influence of Price and Brand Loyalty on Store Brands Versus National BrandsINTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF RETAIL DISTRIBUTION AND CONSUMER RESEARCH
Artículo2006Un análisis longitudinal sobre las dimensiones relevantes del estilo parental durante la adolescenciaInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2005A contingency perspective on the study of the consequences of conflict types: The role of organizational cultureEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WORK AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY
Artículo2005Análisis funcional de las estrategias psicológicas de terror en el cineESTUDIOS DE PSICOLOGIA
Artículo2005Educational interactions within the family. Stimulating children's cognitive and linguistic developmentESTUDIOS DE PSICOLOGIA
Artículo2005El control de las Arcas Municipales a través de la Rendición de Cuentas: la transformación del proceso del antiguo al nuevo régimen y la consolidación del modelo liberal: 1745-1914REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2005Impacto del feedback negativo sobre los procesos de autorregulación del grupo. La ruptura del contrato grupal relacionalREVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA SOCIAL
Artículo2005Interacciones educativas de una madre con sus dos hijos gemelos: El papel de la deficiencia auditiva leveInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2005Intercountry Adoption Disruptions in SpainADOPTION QUARTERLY
Artículo2005La experiencia y el comportamiento ético de los auditores: un estudio empíricoREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2005La investigación empírica en contabilidad de gestión en España: análisis de las publicaciones españolasREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2005Management accounting empirical research in Spain: An analysis of Spanish journalsREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2005Obstruction in patients with colorectal cancer increases morbidity and mortality in association with altered nutritional statusNUTRITION AND CANCER-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL
Artículo2005Recuperación espontánea de la respuesta condicionada en un agente autónomoESTUDIOS DE PSICOLOGIA
Artículo2005Relationships between the EFQM model criteria: a study in Spanish universitiesTotal Quality Management & Business Excellence
Artículo2005Resistance to extinction of human evaluative conditioning using a between-subjects designCOGNITION & EMOTION
Artículo2005Sibling relationships during adolescenceEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY
Artículo2005Socialización familiar y estilos educativos a comienzos del siglo XXIESTUDIOS DE PSICOLOGIA
Artículo2005Task-Based Language Teaching: For the state secondary FL classroom?LANGUAGE LEARNING JOURNAL
Artículo2005Territorial recognition and control of changes in dynamic rural areas: Analysis of the naturbanization process in Andalusia, SpainJOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT
Artículo2005Valores y expectativas sobre la adolescencia: discrepancias entre padres, profesores, mayores y adolescentesInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2004Ajuste psicológico e integración social en hijos e hijas de familias homoparentalesInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2004Crecer en familias homoparentales. Una realidad polémicaInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2004Efectos positivos de la activación del conflicto de tarea sobre el clima de los equipos de trabajoREVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA SOCIAL
Artículo2004LA ADOLESCENCIA COMO RIESGO Y OPORTUNIDADInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2004Nacer a la vida: un programa de apoyo y formación durante la transición a la maternidad y la paternidadInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2004Presentación. Las familias homoparentales: entre el debate científico y el ideológicoInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2004Skills development, motivation and learning in financial statement analysis: An evaluation of alternative types of case studiesAccounting Education
Artículo2004Tendencias epistemológicas y sociales en la enseñanza del arte y sus implicaciones didácticas: una propuesta alternativa desde la educación artísticaCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2004The difficult relationship between theory and practice in an in-service course for science teachersINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE EDUCATION
Artículo2003Análisis de los factores determinantes en el reconocimiento de créditos por pérdidas fiscales en las empresas españolasREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2003Doctrina contable del siglo XVIII y su influencia en los proyectos de reforma contable de la épocaREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2003Environmental disclosure in Spain: Corporate characteristics and mediaREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Editorial2003ESCRIBIR, RE-ESCRIBIR Y DISCUTIR: EL DEBATE CIENTÍFICO EN INFANCIA Y APRENDIZAJEInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2003Género y liderazgo: diferencias entre hombres y mujeres en el acceso a los puestos directivosREVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA SOCIAL
Artículo2003La evaluación de los procesos metacognitivos: estrategias y problemática actualesESTUDIOS DE PSICOLOGIA
Artículo2003La pareja ante la llegada de los hijos e hijas: evolución de la relación conyugal durante el proceso de convertirse en padre y madreInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2003La valoración, por analistas financieros, de la utilidad de la información contable sobre el capital humanoREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2003Psicología cultural: Aproximaciones al estudio de la relación entre mente y culturaInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2003Sobre-reacción e infra-reacción de los inversores en el mercado de capitales españolREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2003The economic value of the R&D intangible assetEUROPEAN ACCOUNTING REVIEW
Artículo2003The vocational skills gap for management accountants: The stakeholders' perspectivesINNOVATIONS IN EDUCATION AND TEACHING INTERNATIONAL
Artículo2003Vínculos de apego con los padres y relaciones con los iguales durante la adolescenciaREVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA SOCIAL
Artículo2002Determinantes de la relación entre el precio y el valor contable de las accionesREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2002Diversidad familiar y escuela: Primera evaluación del programa "Familias diversas, Familias felices"CULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2002El impacto de las adquisiciones transnacionales sobre los sistemas de control: el caso de TESAREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2002Estudios de costes en la renta de la pólvora de Nueva España ante la implantación de un nuevo sistema de gestión (1766-1785)REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2002Género, grado de escolarización y actitudes: Modos de argumentar y pensarCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2002Implicaciones teoricas y metodologicas de la evolucion de la investigacion en contabilidad de gestionREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2002La importancia de la cultura para la teoría de la mente: la alternativa narrativaCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2002Niños y madres en prisión: Escenarios de desarrollo familiares y escolares en los centros penitenciarios españolesInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2002Percepciones de los inversores sobre la relevancia valorativa de los cambios y niveles de resultadosREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2002Perspectiva referencial y acciones instruccionales: un estudio de educación de adultosInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2002Práctica social y modos de hablar y pensarInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2002Presiones internas del ámbito laboral y/o familiar como antecedentes del conflicto trabajo-familiaREVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA SOCIAL
Artículo2001AUTONOMÍA EMOCIONAL DURANTE LA ADOLESCENCIAInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2001Determinantes fundamentales del ratio PER: análisis teórico y evidencia empíricaREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2001EEG during different emotions in 10-month-old infants of depressed mothersJOURNAL OF REPRODUCTIVE AND INFANT PSYCHOLOGY
Artículo2001El Virrey de Lima: Caballero de Croix: Defensor de la Partida Doble en el siglo XVIIIREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2001The booster function and the entrepreneurial quality: an application to the province of SevilleENTREPRENEURSHIP AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT
Artículo2001Vocational skills in the accounting professional profile: The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) employers' opinionAccounting Education
Artículo2000Capacidades no técnicas en el perfil profesional en contabilidad: las opiniones docentes y profesionalesREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2000Creencias y saberes de los profesores en torno a la enseñanza de la lengua oralCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo2000El coeficiente de respuesta al resultado y el coeficiente de relevancia valorativa del resultado: aspectos metodológicos y evidencia empíricaREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2000El impacto de la información suplementaria en el mercado de valores: análisis empírico del sector petrolífero estadounidenseREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo2000La cultura del libro en el Virreinato de Perú en tiempos de Felipe IICOLONIAL LATIN AMERICAN REVIEW
Artículo2000La mediación semiótica de las acciones humanas: análisis sociocultural de la situación experimentalInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo2000Ohthere and Wulfstan: One or two voyagers at the court of King Alfred? ('Orosius')STUDIA NEOPHILOLOGICA
Artículo2000Un análisis comparativo de la relevancia de la información contable para la formación de los precios en los mercados capitales de la Unión EuropeaREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo1999Analisis de riesgos: descripcion y validez externa de la experimentacionREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo1999Asociacion entre flujos de fondos contables y beta de mercado: un estudio empiricoREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo1999Deficiencias y alternativas para la contabilidad financiera en EspañaREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo1999El papel de los individuos en la institucionalización de prácticas contables: el caso de la renta de la pólvora en Nueva España (1757-1787)REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo1999Fundamentos de los sistemas de alerta en las entidades de supervision bancariaREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo1999La influencia de la cultura en la cognición: sobre la diversidad de los modos de pensamiento verbalCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo1999La intervención psicopedagógica en AndalucíaInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1999La relevancia de los intangibles para la valoración y la gestión de empresas: revisión de la literatura (1)REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo1999Las ideas de los padres sobre el desarrollo y la educación de sus hijos: Su cambio y continuidad durante la transición a la paternidadInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1999Nuevo método de cuenta y razón para la real hacienda en las indias. la instrucción práctica y provisional enforma de advertencias comentada (27 de abril de 1784)REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo1999Una evaluación empírica de la forma funcional de los ratios per, dividendo-precio y valor contable-precio en el mercado de capitales españolREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo1998¿A favor de las niñas?: notas en el debate sobre la escuela coeducativaCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo1998Efectividad de los estilos de gestión del conflictoREVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA SOCIAL
Artículo1998El modelo de valoración Edwards-Bell-Ohlson (EBO): aspectos teóricos y evidencia empíricaREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo1998Sobre la definición del conflicto interpersonal: aplicación del cluster analysis al estudio semánticoREVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA SOCIAL
Artículo1997Arousal psicofisiológico y autoinformado: diferencias entre sujetos con patrón de conducta Tipo A y Tipo BREVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA SOCIAL
Artículo1997Developing a shared approach to support: A support group caseEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SPECIAL NEEDS EDUCATION
Artículo1997Diferencias entre las expectativas y valores de madres y educadores de niños preescolares españolesInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1997Distanciamiento y desarrollo en el medio familiar: Procesos y resultados con perspectiva longitudinalInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1997Efectos de la clasificación del comportamiento del modelo simbólico televisado sobre la agresividad infantilREVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA SOCIAL
Artículo1997El aprendizaje en la edad adulta: reflexiones sobre el qué y el cómo de la evaluaciónCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo1997Estudio histórico para un intento de reforma en la contabilidad pública: la aplicación del método de la partida doble en las Cajas Reales de Indias (1784-1787)REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo1997HYPERMED: A way to apply hypermedia in medical educationINNOVATIONS IN EDUCATION AND TEACHING INTERNATIONAL
Artículo1997La comprensión de textos como proceso interactivo: el papel del profesor en la ZDPCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo1997La naturaleza semiótica de la conciencia: una aproximación sociocultural a la mente humanaInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1997PATRONES DE COMPORTAMIENTO SEXUAL Y CONTRACEPTIVO EN LA ADOLESCENCIAInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1996Apoyo a las familias durante la transición a la paternidad: evaluación de un programa de educación de padresCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo1996El aula como escenario de la vida afectiva y moralCULTURA Y EDUCACION
Artículo1996Estado de opinion sobre la docencia en contabilidad una encuesta a los profesores de universidadREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo1996Investigation and treatment of the portal of the San Telmo Palace in SevilleSTUDIES IN CONSERVATION
Artículo1996Los indicadores no financieros en la gestión de calidad total del área de operacionesREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo1996Técnicas de análisis factorial aplicadas al análisis de la información financiera: Fundamentos, limitaciones, hallazgo y evidencia empírica españolaREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo1996Una evaluación crítica de la investigación empírica desarrollada en torno a la solvencia empresarialREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo1996Una reflexion critica sobre el concepto y ámbito del análisis financiero y los ojetivos de la investigacion en materia de analisis de la informacion financieraREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo1995Declining sectors and strategies within the area of human resources: A case study from SpainINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
Artículo1995Detección y caracterización del maltrato infantil en la Comunidad Autónoma AndaluzaInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1995El maltrato infantil en España: un estudio a través de los expedientes de menoresInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1995El maltrato infantil: concepto, tipos, etiologíaInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1995I.P. Pavlov, La actividad nerviosa superior y la psicologíaESTUDIOS DE PSICOLOGIA
Artículo1995Ideas sobre la infancia y predisposición hacia el maltrato infantilInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1995La perspectiva psicosocial en la conceptualización del apoyo socialREVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA SOCIAL
Artículo1995La utilidad del análisis multivariante para evaluar la gestión continuada de empresasREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo1995Los datos del maltrato infantil en España: una visión de conjuntoInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1995Maltrato infantil: lecturas para saber másInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1995The invention of the Old-English elegyENGLISH STUDIES
Artículo1994Algunas derivaciones de la teoría de la actividadInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1994Contrastación experimental de las teorías del drive o impulso de la facilitación socialREVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA SOCIAL
Artículo1994Efectos culturales de las normas perversasREVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA SOCIAL
Artículo1994Evaluación de los contextos familiares y extrafamiliares en los años preescolares: escalas Home y EcersInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1993'What art thou Faustus?' self-reference and strategies of identification in Marlowe's Doctor FaustusENGLISH STUDIES
Artículo1993Estilos de gestión del conflicto interpersonal en las organizacionesREVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA SOCIAL
Artículo1993La Historia de la Contabilidad a debate: Una encuesta a los académicos españolesREVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo1992Decay and treatment of macael white marbleSTUDIES IN CONSERVATION
Artículo1991Educacion formal y acciones de agrupacion y memoria eo adultos: Un estudio microgenetico “Infancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1991El fenómeno del conformismo ante situaciones no estructuradas. Confirmación de la hipótesis guestáltica de ASCHREVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA SOCIAL
Artículo1991Estudio comparado del comportamiento de niños educados en medio familiar y niños educados en instituciones. Una perspectiva etológicaInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1991Habla espontánea en resolución de problemasInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1991Problemas metodológicos y conceptuales en el estudio de la función autorreguladora del hablaESTUDIOS DE PSICOLOGIA
Artículo1990Cambio sociocognitivo y organización de las acciones: una perspectiva sociocultural para el estudio de la educación de adultosInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1990El modelo de reactancia-indefensión de Wortman y Brehm desde la perspectiva de la psicofisiología socialREVISTA DE PSICOLOGIA SOCIAL
Artículo1990La Zona de Desarrollo Próximo como tarea de construcciónInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1990Problemas metodológicos y conceptuales en el estudio de la función autorreguladora del habla ESTUDIOS DE PSICOLOGIA
Artículo1989Contextos de crianza y educación de los niños españoles menores de seis años: IEA Preprimary ProjectInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1989CULTURA Y PROCESOS COGNITIVOS: HACIA UNA PSICOLOGÍA CULTURALInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1988EL DESARROLLO DE LAS ACCIONES DE MEMORIAInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1988La Reforma de la Contaduría Municipal de Sevilla y la Introducción del Libro de Caja (1567)REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo1987Contenidos, estructura y determinantes de las ideas de los padres: una investigación empíricaInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1987Ideas, interacción ambiente educativo y desarrollo: informe preliminarInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1987La autorregulación verbal en tareas de reproducción de seriesInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1987Las ideas de los padres sobre sus hijos en la investigación evolutivaInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1982Análisis económico-financiero del sector cementero Español durante el periódo 1970-78. La dependencia de la industria cementera al sector bancario.REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo1982Consideraciones críticas acerca de la interpretación económica del problema dual.REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE FINANCIACION Y CONTABILIDAD-SPANISH JOURNAL OF FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING
Artículo1982El desarrollo de los estilos cognitivos: breve presentación de un amplio temaInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1982Implicaciones educativas de los estilos cognitivosInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1982Reflexividad - impulsividadInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1981Glosario de términos piagetianosInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1981J. Piaget-Henri Wallon: dos perspectivas distintas, un solo niño verdaderoInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1980Sincretismo y pensamiento categorial: génesis y diferencias socioculturalesInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1979Henri Wallon y la educación infantilInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development
Artículo1979Jerome S. Bruner: una teoría de la educaciónInfancia y Aprendizaje. Journal for the Study of Education and Development